Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 81 Invaded by "people"

Chapter 81 Invaded by "people"

"We'll see if we arrive at the station later, and drive them off, so as not to cause any other problems."

Colin murmured softly, not because he was so kind, but because he instinctively felt that it would not be a good thing to have a group of ordinary people in the car at this time.

Especially when this group of people was in the same carriage as me.

In case this group of people mess up and cause any trouble, the probability of him being implicated is not small.
However, at this moment, Colin's heart skipped a beat and he had a bad premonition.

Immediately afterwards, as if to confirm his intuition, a scream suddenly came from the back seat.


"Chen Xiaoling, why are you crazy! Let go of your mouth! Ah!"

"Chen Xiaoling, are you crazy?! You bit off his flesh!"

"Ahhh! Help! My face hurts so badly, Brother Xiao, pull her away!"

"Quick! Hold her down!"

"Fuck, why are you so strong, hurry up, help me, I can't hold her down."

"Watch out for her mouth!"

"Is this rabies?!"

"Brother Xiao, look at her eyes! Crazy! Really crazy!"

After a flurry of movement, the commotion finally stopped a bit. Tang Xiao, who was called brother Xiao, together with several classmates, finally put the crazy school girl under him!

At this moment, Tang Xiao's whole body was on the classmate's body, and his knees were on her back, holding her tightly. Besides him, there were two other classmates who were pressing on the junior girl's back and lower body together. Barely compel.
But even so, the woman under her still struggled from time to time, screaming strangely, her face was extremely distorted, and she might get away at any time.

You know, the three of them add up to more than 500 catties!

Just outrageous!
"Damn it, Brother Xiao, Senior Sister, is this epilepsy? Or something else, why did the one who was fine just now suddenly go crazy, with such a lot of strength." A classmate felt the strange force coming from under him, and couldn't bear it. Keep your mouth shut.

"do not know"

Tang Xiao was about to say something, but suddenly saw a stranger walking over.

Before he could open his mouth, the other party said, "You guys had better let go of her now, sit back in your seats, and let me handle the rest."

"Who are you?" Tang Xiao's words froze suddenly, and he saw the other party take out a metallic object from his pocket - a gun? !
The texture and details look like it is definitely not a toy gun with BB bullets!
Not only him, but even several other people fell silent when they saw the thing in Colin's hand.

How can someone carry a gun on the high-speed rail?

At this time, the stranger walking in front of him had a seemingly kind smile, but this smile combined with the revolver in his hand only made people feel chills.

"Do as I say, is there any problem?"

While speaking, Ke Lin glanced at the woman who was under the pressure of the three of them. The veins on her neck were bulging, her skin was red all over, she kept screaming strangely, and the lower half of her face was covered in blood.
Colin could feel something invade her body.

If nothing else
She should have sat where there was a "person" and was invaded.

"She, she is our classmate, my junior sister."

Tang Xiao glanced at the gun in Ke Lin's hand, swallowed his throat, but still insisted on speaking.

'I can't see it, it's quite righteous, no wonder you are a bit of a backbone in the conversation just now. '

Ke Lin pursed his lips, opened the neckline of the windbreaker, took out a bundle of nylon rope and a pack of gauze and threw them over: "Then you guys solve it yourself, deal with it, and sit back in your original seat as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely become like her." Same."

He didn't have the idea of ​​forcibly intervening, anyway, it seemed that the problem was not big, and a bundle of ropes could solve the problem.

"Thank you, thank you." Tang Xiao nodded blankly. He was ready to fight for his life just now. After all, it's not like they have no chance at this distance, but he didn't expect such a development in the end.

Not only did the stranger not try to threaten them with the gun in his hand, but he also helped them.

"You'd better not put her in the original seat for a while."

Ke Lin didn't know what they were thinking, so he turned back after speaking, stepped on his own footprints, and returned to his seat.

"Judging from her performance after being invaded, the danger should be within my tolerance range, but I don't know if her condition will improve after leaving here."

Colin thought to himself.

He never thought of helping the other party expel the "people" in her body.
It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that he can't do it. He can't do it himself, and he doesn't have the props to do it.

However, although Colin can't solve the problem, he can solve the person who caused the problem.

If it really doesn't work, kill that woman, and the "person" possessing her will most likely return to his seat naturally.

"Hey, my current thought is to kill her. There are obviously other ways, such as further imprisoning her, although it is a bit troublesome."

Colin squeezed his forehead. With the experience of this period of time, coupled with the subtle impression of "lycanthropy", he seemed to have become a little indifferent, and he didn't take other people's lives seriously.

After a few more 10 minutes, it was finally quiet in the back, and they seemed to have finally realized that there was a big problem with the car they were in, who were completely sober.

The atmosphere gradually became a little heavy.

"What to do, Brother Xiao, our mobile phone seems to have no signal, intermittently, we can't make calls at all, and every time we call the police, it is cut off before we can talk."

"We still have a chance to leave, no, this car has been driving for almost three hours this time, and it still hasn't stopped."

"Who is that person? I always feel that he seems very powerful. Shall we ask him for help? He seemed to be quite talkative just now. Hiss, my face hurts. She gnawed off a piece of my meat."

"Don't bother that big brother, we don't know him very well, and he has a gun in his hand, that's definitely a real guy!"

Tang Xiao shook his head. Compared with this train, he was instinctively more afraid of guns and other murderous weapons.

Who the hell can carry a gun through security?

And why does he seem to be familiar with this train?
After a pause, Tang Xiao continued: "If we arrive at the station in a while, we will get off the car immediately and take Chen Xiaoling to the hospital."

Several college students communicated in low voices, but what they didn't know was that Colin overheard their conversation without missing a beat.

"Hope everything goes well."

Ke Lin silently prayed to the other party, then took out the parchment, and found that during this mission, although the "Trading Field" function was not available, the "Interaction Hall" could be used, but the message could not be sent.

But it's good to peek at their chat content to maintain a good mood.
Almost an hour later.

Suddenly there was a "dang, clang, clang" sound in the train compartment.

The fog outside the car window is starting to fade
Everyone, including Colin, realized that this was a signal that the train was about to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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