Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 85 1 a lot

Chapter 85 A lot

"I don't think you want to come to this place, so why do you want to come here! Are you kidding me?"

Listening to the sound of "Dangdang" echoing in the carriage, Ke Lin couldn't help but complain from the bottom of his heart.

But when he saw the train starting, he was somewhat relieved. The city was so weird and terrifying. He didn't see anything, and he was so frightened that he almost fainted.

If it hadn't been for the "rebel" showing his power for the first time, he might have passed out.

When the time comes, something else pops up, so it's okay?

The level of horror here is much higher than that of the straw bushes before!

It definitely belongs to the kind of scary place where even if there is a "book of fortune telling", it can't be easily used to test the danger!

Because in that way, the feedback brought after the end of the "Book of Fortune Telling" alone has a certain probability of causing him to die suddenly.

"Speaking of which, where exactly is that place? It's twelve o'clock at noon but it's dark. Could it be the time difference? The time difference is at least seven or eight hours. The city in America?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. I just saw that most of the places are marked in Chinese, and some road signs and guidelines are domestic, but they are too far away, and they seem to be worn out, so I didn't see the details."

"And looking at the outlines of those high-rise buildings, it seems that they are still first-tier or new-tier big cities, but if there is any big city that has fallen abnormally, it is impossible to hide it."

While thinking about it, Ke Lin suddenly felt something, raised his head, and saw a bridge across the river appearing outside the car window that was gradually covered by white mist.

With his extraordinary eyesight, he vaguely saw the words "Xupu Bridge" engraved in large red characters on the head of the towering bridge that pulls a large number of steel cables.

I seem to have heard of it, but not much impression.
However, before he could think about it, Colin's heart skipped a beat. There was a whistling electric sound in his ears, and the gas lamps in the train compartment became flickering.

A strong premonition told him that something terrible was approaching!

"Close your eyes all, hold on to your seat, don't move, don't look!"

Colin yelled and ignored the others. He closed his eyes, put his feet on the seat in front, and grabbed the armrest with both hands.

Just two seconds after he finished all this, the listed carriage shook violently, as if hit by some huge object.

The wheels of the train rubbed against the rails, making a whining sound of metal scraping.

Behind him were the panic and screams of others.
It's just that the scream didn't last long, and it didn't know what happened, it stopped abruptly like a rooster with its throat cut off.

At the same time, even with his eyes closed, he could feel that the lights in the car seemed to be off.

A cold feeling invaded the inside.

The speed of the entire train slowed down significantly, as if being dragged by some invisible force, and it was difficult to move when it was stuck in a quagmire.

"Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin"

In the cold darkness, Colin seemed to hear someone calling his name, but he didn't dare to respond, and silently shifted his attention to Bi's things.

Like singing a ballad with the words "This is the last fight"
This made Colin feel much better in his heart, at least he would not be fooled by the voice that came from nowhere.

The train shook further and further, as if it was about to derail at any time, but fortunately, even when the shaking was the most violent, it kept moving forward steadily.

a few minutes later
The shaking of the train carriage gradually disappeared, light appeared outside the closed eyelids, and the speed of the train seemed to gradually recover.

"All right?"

Colin had some guesses, but he waited for a long time before tentatively opening his eyes. Then his breath stagnated, and he almost jumped up from his seat.

All I saw was an obviously raised outline of a human face on the window glass of the train beside him, which was less than ten centimeters away from him.

But fortunately, the train got out of trouble in time, and he didn't have any contact with that unknown thing.

"It feels like the thing that just called my name."

Colin glanced at other parts of the car window, and found that there were dents and signs of damage in many places in the car, and the glass was left with heart-rending nail scratches one after another by unknown things.

Obviously, during the time when the train just encountered a location attack, there must be something trying to get in here.

However, it seems that they all failed in the end.

And as the train escaped smoothly, the face glass beside Ke Lin slowly recovered, and the scratches and cracks disappeared little by little. The train began to repair itself like a living body.

"The quality is really good. There are so many damages that seem to be terrible. I didn't let a little wind leak in. Now I have the self-healing ability. It really feels like a living metal creature."

Colin muttered, and turned his head to look at the nine-barreled "Scrooge". It was still the same as before, and it didn't seem to have any problems.

His eyes skipped over him, and then he glanced at the group of college students behind him, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, all in good condition
Well, there seems to be no problem.

Although this sudden encounter was extremely horrifying, fortunately there was no shortage of people, and there was no attrition.

Unlike the last time, one person died after going out.

Colin withdrew his gaze, leaned back on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief. He could get out of the car and complete the task of the first ring at the next stop.

"This promotion task is so difficult, it's just scary."

Ke Lin shook his head, checking himself for abnormalities. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

At the same time, in the city shrouded in darkness, after the "fog train" slowly disappeared, a crimson light suddenly appeared below the city.

Immediately afterwards, a red "moon" quietly poked its head out of the dark high-rise buildings, as if watching the train going away.

The scarlet light instantly covered the entire city because of its appearance.
But not long after, everything returned to darkness, and the red "moon" disappeared.

Ke Lin's eyelids twitched twice, and he felt inexplicably palpitated as if he was glanced at by something.

But this feeling came and went quickly, like an illusion.

So, he didn't care too much
And at this moment, after passing through that strange city, Colin suddenly felt completely tired, more sleepy than running in that foreign world for seven days and seven nights.

I looked at the time, it was twelve past seventeen.

"According to the rules of this train, I'm afraid the next time it stops, it may already be at night."

Colin thought about it, and decided to eat something and take a deep rest.

Otherwise, if he continued with the next task in his current state, he might accidentally capsize in the gutter because of his state.

Generally speaking, safety can still be guaranteed when the train is running.

However, just ten minutes after Ke Lin closed his eyes, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, a scream rang out from the rear of the train carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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