Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 602 The "Fire Holders" in the darkness!

Chapter 602 The "Fire Holders" in the darkness!

"From now on, in this land, 'time' flows with my will, 'rules' are made by me, the operation of 'force' changes by me, and the existence of 'matter' is created or destroyed by me. , 'Destiny' is weaved by me, and the trajectory of everything must not deviate from my will."

"In the Kingdom of God, I will be the king!"

Colin said under the inner guidance of a prop, as if taking an oath.

This all seemed to take a long time, but actually happened in a very short time.

When everything unfolds, it's too late for the "gods" to stop it!

However, the terrifying figures are unable to get off the tiger at this time. Even if they know that they can't stop it, they still have to bite the bullet and move forward.
They know very well that this state cannot last forever!

'The Kingdom of God in Kazhong is some kind of divine power that has been transformed into a prop'

Colin cut up the projections of several close "gods" and then felt himself. He could clearly feel that his mentality had become extremely indifferent and human rationality was rapidly evaporating.

There is a feeling of assimilating towards something.
However, with the protection of the "fire bearer", one can also stabilize oneself.

This meteorite contains special power, it would be terrible if it was hit!
Colin turned his eyes to Shana, saw her nodding, and then unlocked it.

Shana shook her head, and when their eyes met, she smiled like an angel.

"Colin." Shana looked at Colin and could feel that there seemed to be a vague presence of another person on him, no, it was the aura of several other people.

"it does not matter."

On the other side, in the home of an alien race, after Colin determined that there was a first-level containment object revered by them as a "god", he directly blocked the space and guided a beam of fire to fly away.

This was once a corporate world
But it is a pity that the humans above seem to have been cleansed long ago.

And although it is an enhanced version of the same power as the "god", he uses it critically to experience the narrow divine power in the small kingdom of God.

The "Extermination Order" is coming, can the "Fire Holders" be far behind?
At this moment, Colin was not so optimistic. Such power was only activated for a short time, but his body could not bear it within a minute.

After an unknown number of years, they were all extremely excited to finally feel the emergence of such power again, and what was even more exciting was——

"Extermination Order"! It's an "extermination order"!

However, don’t think too much.

From above, extremely terrifying power emanates
"I've never had the chance to give you anything, but now I finally have the chance. This is a gift for you, the characteristics I just got." Colin said hoarsely, lying in her arms.

Except for Shana, the "King of Crazy Sound" and other existing beings on our side all felt that they were being locked, and they suddenly shouted in panic.

"Haha, it seems to be a little worse."

Such a familiar smell!

The next second, Colin's will ignored the distance and descended to their home star.

Otherwise, "our own people" won't recognize it.

But before the words could be spoken, each one was ignited and turned into ashes.

The rapidly expanding stars and exploding stars will swallow up everything!
"No! No!" Some individuals scattered outside shouted loudly when they saw this scene.

Colin raised his head slightly, and after seeing Shana, he spoke helplessly.

All the old branch employees at various locations had tears in their eyes!

The skin is covered with a large number of cracks, and blood spurts out like water jets under internal pressure.


Without hesitation, Colin stretched out his finger and let his power cover this place, directly changing the internal pressure of the star in this galaxy and blocking all exits in this galaxy.

Not a living person, but some sort of reverberation left over from those props.

Bullets with flames pierced the sky and shot into the clouds. The next second, the heaven and earth shook, and fire surged behind the clouds in the sky.
Countless meteorites broke through the clouds, and with overwhelming power, they crashed to the ground with thunderous sounds, locking every presence present, leaving them with nowhere to escape!
"My own people! My own people! Boss, I am my own people! We are our own people!"

She reached out to wipe off the blood on Colin's face, and tried her best to suppress the injuries in the opponent's body. Then, Shana was about to say something, when she saw Colin slowly raise his hand and hand over a round light ball. come over.

Circles of light spread from the ball of light.

On this land, they committed unforgivable and heinous crimes against ordinary people, and this action was promoted by their entire race, and there were no innocent people among them.
There is no doubt that it should be exterminated!

"The first shot announces my arrival!"

The gunshot was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present.

After staggering, the halo behind Colin collapsed and disintegrated. The blue-black shadow spit out seventeen golden lights and then collapsed. The seventeen golden lights first returned to the card shape, and then twelve of them all collapsed, leaving five tangible ones. then slowly fall
Colin's vision went dark, his body was splashed with blood, and he fell down.
A pair of hands hugged Colin who fell.

Through various means, Colin prioritized a group of alien races that could be dealt with immediately, and evenly executed "extermination orders" for every heretic who committed crimes!
In a very short period of time, a large number of heretics and aliens were executed.

The fire here expands rapidly, causing a devastating blow to all living alien intelligence in a very short period of time.

It won't take too long and it won't be a big problem.

And carry out precise culling of the remaining individuals outside.

After finishing his words, Colin looked at an alien race.

It was also at the same time that some company employees who were aware of the situation in various parts of the universe suddenly widened their eyes after reasoning and predicting through their own methods——

There was another gunshot that made one's heart beat. Colin's eyes were full of indifference. From a high-latitude perspective, he looked down at everything on the starry sky and spoke slowly:
"The second shot announces the beginning of the trial!"

Then, at the same time, another alien race, Colin, used "space displacement" to throw away part of the exploding "supernova".

Colin looked directly at them, pulled out the revolver, slowly raised his hand, and pulled the trigger high above his head.

"Thank you." Shana took the thing.

Kill now and take now, and the characteristics that contain part of the "authority" are directly absorbed into the body as soon as you take it.

As a being of the same origin, she has accumulated enough and can quickly and completely digest it into a part of herself.

And it can ensure that you will not be disturbed too much
However, it would take some quiet time, but she had no intention of leaving.

"I will be with you to the end of everything, pain, death, and eternity."

Shana hugged Colin tightly, agreed to come here, accepted this fate without regrets, and expressed her feelings to him again.

Compared to other saints, she felt that she was lucky enough.

She found like-minded people and was not fighting alone.

"Well" Colin said nothing more.

Although most of the things were destroyed before, at the same time, Colin discovered that in addition to these first-level containment objects, there were also many higher-level beings that were so powerful that ordinary lower-level containment objects would tremble, waiting indifferently. What.

Colin wanted to deal with it, but they directly chose to avoid the attack, leaving him unable to do anything.

Even, realistically speaking, even if you trace the past, you cannot solve it in a short time.

Soon, it will be their real end.
There is almost nothing that can block the counterattack from these real "upper-level containment objects".

However, he couldn't care less about his distress. Colin felt that his eyes were getting dark, as if something was swallowing him up.
Seems like "dark night"?
Colin realized something inspired by the "First Fire" feature.

All losers who try to make a final breakthrough will have their souls devoured by the "dark night".

This thing didn't affect anyone around him, it was just aimed at him.

"Colin?" Shana immediately noticed that Colin's body was becoming "hollow" and his rationality had almost completely evaporated.

However, as to why this happened, I had no idea.

And before he had time to think too much, a terrifying existence came quietly.

She wrapped Colin with her smooth wings and blocked him in front of him
However, facing those terrifying entities, there was not much that she and the "King of Crazy Sound" and other entities could do. In addition, there was no way to evacuate. The battle did not last long, and Shana was already seriously injured.

Farther away, many people also felt the extreme terror and prayed in a daze. After a while, Shana was almost exhausted. After falling to the ground with Colin, she turned into a ball of light and protected him tightly under her body.

Terrifying streaks of bloody lightning struck down from the dome.
The light transformed by Shana trembled, but still showed no sign of letting go.

However, just when the terrifying power from above was about to completely crush her and eliminate all signs of her life, Shana, who was determined to die, suddenly felt that all the attacks suddenly dissipated out of thin air.

Without waiting for doubt, he suddenly felt that there was some movement in Colin beneath him.
Shana looked quickly and saw Colin looking around blankly, showing no response to her call.

"Who is calling me"

Colin stood up in a daze. All he saw with his eyes was darkness, and in the darkness, countless voices seemed to be praying, praying for warmth and praying for hope.
"When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions."

These words suddenly echoed in his mind. Colin, whose mind was almost blank, slowly reached out his hand, inserted it into his heart, and pulled out a beating heart with a gentle tug. come out.

The moment it is exposed to the air, it burns violently!
Then, Colin slowly raised it like a torch.

"No need to fear, I'll light up the night."

Colin spoke slowly, looking at the burning flames, the human part of himself quickly returned.

At this moment, the scorching fire responded to every weak person who felt the cold.

And at this time, transfer them one by one.

Tens of seconds later, with a sigh, Colin's hand began to tremble, and finally he dropped it little by little. Even though he was unwilling to do so, it made no sense.
"I have done everything I can do. In this way, will there be more hope in the future?"

Colin's voice gradually became softer, and as his hand dropped a little, the firelight gradually dimmed and disappeared.

And as the words fell, he became motionless, as if he had lost all signs of life.

"Yes, you have done a good job"

Shana knew that he seemed unable to hear, but she still spoke gently, and then hugged Colin's body forcefully.

The blood spilled from both sides blended together, sitting in the blood pit, silently waiting for the final outcome.

When the last fire dissipates, their ending can be predicted.

Not long after, one terrifying existence arrived again. This time, just as she was preparing to face the end, she suddenly discovered that something seemed wrong with the situation.
These beings did not attack her, but seemed to block those external beings.

These ones
If I remember correctly, they seemed to be some neutral superior beings who seemed to be watching the whole process in a sense. Why did they suddenly help?
It was at this time that she suddenly thought of something and looked at Colin in her arms.

At the same time, in the darkness that covers everything.

Colin could feel that there was a breath of fire in the dark front, attracting him, but unfortunately, he was unable to move forward.
The flame in my hand is no longer enough.

Human nature also evaporates as the flames dim, as if it is about to become some kind of "living dead" wandering in the darkness, becoming the nourishment of the "night".


Colin slowly knelt down on one knee, letting the "dark night" get closer and swallow his soul completely.
However, it was also at this time.

Someone seemed to tap me lightly on the shoulder.
How could this happen in a place like this?
Colin was startled and looked sideways, only to see a familiar figure, a figure condensed by flames.

The opponent was tall, with muscles all over his body, and looked very tough.

Teacher Big C?

No, it's not him alive, but a projection of his will that was left behind.

After the other party patted him on the shoulder, he made no unnecessary moves and continued to move forward, leaving a clear, flaming footprint in the dark night.

And from that figure, Colin seemed to hear a whisper.

"I will hold the flame and drive away all foreign enemies!" The voice sounded childish, as if it was the words of Teacher Big C when he was young.

At the same time, it is the concentration of his own will throughout his life.

At this moment, Colin seemed to realize something. Even though his body was extremely tired and he had no strength left, he supported himself again and stood up after receiving part of the flames reflected by Teacher Big C.

Then, follow the footprints and move forward into the unknown darkness.
But not long after he left, Teacher Big C's figure suddenly dimmed, and the fire gradually dissipated.

In the end, his figure disappeared a few meters in front of him, and his footsteps stopped.

At this moment, Colin saw an extremely shocking scene!
After leading him here and disappearing, Colin saw that from the eternal darkness, there were more burning figures walking out of the darkness, heading in the same direction, leaving behind A very clear step
They are the former "fire supporters"!

Billions of lights and fires seemed to break through the darkness.

It points the way forward for him as a latecomer!
Colin's body warmed up like never before in the firelight, and then he followed their footsteps and walked forward.

Under the heavy and oppressive darkness, fiery figures reflected each other, forging ahead.

Walking with the fire, unconscious whispers are heard around you
"Live to make human beings live more valuable, so I will move towards death."

"In order to allow humanity to continue, I am willing to ignite myself, embrace the flame, and give everything I have."

"I will become the sharp blade of humanity and crush all enemies of humanity."

"Those who violate human nature will be killed."

"I will provide shelter to any weak person who begs for help, even if my soul dies and my body dies."


From them, Colin heard, just like Mr. Big C, a will condensed from his lifelong beliefs, and this will drove them to move forward.
Whether before life or after death.

There were even some flaming figures among them, which made Colin feel familiar, as if he had interacted with him before.

However, at this moment, familiarity or not does not matter.

Everyone is moving forward, everyone is walking on the same path!
This long relay across time and space is in progress.
As he went to the rear, the number of burning figures became fewer and fewer. With the power transmitted from those figures, Colin moved forward step by step.

At some point, there were no more footprints around him.

However, this time, he was no longer confused with the help of countless flames of will.

Still moving forward in the darkness
Leave a lonely and determined flame footprint.

The road didn't seem to be long, but Colin walked with great difficulty, and every step seemed to use up all his strength.

He doesn't know if he can succeed, but it doesn't matter!
"I want to go far enough!" Colin's eyes were firm and he gritted his teeth. If he failed, there would be others who would come after him and continue to move forward along this road!
Just like those who left their footprints at different points in time did it!
Finally, I don’t know how long it took.

Colin stopped and slowly raised his head, seeing a bright bonfire hanging infinitely high above his head.

It looks very ordinary, like an inconspicuous little flame, but it has incomparable symbolism!
It is precisely it that makes the era of "humanity" possible!

After looking directly at it, Colin could feel that the evaporated human rationality was quickly recovering.

"'First Fire'!"

Colin finished speaking with difficulty. He didn't know why this flame, which symbolized "humanity", was in the depths of "darkness".
But the moment he saw it, Colin became delighted and his confusion was swept away.

Because this means
"First Fire" really exists and is not false!
He calmed down his emotions and was about to reach out and touch the flame, but found that there was still a distance that was difficult to cross.
There was a sense of powerlessness in my body, and I was about to collapse.

At this moment, a hazy flaming figure appeared from behind, pressing against his body that was about to fall back to back. Then, more figures appeared, and they stretched out their hands to pull Colin a little bit. Lift up.

They volunteered to serve as cornerstones.

Lift Colin, lift the figure that lifts Colin, lift the figure that lifts Colin
Lifting his position step by step
Finally, surrounded by countless figures, Colin was lifted in front of the flames.

Out of instinct for human desire
He stretched out his hand, straightened his fingers, and touched the mass of things called "First Fire" as much as possible.

At this moment, "First Fire" also responded, with flames falling like tentacles and fingers.

At the moment when fingers touch.

The "first fire" has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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