Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 67 Day 6 Night

Chapter 67

don't sleep?

Ke Lin froze for a moment, before he could think about anything, he suddenly felt a strong palpitation in his heart.

He couldn't help turning his head to look in a certain direction in the gray world in his dream, and then he froze.

He saw not knowing how far away, a mountain-like blue and black statue sitting on the mountainside, with eighteen abnormally long arms, twisting softly in the darkness, and thousands of mouths, making strange noises together. roar.

And at this moment, one of its hands suddenly stretched out towards itself, and in the huge palm grew a big mouth without a tongue.

Colin was astonished, his whole body tensed up, and he wanted to avoid it but found that he couldn't move at all.

Some kind of mighty power bound him directly in the dream!
However, at this moment, a change occurred. The abdomen of the blue-black statue suddenly swelled up without warning, and its arms stopped immediately, followed by a roar full of strong anger coming out of the raised abdomen. .

The sound wave came one step earlier than the arm, shattering Colin's consciousness into countless fragments.

"Huh. Huh. Huh. Hiss, the teeth are broken, so sour."

Colin jumped from the bed, gasping for breath with horror on his face, his mind was blank.

After a while, I gradually calmed down and closed my mouth.

What I just dreamed clearly appeared in my mind
"If I was caught by it just now, I would probably die!"

Colin swallowed his throat, and this idea clearly appeared in his mind——

What the hell is that?
When predicting, it's fine if you almost lose your mind, and you can almost be killed if you dream at night.

If it weren't for the last roar, Colin probably wouldn't be able to wake up.

"What is that statue? I feel that the sitting posture is a bit like a Buddha statue in a temple. It sits halfway up the mountain like a lotus platform and has eighteen arms. Does Buddhism have such a figure? Is this what Miss Rabbit is looking for?"

Colin's thoughts fluctuated like dumplings in boiling water, and many conjectures without evidence emerged.

But without thinking too much, he tidied up his brain.

There are probably two pieces of useful information for him in this dream:

The first is to pour the blood of the second-stage "lycanthropy" on the black smog outside the city.

The second is to prohibit everyone from sleeping from now on to avoid a crisis.

Not long after, Colin asked Calder and the others to wake up, and made his request.

"Pour the melted liquid of 'lycanthropy' on the black mist outside the city?" Calder was stunned for a moment, and instead of making a decision immediately, he went to ask Helena for instructions again.

He didn’t start to assist Colin’s order until the other party nodded.

In order to avoid irritating other people with the same behavior as the cultists, the whole thing was carried out in secret, and only a dozen people participated.

Soon, Ke Lin and others came outside the city wall, and soon saw the black fog that sealed the entire city.

Dark red blood was poured on it as required.
This time, unlike the previous situation where throwing things up would be bounced back, the black mist seemed to have a big mouth, swallowing all blood without rejection.

But other than that, there didn't seem to be any changes, and the black mist showed no signs of thinning.

Warden Calder came up: "Your Excellency, I can ask, what will happen if you do this?"

how could I know?I don't feel a change
Colin muttered in his heart, but the voice under the hood didn't change much: "It's just to make us live better until the day when the support arrives."

After a pause, he continued to add: "Didn't you notice that the number of 'lycanthropy' patients has decreased, but the fog remains unchanged."

"It seems, indeed." Calder noticed this.

And he found that not only did it not change, but it seemed to have become a little thicker?
However, compared to this, the warden suddenly noticed a key word in Colin's words:



Colin didn't say much, the more explanations at this time, the more flaws
Calder, who didn't get a specific response, was at a loss and was curious about who the reinforcements were. In his opinion, the current situation can only be resolved by mobilizing a knight of virtue who is in charge of three "virtues" or even five "virtues". .

However, there are only two "virtue knights" in charge of the three "virtues" in the entire southern border, one went to support the "magic mist disaster" that broke out, and the other guarded the main city of the southern border.

Neither can come.
As for the "virtue knights" of the five "virtues", they are only found in the capital and the most powerful northern and eastern borders, and it is even more impossible to come here.

Lord El Knight and the city lord are not in the city.
Suddenly, Calder was taken aback, and he suddenly realized that now, in the eyes of the kingdom, the entire Black Rock City here might not be worth saving at all!
The high probability they encountered was a divine disaster. For such a disaster, those people would most likely give up everything!
But without waiting to think about it, he heard Colin's voice again:

"By the way, after I go back in a while, I will ask everyone to start from today, and no more sleep is allowed. They must persist until the end of the seventh day before they can fall asleep."


"You don't have to know now."

After speaking, Colin turned and left.

Seeing the back of Colin turning away, Calder trotted after him, wanting to ask him if he knew something deeper.

Nothing happened all night, and when the fourth morning came, Colin heard the roar again.

It's just that the number of "lycanthropy" occurrences has decreased by a large part compared to the day before, and Ke Lin began to find that the "lymphatic" breath in his body is no longer restless.

"Hold on! Don't die so early, okay!"

From the bottom of his heart, Colin gave encouragement to the roaring monster in his dream.

Then, another day of action begins
But he hasn't left much today, the "lycanthropy" has been taken the lead by Warden Calder and others to solve it.

Time passed quickly, and when daylight came on the fifth day, Colin, who had been sleepless all night, could clearly feel that he was a little bit "tyrannical" now.

Even if he took the initiative to arouse that aura and turned into the form of "lycanthropy", there will be no signs of tyranny out of control.

However, the silence appears to be only temporary.

Because when the "tyrannical" mood weakens, an unprecedented hunger is slowly taking its place.
"Didn't you do everything as required? Persevere, there are still more than forty hours"

Colin prayed silently in his heart, then turned and went back to the room.

Another night passed, and the sixth day came, and the roar disappeared completely.

However, Ke Lin felt the "tyrannical" atmosphere again, but what made him feel bad was that this "tyrannical" atmosphere was different from before.

Before, it was because of the corresponding crazy emotions of destroying desires, but now, he only gets angry because of hunger.
Calder and the others, who hadn't slept for a few days at Colin's request, also noticed something was wrong.

The patients with "lycanthropy" no longer appear, why is the black mist still there?
And when the time came to night, the changes happened slowly
(End of this chapter)

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