Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 604 A skinny camel is bigger than a horse

Chapter 604 A skinny camel is bigger than a horse
In a dark office that was simple in style and had been quiet for an unknown amount of time, the lights suddenly turned on, and a woman in professional attire appeared behind the desk.

"Finally, we have come to this point."

She seemed to be relieved, thinking as she calmly took out a few documents.

The title of the first document is: [Event: "Unyielding Guardian". 】

This is a mission event published many years ago. The content is that it is determined that an "Adventist" has invaded the main body of the company and requires relevant personnel to expel him.

The mission rewards are extremely generous. Once completed, you will receive more than one million guaranteed points, and have B-level permissions and other content.
For this kind of special mission, she would do this every time she chose "Reserve".

Through this method, she can send out some of her points and other resources in a relatively "reasonable" way at critical moments.
At this moment, this task was deliberately influenced by her and issued through some mechanical reactions.

It's time to recycle.

The pen in her hand slid quickly, and she wrote on it:
"It was confirmed by employee number '654321' that the intruder in this incident was an abnormal employee code-named 'Ms. Rabbit'. After dealing with it, she has been expelled from the core area."

After briefly writing, she wrote her employee number on another reviewer.

Where the earth is.

Noisy, confused whispers fell from overhead.

These things were used before, but only in extremely limited ways. Now we are seeking full liberation.

At this moment, if it were not for the protection of "First Fire", just facing this scene would have caused him considerable mental trauma.

In particular, "hunger" will become an important force for many D+ level and above front liners and frontline employees.

Then, he took out the almost completely blurred seal and imprinted it on it.


Then, if nothing unexpected happens, during this period, "First Fire" will guide some of them, including her, to gradually return from outside people's awareness. Of course, those who return will also include those who are a headache even for the company. sworn enemy.

Things seem to be getting a little worse.

[Notice: There is an abnormality in the details of the task event, and it will be submitted to the reconsideration and review stage]

But at the same time, the document has been passed and is about to enter the execution stage.

But it was at this time that Colin felt that some kind of strange barrier began to strengthen.
Immediately afterwards, the dazzling and terrifying starry sky gradually returned to normal and dimmed, turning into a slightly distorted and whispering night sky, but it was barely considered a normal night sky.

"0-11 'Wall'".

There is such a feeling.

Therefore, even if there are risks, you must activate some advanced items now.

This is where most of the ravaging Level 1 containment objects on Earth are located.
Then there are the enemies outside the "wall". These guys are basically in the current universe. They are powerful, but they are not the main threat.

Colin felt that there were many extremely powerful beings in this picture, and it seemed that they should not appear in the current time and space at all.
But because of the "first fire", they were able to look at this.

No matter how out of control they are, they will be within a controllable range.

"0-09 'Hungry'".

What is truly terrifying, and what causes this "starry sky" to flicker, are those "outmost" things
And the outermost scene is like a furious sea, with rolling dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and one after another frightening and terrifying things appear on the top of the waves.
Some exist in ultra-microscopic worlds that are unimaginable to humans, some are so huge that they even exceed scientific understanding, and their mere shadows completely obscure a large number of galaxies, and some are in other dimensions that are difficult to detect.
In this wave, they cast a terrifying gaze towards this place and tried to influence it through their own means.

Of course, just solve the urgent need now.
"Being a 'fire supporter' means you will still have trouble."

As for the "Fire Holder", there is currently only one!
When the document entered the "reconsideration and review stage", "Ms. Rabbit" did not hesitate and took the three important core documents on the table.

Colin's scalp felt numb as he looked at the starry sky above his head that was flashing frequently and rapidly distorting.

Seems to be trying to force it through
But this time.

Flames surged in Colin's eyes, and even though the external crisis seemed to be temporarily resolved, he could still feel it.

However, if the "first fire" is dispersed, everyone may die suddenly.

As his thoughts flashed, Colin frowned, feeling a bit like fighting fire with fire.

On the writing above, the code name of the abnormal containment object based on "Level 0" is written in simple black characters on a white background.

The only way to block the line of sight is to turn off the "First Fire" first.

"Huh, it's getting dark. My intuition tells me that it must be 'Ms. Rabbit' who has exerted her power. She has activated something very dangerous?"

Before the "First Fire" appeared, as long as this chapter was closed, something big would basically happen to these contained objects.

In the current era, only "fire supporters" with "special rights to act in a state of emergency" are qualified to review the seal in her hand.

When all preparations were completed and the seal fell, the seal, which was already full of cracks, exploded.

"Is 0-19 a coincidence?"

So it must be supported
But if you support it, you will be targeted by them again.

After hesitating for a while, she made a decision and started writing relevant content. Through various agreements, she fully opened up the real mechanism and conceptual power of related things, so that they can be used at all levels and places in the current company to deal with the current crisis.
Today's companies need a certain amount of time to gather their strength before they can take the next step.

But as long as there is "first fire", the "agreement" will be absolutely strengthened.

Seeing this, "Ms. Rabbit" didn't have any mood swings, and it seemed that there was no accident——

Judging from the current situation, the threats are different in each region, which can be simply divided into the "solar system" and a large "inner circle" blocked by some kind of wall-like barrier.

At this moment, the universe is no longer dark, but filled with countless weird and weird colors, flowing with unspeakable terror.

"Ms. Rabbit"'s eyes wandered upward, seeming to be thinking.

Since the arrival of his "First Fire", battles have broken out in almost all directions above his head, and every battle may be related to the "First Fire" and to him.
A large number of enemies seemed to want to come here to intercept and kill him.

However, there are also many friendly "branch companies" who are blocking it from all aspects.
He even sensed the aura of some "Fire Bearer" reserves from a long distance away.

Then some inspection revealed it.
Before becoming a "Fire Bearer" reservist, many of the reservists who were still alive seemed to be stronger than themselves? !
"What kind of monsters are they? They are so strong, I thought I was the most powerful one.

Colin didn't think too much about this embarrassing matter, and then returned his eyes to the front of his eyes, looking at the battle here.

Compared with the terrifying and desperate situation just now, Colin didn't even know what words to use to describe the situation here.
Originally, many "neutral" "pure passers-by" who just wanted to come here to see if there was anything they could grab started to decisively take sides——

No, it shouldn't be when the "first fire" comes, but a moment before it comes. In the first few seconds, Colin should be still in the "walking" stage, and they have already made their choice.

"It's hard to say about other skills. In this regard, speculation is just a matter of learning."

Colin looked at some of the words and expressed everything in them, such as "It is my duty to defend 'humanity' and support 'First Fire'" or "That year I watched the company collapse and sat in the holding cell crying and bursting into tears. Now there are Opportunity.", "No way to repay, traveled to many places", a "pure passerby", felt complicated for a while.

Many "high-level" contained objects are terrifying in strength and not weak in intelligence, but their emotional expressions are relatively simple, far worse than the "King of Crazy Sound".

Moreover, Colin didn't know what was passed down in some "human nature" inheritance. He always felt that some of what these guys said seemed very abstract.

But these are nothing, Colin really needs combat power now.

In addition, there are some high-ranking beings who originally besieged him, but suddenly defected before the battle, showing the intention of "lurking" for many years just for the present.
"I feel like things are heading towards something magical."

Colin muttered in his heart, but overall, it was barely safe here.

More accurately, the solar system, including Earth, is temporarily safe
Although there were still five, six, seven or eight high-level containment objects, they seemed to know that they had been completely "dead" and had no chance of being released, so they tried their best.

But they have been trapped in the "first fire" army of justice and cannot make much movement.

In fact, Colin felt that he could use his authority now to lock them up in the nearby high-level containment rooms. Once the signal was cut off, he could solve the problem at the source.

The reason why I didn't do this was that I had just obtained the authority and was not very familiar with it yet. Secondly, I wanted to find something to do for the sudden extra "reinforcements".

Of course, the most important thing is
Colin discovered that there are many things in nearby areas, including shelters and the like, that require points to start, and they need to be given an initial impetus to start.
Not much, maybe just a million points, or a few million points.

For a group, this is not a lot of points, but for an individual
I have a headache.

Especially Colin, who had just been promoted, didn't have anything like this at all.

The points in my pocket, not to mention none, are better than nothing.

'I thought 'points' were some kind of credit currency, but I didn't expect it to be the case. The production method is complicated, but in essence, it was burned with 'primary fire'? It is similar to electricity on the earth. It is a kind of universal material, but it is more versatile than universal. Is it used as currency directly? Colin murmured to himself. When he had a headache about money, he raised his hand and pinched his forehead with Shana's support.

As a result, an accident happened.
Suddenly I found that a certain auxiliary function was activated in front of me——

["King of Crazy Sound": Renewable energy, you can get about 1.21 points for every hour of baking. 】

"Faction": Undetermined.

"Evaluation": Although it has been mutilated and basically squeezed dry, the lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it can still be roasted under a strong fire.
"God is so skinny that a camel is bigger than a horse."

Colin was speechless. This function was somewhat evil, but it opened up some of his ideas.

Then, just as he was thinking about letting everyone contribute, a leg, a leg, a hand, a hand, crowdfunding, when the firewood was burned, and some of the company's near-ground mechanisms were activated, a message came through The company channel sent it over and asked him to review it.

"Ms. Rabbit?"

After a quick browse, Colin's expression was somewhat strange——

As for the mission, it's still a joke for "Ms. Rabbit".

Without any hesitation, Colin, guided by his own instinct, used his "special right to act" and approved and recognized the validity of the contract.

Then, after receiving the points reward, he immediately put it into use and activated some of the mechanisms that are still left.

The next second, the shadows of ten stars appeared outside the earth.

They do not affect the planet itself, just like a phantom, but when they appear, a large number of anomalies are directly dragged into the star in the sky by various forces and temporarily sealed.

The gradual activation of the defense mechanism stopped a large number of projections of the gods that directly broke in without authorization.

Moreover, as Colin passed through one of the phantom-like planets and sent out a signal for help, not long after he left, a war group named "The First Legion of the 'First Fire' Group Army, 'Xinhuo'" sent an application to enter. .

The crisis on the earth can basically be declared over.

It was precisely after Colin agreed to the application that a meteor-like fire entered here from the outer reaches of the solar system at super-light speed.
When I feel this breath.

All the Level 1 containment objects at the scene could not help but tremble.

It seemed like he was recalling a time when he was not treated as a human being.
"The First Army's 'Xinhuo' is essentially an unmanned rapid reaction force. It is the main machine in the First Army and can be used to operate most galaxy-level 'extinction orders'. It is good at 'plane strike' and 'fast network'" "Pipeline Transfer', 'Star Detonation Technique', 'Black Domain Manufacturing' and other work contents."

"It can be used to temporarily replace some large-scale wars. Well, this large-scale war seems a bit too big. Can this army fight outside the galaxy?"

Colin clicked his tongue, shocked by the power of this legacy.

However, the current primary purpose is definitely not to launch an expedition, but to let them "escort" them.

After this message, more messages came. In less than a second, Colin’s own “inbox” was full!

My brain even got a little stuck because of it.
Fortunately, at the critical moment, Shana on the side discovered something and quickly used "light" to calm his brain.

The speed of his brain's operation was greatly improved, which made him feel better.

Then, after reading the messages returned from his "distress signal", Colin was silent for a moment. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of news, one good and one bad.

The good news is, judging from the various signals that this number has exceeded one million and is still increasing rapidly.

There are still a large number of people surviving outside. Even if the company's territory is not even ten, it is an astronomical figure that ordinary people cannot imagine.

the bad news is
Most of these responses to Colin's distress calls were distress calls.

"Help! Help! Help us, our more than a thousand branch worlds are being invaded by multiple main forces of the strange insect swarm at the same time."

"Help, help! A company machine has rebelled."

"Dear Lord 'Fire Bearer', help us, help us quickly!"

"Hello, I am a subordinate, the manager of the company. This is how it is. Our world is being invaded by chaos. Please ask for the 'First Fire' to come and ensure your sanity."


For a moment, Colin was dumbfounded.

It feels like he shouldn't use "?" to reply to "?".

"Don't ask for help from the person who sent it. I've just calmed down. To be honest, I was just rescued from the ICU and my trachea hasn't even been removed yet."

"There is also something that can control more than a thousand worlds, and it seems to have an army or something. Isn't this more powerful than all the power I have at hand now? How can the insect swarm be so terrifying, and it can actually invade a place like this?"

"If I really go there, won't I become a courier?"

Colin took a quick look and found that these few million distress signals included all the imaginable and unimaginable disasters.
Taking a deep breath, Colin didn't refuse, but now was really not the time.

We have to wait until more forces are regrouped before we can send out assistance.

In addition, Colin also saw requests from acquaintances, such as the "branch" of "World Number-13" asking him to investigate the "Numbered World" together.
For example, "Ms. Thorn" told herself that she was dragging her family, her own planet and the tens of billions of people on it to join her, and asked him to remember to open the "door" when the time came.
There are so many requests of all kinds.

After giving some simple responses to those he could respond to, Colin noticed that his spirit was unusually tired, so he retracted his thoughts and stopped focusing on it.
"The amount of information in this kind of thing is too huge. It seems that I need some super computers to assist me in processing, otherwise I can't solve it at all. Well, a Tianli computer?"

When Colin thought of this, a lot of huge and messy knowledge came out of his mind.

Even ordinary "gods" would have a hard time processing this terrifying information and would need some kind of assistance.

Then, he thought of the "nano omnic" called the little maid.

He didn't understand it before, but now, he probably knew that the other party was probably a part of the "Tianli Type 2 Calculator" of "Bonfire Company", and it was a very small part.

Because, the knowledge in Colin's mind told him that "Tianli Type 2" has a mass as large as half the Earth, and its functions are much more comprehensive, including stabilizing the galaxy, defensive warfare, and various macro-scale and micro-scale numerical monitoring. wait.

Some special war models can even change physical constants in a certain area.
Unfortunately, Type 2 does not seem to have these functions.

However, it is not bad. If it is so bad now, there is a high probability that it was bombed during the "Seventh Box Garden World" disaster, and only a small part of it still exists.

"It's not a big problem. If we go back and release all the restrictions on the little maid, and provide resources, we should be able to quickly rebuild and make a copy. Otherwise, I feel that there are several worlds where such equipment exists. When the time comes, we can adjust it. Come here with one."

Colin probably had some ideas, then took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let his heated brain stop and cool down.

Not long after, after opening his eyes again, Shana's voice came to his ears.

"Colin, how are you doing now?" Shana's gentle and slightly hoarse voice made Colin withdraw from the state of receiving all kinds of new knowledge.

"Not bad, thank you for your hard work." Colin grabbed Shana's cold hand, which was covered with scars and almost no intact skin could be seen, and he suddenly felt distressed.

Of course the opponent has the ability to repair the injury, but in order to ensure his condition, he must fully assist him.

Then, without any hesitation, Colin passed on the power of the "First Fire" without any hesitation.

Quickly help Shana stabilize her rationality, and with her rationality stable, she can directly ignore the cost of extraordinary people using extraordinary power, directly actinize herself, and repair the wounds on her body.
Seeing Shana's rapid recovery, Colin increasingly understood the importance of "first fire".

"I'm fine, just a little injured." Shana breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Colin was in normal condition.

"Now the situation is generally clear."

Colin briefly told her the current situation, and then saw the hideous wounds on Shana's body recovering, as well as her slightly tired face.

After he sensed his surroundings and saw that there would be basically no other accidents, he suddenly put his arms around Shana's waist, lowered his head close to her head, and kissed her directly.
"Huh?" Shana's pupils were slightly dilated, a little surprised. She thought that with Colin's character, this kind of behavior would have to wait for the right time for her to take the initiative.
However, no matter what
Not taking no for an answer, she wrapped her arms around his neck and responded enthusiastically.

The smooth wings wrapped the two of them, blocking all sight
After a while, after they separated, Colin put his head to her ear and whispered:

"When I finish taking care of some of the chores at hand, we'll do the real work together."


Shana raised her hand and smoothed the golden hair on her forehead. In her pure ice blue eyes, there was a rare expression, with a hint of shyness, a hint of embarrassment, and an "I'll wait for you" smile.

After hugging Shana hard again, Colin's mind jumped back to the "Bonfire Shelter Company"——

Even now, there are still a lot of secrets about this thing.

This time the "First Fire" has arrived, Colin can be sure that this is the first time that the "First Fire" has appeared. In the past, its power may have existed, but it has never "arrived".
So, what is the situation with those "fire lovers"?
If you want to find out, or in other words, be less confused, you may have to find the "rabbit" lady.

It is also in a certain "tacit" waiting
Colin felt that an invitation was sent to him in a familiar office.
(End of this chapter)

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