Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 75 The third gene compensator

Chapter 75 The third gene compensator
"Purple props?"

Ke Lin was stunned for a moment. He remembered that this was the third quality after gold and orange, and it was also a good thing that only a few people could get. It seemed that there were only twenty or thirty items revealed in the entire [Interaction Hall] .

And look at the prop description
It is indeed a good thing.

"After using it, the highest limit of physical fitness can reach C-level, and F-level employees can also use it."

Colin clicked his tongue. He learned from his understanding these days that the physical fitness of D-level employees is even worse than that of Batman. When they go to Gotham City, they are all at the top level.

There is currently no data for C-level, but it will definitely not be so small
It's just that the effect of this prop looks a bit gimmicky.

Ke Lin glanced up and down for a while, and roughly one sentence can describe the effect of this prop - pretending to be strong can make you stronger!
Even while gaining powerful power, its negative effects cannot be underestimated.

"Five-speed electric fan on live broadcast day? Hiss."

When Ke Lin saw this note, he gasped in shock, and then couldn't help feeling: "The people in the evaluation department of Campfire Company are really miserable."

He originally thought that "small intestine taste buds" was the pinnacle, but he didn't expect that there was a "false king" who was even worse!
The employee of the evaluation department who evaluated this item, if he did such a thing, his life would probably be over, right?

Suddenly, Ke Lin felt an inexplicable sense of gratitude.

I am glad that my job is to perform various tasks, rather than being pulled to test those newly released props and items, otherwise I may encounter some heaven-defying props made by the heaven-defying creator.

"But speaking of it, the evaluation department of the campfire company is also very mysterious. It seems that it has something different from ours?"

Ke Lin remembered that he had not seen relevant information on the "Interaction Hall".

And some old employees speculated that if they talk about it here, it should be the "task execution department" on the front line of the company.

Of course, this is just some conjecture, because the current campfire company has not clearly indicated which department they belong to.

And after seeing the powerful presence of those "group armies" in the mission just now, Ke Lin felt that those people were the real frontline.

Without thinking too much, Colin took out the "False King" and took a look.

It is about the size of a palm, like a cheap transparent tattoo sticker, and its roughness is comparable to the stickers given by the big bubble gum that I ate when I was a child.

A black and white fist pattern is drawn on the tattoo sticker, and there is a line of words under the pattern——

'My strength depends entirely on myself, what does it have to do with this broken sticker? '

And the way to use it is also very simple, just stick it on any part of the body skin and make sure it will not fall off easily.

"If you don't use it for more than three hours, and then pay attention to your physical condition, the problem should not be serious."

Colin has some ideas about how to use this item.

And to be honest, he feels that the effect of this thing is more suitable for him at the current stage.

The effect should be better than the "Retrograde" as an orange outfit.

"How do you feel, the lower the level, the more fancy the effect, like the time-stop card is a simple function, which means there are not so many."

Colin grumbled softly, put the props into his pocket, and found that there seemed to be something extra in his storage bag.

a ring.

"Where did this come from?"

Just as he was wondering, a flash of inspiration flashed in Colin's head. He actually got two items in the lottery draw just now, one was a "false powerhouse" and the other was this.

And at this moment, the information about this item was long overdue and appeared one by one on the retina.

【"Slaves of Money"】

[Quality: Ordinary. 】

[Status: Excellent (77% complete)]

[Energy level: F. 】

[Effect: After wearing it, you will be able to launch a special summoning ceremony through it, and summon the "miser" who died from the desire for money for your own use. It must be loyal to the user within the validity period. 】

[Conditions of use: For each summoning, one hundred yuan or equivalent foreign exchange currency cash is required as ritual materials. You can give more, but not less. 】

["Scrooge" can summon up to ten per day, and each summoned individual is valid for up to 12 hours without being fatally attacked, and the number of summons is refreshed at zero o'clock every day. 】

[Remarks: You can't buy a house or a car with 100 yuan, but you can buy a "good brother" who will work hard for you! 】

[In addition, if you don’t know a foreign language, please try not to use foreign currency, otherwise the “good brother” you summon may not understand what you say.]

"The font is white, the energy level of E, mass goods, but the effect is not bad, although ten 'misers' fighting together may not be able to fight even a second-stage 'lycanthropy', but take it Ray is pretty good"

Colin took it out of the storage room while thinking about its usage scenario.

It looks like a large, luxurious solid gold ring from the outside alone.
It's just that the weight in the hand doesn't seem right.

Weighing it, Colin immediately determined that the surface should be gold-plated at most, and the inside may be plastic or something else, anyway, it will definitely float in the water.

"Well, this lottery is okay. Although there is neither gold nor orange, but the things are more suitable for me."

Putting the things away, Ke Lin took out the "F-grade genetic compensator" again, but what surprised him was that this time the "F-grade genetic compensator" seemed to be an injection type?

Unlike last time, what came back this time was a needle-free syringe instead of a test tube bottle with a cap.

"No wonder sometimes it is mentioned as 'compensation liquid', and sometimes it is called 'compensation agent', I thought the name was wrong, so that's what it is."

Ke Lin didn't care about it, as long as the batches were different. Anyway, the black cat and the white cat can catch mice, which is a good cat. He pulled up his left shoulder sleeve, picked up the needleless syringe with his right hand, and prepared to complete the injection by himself.

Pressing the push lever, there was a slight tingling pain on the arm, and then, a slight hot feeling began to spread from the arm muscles to the whole body. Colin's skin turned slightly red, and his whole body began to feel a little hot.

The body seems to be undergoing a transformation.

ten seconds later
When the hot feeling faded away, Colin obviously felt new changes in his body, and he became more energetic.

The effects of "gradual frostbite" further disappeared.

Even without considering the "lycanthropy", with his current physical fitness, he may run 2000 meters without much panting.

Afterwards, Ke Lin directly consumed [-] points + a silver mission voucher to purchase another gene compensation agent.

This is also a needleless syringe type.

However, just as he was about to continue injecting the third gene compensator and start the promotion task, a message suddenly appeared in front of him.

[The compensation effect of the last injection has not completely receded, please re-inject after three hours, otherwise the negative effects caused by this will be borne by me! 】

(End of this chapter)

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