Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 90 The Cleaner

Chapter 90 The Cleaner (First Order)
'The Great Wall defenders?The name of the official force?Did he mistook me for someone who came to help? '

Ke Lin was thoughtful, and waited for the other party to catch his breath before asking:
"Who are you? What's going on here?"

He did not directly answer the other party's question, and this attitude, in the eyes of the other party, was equivalent to a default identity.

"I'm the local cleaner, Chen Hu. I received an order to come here to deal with it, and then..."

The middle-aged man in the gray shirt who called himself Chen Hu paused and noticed the people behind Ke Lin.

Compared with the calm-faced Ke Lin, those haggard young people could tell what was going on at a glance, and they were obviously ordinary people.

Cleaner?The words "order" and "investigation" don't quite go together with cleaners, do they?

Another name that represents a special identity?

"I rescued it, it's okay, you continue."

Ke Lin didn't make any further explanations, but waved his hand, motioning for Chen Hu to continue.

Soon, he learned from Chen Hu that they had received an entrustment, saying that an evil underground temple was dug out during civil engineering construction in a township, and all the people who approached the temple disappeared for unknown reasons.
At that time, none of the civil engineering brothers who were working on the construction site were left behind, and all of them disappeared without a trace.

Afterwards, the cleaners at the local sanitation station who were notified immediately started to act, but soon discovered that the danger at the source was beyond imagination, and they were no longer able to handle it.

Immediately while evacuating the local people, they asked the relevant superiors for help.
Coincidentally, a member of the "Great Wall" seemed to be passing through here, and came as soon as they received the request.

Originally full of confidence, I thought everything would be resolved smoothly.

But the so-called elite "Border Guard" team suffered heavy losses after entering, and only a few people came out, and then things in the township further escalated, and everyone found that there was no way to escape here
Keep walking in a certain direction, and you will definitely return to the township in the end, just like a ghost hitting a wall.

"The matter is temporarily suppressed now, but it cannot be resolved, and we can only wait for support."

As he said that, the pale Chen Hu looked around Ke Lin again: "Where are the others? Where are they now?"

Usually a standard team of "border guards" has at least 13 people, but here there is only one person.

other people?There are no other people, just me. Colin grumbled in his heart, and said calmly:
"They are in other places. After we arrive, we will directly disperse and collect information"

"Scattered collection of information?" The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment. Isn't this a big taboo in dealing with abnormal events without knowing the specific situation?
Aren't the rules and regulations strictly required not to mess around like this?
Ke Lin glanced at the half-set sun: "Since there will be problems when it is dark, now take me to those 'border guards' who escaped. I need to know more about the situation. Set up a survivor."

"Yes, yes, others."

"I'll notify them later."

"All right."

Chen Hu didn't say much, he knew that every "border guard" had his own style, maybe the one in front of him had some special methods, so he dared to separate them out like this?

Then, he began to lead the way, leading Colin towards a certain direction of the town.

"For the sake of safety, the people in the area are now housed in the large factory building to the north, and members of another team of 'Border Guards' are also in that place."

Looking at Chen Hu who was leading the way halfway forward, Ke Lin narrowed his eyes slightly. Of course he didn't fully believe what the other party said.

because all along
In his eyes, the thing speaking in front of him was not a normal human being at all, but a strange creature with a human skin and an unknown inside.

'Perhaps there may be someone like Chen Hu, but it is definitely not the one in front of me, or he has been parasitized by him long ago. '

'Is this the anomaly here?A monster talking in human skin? '

'It seems that the IQ level is not low. If you don't have some means, it's really not easy to tell, but what is he going to do to trick me? '

While thinking about it, Colin reached into his pocket and took out the "Fake Strong" sticker to use it at any time.

If there is danger at that time, he should be able to obtain five valid certifications at once.

Coupled with Gold Card, Bone Spur, and Snow Girl. Ke Lin also has some strength in himself, and can deal with the troubles in front of him.

But if there is only this unknown creature in front of him.
He may be able to solve it easily without using any other means.

Of course, before that, he had to collect enough information before killing the opponent.

At this time, Chen Hu didn't know what came to mind, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Mr. Lin, would you like to reveal which aspect of your team mainly masters the three major arts?"

Three techniques?What the hell is this?Is it the power system of the relevant departments?

Question marks popped up in Colin's mind, but he said without expression on his face: "This is not something people of your level should understand."

From what the other party said before, he can be sure that the level of the "cleaner" should be lower than that of the "border guard".

"I understand."

Chen Hu was worried that the other party would see through his true identity, so he didn't ask any more questions, and continued to lead the way.

Less than 10 minutes later, Ke Lin saw what the other party said was a large factory building, with gray and white stone walls, blue painted iron sheets, and an empty inside of the factory building.

No one can be seen inside, but there are quite a few of the same inhuman smell hidden in it.

Ke Lin can roughly confirm through the smell that these people are not much stronger than the "Chen Hu" in front of him.

There seemed to be no peculiar smell of gunpowder in the air.

After confirming this, Colin walked in with confidence.

The moment they walked in, the door of the large factory building was suddenly closed with a bang, and a force instantly sealed the place.


Ke Lin frowned, and looked at "Chen Hu" in front of him: "Where are the other survivors you mentioned?"

"Mr. Lin."

Chen Hu turned around suddenly, showing a strange smile: "It seems that we are very lucky, we stopped the people who came to support first, and we were lucky to catch a single 'border guard'.

"It's a pity that you didn't call everyone, otherwise we will gain more
"I believe that if you donate your flesh and blood to 'Red Moon Mother', she will be very happy!"

During the conversation, as many as ten or twenty people stood up from various positions in the large factory building.

At the same time, Chen Hu's body began to twist in a weird posture, lying on the ground, arching his butt high.

Then, his buttocks cracked, and a blood-red sarcoid grew rapidly, and soon turned into a strange creature with trembling tentacles and strange shapes.

Not only him, but other people also developed strange and huge sarcoma in different positions at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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