Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 84 Dark City

Chapter 84 Dark City
"Bang bang bang bang."

There was a regular sound coming from under the train floor, and Colin took out his phone to check the time—ten o'clock in the morning.

It had been almost six hours since the last stop.

"It doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon."

Colin glanced out the window, but found no signs of slowing down. He had thought that the train would stop every four or five hours.

But now it seems that the high probability is random
Staying in the small compartment and not seeing the train arriving at the station for a long time, Ke Lin couldn't help but feel a little wandering in his mind.

He was a little curious, who made this train, was it also a manufacturer in the campfire company?Or simply from an extraterrestrial civilization?
What is the purpose of its existence, just to pass through various abnormally dangerous places?
And if he uses "time stagnation" now, what will happen to this train?
Thoughts flashed through his mind one by one, but Colin didn't necessarily want to get the answer, but simply thought about it.

And behind him, the group of people was quite peaceful, except for the student who had broken his arm and groaned in pain from time to time.

He didn't feel much when his hand was severed at first, but after waiting for a while, he gradually felt the pain coming from the severed section.

But what surprised Colin was that this guy didn't complain too much except for occasionally cursing and venting his emotions.

"It's a pity that the palm was taken away by the monster, otherwise I might let him try the 'Gluttony Mark' experiment, can you directly connect the severed limbs?"

Ke Lin's proficiency with the pile of props on his body is not very high. If he has the opportunity, he will definitely try to learn more.

But now, the palm is gone, the bleeding has stopped, and it’s enough to save his life. He is not his employee, and Colin has no idea of ​​further help.

Shaking his head, he restrained his thoughts, leaned back against the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

I don't know how long
With his eyes closed, Ke Lin keenly noticed that the interval between the "clang" sounds of the train was a little longer, which seemed to indicate that the speed of the train had slowed down.

"Are you going to stop again?"

Colin opened his eyes, straightened his body, and listened carefully to make sure that the train was indeed slowing down.

At this moment, the time display on the mobile phone has reached 53:[-].

At this time, Ke Lin heard footsteps approaching. He turned his head and saw "Brother Xiao" among the group of people behind him walking up with anxiety.

Tang Xiao glanced palpitatingly at the person holding a kitchen knife and wearing a nine-tube hood. If he remembered correctly, this person probably wasn't a person, but appeared out of nowhere.

"what's up?"

Seeing Ke Lin's gaze, Tang Xiao's body trembled, and then he suppressed his uneasiness and said, "Can I get out of the car later?"

He probably also guessed now that the guy in front of him who seemed to be the same age as him was probably a special member who specialized in dealing with some supernatural things.

Next, if you want to live, the only way is to rely on each other.

Coupled with what he just encountered, he no longer dared to take chances and make his own opinions like he did just now.

"I don't know, let's have a look. You should go back to your seat first."

Colin shook his head and didn't give an immediate idea, and he wasn't sure if the place where the train stopped next was safe or not.

After the people returned to their seats, a while later, the train whistled again to indicate that it was about to stop.

The white mist outside the car window quickly faded away.
This time, the train seemed to be on a road with rows of bright incandescent street lamps on both sides.

The outline of a city with high-rise buildings quickly appeared in front of everyone as the white fog faded.

Seeing the very modern city outside the car window, the people behind were visibly excited—this time it is a serious city, so there must be something else to do, right?

However, before they could be happy, Colin poured cold water on them.

"Don't get out of the car."

After a pause, Colin added with extreme unease in his heart: "Check the time on your mobile phones, and then look carefully out of the window."

Hearing this, the few people were taken aback for a moment, took out their mobile phones to check the time, and then glanced at the dark city outside the window, feeling a strong sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

Right now
Noon, 57:[-]:[-].

The night still dominates the land, and the faint starlight can barely outline the outline of the city, making those towering skyscrapers look like silent and helpless giants crouching at this moment.

Ke Lin was sitting in the car, looking at the empty dark city outside the window through the car window, he felt his scalp tingling, and his body and mind were gradually enveloped by an indescribable sense of suffocation.

"What the hell kind of place is this? The aura of 'lycanthropy' in my body was so frightened that I shrank into a ball!"

Colin was terrified. He felt the aura of "lycanthropy" in his body shrinking, and conveyed a trembling feeling of extreme panic.

This is the first time this has happened!
At the beginning, even facing the "hunger" with eighteen arms like a Buddha statue, this kind of thing didn't happen.

But now, Ke Lin obviously hasn't touched anything yet, so he can't help but tremble all over
This is enough to show that the horror that exists in this ghost place now far surpasses everything encountered in the number 13 world!
In the gradually intensified panic, Ke Lin's thinking was rusty and difficult to operate. He vaguely felt some invisible sticky tentacles sliding on the surface of his body, and his limbs were stuck in a swamp, making it difficult to move. The desperate suffocation slowly disappeared. Penetrates into the body through the pores.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and his chest became more and more difficult to breathe, as if his neck was being strangled.

But at this moment
A contradictory aura of warmth and scorching heat emerged from one side pocket of the windbreaker.

When it appeared, the fear in the body was quickly smoothed away.


Ke Lin broke free from the fear, ignored the coolness brought by the cold sweat, took out the thing that brought warmth, and found that it was the orange revolver that hadn't shown much so far.

It was hot for some reason at the moment, and the heat it conveyed was like a raging fire, quickly pouring into his body, and while it brought a strange sense of comfort, it burned away the inexplicably intense fear that was almost substantive.

"Now it has the performance of an 'orange outfit'."

Colin took a deep breath, grabbed the revolver, raised his right hand, and wiped the sweat on his neck with his sleeve, feeling much better.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked behind him, and found that although those people had the same scared faces, their reactions were still within the normal range.

"It's unscientific. I was scared to death and almost lost my mind. Is there anything wrong with them?"

Colin thought for a moment, and quickly guessed that this thing seems to be aimed at people with certain extraordinary abilities?
But speaking of which, what is this city?
Ke Lin always felt that the outline of the city looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember the specifics at all for a while.

Just then, the train that had been running for nearly eight hours stopped.

But this time, the door only opened symbolically, before opening for more than a second, it snapped shut again, and then the train started again.

 First send and then change

(End of this chapter)

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