Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 603: The resurrected "Fire Bearers" reservists!

Chapter 603: The resurrected "Fire Bearers" reservists!
The flowing flames come from the fingers
Colin stared at the flames, and an extremely primitive abstract consciousness image vaguely emerged in his mind.

In the darkness, a flame burned.

Maybe it was just an accident, or maybe it was just a coincidence. There was no particular reason why the flames just appeared.

It alarmed many incomprehensible things in the boundless darkness, but there were also some lives that endured fear and despair because of their own weakness, and were finally attracted by the warmth of the flame and came to the flames.
Under the light of the flame, ignorance fades away, and the original wisdom is born.

At this moment, Colin understood more why "humanity" would be strengthened under "First Fire".

Because, in a sense, the moment when the first man was different from the ferocious beast, faced the fear and came to the fire because of the warmth, observed the flame, and lifted it up
The first "human nature" was gradually born.

Human beings have an extremely close relationship with "fire", and most of their achievements can be said to be completely consistent and compatible with it.

For non-human beings themselves, the fire emitted by the "first fire" is "human nature", but there is more than one life reflected in the flame, it can even be said that there is more than one kind.

The reason why it is called this is mainly because humans are the first group to complete tracing it, understanding it, and explaining it.

And successfully established an accurate, clear and complete definition.

A weak flame burned from Colin's body.
Compared with the volcanic eruptions in the past, the flames were not very loud. They simply burned. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't even be able to hear the situation.

Colin muttered.

Under its illumination, Shana felt that the "humanity" part of her heart that had once been somewhat lost and indifferent due to exposure to "light" was quickly being filled, as if it was becoming more complete -

The entire battlefield seemed to be frozen.

It’s not that there were no “reserves” in the past, even those with stronger combat capabilities failed.

You know, in the past, this kind of rebellion was considered impossible!

But when it burned, it illuminated all the spaces in the entire small world in an instant.

Moreover, at this moment, Colin seemed to have an epiphany, realizing his next path, or mission, after the company era.

At the time of separation, Colin's condensed consciousness also echoed in the darkness.


The "King of Crazy Sound" suddenly became less stressed, but became vigilant.

Just like transcendent existences such as "Red Moon" and "Dark Night", it can directly deconstruct their foundations.

Reshape and establish a path with "first fire" as the fundamental core.
In a true sense, this era of "humanity" will be fully opened, and those alien aliens will not be allowed to pick the peaches.

"I will win, keep winning, and win until it's all over!"

impossible! No reason!

Whether it was one's own side or the enemy, everyone seemed stunned.

However, they were ready to fight and suddenly saw some originally neutral beings appearing in front, taking a considerable part of the attack.

Feeling the rapid consolidation of the "humanity" level in his heart, the "King of Crazy Sound" laughed wildly like a maniac.

Facing his questioning eyes, one of the many "neutral" beings turned around and smiled:
"A thousand-year-old fan, here uninvited."

At this time, some screams interrupted her thoughts.

Thinking of this, Colin stretched out his hand and completely pulled the flames onto himself.

A burning footprint is clearly visible in the darkness. When "Fire Holders" are born in the future, they will inevitably walk the same path.

Such power is harmless to humans, but it can be fatal to other things.

"Is this the final answer that those people from Bonfire Company have spent their entire lives and paid countless costs to find?"

The "King of Crazy Sound" responded with a sneer. He could feel that the person who responded to him was a "lower to upper" person who was close to the "middle to lower" first-level containment object. His strength was far above that of his "lower to lower" self.

At this moment, if there is anyone at the scene who is happiest, it is undoubtedly him and a group of "little friends" who have followed over to stud——

Holding Colin in her arms, one second, Shana felt that the body in her arms was getting cold. However, the next second, she didn't know what happened, and a cluster of flames suddenly appeared on his body.

"what is this?"

Therefore, it is generally called "human nature".

This time, the journey won't be so difficult.

Being in the position closest to Colin, the moment she felt the flame, she clearly realized that this "flame" was extremely unusual. Although it was somewhat similar to what she usually saw, the difference was extremely huge.

Under the swaying firelight, even the red light left by the "red moon" is fading
The terrifying figures made their whole body feel stiff.

Through the flames, he will be able to leave this area directly that seems to belong to the "dark night" and seems to be more primitive.

Sheltering the "Fire Bearer" reserves, achieving success in impossible years
If you are stable, your life will definitely be saved!
But there was no time to think too much. A sense of crisis erupted, and a large number of terrifying attacks came from all directions. Their attack power was far greater than before, and they seemed to want to make a desperate move!
The "King of Crazy Sound" and other beings had already had a premonition of this, and immediately prepared to protect it with all their might.

"It's done? It's done! It's done!! Hahahaha!!"

In the process of chasing the flame, the "fire supporters" are the strong men who are born on this path and are truly their own.

Compared to some guys who couldn't believe it, the scarred "King of Crazy Sound" and others had completely opposite reactions.

Why is this here okay?
Should not!
They cannot accept this result!


Some of the heretical beings closest to the flames had their life forms distorted and were forced to transform from their original superior life forms into humanoid forms!
Then he let out a shock that would only occur to ordinary people: "How, is it possible?"


If I saw him in the past, I would definitely run away.
so what?

The past was the past, and the present is the present. When the company resumes operations in the future, what title should I call him when I see him?
Support Colin in successfully completing the last step.
He couldn't even imagine how great his contribution was!
Even if he comes out in the future, he will become a regular official in the true sense!
Not a formal non-staff contract worker, nor a simple external employee, but a real official employee who has the opportunity to rise to the level!

Maybe he can become D+ class.
No, it's C+, no, no, no, it's possible to even reach B level!
The significance of the coming of “First Fire” is really great!

But just when he couldn't help but be distracted, a voice interrupted his interest:

"It's a little early for you to be happy now."

"Who!. It's you, boss." He turned around and saw Colin looking towards him.

He looked a little weak and was helped by Shana to stand up.

When he opened his eyes again as a "fire bearer", Colin could clearly feel that the world in front of him was completely new. His first feeling was that there were things that could burn everywhere.
Secondly, in terms of strength, he can be roughly sure that he has passed a certain threshold invisibly. In terms of combat power, even if he has just risen, he is enough to compete with many weaker first-level containment objects.

Of course, this is not the point; the point is
Nowadays, the authority of the "fire bearers" is really great! The company has prepared all possible configurations for the "aircraft carrier" called "First Fire", from personnel to weapons to escorts. Now it's up to him to activate it.
However, before Colin could learn more about the situation, he suddenly felt waves of terrifying momentum descending from the sky.

In an instant, some remaining clouds in the space above our heads collapsed, leaving the original earth directly exposed to the dark night sky.
The outside world seemed dark at the moment, but the next second.

looking up from the ground
Countless stars in the sky flashed densely and violently in an unprecedented way, reflecting the entire earth as if it were daylight!
At this moment, all the superiors at the top of the universe cast their gazes over!

Even if you pay a huge price, you must kill the opponent here!
The entire starry sky is boiling just because of these "gazes"!
All celestial bodies, including the sun, were shaking like candle flames blown by the strong wind.
"We can't let these ghosts get here!"

Colin felt that his brain was becoming confused. He gritted his teeth and braced himself. He raised his head and saw that the shining stars seemed to be getting closer and closer.

But at this moment, Colin suddenly discovered that their arrival did not seem to be successful.
Because the main roads at present seem to have been demolished and completely blocked.

In every direction and dimension, a severed hand burned violently.

At least, they won't be coming for a while.

''Ms. Rabbit'' has already made corresponding preparations. '

Colin realized that the previous fifteen-ring mission might have been preparation for this time.

However, although they cannot come, if they continue to look like this, the situation will be very dangerous!
Because in addition to the outside world, there are many enemies inside.
Although these basically exist in the form of "contained objects", it does not mean that they are not a threat.

"It wasn't possible before, but now, it's time to hug each other."

Through some company mechanisms, Colin issued a "gathering order" in all directions!
Once the remaining power of "Bonfire Company" is united, it will be very impressive!

But now, he has the qualifications to make everyone move here!
Colin raised his hand, and the gentle flame in his hand exploded in an instant. The terrifying fire broke through the sky, reflecting and wrapping the entire world. Like a torch, it dispelled the darkness and pointed out the direction and coordinates for everyone!

The first to sense and respond to this command were a group of people who had failed and had to choose to sleep.
They were once the closest beings to the "First Fire".

Just because of one reason or another, it didn't succeed.

At this time, when the "First Fire" arrives, everything will be restored.
On an inhuman planet, in a huge torch-like building, a man was imprisoned and had multiple hollow heads drilled out.

His head was connected to countless cannulas, and he seemed to be brain-dead long ago, but he could not rest in peace and kept screaming from the torture.

However, at this moment it suddenly stopped screaming and let out a weird laugh.

The next second, the head melted and burned, and condensed into a human form again.

"Hehehe, haha, great, finally, has anyone succeeded?"

He smiled crazily, and after confirming that he was just suffering from a minor mental problem due to torture and was not seriously injured, he stretched out his hand and a bunch of terrifying flames fell from the sky:

"This is the power of the 'Fire Bearer', it tastes so right!
"Heretics, it's time to settle the accounts."

The terrifying flames engulfed the entire world in an instant, but time was tight, and he did not take more revenge on these heretics who tortured him like the "conservatives" did.

He just kind-heartedly detonated the entire planet, probably killed them all, and left.

On the other side, in a galaxy, a celestial body orbiting a star suddenly trembled after receiving a certain signal, and then streams of magma broke through the surface, completely covering the celestial body.
Then, the entire celestial body, which seemed to be composed of magma, seemed to come alive and broke away from its original orbit.

Before leaving, she said goodbye to the stars in the galaxy:

"Dad, I heard the call and I'm leaving."

Through some kind of giant vortex, she came to a space area where a battle was breaking out. The terrifying flames on her body swallowed up all the foreign enemies and forced a first-level containment object back.

A group of people in the branch territory looked at the terrifying existence that was about the same size as their own planet in surprise.

I don’t know the origin of this thing.
And it was at this time that this living celestial body spoke a kind and gentle female voice to the people present in a spiritual way:
"Children, don't be afraid.
"I am a D-class employee of the company, a follower of the 'First Fire', and a 'Fire Supporter' reserve 'Melting Star'.
"Today, the ancient road to the starry sky has been reignited, and the rallying horn has sounded.

"If necessary, I will take you with me to respond to the 'assembly order' and stop all human enemies."

Battles broke out, many of them targeting Colin, who was holding the "First Fire".

But at the same time, there are also a lot of actions against the "Firebringer" reserves.
A "Fire Holder" reservist who had just woken up and walked out of the tomb was intercepted as he was about to take action. Those powerful beings seemed to want to hunt him here to weaken the power of the "Bonfire".

"Hunting us?"

"In this era of flameout, we can still take a seat in the bonfire because we are already strong!"

A figure condensed by flames responded disdainfully.

Then, he kicked over his own grave, reached out and pulled out his old corpse.

"Burn my old body and sublimate it to the limit!"

With a roar, terrifying flames burst out!
In addition, there is an empty meteorite belt where billions of meteorites suddenly burned. Each of the war devices left over from the previous generation slowly revived under the light of the "First Fire".

Countless information exchanges were completed at speeds exceeding the speed of light, and bursts of light flashed frequently.

"The first legion of the 'First Fire' Group Army, 'Xinhuo', has received the order."

"Application for use of 'Bonfire Pipe Network' has been submitted."

"Preparations for total war are underway"

The mechanical sound echoed in the empty universe, making some of the contained objects paying attention here tremble.

At the same time, they also rushed to send out messages to this old war group army that seemed to have no one.
A request for surrender.

If you wait any longer and wait for them to fully activate, it will be too late.
At this time, compared to the dozen reservists and some things related to "First Fire", some other beings also discovered the situation there one after another.

"That little guy really succeeded?!"

In the starry sky, standing on the front of a train, wearing a long black dress, her body wrapped in circles of thorns, the "Thorn Lady" stood at the front of the train with her ankles bare and spoke in surprise.

At this moment, after receiving a "gather" command, through some kind of perception, she could clearly see that the darkness that once covered this universe in some concepts was receding under the illumination of a cluster of firelight.
Given time, I am afraid that this black curtain covering most of the universe can be driven away.

Although it doesn't cover everything yet, it still means it.

"First Fire" has really arrived!
"It's really the first fire. Should we continue on the previous route?" A female figure of equal size spoke to one side.

"The 'First Fire' is here! What else are we going to do! Change the route, change the route!"

"Ms. Thorns"'s eyes lit up, and she sensed that a large number of enemies were coming. They seemed to want to enter here and launch a desperate attack on the newly born "First Fire".
Her eyes were focused, she rolled up her sleeves without much of a ladylike appearance, and said to the old friend next to her whom she had been looking for for a long time:
"Let's go, kill these aliens!"

Having said that, he changed the direction of the train, but at the first moment, he did not go there, but returned to his own planet, tied it up with giant thorns like chains, and then the small car pulled the big ball, dragging the star. Launch a sacred expedition towards the direction as far away as the star torch in your mind!

This time, with the consent of the "fire supporters", they don't have to worry about being shut out.

(End of this chapter)

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