Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 80 Who is a serious person in this car?

Chapter 80 Who is a serious person in this car?

"Could it be possible that I fell for the legendary 'King Crimson'?"

Thinking of his own reaction, Colin couldn't help but feel palpitations. He felt that his memory had become a little incoherent since the last five minutes.

Section by section, every time you come back to your senses, it seems that there is a jump in time, or a frame drop, a period of process is missing, and the result is obtained directly.

Collecting his thoughts, he looked up at the ancient train that was slowing down.
The body of the train is covered with a layer of reddish-brown and somewhat faded paint. Countless gears are moving slowly. The wheels are heavy and thick. Various exposed metal pipes emit hot air. The whole train is like a huge metal monster, emitting There is a unique sense of power that makes people feel awe.

But upon closer inspection, Colin found that the mottled and peeling paint surface was covered with bullet holes, gun craters, claw marks, tooth marks, bloody handprints, and traces of some liquids corroded by some liquid, which made people wonder what happened to it. what.
"If someone told me that this train drove from a certain steampunk world to the Middle East battlefield, passed through a zombie world, and then returned, I would believe it."

Ke Lin moved his eyes and looked at the car window, but it was hazy behind the window, and he couldn't see what was there. He could only see some passengers in twos and threes sitting in various parts of the car from behind the dusty car window.

From this point of view, there are quite a few people inside.

It just felt that something was wrong. Colin squinted his eyes, and quickly noticed that those figures were sitting too upright, motionless, and looked a little weird and intrusive.

Just without waiting to think about it, the car door opened to the side with a "snap".

On the high-speed rail electronic display, the time is exactly 23:15:00.

Not much, not much.

Ke Lin followed the opening of the car door and looked into it, but unfortunately he couldn't see clearly like the windows.

In order to prevent himself from being distracted for a while and being affected by the effect of the "Crimson King" and eventually missing the time to board the car, he suppressed his inner anxiety, opened his legs, and walked towards the car door shrouded in hazy yellow light.

During this process, he was always vigilant to prevent accidents from happening.

But until he walked into the car door, the danger did not happen
Moreover, the moment his body completely stepped into the train door, Colin suddenly had a feeling that the whole world was instantly clear when he emerged from the water.

Then, he immediately turned his gaze to the inside of the train car, and then he was startled.

The compartment space is very spacious, which is obviously at least twice as large as that of ordinary high-speed trains.

There are seventeen rows in total, six seats in each row, three on the left and three on the left and three on each side. Because the train itself is relatively wide, it doesn't look crowded, like a business car or a special class seat.

The interior is in a luxurious and retro style, with brown hard solid wood floors, warm and soft warm yellow gas lamps, and brass red velvet cushion seats with exquisite carvings.
On the left rear seat, Colin saw seven people.

"Colleague? It seems not."

Colin's nose twitched, and he could tell from the smell that they should all be ordinary people, but after thinking about it, how could there be any ordinary people in this kind of place?Whether it's a colleague or not, since the other party doesn't seem to be talking, it's better for him to ignore it.

After all, who would be a serious person on this train?

Immediately, he withdrew his gaze, and was about to find a seat to sit down, but suddenly realized something was wrong—when he was outside the train, he clearly saw passengers everywhere in the carriage from the window.

But now, except for the seven people sitting in a pile, he didn't see any other "passengers".

"No, there seemed to be only one or two people in their position just now."

Colin frowned and realized that things were not simple.

But no matter what, an inexplicable intuition told him to take a seat as soon as possible.

"I remember that there are two "people" in the fifth row, one on the right side of the sixth row by the window, the seventh row is full on the left, and there are several "people" after the eighth row, but I can't remember the exact location."

While thinking about it, Ke Lin walked to the third row on the right. When he saw this position from the window, he could confirm that there were no "people" in the vicinity.

After roughly confirming that there was no problem, he sat on it carefully.
"Deadly Insight" did not trigger.

no danger
Landing safely?
"I don't know what would happen if I sat in those seats with people."

Ke Lin was a little curious, and wanted to try to summon a "good brother" with 100 yuan through "Slave of Money" to sit on it and have a look.

But after thinking about it, I gave up this bold idea.

Decided to follow the guidance of the heart, not to try those things that are not there.

At this time, he somewhat discovered.
The danger level of events in my hometown may be more terrifying than that in other worlds, but it seems that there are more rules and order here, so as long as the rules are followed, there will be no problems.

Then, he looked around the carriage vigilantly, and noticed that when he looked out from inside the carriage, the picture was clear, and everything in the subway station was visible, not to say that he couldn't see clearly.

clang clang-

A series of dense bells suddenly continued to ring.

The train doors slammed shut.

Immediately afterwards, the carriage shook slightly but obviously, the scene outside the window began to move backwards, and the foggy train, which had been parked for nearly 10 minutes, started.

After the train started, Colin found that the originally clearly visible window was quickly covered by thick white mist.

He didn't look too much at the disturbing white mist, and retracted his gaze.

"Speaking of which, what happened to those people?"

No matter what, Ke Lin felt that those seven or eight people seemed to be ordinary people, ordinary people with nothing special about them.

But are ordinary people really going to take this kind of train?
He was a little suspicious at the bottom of his heart.

With vigilant thoughts, Colin silently pricked up his ears and listened behind him.

Ten minutes later, his expression suddenly became a little subtle——

"Brother Xiao, did we really not get off the train just now? There is something wrong with this train. The interior is two or three times bigger than the subway when we came here, right? Could it be that we got on the wrong train?"

"What's wrong, isn't it just a themed car? I think you probably don't take high-speed trains and subways, so I haven't seen this. It seems to be a steampunk themed car?"

"Yes, what kind of bus to get off? Now you can only wait for tomorrow when you get off the bus. I don't think you drank a few bottles of wine just now? It seems that three bottles of Budweiser will not work? This is the last bus after ten o'clock, sister It is impossible for me to sit wrong with my eyes closed, so rest assured!"

"That's right, I think you're drunk."

"Forget it, what you guys say makes sense. By the way, brother Xiao, I'll lend you your paper to copy when I go back to the dormitory, oh, just for reference."

"Wow, look out the window, it's foggy again."

In front of them, Colin sat on a chair in a regular manner, with an increasingly weird expression.

Listening to the conversation, it seemed that it was really a group of students from a nearby university who happened to sit on the last bus after eating supper.

Although the car has caught up, but unfortunately, this is not the car to go to the university.

(End of this chapter)

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