Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 92 The Anomaly in the Township

Chapter 92 The Anomaly in the Township
As a result, the cleaners in the entire sanitation station couldn't sit still, and used their last strength to organize a group of people to rescue Colin.

In their view, the people who came to support, even the captain of the "Border Guard" team, faced such a group of enemies, if they did mental calculations or did not intend to, most of them would have big problems!
This foreign supporter is their only hope!

But unexpectedly, what they saw when they came over was only a very strange scene.

Everything on the scene happened to be at a standstill, and they didn't know what happened, so they didn't dare to enter
But within a few seconds, the scene in front of them suddenly changed, and the number of cultists who gave them a headache all fell to the ground for some reason.

All died in a very painful way before long.

They don't even know what happened on the scene.

The people sent by the organization this time are a bit strong.

Looking at the corpses there, there was only one word in their minds - random killing.

However, before they could continue to be dazed, they heard Colin's inquiry.

The six people looked at each other, and then, the only female among the six stood up and introduced herself: "We belong to the sanitation personnel of Shanniao Town Sanitation Station. I am Hu Xiaoyuan, the deputy captain of the sanitation team, and my number is"

This introduction sounds a lot more official, but where is Shanniao Town?Is it somewhere in the country?But if there is no accident, it should be the correct person from the relevant department. Also, your name is seriously inconsistent with your height.
Ke Lin sized up the woman who claimed to be Hu Xiaoyuan without any trace. According to her visual estimation, her height should be above 1.8 meters [-], with a well-proportioned figure, giving people a very tall feeling.

Although Ke Lin always didn't like to make a fuss about using other people's names, the person in front of him was called Xiaoyuan because of his strong and powerful figure, and he felt full of disobedience, so calling Hu Dayuan was no problem at all.

"May I ask, are you the support staff that will be sent later?"

While speaking, her tone was obviously uncertain.

"Well, you can call me Mr. Lin."

"Mr. Lin?" Hu Xiaoyuan's eyes seemed to light up when he heard this name.

This tone. Why does it feel like you guys know me?I think I used that name just once today.
Thoughts flashed across Ke Lin's mind, but he nodded without much expression on his face. Seeing that Hu Xiaoyuan opened his mouth to continue asking about his identity, Ke Lin waved his hand before she opened his mouth, and said confidently:
"I just came here, and I don't know the situation here, can any of you tell me the specific situation?
"I don't have much time to waste here, I need to go somewhere else after processing."

so direct?Several people in the health station were stunned for a moment, but thinking of the unfathomable strength displayed by this Mr. Lin, they felt that this should indeed be the case.

They even began to suspect that the person in front of them was probably a senior executive in the organization!

Just as Hu Xiaoyuan was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something. He raised his head and glanced outside, noticing that the sun had already set halfway down, and it would soon be dark.

Thinking of what will happen in this small town after night, she hastily said:

"Mr. Lin, this is not the place to talk. Return to the stronghold first?"

"Okay, let's arrange these people by the way."

Colin didn't refuse. He waved his hand and asked the survivors to follow. He followed them to the stronghold before the sun had fully set.

It was when that Hu Xiaoyuan started to lead the way by his side, he couldn't help feeling a little stressed.

this woman is too tall
Generally, men don't feel much when they are tall, but when women are tall, there is always an inexplicable pressure.

'Such a big man must be a good target. '

Ke Lin murmured in his heart, but he didn't worry about it too much. He couldn't help but recall Hu Xiaoyuan's reaction before.

At that time, after she heard the word "Mr. Lin", her tone was obviously not right
All of a sudden, most of their vigilance seemed to be lowered. Did this group of people trust themselves a little too much?
"Could it be that there happened to be someone surnamed Lin in this relevant department who made them admit it wrong? Or did they have malicious intentions and wanted to lead me into a trap?"

Colin was a little undecided.

In case the opponent had a heavy sniper rifle similar to Barrett's, he probably couldn't carry it with his small arms and legs.

You have to have at least three stages of "vestification" before you dare to resist that thing.
Of course, he wasn't particularly worried about this. With the blessing of "Fatal Insight", the last thing he was afraid of was this kind of assassination.

Once the fatal attack is avoided, these people are definitely not his all-in-one enemy.

"The strength of the cleaners hasn't changed much. I don't know what about those 'frontier guards'. Well, I have the opportunity to find a way to understand the organizational structure of the relevant departments."

Colin thought about it.

However, at this moment, the last ray of the dim setting sun disappeared above the earth.

Colin's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately noticed that a gray-black mist suddenly appeared in the entire town.
"Oops!" Hu Xiaoyuan and the others changed their expressions.

As soon as they spoke, they saw some black and transparent scary figures appearing sparsely on the foggy street.

These strange figures exuded a chilling and cold aura. After they appeared, they seemed to have noticed Ke Lin and the others. They all opened their hands, as if they were about to hug, and walked towards everyone.

"This is an anomaly in the town! Don't be hugged by them! Once you are hugged, you will be assimilated and disappear!"

As Hu Xiaoyuan reminded, the tall figure stood in front of several students, raised his pistol, and aimed at the black figures to shoot.

While the muzzle of the gun was flashing, I saw that there was an extra bullet on this translucent, seemingly untouchable phantom figure.

There were several consecutive gunshots, and the nearest black figure disappeared, and the bullets also fell to the ground.
However, one of them disappeared, and more black figures stood up, one after another, walking towards the crowd.

"What the hell is this?"

Colin frowned when he saw these things—why are the anomalies in his hometown so special?
It's all weird things
As the afterglow of the sun faded away, the terrifying black figures began to increase, and there were hundreds of them on a single street.

They didn't yell or yell, just opened their hands like a hug, and walked towards everyone step by step.

"Why are there so many today?"

Hu Xiaoyuan was stunned for a moment, and her eyes began to look a little desperate, but she didn't know what to think, she quickly looked at Ke Lin: "We can't deal with such a large number, you should use your strength to find a way."

"How far is it from here?"

"about a kilometer"

"Well, leave it to me."

Colin nodded, and then pressed the "false strong man" to his chest without any trace, and suddenly a burst of confidence and strength gushed out at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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