Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 74 Rewards and New Equipment

Chapter 74 Rewards and New Equipment
Monday afternoon, 15:00.

Colin was taken aback when he saw this time, then shook his head, and soon came to his senses and realized something was wrong.

"Unexpectedly... or only three hours have passed? Is this the peculiarity of all advent missions? No matter how long it takes over there, it will be counted as three hours here?"

"Otherwise, why would this happen? Less than ten hours count as three hours, more than ten hours count as three hours, and a week still counts as three hours."

Colin raised his hand and pressed his forehead, thought for a while, and probably had some guesses.

He was somewhat surprised by this, but not much.

"I don't know what's going on over there now. If I go in next week, will it be the same as when I quit, or is everything over and I just disappeared in front of Helena and the others?"

While his thoughts were fluctuating, Colin reached out and pulled the parchment from the bedside table, and spread it out in front of his eyes.

Then, his attention was quickly attracted by the lines that emerged on the parchment.

[In this incident, your evaluation is: A. 】

[The following is the task settlement of this event - "Bonfire Points * 11700", "F-Class Genetic Compensation Agent * 1", "E-Class Genetic Compensation Agent * 1", "Silver Mission Voucher * 5", "(Excellent) Random props extraction volume *1", "turbid energy crystal block *7". 】

[All items have been transferred to the "storage room", please check. 】

"Hiss, more than 1 points?!"

Colin didn't notice anything else, but when he saw this, his eyes straightened.

This mission actually earned more than 1 points!
"These ten thousand points are equivalent to ten thousand points, uh, this is a bit nonsense, it seems a little too excited."

Colin took a deep breath, calmed down, and opened the storage room to check the rewards for this mission.

I skipped a few items I already knew, and looked at those new things: "E-grade genetic compensation", "(excellent) random item extraction volume", "turbid energy crystal block".

["Grade E Genetic Compensation Liquid": a special potion provided by Campfire Company for E-class employees. After taking it, it can fully strengthen the body functions. Each person can use up to three bottles. 】

[Remarks: Please do not use this potion when the authority has not reached E-level, offenders will bear the consequences! 】

In terms of introduction, it is no different from F-level, except that there is an additional usage restriction.

"In addition to this, I also settled for an extra F-level genetic compensation agent. If I buy another one, it will be three. Speaking of which, I should be able to plan for the promotion of the authority. It seems that the E-level authority can have more bonuses. And a richer resume.”

Colin pursed his lips, put the props in his hand back into the "storage room", and looked at other things.

["Turbid Energy Crystals": It can be used on weapons or yourself. After using it, the props or yourself will enter a state of full energy. In this state, the all-round attributes will usually be able to increase by about 120%, and the duration will start from 3 - More than 60 minutes. 】

[Remarks: When the maximum dosage per hour does not exceed ten, there will be no obvious side effects. 】

"Is this what was burned by the first-level bonfire? The effect shows that it looks a bit like Viagra. But I only have seven pills in total."

Ke Lin took this thing out. It was a square crystal, about the size of a sugar orange, with no obvious weight. It was slightly yellow and transparent, and there were obviously some granular impurities.

As for the method of use, it is probably to slap a certain part of your body hard.

However, thinking that this thing was probably burnt out of those corpses, Colin's expression was a little subtle—is this thing considered a "living relic" from another world?
After thinking about it jokingly, Colin put it away. After all, when the power is needed in times of crisis, who the hell cares if it is burned from a corpse?

Then, he took out the "(Excellent) Random Props Draw" and glanced at it.

["(Excellent) Random Props Draw Voucher": You can randomly obtain one or more but less than three props with special functions manufactured within the company. 】

【use or not? 】

"Huh? Can you draw up to three items at a time? Very good, prepare to take a shower and then use it!"

Colin tried to repeat the same trick, trying to reproduce the last miracle draw.

Then, a purple sheen appeared on the retina.
This is followed by a line-by-line description.

[Name: "The False Powerhouse"]

[Quality: Excellent. 】

[Status: Everything is okay (completeness 58%)]

[Energy level: D level. 】

[Effect: When you stick it on your body, every time someone within a kilometer thinks that you are strong enough, you will trigger the "false strong man" and really become stronger. 】

[The "false powerhouse" will provide the most basic 20.00% basic attribute enhancement. After that, for each additional effective recognition, your physique will increase by [-]% on the original attribute. This improvement can at most make the user's body The limit reaches the level of C-level employees. 】

[In addition, when the number of people who trigger this effect reaches more than one person, any weapon in the holder's hand will activate the halo - "Approval of the Strong". 】

["The Recognition of the Powerful": The weapon will be enhanced to a certain extent, and there will be some useless but cool-looking special effects to better trigger the "false strong". 】

[Negative effect "conceited person": When using this item, the user's heart will continue to change, gradually becoming arrogant, losing himself in the praises, unable to recognize reality, and prone to blindness Move until being killed or recover after a period of time after removing the item. 】

[Scope of applicable employees: Below C level (excluding C level.)]

[Suggestions for use: E-level employees and below should not use it continuously for more than 3 hours, D-level employees should try not to exceed 9 hours, and C-level employees are no longer restricted. In addition, try not to make people suspect the source of your power, which will lead to recognition effects. invalidated. 】

[Remarks: You must, absolutely, absolutely be careful of the negative effects of "conceited people", and always pay attention to your psychological changes! ——'A former senior employee of the evaluation department who continued to use the live broadcast fan for four hours under the influence of this effect left anonymously. ']

[Recommendation from the manufacturer "Boss Huang He": Inside story!There is an inside story!The evaluation department maliciously suppressed the new creators, at least the "orange outfit" props were given "excellent"! 】

[Now, not for making money but just for breath, as long as [-] points, the D-level orange artifact can be brought home, so that you can enjoy the envious eyes of others! 】

[Status repair conditions are: consume 1451 points, the duration and effect range will be strengthened. 】

[The item has been transferred to the "storage room", please check it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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