Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 601 "Stuck in the Kingdom of God!"

Chapter 601 "Stuck in the Kingdom of God!"


The space suddenly shook.
In the bright light, Shana tore open a light door and pulled out a "small world"-like light group. In the light group, strange scenes flickered from time to time.

Sometimes it’s some buildings, sometimes it’s strange clouds that shine with golden light.
Then she picked up the extremely heavy "little world" and smashed it directly towards a group of enemies with the most arrogant force.

As the light group flew, the light shining on it continued to shrink.

However, although it seems to be shrinking, the core of the light is becoming more dazzling and pure, making it difficult to look directly at it.

Moreover, the surrounding light seemed to be absorbed by it, so that although the light was extremely dazzling and bright, it did not illuminate anything.

Finally, with the explosive spread of "light" after the collision.

The entire area was shrouded in a burst of intense bright light. Among them, a large number of figures seemed to have seen ghosts and had to retreat.
This kind of power is very corrosive to them.

If you are not careful, you may be contaminated by "light"!
However, there are also some beings who are not too afraid of this.
A "mummy" with a hollow face, exposed skin, dark and skinny, like tree bark, and wearing a black robe stood out. Its appearance was very close to the costumes of some old fortune tellers in ancient times.

Under some mysterious blessing, he flew towards Colin.

Colin looked at the dozens of melting light spears on his body and shook his head vigorously to free himself from the strong emotion of failure.

Colin and the other party seemed to be looking at each other from a distance, but in fact, his attention was not on the other party at all. The failure of "proving the truth" made a trace of confusion flash in his eyes.

But at this moment, Shana's anxious words appeared in Colin's ears, finally bringing him back to his senses:

Colin muttered to himself in a daze, falling into huge doubts.

"What exactly is the 'First Fire'? Why does it feel like it exists and then doesn't exist? Why, it seems like it has never existed? Why, it seems like it started from the beginning."

At this moment, he opened his mouth, put his hand into his mouth, took out a strange rattle stained with blood and wrapped in a yellow talisman, and then shook it in his hand.
It seems that some kind of deduction and calculation is being carried out.

"Messenger of the 'bonfire', you should be extinguished here. The world will be carried by me. I am all hope, I am the light, I am death, and I am the salvation that all those in trouble long for."

However, this is obviously an image from the past, and now his body has long been taken over and turned into a container for intruders.

As these words were spoken, a pale figure suddenly appeared. Its body and trunk were like an incompletely developed but huge embryo, flapping countless wings.

"Prove me your loyalty!"

However, Colin's thinking is now extremely fragmented, and quite a few of them are still in a state of confusion.

But the white night figure that flapped a large number of wings spread its wings and threw out some "disciples".

There is another one that can barely look in front of you
It can be seen that these superior beings are working very hard to eliminate this hidden danger of themselves as much as possible. Even if in a sense, he has failed, they are still willing to pay a huge price to completely eliminate him.

However, before Colin started taking action, he suddenly felt that someone had amplified the negative emotions in his heart through some means.

But before he could think about it, a strong sense of crisis made him recover slightly from the entangled feeling, and then he saw dozens of light spears flying towards him.


Now, he feels that "First Fire" seems to be a sense of
Never came!
Not the present, but including the past, in which it has not actually been present in the known years.

There is an indescribable feeling of emptiness, as if all efforts are in vain and have no meaning.

"Choose me, follow me, surrender to me!"

The unspeakable stinging pain, death curse and various additional attacks made him feel near death for a moment——

She didn't seem to think that Colin would eat these absolutely fatal attacks without moving!
"No, we can no longer care about this 'first fire', there are more important things in front of us!"

However, this made Colin sober up a little.

Much of it melted as it passed through the firelight.

In a hurry, she could only create countless chains of light in an attempt to block it.

Then I heard Shana's unusual panic voice.

Looking at the first figure that broke through the defense, watching it launch a fatal attack towards him.

But if this is the case.
What kind of "fire" are surrounded by "fire lovers"?
In a daze, Colin felt as if he had been deceived, feeling deeply decadent and confused.

It's like reaching the end of your efforts and discovering there's nothing there.

But this short delay was enough for the pale figure to break through the defense line and attack Colin behind.

A mind-numbing whisper came from the mouth that had not spoken for an unknown amount of time.

The first time Shana turned into white light, she stepped forward to stop her, but another terrifying existence arrived and attacked her.

Putting him into a state of lifelessness again.

Before he finished speaking, wisps of dazzling light came into view.

It shook for a total of nine times before it suddenly stopped.

The strength of the "bonfire" on site, even if it does not need to be operated, is still enough to mitigate direct attacks from higher-level players.

"Become my favorite and only 'disciple', and you will reap supreme glory and gain the power to dispel the night."

However, a small number of "light spears" carrying many additional effects of will broke through the siege
It plunged directly into Colin, who was standing there, unable to move.

"Any action to stop Colin, good luck!"

In the whispers of the "Lord", they tried their best to block the incoming attacks with fanatical expressions, providing powerful feedback for the "Lord"'s victory.
And in the center of it all, Colin stood quietly, watching this scene.

Although it didn't have much impact on her.

"The sun will rise again."

"I will forgive the sins of mankind for you and make them my people to live with me forever in my kingdom of God."

The pure, clear embryonic entity condensed by radiance came close at some point, hanging in the sky, fanning its holy and huge wings, staring at the figure below with its erect blood-colored pupils, and once again issued an invitation.

Amidst the blood and severe pain, Colin stood up straight, straightened his spine, raised his head, and stared directly at the "pale sun" that seemed to be able to dissolve all things with his dark eyes.

Then, he slowly stretched out his right hand
It seems to be in contact with the "light" that symbolizes salvation and seeks spiritual liberation.

"The right choice." "Bai Ye" whispered, and then came to Colin under the firelight.

A wing turned into a hand and stretched out towards Colin.

The pale light not only brings salvation, but also brings a sense of oppression like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.
The blessings from the "gods" are blessing "White Night".

Although if he succeeds, he will have an extremely terrifying subordinate force, but this also means that the threat of this "first fire" will be completely eliminated!
If two powers harm each other, whichever is less, they choose the former.

He carries the vision of the "first fire" that the gods do not want to see!

However, at the moment when the bare hand was about to touch Colin, it seemed to feel something suddenly, and it suddenly retracted its hand, flapped its wings, and seemed to be trying to rush outward.
However, at the same time, Colin's outstretched right hand flipped over, and suddenly there was a revolver. Then, Colin raised his hand, raised the revolver, pointed it at the opponent, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

The muzzle flashed, and an inconspicuous bullet hit the bloody eye of "White Night" in a conceptual way.

In the eye hole, blood mist burst out

At this moment, "White Night" suddenly burned violently and let out an earth-shattering scream.

"The sun can rise normally without you, silly bird!"

Colin suppressed the feeling of decadence and emptiness in his heart, grinned, and laughed.

"It's done?!"

Feeling that Colin was under a fatal threat, the "King of Mad Sound", who fought hard to fight back with injuries, saw this scene and the familiar figure, and his heart was suddenly dominated by huge fear.

It wasn't until the next moment that he realized that he was already halfway ashore that he breathed a sigh of relief.

And some high-ranking beings in the distance all retreated at this time.
But soon, they discovered that the other party did not seem to succeed. Now this is more like a kind of "reflection".

At this moment, amid the screams of "White Night", Colin said with indifferent eyes:

"I am in my most powerful state now. I never thought that you would actually dare to get close to me in this situation.
"I don't even know who gave you the courage."

"Look at those beings behind you. They are much smarter than you."

As the words fell, the fire in Colin's left eye danced, and immediately after, the flames on "White Night" strengthened again, and countless feathers burned while falling like snowflakes.

Even "light" can ignite.

Colin continued to stretch out his right hand and made a slight move.

Its physical part, the undeveloped embryonic body, flew towards the palm of his hand involuntarily.

In this process, a kind of spatial power emerges.

The "White Night", which was as huge as half a hill, gradually compressed and became only the size of a heart, and was pulled into the palm of Colin's hand.

He tossed it up and down and weighed it:
"Although you are not here in your true form, at least one-third of your weight is here.
"However, it's not a big problem. Let's collect some interest first and wait for the rest in your holding unit.

"I'll be here soon and burn you."

After saying that, his five fingers suddenly exerted force and crushed the "embryo" in his hand to explode.

At the same time, in an independent containment unit, the semi-detached "White Night" instantly sluggished, as if there was no movement.
"Is this going to die soon?"

Shana, who was not far away, was startled, and she could clearly feel that there was some powerful life in the same path, which was rapidly withering away.

Then she was stunned, but she understood how difficult this thing was to solve.

Unexpectedly, Colin was hit hard by just a moment from the air?

"It was just a stronger half-baked experimental product. The real danger should be them."

Colin said casually, and then looked up into the distance and saw countless offensives coming quickly, as if they wanted to directly erase him and his existence itself.

"When you see me in this state, instead of running away, you rush up to me."

"You want to force me to use more power and completely press me to death?"

"Okay, then as you wish! Let you see the power of the 'Fire Bearer'!"

As Colin murmured to himself, he took out a skull with a large number of mysterious textures engraved on it, held it in his palm, lowered his head, looked at the empty eye hole, and mobilized his authority:

"Brother Rosen, help me again!"

As the words fell, the skull burned, emitting hot and bright flames.

Then, it slowly rose into the sky, like a small sun.

At this moment, time seemed to be distorted and everything seemed to slow down.

So much so that Colin could make final preparations in an orderly manner. He took out a set of cards from his pocket and unfolded them one by one.
"Special card·Sealed right hand."

"Special card·Sealed left hand."

"Special Card"

Although there are many kinds of cards, in essence, whether they are "foot" or "hand", they are actually flesh and blood clones of the "right hand", which are finally made with the help of certain information interpreted through the skull.

When these cards were displayed one by one, they instantly turned into several rays of light and shadow and merged into Colin's limbs.

Then, Colin waved, and there were several more golden cards in his hand.

"Time·Stagnation", "Time·Counterflow", "Force·Repulsion", "Force·Gravity", "Space·Displacement".
"'Tool Liberation' 50 Percent"

"No, not enough"

Colin whispered, and then twelve more flames fell from the skull above, condensing into a translucent "gold card".

Many cards are not real, but merely a representation of some kind of projection.

And it looks very badly damaged.
But even so, Colin seemed to feel that it was enough to deal with the scene in front of him.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand, grabbed all the cards in his hand, glanced at them casually, and threw them away.

The incomplete seventeen cards are enough to change the present!
However, in order to fully activate and make the "Kingdom of God in the Card" come to reality, the last activation condition is needed.

Colin took a deep breath, half-bent down suddenly, his veins were exposed, his momentum exploded, and he roared:

[Your application has been reviewed, the quality this time: 5%! 】

The endless blue-black haze exploded and spread, and a terrifying figure shrouded Colin.
The eighteen arms on it twisted softly, and thousands of mouths made hungry sounds of chewing and swallowing.

Then, under Colin's will, the eighteen blue-black arms with glowing skin suddenly stretched out. Seventeen of the palms grabbed a card and swallowed it through the mouth of the palm. In the belly.

Another one grabbed the burning head in mid-air.

The next second, "Hunger" began to twist and turn into a whirlpool.

Finally, behind Colin's head, it turned into a halo of seventeen golden lights surrounding a group or!

The mighty divine power exploded.

With Colin at the center of everything, the coercive, sublime, and supreme power enveloped the entire planet in an instant, and spread outside the planet at an extremely fast rate!

(End of this chapter)

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