Chapter 91
"Toriko is really big, there are all kinds of forests!"

Ke Lin looked at the huge sarcoma growing on the split buttocks in front of him, with a surprised expression on his face, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He thought that he had traveled all over the world in the past half a month, and he was quite knowledgeable.

No matter how strange those inhuman creatures look, they won't be surprised, but this is the first time I've seen "hemorrhoids" become fine.

If it wasn't for the lack of a keyboard, he would have to buckle a "6".


A long whip of tentacles was thrown suddenly, making a sound in the air, and aimed directly at Ke Lin's door.

"Not fast enough."

Colin simply took a step back and easily dodged the attack.

The falling tentacles made a clear track on the concrete floor with a snap.

'Generally, people are either dead or maimed after being dumped like this, but for me, it might just bleed a little bit. '

Colin stepped back, took a brief look at the imprint, and estimated the enemy's strength from the bottom of his heart.

While thinking about it, another extended meat whip was thrown towards him. Colin dodged it again, and at the same time drew his gun backhand, aiming at the "hemorrhoid spirit" three times, and the bullet immediately shot three bloods on its surface Hole.

"Ah!" The hemosarcoma trembled in pain, but did not die from it.

"The vitality is not weak." Colin nodded, feeling that his revolver really had to find a way to repair it. The current function is somewhat weak.

If you shoot fast and accurately, the damage is the same as scraping.
A set of clip emptying spells does no damage.

If you use explosive bombs like the "Rabbit" Legion, you may be able to solve it with one shot.

"You bloody weakling ant!"

The human part of the "Hemorrhoid Essence" lying on the ground made a distorted sound, and then crawled on the ground distorted like a scorpion, pounced fiercely again, and shook the bloody tentacles.

And after it, more than a dozen also had human parts, but the main body was a flesh and blood tumor growing all over the body, rushing over, intending to tear the thing in front of it into pieces and use it as a sacrifice to "Mother Red Moon"!
Colin looked at the tentacles that were thrown like a skynet, and put away his contempt, avoiding the attacks again and again and starting to pull.

He had to make sure that there were only so many monsters on the scene, so as not to miss anything.

If they were allowed to escape, they might attract even more troublesome enemies.

Of course, using blended oil and burning them through the "Ring of the Flame Dominator" is also a way, but thinking of the pain of being burned together.

Colin would rather be a little more troublesome.

It's just that in the face of so many tentacles, no matter how well he hides, he will inevitably get hit once or twice, his clothes will be ripped, and the marks on his skin after being whipped will look quite embarrassing.

"Run? It's useless to run! Obediently let's get caught!"

"This place has been banned by us, you can no longer contact your teammates!"

"Cooperate, maybe we can make you feel more comfortable."

Seeing that Ke Lin had repeatedly escaped like the loach, the monsters surrounding him couldn't help but start yelling.


Ke Lin flung himself sideways to avoid the falling meat whip, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth——

With so many monsters surrounding him, he didn't trigger his passive ability "Fatal Insight" once, so one can imagine how powerful they are.

That's right, this is the enemy that a normal "F-rank" mission should face!
Ten seconds later, after confirming that there were no more monsters, Colin stopped dodging and rushed into the crowd of monsters instead.

"Looking for death! Die for me!"

"Hemorrhoid essence" swung several tentacles on the meat ball and threw them over at the same time.

Including it, dozens of tentacles and meat whips criss-crossed, like a skynet covering it.

However, at the moment when these attacks were about to touch Colin, an invisible engine sound that only Colin could hear exploded.

All enemies within a radius of ten meters are dragged into a special position of frozen time and space——

Smash Valudo!

Colin turned his hand over and took out the bone spurs of the special personnel, stabbed them casually, and debuffed all these guys.

Da da da.
When the sound of the pointer sounded in his ears, Colin had already finished harvesting.

At this moment, the hemosarcomas only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and they saw Colin appearing somewhere else as if flashing.

Although they didn't understand the situation, they raised their tentacles again and were about to launch an attack, but they found that their bodies sank, and a terrifying sharp pain suddenly came from a certain point on their bodies.

This wave of pain surged like a tide, swallowing their consciousness almost instantly.


Painful wailing suddenly echoed in the workshop.

They only felt that a stream of filthy liquid was constantly pouring into the wounds that appeared in their bodies at unknown times.

The blood-colored sarcoma continued to swell, like a balloon, and the tentacles frantically whipped in the air on the verge of death, hoping to relieve the pain.

"Ahh! What did you do to us!?"

The "hemorrhoid essence" that swelled to the point of continuously spurting blood fell to the ground and rolled, making a painful sound.

"Hemorrhoid elimination, one injection works."

Colin muttered to himself, but looked at them blankly.

After more than ten seconds, the wailing gradually stopped, and the fleshy tumors were flattened one by one, and turbid black body fluid flowed out of the body like a rag bag
After they died completely, the effect of the "filth" injection finally stopped.

"This bone spur hasn't been rated yet, if you give it to the company for rating, at least it's a purple starting item"

Ke Lin watched them die and felt a faint phantom pain in his lower back.

Except for the incarnation of the "Ancient God" who failed to use it that time, at other times, as long as he was stabbed, he would die, and there have been no exceptions.

Worthy of being the strongest offensive prop on him.
Then, he turned around and glanced at the trembling people hiding in the corner.

These few people were lucky, those tumor-shaped creatures probably didn't think they were a threat, so they didn't attack them.

Then, Ke Lin turned his head to look at the group of people at the gate, and raised his eyebrows:

"What about you? Who are you again?"

Just now he wanted to leave a "hemorrhoid essence" to ask more specific information, but a group of people who just came over made him give up these ideas.

At this moment, at the gate, there are six more professionals wearing gray and black combat uniforms, who look very professional at first glance.

These people seemed to have rushed over when he was fighting those monsters just now.


The leader among these few people looked at Ke Lin standing on the "mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood", and his mind was still a little dazed.

They had discovered Colin through the camera reserved outside. Although he was young, something was wrong, but they realized right away that it might be a feedback from the call for help, and finally sent someone to deal with it.

But just as they were about to send someone to get in touch with Colin, they saw that the other party was fooled away by the group of cultists.

(End of this chapter)

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