Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 83 The Loyal Miser

Chapter 83 The Loyal Miser

Not knowing who started it, everyone felt their stomachs rolling and convulsing, with a strong sense of nausea and vomiting.

For a moment, the air was filled with the smell of blood and some kind of vomit.

Ke Lin was not surprised. He skillfully took out an N99 mask and put it on for himself, then glanced at the group of bent over retching people still standing at the car door.

This kind of scene is still a bit too advanced for them who have not yet come out of society.

After thinking for a while, Colin got up and walked over, took out a thin blanket, and covered the pale corpse. A large amount of blood was absorbed by the blanket, staining it red.

At this time, the few people who saw Colin's arrival seemed to have finally regained their senses.

"What were those just now? What is this train? Can you help us, please." Someone held his chest to suppress vomiting, looked at Colin, and his words were a little messy.

"It's useless to ask me. I don't know where this is. I'm here for the first time. As for the others, my suggestion is that you'd better go back to your previous seats. If you don't want to die, don't run around. Don't expect I can save you, because I might not survive."

As he spoke, Colin took out a bandage, a condom, and a small packet of painkillers from his pocket, and threw them over:

"Treat the wound of the severed hand yourself to stop the bleeding."

Colin reminded, regardless of whether they heard it clearly or not, he returned to his position.

Several people watched Colin leave and wanted to speak, but they didn't say anything in the end.

Not long after, the remaining six people walked through the corridor between the seats with complicated and fearful expressions, and returned to their seats with lifeless faces.

At this moment, there is a thick white mist outside the car window
"Where was the place just now? Is there such a ghost place in this world?"

Colin's mood was not affected much. After all, no matter whether it was dead or weird, he had actually seen quite a lot during this time.

It's just that, compared to "World Number-13", this place seems even weirder.

"It's a pity that I didn't buy the 'Book of Fortune' this time, otherwise I would have to use one to see what I would encounter."

Colin murmured in a low voice, curious about the place he had just seen in his heart.

He could feel the horror and danger of that place.

Fortunately, at present, after arriving at the station, even if there is danger outside, as long as you don't get off the bus, you don't have to worry too much.

Those non-human beings seem to be full of fear of the train and will not easily try to get on the train.

Otherwise, he might be the only one alive in this car now.

"It seems that not every monster at the station is like that just now, sometimes they should also choose to attack the train"

Colin recalled the traces he saw before getting into the car, and guessed that they were probably left by monsters in various strange places.

It's just that he is more worried about the situation in the compartment now than those that have passed.

After one stop, Colin obviously felt an inexplicable sense of oppression from the steel giant.

Moreover, some ominous things could be vaguely felt in some seats.

But neither smell nor naked eyes can observe them, at most they can only slightly feel that there are "people" in those positions through intuition.

It's like, you know someone is there, but you just can't see it.

"According to my colleagues, as long as you don't do three stops, you'll be fine. It shouldn't be a big problem, but no matter what, you still have to do a little bit of preparation."

Thinking of this, Ke Lin took out the special prop "The Servant of Money" in the shape of a ring, and put it on his left middle finger.

Then, he took out 100 yuan from his pocket.

The ring-wearing hand held one end of the banknote and stretched forward slightly, making a gesture that seemed to be passing the money to someone else.

The next second, Colin felt that the hanging part of the other end of the banknote was suddenly pinched and pulled back.
Although there was obviously no one in front of his line of sight, he could still feel that something was competing with him for the ownership of the banknote.

The force from the banknotes was getting stronger and stronger, and the hundred-yuan bill was stretched straight under the pull of both hands, as if it would be torn from the middle at any time.

The two sides stalemate for a while, and finally, Ke Lin let go, watching 100 yuan being pulled into the air and disappearing.

At the same time, faint breathing came from one side.

Ke Lin's heart skipped a beat, he turned his head, and saw a figure of medium stature beside him at some point, looking down at him silently with his head down.

This figure was wearing a middle-aged and elderly brown shirt, with a sack on his head, and a nine-tube mahjong sticker on the sack.

It was the "miser" who had just been summoned.

"Hiss, the way this thing appears is so weird every time."

Colin let out a little breath.

He tried this piece of equipment yesterday, and after summoning it, it appeared behind him silently like a ghost.

This needs to be replaced by someone with a bad heart, who might be scared to death on the spot.

However, for this thing that he summoned, Colin can indeed feel that there is an invisible connection between himself and the other party
In this connection, he with the ring is on the side of the "dominant".

You can open your mouth to give orders to make the other party obey.

"Speaking of which, the instructions say that it must be loyal to the ring-bearer within twelve hours."

Ke Lin muttered to himself, looked at the nine barrels on its face, and decided to test the loyalty of this "good brother".

"Can you give me back the 100 yuan you just took from me?"

no response
The "miser" stood motionless, as if he did not hear this instruction.

This made Colin a little disappointed: "It's not so absolute."

I didn't expect that I found a loophole when I just got started with this prop.

However, in terms of other spoken commands, the "good brother" in front of me can still execute them very well. No matter what posture, he can do it easily or as much as possible, and can be effectively executed——

Except paying back the money.

Even if Colin asks him to break his own finger, he will execute it without hesitation. If he breaks the little finger that does not affect the remaining value so much, he will execute all instructions even if it is self-harm at all costs——

Except paying back the money.

In addition, the "good brother" is as rational as a normal person, and can understand slightly complicated instructions from a human standpoint.

If it wasn't for the inconvenient scene, he even wanted to ask the other party if he could do math problems, write papers, etc.
However, after thinking about it for a while, Ke Lin started the final test, took out 100 yuan from his pocket, and wanted to see how the "good brother" would react.

Still no action.

It seems to have been lost by the previous 100 yuan, don't worry, others take the money and let it eat the owner.

"No wonder it's called 'Scrooge'."

Ke Lin sat on the seat, thought for a while, then took out a kitchen knife from the [storage room], handed it to the other party, and then pointed to a seat on the left without "people":

"Sit next to me, if there is danger, protect me at all costs, you know?"

He was actually very curious about what would happen if he let his "good brother" sit where there was a "person", but in the end he followed the instructions of his heart and didn't do that.

The "good brother" who had already broken off a little finger of his left hand, who would rather die than pay back the money, nodded, took the kitchen knife, sat next to Ke Lin, and made a loyal move to kill someone. attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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