Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 86 Special Monsters

Chapter 86 Special Monsters
"What happened again?"

Colin opened his eyes and looked behind him. With a headache, he found that another guy had gone crazy. The reason was obviously that he was possessed and lost his mind because he sat in a position with a "person".

At this time, two students came and asked him anxiously for help: "Brother, save me, some of us suddenly went crazy for some reason!"

"Didn't you know that you can't sit around in the seat!"

Colin said with some displeasure, but he also guessed in his heart that it was very likely that someone accidentally sat in another seat during the shaking of the train just now.

Looking at the students who came here for help, after thinking about it, Ke Lin was going to give them a set of ropes as before, and let them solve the problem by themselves.

After all, before six people could handle it in a hurry, it must be easier for nine people to solve it now
The action of taking things out suddenly stopped. Colin frowned, his eyes lowered slightly, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. How many people were there before?

Like six?No, then why are there nine now? To be precise, there are a total of ten people including those who were pushed to the ground and went crazy.

"No, no! I'm not sure about the exact number of people, but one thing is certain is that the number of people doesn't match my impression, and there must be something mixed in!"

Colin noticed the problem, but at the moment when he realized that the problem was wrong, a sense of crisis suddenly broke out.

He suddenly saw that these two "students" suddenly flew towards him, and in the process, several blood lines suddenly appeared on their heads.

Then, starting from these lines of blood, their heads suddenly changed shape, split into five petals like a flower, and attacked him like a strange scarlet mouth.

Colin, who had just realized that something was wrong, was about to fight back, but it was a little too late. At this critical moment, the nine-barrel "miser" risked his life to block Colin from the side.

He picked up the kitchen knife given by Colin and wanted to attack, but the monster attacked faster
With a snap.

The head of the nine-tube "miser" was instantly wrapped by the five petal-like mouth, and in an instant, it was directly torn off his neck.

Although the other "student" launched the attack at the same time, the distance was a little half a meter away.

Bang bang bang!
Three bullets were fired one after another, hitting the weird head, knocking it back directly, and then Colin moved his wrist, aimed at another monster and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

After a few bullets went down, it let out a scream, spit out the nine-tube head that it had just swallowed, and fell to the ground, struggled softly twice, and then became silent.

Colin sniffed his nose, and through the smell, he was sure that they were dead.

"Although the attack seems to be high, but the blood is low, and a bullet hits the vital part and can kill it."

Colin glanced at the two limp corpses that seemed to have no bones on the ground, and soon gained a certain understanding of their habits.

At the same time, the miser who blocked an attack for him and lost his head fell on the seat, twitched a few times and then began to evaporate, turning into a cloud of gray mist and disappearing.

The kitchen knife fell to the ground with a bang as he disappeared.

"Go well."

Colin bent down to pick up the kitchen knife, and stood up again. In the process, his eyes changed into erect animal pupils.

Then, he put away the kitchen knife and picked up the revolver, and walked towards the eight people in a mess at the back of the carriage.


Tang Xiao and the others pressed on the students who had just been subdued. Seeing Ke Lin, who was expressionless but murderous as he walked step by step, they couldn't help feeling that the blood flowing in their bodies was a little coagulated.

They didn't know exactly what happened to Ke Lin just now, what they saw in their eyes was probably: two classmates who went to ask for help were shot and killed by the other party without saying a word.

So when they saw Colin approaching, they felt only panic in their hearts.

Especially the opponent's inhuman vertical pupils.
Those are definitely not the eyes that humans should have!

At this time, a student anxiously tried to explain: "We, we just subdued him, he should be fine."

"Well, good job."

Colin's beastly pupils reflected the opponent's true appearance, and he nodded expressionlessly and said:

"Reward you with a peanut."

After all, he raised his hand and aimed a gun at the opponent's head.

The bullet made a small gash in his head.

Its body trembled a few times, and fell softly to the ground, its body becoming weak and boneless like a squid.

The few people who were shocked by Ke Lin's casual shooting looked at the corpse dumbfounded and speechless.

Colin did not continue to shoot, but asked:

"Do you remember how many people were there when you got into the car?"

"It seems to be eight? No, it seems not sure."

As soon as a few people opened their mouths to answer, they immediately realized something was wrong. They were not sure how many people were there when they got in the car!

'Eight?How do you calculate, seven people here, plus the half corpse at the car door?Didn't you count just a few? '

Colin fired another bullet and directly killed the "classmate" who was subdued by them. The body twitched twice and became limp and shriveled like a punctured balloon.


Several people were startled and jumped away from the grotesque corpse.

"What about now?" Colin asked again.

"Seven, only seven! We have six here, and one is Sister Chen, and then there will be no more"

"Seven? That's right."

Colin nodded. At this moment, it is certain that as long as this monster is alive, no matter whether it is crazy or not, it will have a special ability to modify cognition.

This effect lasts until you kill them.

In addition, the number of them seems to be increasing. Colin remembers seeing eight before he closed his eyes for a rest, but when he opened his eyes, the number suddenly became ten.

If it wasn't for the special situation in the compartment, one of them might not be able to find out if one of them sat in the seat with a "person"!

If there are more and more of them, and there are so many that the carriages cannot be crowded, I am afraid that it will be more troublesome to deal with.

"What are they?" Looking at the strange corpse on the ground, several people couldn't help asking, trying to get an answer from Colin.

"It should be from that city. I don't know exactly what it is. Anyway, compared to this, I will get off at the next stop. It may not be safe there. Should I go with me or stay here and wait for a safer place?" Get out of the car, you better make preparations early."

After speaking, Colin was about to turn around and return to his seat, waiting for the train to arrive at the next station.

According to the urine nature of this train, it is estimated that the next stop will not be a safe place.

But at this moment, Ke Lin, who had just turned around, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, turned around again, looked at the group of people in front of him again, and said:

"Show me all your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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