Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 605 Talk, there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

After agreeing to the invitation, Colin's eyes flashed, and soon he saw a familiar and simple office appearing in front of him.

The "Rabbit Lady" whom I hadn't seen for a long time appeared behind the large desk.

"Please take a seat." Ms. Rabbit said.

But it was still the same as before. She didn't get up. She was still at the table, writing various contents that seemed to be endless.

'What are you dealing with every day? '

Colin nodded and tried to see what the other party was dealing with. Unlike before where he could not see anything, now he could vaguely feel that he was assigning some tasks, approving some applications for permissions, or giving opinions and policies, etc. .

It's not a very complicated thing, but it obviously won't work if you don't deal with it.
Then, without thinking any further, Colin walked to the table in a few steps, pulled out the seat and sat down.

After he sat down, he saw that "Ms. Rabbit" seemed to have finally finished handling the last thing at hand. Then, she raised her head and looked at him, and said in the same tone as before:

"Congratulations, you successfully became a 'fire bearer'."

The voice was still calm, and no other emotions could be heard.

"Thank you." Colin said his thanks seriously.

In addition, the other party seems to have more than one job identity, but it is also temporarily unclear which of these job identities are.

'You mean, as long as the authority is taken over and concentrated on me? It seems that it is not difficult, but ten years? It took so long to receive the permission? '

Then, some inexplicable inspiration emerged
If you think of a "company" as a person, then the "first fire" is the brain, and other things, such as protocols, are its various components.
How did the company come up with the "agreement" back then?
Colin was shocked.

No matter what you do or what you do, you will not stick to some superficial rules.

At this time, "Ms. Rabbit" seemed to know what he was thinking, and continued to say: "Some things related to me are of lower priority. We can wait for you to fully digest the rewards of that task before processing them."

Colin suddenly thought that feedback on the level of inspiration seemed to be possible, but given the other party's level, it would be more troublesome to get it now.

What is the origin of these things, and why do they have to comply with many super-level containment items?
"I can't answer too many questions for you in this regard. I can use the protocols to a certain extent, but that doesn't mean that I fully understand what they are. However, when you can steadily control all the permissions, you should be able to Have a closer understanding of its specific situation.”

He is currently only in the process of taking over the authority of the company, and does not have complete control. Only when he takes over can he handle it better.

Even higher!
Because in a sense, the top of his head can almost be said to have reached the top.

After a pause, she added: "As for your understanding of it, maybe if you pronounce the full name of 'company' a few more times now, you will have a more direct understanding."

It seemed to be similar to previous meetings. Colin nodded and waited for the other party's opinion.

Of course, that's not what he wanted to do to the "Bunny Lady."

'Is it because of the previous expulsion mission? Colin nodded, thoughtfully, remembering that the prerequisite for completing that task was for "Ms. Rabbit" to kick herself out.

There's one more thing he hasn't asked yet.
Before becoming a "fire bearer", Colin didn't feel much about it, but after becoming a "fire bearer".

At the same time, he is now basically certain that the authority of "Ms. Rabbit" is most likely around B level, but he is not yet sure whether the other party is "+" or "-".

As the thought flashed, Colin clicked his tongue, thinking that with the mission style of "Ms. Rabbit", this "ten years" is probably some kind of insurance.

Although I don’t know how the other party thought of it.
But what I have to say is that unlike this meticulous temperament and quiet tone, "Ms. Rabbit" is also quite fancy when it comes to tasks.

But it made Colin realize that the authority in his hands was not so absolute.

"However, the form of your task execution will also change. In addition to the surrounding area, more often you should only assign employees to take action, because in most cases, you have to respond to signals from everywhere on the earth and perform own symbolic role
"Of course, the most important thing is that only on Earth can you better receive some core authority.

"Even now, the power of the 'company' is actually still huge, but it is very scattered and there are various situations. In this regard, I believe you have already felt it at the moment of success."

Seeing "Ms. Rabbit" nodding, Colin thought for a moment and felt that it shouldn't be difficult. He just had to gradually take over some of the company's authority, and he would be able to get there naturally.

If you are more relaxed, you may not be able to meet the requirements.

"In addition, talking about my side, based on my own understanding of it, the main framework of Bonfire Company is composed of various agreements with the 'Bonfire Agreement' as the core. However, the origin and cause of these agreements ,I am not sure."

In a sense, she is equivalent to a computer expert, but it does not mean that she has the ability to interpret where the sand is used on each chip.

Is the company’s content so huge?
Then, Colin nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said, "I have some doubts about some things about the 'company' itself. What are those 'agreements' and where do they come from?"

"After digestion, you mean after B level?"

Say a few more words of its full name?

In the face of all "internal" situations, he can definitely protect himself - just like no one dares to attack an "emperor" easily, but this "emperor" can also protect himself when facing certain high-ranking ministers. It’s hard to follow your heart.

Colin tried to do this on the spot, and then his breathing suddenly stagnated slightly. He could feel that in his mind, there was a bloated and huge terrifying thing emerging from the depths of his heart.

At this time, without waiting for Colin to think more, "Ms. Rabbit" said:
"After this communication, it will be difficult for us to have similar communication again in a short period of time."

If he can succeed, "Ms. Rabbit" has contributed a lot. In the past, you may have thought that she had some plans, but now, he has succeeded. In terms of the company's authority, any plans against him are of little significance.

"I'm probably going to give you some advice and guidance on what to do next, and answer some of your questions." "Ms. Rabbit" said directly without any twists and turns.

Colin vaguely noticed that the "company" was not like a dead thing, but had an unspeakable activity, especially those "agreements".

However, in the current "company" environment, this is mostly a helpless move.
'But it seems that I can directly deny the corresponding accountability through my authority? '

"Besides this, is there anything else?" Colin sat up straight, put his hands on the desk, and asked curiously.

And this is on the level of "Lady Rabbit".
If he is an enemy, it seems that he has a certain right to resist even against him now.

Seeing Colin nod, "Ms. Rabbit" continued: "Collecting them is your current important task. First deal with your surroundings, and then spread them out step by step.
"Before 2044, you must at least solve the 'wall' and some important peripheral target points.

"It is not difficult to receive these things. It is just a re-certification process. However, the company is too large and the corresponding content is numerous and complex, which takes a certain amount of time.
"However, the time here is limited. You have about ten years. During this time, you have to control at least about 50% of the core content, especially the 'right to interpret' some agreements."

Some "ministers" may even be waiting for him to be "easily soluble in water".

After "Ms. Rabbit" gave a rough explanation, she seemed to glance at Colin:
"In addition, the 'Bonfire Special Containment Company' is indeed not completely dead. At some levels, they can be regarded as part of the 'First Fire'. If you want to fully activate it, first, you must receive enough Secondly, permissions require enough firewood and manufacturing points to activate them all."

However, Colin estimated that as he steadily rose up the ranks and gained enough control, such situations would diminish.

Immediately afterwards, after a brief exchange, "Ms. Rabbit" continued:
"This aspect will be the direction for the implementation of some practical matters in the future. You can handle many of the current requests for help in a limited manner. You only need to use your own authorization and open some protocols to basically solve the problem.

“So it’s not a big deal.

"The company does have some problems currently, but that doesn't mean we can't do it."

"This is true"

Colin quite agrees with this. The "legacy" of the existing company is still huge, just like the palm of a hand. Each finger may not be able to do anything alone.

But if you gather it into a fist, the situation will be completely different.

Then, "Ms. Rabbit" started talking about something that interested Colin.

"When the surrounding area is about the same, and you have some spare energy, you may want to try launching some investigations into the 'Script City'."

"'City of Scripts'?" Colin narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." "Ms. Rabbit" nodded, and then gave him a further introduction to this thing.

"'Script City' is also an important plan launched by a giant to deal with '2044'. Although I don't know what the specific arrangements are here, I can feel that when 'First Fire' appears, its The important proportion will increase, which is our next goal.”

"In addition, you should also be able to notice that your 'Fire Bearer' power is indeed very strong. What you can show at the moment is incomplete because it lacks certain systems and inheritance."

"The 'Script City' is like a company's 'black box', which preserves all the company's extraordinary paths, as well as many props and techniques, etc. Of course, some may be lost, but it is definitely more complete than outside. "

"However, due to some reasons, it is currently completely closed and hidden. If you want to find it, you may need to spend some effort."

In the slow narration of "Ms. Rabbit", the "Script City" is a super-large composite world that is like some kind of independent small universe.

It is increasing every moment and destroying every moment. According to the survey feedback obtained by Colin and some employees after taking action inside.

The situation inside may not be very clear.

If possible.
They must interfere as much as possible so that the results of those arrangements are biased in their favor, and cannot be left unchecked and turned into a wedding dress for other things.

"I'll definitely look into it."

As Colin said this, he thought of Mr. Wu's "numerological threads" connected to a large number of people who had been injured in disasters.

So many people are invested in it.
Colin couldn't just ignore this.

Of course, after "Ms. Rabbit" said these words, whether it was for the resources or the people inside, he had several more reasons to leave.

Then, "The Rabbit Lady" gives some other direction.

"In addition, there are also related to the 'Hakoniwa World', which have different functions from the 'Number World'. In the past, most of them were the company's experimental research work on various things."

"Currently, about 39 'Hakoniwa Worlds' still exist, of which five systems of various types are relatively complete."

"The first, third, and sixteenth are all under control, and a considerable part of the 'Zoo' Army Group is stationed. I will transfer the corresponding command authority to your hands."

"The other thirty-six, including the 'Seventh Box Garden World' you went to, a total of twelve have been pacified by the 'Zoo' group army, but they were only pacified, and there was no time to carry out further follow-up work."

"The 'Hokuniwa World' can be reached via the 'Mist Train' protected by the 'First Flame'."

"Well, when the 'Mist Train' was transferred a few years ago, most of the survivors were sent to those three worlds. The number of people who were successfully transferred was about 122.12 million."

"In addition, there are several more dangerous worlds in the 'Hakoniwa World'. If they cannot be solved, you can use 'First Fire' to seal them, block them, and put them aside temporarily."

"After the operation begins, you can use them to become your base and launch operations to recapture the star sectors within the 'wall'."

"Ms. Rabbit" said in an orderly manner, without much nostalgia, and handed over the command of the "army group" to Colin.

Immediately afterwards, even with the "inspiration" method, it took seven or eight hours before "Ms. Rabbit"'s opinions on relevant actions were roughly finished.

The other party gave him as detailed opinions and plans as possible in every area and direction of his subsequent actions. They were so detailed that Colin even had some ideas.

'It seems that 'Ms. Rabbit' may really not be able to make any more arrangements in a short period of time. '

Colin felt inexplicably worried about gains and losses.

However, the other party didn't seem to care about this and said: "The corresponding arrangements are probably these, and there are more things. I will send them to you through other methods at the right time."

"Yeah." Colin nodded, thinking about what he had to do, he couldn't help but smile:

"It feels like I started a new 'campfire shelter company' myself."

"In a sense, it can be said that as the current owner of the interpretation rights of 'First Fire', if you want, you can even change the name of 'Bonfire Shelter Company' and call it 'Bonfire Kindergarten' or something like that. .”

"Ms. Rabbit" seemed to have made a rare joke, but her tone was still calm and serious. Colin was a little unsure.

Of course, if the other party reminds me now to set up a "new 'bonfire shelter company'" and engage in double, no, talkative people, remember not to be by the river, and remember to wear a helmet.

Then Colin can be sure that the other party is joking
At this time, I heard "Ms. Rabbit" say again: "The road to B-level has been smoothed. When you finally get A-level permissions as a 'fire supporter', your authority will surpass that of the three former Giant."

"Beyond the Big Three?" Colin was surprised.

"Yes, actually now, you are no longer inferior to them in terms of status and importance. For you, the only thing left is to avoid accidents and gain more time."

'This level of attention probably refers to how many existences want to kill me.'

Colin muttered secretly in his heart, then remembered something, and his expression became a little serious:
"There is one thing about the 'Fire Holders' that I am confused about. Before, I once felt that the 'First Fire' seemed to be 'coming' for the first time. So what was the situation with those former 'Fire Holders'? "

Facing Colin's question, "Ms. Rabbit" seemed to think for a while before speaking:
"As far as I know, although it is generally believed that the 'First Fire' has arrived, in fact, there is also some uncertain news in some higher-level circles.
"Based on your feedback, these news may indeed be true, that is: the 'First Fire' did not come, but during that period, maybe it was because of in-depth research on 'human nature', or there were other things that I didn't know For unknown reasons, its power once appeared, and it also led to the birth of the 'Fire Bearer'
"However, at that time, because the 'First Fire' never seemed to come, some people thought it was some kind of 'fantasy' power. Although it was powerful, it was not real enough.

"That's why many people don't support it."

The corresponding topic is actually generally an internal taboo within the company, but it is obvious.

Now, as Colin, there is nothing that he cannot know unless it is lost or simply not available.

In short: talk, there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

After thinking about it for a while, but not getting much, Colin couldn't help but sigh: "There are still many secrets in the past."

I'm afraid the relevant clues can only be learned bit by bit as he ascends.

However, when "Ms. Rabbit" sitting opposite heard his words, she suddenly spoke in a strange and uncertain tone:
"We may not be the past"

"Ah?" Colin was stunned. If it wasn't the past, what else could it be?
However, "Ms. Rabbit" was not very sure and said: "You can also think that now is the 'future' for the time being, but don't hold on to this idea, because I, or the 'previous generation' you know, may not be in the past"

"Can you explain it more clearly?" Colin scratched the back of his head.

However, the other party just shook his head and said that this was just a spiritual intuition when he heard his words.

It's not the future, nor the past. Could it be a parallel universe or something?

Colin asked, but it didn't seem like it.

"By the way, I understand from some channels that your current situation seems to be very special?" Colin began to ask cautiously directly to "Ms. Rabbit".

This kind of topic is relatively sensitive, just like telling Liu Yun that her dream was fake in front of her.

God knows what adverse consequences may arise.
"Well, from my perspective, I feel that although I am me now, it is not real enough." "Ms. Rabbit" said something that in Colin's opinion, the Riddler is no worse than "Future Present".

"What's outside of 'time' and 'space'?" Colin thought about it and tried to remind him.

"Maybe, the only thing I can be sure of is that I and some corresponding entities, whether they are enemies or friends, are currently in a state of being severely affected by the 'Deus ex machina'. Some people will treat people in this state like us. , called those who have not returned outside of 'time' and 'space'."

"Deus ex machina"?

Colin pinched his forehead, and the instigator, "Boss Huang He," took a big blow and disappeared. Then, he didn't know whether he was alive or not.
At this time, "Ms. Rabbit" continued to talk about the information she had obtained without hesitation: "However, when the 'first fire' is lit, we so-called 'unreturners' will gradually return. By then, maybe I can Tell you more, but of course you have to be careful when the time comes, a lot of real trouble will come back."

"All right."

Colin nodded and did not continue to ask more questions in this regard.

Then, he thought about it and changed the topic: "By the way, there is another thing I want to know about, which is about the 'non-existent hospital'."

This "hospital" can also be applied for through active tasks in the early stages of a disaster.

Some employees used this desperate situation to escape.

Colin estimated that "The Man Who Never Surrendered" might have contributed a little bit.
But since the disaster, it suddenly disappeared without a trace, and even some messages on the forum seemed to have been cleared. So far, Colin has not sensed where the "hospital" world is, so he wants to know the situation.

However, after listening to Colin's words, "Ms. Rabbit" suddenly asked another question:
"Can you tell me verbally what happened in the 'non-existent hospital'?"

Seeing the attitude of "Ms. Rabbit", Colin realized that something might be wrong. He nodded and explained what happened at that time in detail.
When everything was said and done, Colin saw "Ms. Rabbit" being silent for a while.

Then, listen to the other party say:

"During your execution of the 'Non-Existent Hospital' incident, due to some reasons, I did not issue additional side missions other than the main mission, nor did I provide you with the 'Cyanide Injection O-1 Enhancement' Customized 'drugs'

Hearing this, Colin was stunned, and a shudder of fear emerged in his heart.

"If it's not a side mission assigned by you, then who could it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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