Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 93 Trap

Chapter 93 Trap
"I am strong!"

An unprovoked idea popped up in Colin's mind.

He felt that behind him, there were five "watches" focused on him.

This feeling of being watched transformed into real power out of thin air, filling his body, and in an instant, his whole body's quality improved in all aspects.

Ke Lin couldn't help raising his head and chest, took out a kitchen knife from his pocket, gripped the handle of the kitchen knife tightly, and injected strength.

Immediately, "The Strong's Approval" was passively triggered, and the kitchen knife emitted a thin colored light, like some kind of extraordinary prop.

Seeing this scene, several cleaners were stunned: "Is this going to go up and fight?"

You must know that those black figures seem to be scattered at the touch of a touch, but even the special bullets can't penetrate them, let alone chop them with hands.

But before they reminded Colin to be careful, the figure of the other party rushed out at an extremely fast speed, holding a kitchen knife and stabbing the nearest black figure head-on.

The strange and colorful kitchen knife chopped up the translucent black figure as easily as cutting tofu.

Then, when Colin turned around, he raised his hand at another slow-moving black figure and stabbed him.

"Fuck, so fierce?" Some people couldn't help but burst out, they had experienced it firsthand, and it was impossible to cut this thing with hands.

But I didn't expect the opponent to beheaded with a single knife!

What is the origin of the people sent by the headquarters this time?
"Follow up quickly."

Ke Lin warned, after beheading three black figures in a row, he clearly felt that there were six more effective approvals.

His strength increased again, his body even rose a little unconsciously, the aura he exuded became stronger and stronger, and even the special effect of the kitchen knife bursting out became stronger and stronger, like an ancient artifact.

"It seems that Hu Xiaoyuan's recognition is stronger than that of ordinary people? Ten percent seems to be a rough idea, but it's not entirely accurate. The stronger the individual quality, the more obvious the increase?"

A thought flashed through Ke Lin's mind, he raised his arm, and slashed at the black figure surrounded by him.

With the strengthening of his strength, Colin swung his knife more casually, feeling that these monsters were nothing more than that.

Along the way, he raised and lowered his sword without blinking his eyes. In just a few minutes, he easily killed the last kilometer of the road.

When they came to the stronghold, one after another shocked eyes came from behind the windows between the floors.

Under their gaze, Ke Lin's strength ushered in another round of skyrocketing, and his self-confidence also inflated.

"Heh, it's not that bad, I can't even hold a knife!"

"Dare to stand in front of me! Kill! Kill them all!"

"Do you know how Mang is written?"

Ke Lin taunted disdainfully, seeing the group of seven or eight figures in front, he rushed in and killed all directions without even thinking about it.

He felt that his current physique even surpassed that of himself in the "lycanthropy" state.

Even if you encounter the third stage of "lycanthropy", you can rush forward and fight!
Under my own divine power and the assistance of props, everything is just mediocre!

"Forget it, forget it, we've arrived, there's no need to kill any more." Several people hurriedly stopped them, then led Colin into a rental house, closed the door, and everything was resolved.

At this moment, they also realized that Colin may have used some kind of means, so that his personality seemed to have changed to a certain extent.

After entering the house, Colin tore off the "false strong man", his confidence faded, he calmed down, and an inexplicable fear suddenly surged in his heart.

It's not that much of a danger, the main reason is that he thought he could control his emotions, but unexpectedly, he still can't control them subtly.

However, because it was only used for less than 10 minutes, the impact was not too serious.

If used for more than an hour
It might be another matter entirely.

Gathering his thoughts, Ke Lin followed Hu Xiaoyuan and others upstairs. When he came to the second floor, he saw that there were many survivors on the second floor of the rental house. Most of them were residents of the local county. Haggard, apparently not having a good time.

"Come with me, please. I'll empty a house for you. Let's rest for a while." Hu Xiaoyuan ordered the survivors brought by Ke Lin into a room, and brought Ke Lin to a hall.

Ke Lin looked around and saw nothing except a few disabled people. He was sure there was no ambush, so he sat down on the solid wood sofa in the hall:
"Can I talk about it this time? What exactly happened here? Be specific and make sure there are no mistakes or omissions."

"To be specific, it was about a month ago."

Seeing Ke Lin nodding his head to signal to continue, Hu Xiaoyuan took a deep breath and told what happened during this period.

About a month ago, the person in charge of the local "health station" received a notice that something unusual happened at a construction site, and a group of civil engineers disappeared, so he sent a three-person team to investigate.

At the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to it, because there was a problem on this construction site last time, and the old civil engineering buddies disappeared collectively.

As a result, people were sent to investigate in a not so serious barber shop, and they found this group of civil engineers who said they were "mysteriously missing" and were actually learning a "foreign language".

If it wasn't for someone's guarantee, and it really affected the progress of the project, I'm afraid all of them would have to be closed for a while.

So this time it disappeared, and everyone didn't pay attention to it. It wasn't until the investigation team disappeared that it attracted the attention of the site.

Then, considering the seriousness of the problem, Hu Xiaoyuan personally led the team and found that the problem came from an underground temple that had been dug out.

I don't know why the pollution inside leaked out. As a result, at night, as long as you are under the light, you will be attacked by that kind of figure monster. Once you are hugged, the contact parts will be quickly assimilated.

Most of the people who disappeared were in an accident, and what was even more troublesome was that after entering, they found that they could not solve the threat in the temple, and could not leave, so they could only find a way to ask for help
Fortunately, an elite team from the "Great Wall" passed by at that time, so they came over.

But they didn't expect the threat in the underground temple to be more troublesome than they thought.
And they didn't realize at that time that this was not an ordinary abnormal recovery, but a premeditated calculation by someone with a heart.

The leader of the "Border Guard" led the team to use thirteen "Books of Fortune" in a row before threatening to seal the temple.

I thought the matter would be resolved, but I didn't think that the trouble had just begun.

A group of cultists who appeared out of nowhere suddenly appeared, blocked the entire town, and attacked them, making them realize that this was a well-designed trap.

This group of people knew the "Book of Fortune Telling" very well, and avoided the possibility of observing them from the "Book of Fortune Telling".

Since then, the two sides have been fighting over the thing in the temple. In order to prevent the disaster from expanding further, the "border defenders" had to deal with anomalies while also dealing with them. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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