Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 73 Detachment and Return

Chapter 73 Separation and Return

[Detected "level 5+ biological type 'ancient gods'" life body activity breath]

【correct!The active breath of "0-9'hunger'" in the original containment was detected, and its recovery level has reached [-]%, and it is continuing to recover! 】

【Danger!Danger!Danger! 】

[Request to open the "Bonfire Protocol" barrier!Request "Rabbit" to intervene in anti-pollution, anti-psychic reloading firepower! 】

When these messages appeared on the retina, there was a rumbling and deafening sound behind the fog door, followed by several long columnar metal tubes rushing out of it.

They dragged long smoke tails, and under some unknown guidance, they precisely met the big black hand that stretched out.

Amidst the deafening noise, the big hand stretched out by the evil god was blown away under the unbelievable eyes of Calder and others.

At this time, behind the gate, there was the heavy sound of metal tracks rolling over the ground.

"Hiss, what multi-turret religion?"

Colin gasped. After seeing the nine fog doors, huge artillery and armored vehicles slowly drove out. There were barrels, machine guns, and even silos all over them!
It looks like a mobile war fortress.

At this moment, the thick muzzles of the guns kept vibrating, and ammunition of various calibers poured out, aiming at the figure of the evil god behind the blue and black haze, and continuously suppressing firepower.

And from both sides of the war fortress, "rabbit" soldiers wearing extremely thick armor continued to step out of the fog gate with guns like howitzers, rushed outside, and jumped off the castle.

"Attention all teams, please evacuate all innocent people as much as possible when the recovery level of 0-9 'hunger' in the original containment reaches [-]%!"

At the same time, in the ears of the stunned Calder and others, there were repeated voices that were never heard but could be understood.

"Warning! The 'Rabbit' Legion is intervening. All irrelevant personnel are requested to evacuate the rapid battlefield area under the guidance of the green light."

"Warning! The 'Rabbit' Legion is intervening. All irrelevant personnel are requested to evacuate the rapid battlefield area under the guidance of the green light."

"Warning! The 'Rabbit' Legion is intervening. All irrelevant personnel are requested to evacuate the rapid battlefield area under the guidance of the green light."

Ahead, some humans with long-eared helmets, holding green glowing sticks in their hands, waved crosswise on both sides of a smaller fog door, and the gesture seemed to let them in.

However, everyone looked at Colin uncertainly.


Colin didn't speak, but only made a gesture, because there were explosions everywhere now, and if they spoke, it would be impossible to hear them.

Glancing at the "rabbits" rushing out of the nine gates one after another, he collected his thoughts and took the lead in rushing over.

The constant flashing of information on his retina made him realize that the two sides probably haven't really let go of their hands and feet to fight. The "rabbit" army needs to save people, and the evil god on the other side is not fully recovered.
After a while, they really let go of their hands and feet to fight, and Colin even doubted whether this town could still exist.

"No wonder Ms. Rabbit told me that this kind of battle does not require me to participate in it, but only needs me to investigate."

Colin muttered, a battle of this intensity is indeed beyond his ability to participate.

Not to mention him, when the war reaches a fever pitch, even those D-level employees will be consumables!

Those wearing heavy mechanical power armor and holding large-caliber firearms that will explode when shot out, they say they are rabbits, but in fact they have two extra metal ears on their helmets, each of them is stronger than most of the people present
Among other things, the extremely thick metal armor alone can make everyone despair.

No one present could stop the melee attack of the second-stage "lycanthropy", but on their bodies, they only left an indescribably deep mark.

More than a dozen intestines are put on them, and they can't even be dragged. The level of strength is not at the same level at all.
Such a guy might be able to rush into the army of "lycanthropy" and mow grass like Wushuang, but it might take more than ten minutes for them to break through the defense even if they stand still.

But now, hundreds of them have been dispatched at once, and the number is still increasing!
Obviously, their real purpose is not "lycanthropy", but to deal with the incarnation of the ancient god. At the same time, it can be seen how much Ms. "Rabbit" attaches importance to the once lost containment.

But thinking about the huge figure tens of meters high, it should be taken seriously.

A patient with "lycanthropy" is not the same thing as an ancient god incarnation.

"What level of authority does Ms. 'Rabbit' have? Why can she mobilize such power?"

Colin felt that she was more enigmatic than he had imagined.

If he has such an army, it is not clear whether he can beat the five major countries. Anyway, he can definitely sweep Africa and fight against one of them.

With strong doubts, he plunged into the fog door.

After passing through the fog gate, Ke Lin and the others immediately realized that they seemed to have come outside Black Rock City, saw the people who had just been carried out on stretchers, and saw various tents.

There are also several gates here at the same time, and civilians from Black Rock City are constantly being sent out behind the gates.

"Your Excellency Ke Lin, what were those just now?"

Warden Calder came over, with lingering fear that could not be hidden in his words.

A group of guys wearing extremely thick armor with a strong sense of oppression, roaring and moving metal creatures, everything that appeared was something they had never seen before.

'How do I know?If I don't know some inside information, I suspect that the Big Five and the United Nations are fighting together."

Colin turned around, looked at the faces looking at him in awe, and said slowly:
"This is the rescue I promised."

"Thank you for your trustworthiness!"

Hearing this, everyone didn't ask any more questions, and saluted together, expressing their respect and gratitude.

Just as Colin was about to speak, the distant and ancient bell suddenly sounded in his ears again.

The surrounding scene quickly blurred at this moment, as if being painted with layers of mosaics, and soon became a gray and independent space.

But this time, the door to Miss Rabbit's office did not appear.

Colin regained consciousness after a trance, and found that he seemed to have returned to reality.

He shook his head, the familiar hut seemed a little strange after many days away, but this strangeness soon faded away little by little.

The warm sunlight outside the window happened to shine into the window, and two turtledoves were squatting at the window staring at him, as if they were waiting for his feeding.

The unique noise of a modern city rings in my ears
Car sounds, human voices, and various other sounds.
Colin sat on the bed, confused for a while, and was a little inexplicably unable to distinguish the difference between reality and the alien world.

After a while, his eyes gradually became clearer, and he raised his eyes to look at the electronic clock hanging on the wall.

Afternoon, 15:00.

ps: post first and change later

(End of this chapter)

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