Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 95 The Inner Ghost

Chapter 95 The Inner Ghost
"Speaking of which, how do you use this thing? After hacking, throw the ball over and wait for it to shake three times?"

Colin weighed the ball in his hand, thinking that when he killed those shadow monsters before, it seemed that they would disintegrate directly, disappear in an instant, and couldn't be contained at all.

However, at this time, a just-right "inspiration" appeared, answering his doubts——

You don't need to throw it to use it, just keep it open and kill the black figure in this state.

"It's quite convenient to use."

Colin grunted, and scanned the mission description again: "No wonder that 'Border Guard' is now in a hard fight, who would have thought that the main body of the monster is not the stone Buddha that he thought, but the shadows that he thought were miscellaneous fish?

"It's like fighting a boss, fighting all the way to the boss hall, and finding that the boss can't be killed, and can barely be sealed, but there are infinitely resurrected minions, it really hurts the brain.

"But I don't blame them. There is a group of cultists who are obstructing it. They didn't expect it to be normal.
"But the direction is wrong. Without this information, no matter how hard they try, it will be futile."

While thinking about it, Colin guessed a lot about the situation in this abnormal area.

I'm afraid that the "border defenders" don't realize this yet, or they realize it, but because they waste too much energy on the statue, they are already unable to accommodate other shadows, so they can only barely hold on.

Of course, whether they knew it or not, the cultists behind the scenes must have known this.

If he attacks the black shadow soon, the cultists will definitely find out, and then rush to attack him
If there is no accident, he will definitely be the target of the fire.

"I don't know the strength of the 'Border Guards'. If all the cultists are the same as that Wu Sheng, then I can't say how strong they are. If they are all this kind of stuff, even if there are a hundred of them, I can hunt them down slowly. clean"

Ke Lin raised his hand and pressed his forehead, but thinking that the "Border Guard" and his team failed to find this group of people after using [-] "Books of Fortune Telling" in a row, it is enough to show their insidiousness.

So be careful or have to be careful
At this time, a gust of wind blew into the bathroom along the window gap.

Colin turned his head and knocked out the window. At this moment, the sun had completely set, and it was pitch black outside, and the outlines of things could barely be seen.

The time on the phone shows that it is now seven o'clock at night.

Without thinking about it, he reached out and pulled the window to make sure it was closed.

In fact, Hu Xiaoyuan's complete closure does not mean that it is completely sealed without leaving any gaps, but that the doors and windows are closed in a general sense, otherwise, a large number of people in this building will be suffocated to death just by being bored.

Then, he put the parchment in his pocket, stood up to solve his physical problems, washed his hands, and left the bathroom.

At this moment, a few white candles found somewhere were lit in the hall. Under the dim light of the fire, there was an inexplicable gloomy atmosphere around.

It's better not to light the lamp, anyway, my vision is not as good as my sense of smell. Colin grunted inwardly, and sat back on the original sofa with a blank expression.

Before the sanitation station cleaner continued to ask him what he planned to do, Ke Lin asked Hu Xiaoyuan about the strength of those cult members.

"They believe in an existence called 'Red Moon Mother', generally known as the 'Red Moon Church'.
"In addition, their strength is probably between level 1 and level 3. The group you killed just now is probably a split team. Except for the leader level 2, all others are level 1."

Another new standard that is different from the campfire company, can't it be unified? Colin has a headache, but fortunately there is a reference value now.

The "hemorrhoid essence" is level 2, and the others are level 1.
"According to this calculation, the second-stage 'lycanthropy' without blood-sucking is probably level 3? I'm afraid it's level 4 or 5? If the enemy leader is only level 3, it's very weak."

Thoughts flashed one after another, and Colin said, "By the way, do you know the specific content of the last 'Book of Fortune Telling'?"

"Yes, I have it with me."

Hu Xiaoyuan took out a piece of yellowed rice paper and handed it over. Ke Lin took the paper and took a look at it in his hand.

There are some things that happened in the "future" written in very neat red letters on it.

Basically, when the situation is becoming more and more critical, a supporter somehow entered the closed township from the direction of the square.

He called himself "Mr. Lin", and with five oil bottles behind him, he frightened the scene with fierce means.

But the only pity is that it seems that due to various probing reasons, "Mr. Lin" failed to solve the problem in time, so that the restrictions of the stone Buddha were cracked, and disasters broke out. In order to save people, the user stayed behind and bought time for everyone and die.

And "Mr. Lin" led others to break through and escape
Ke Lin didn't see what would happen to him in the end, but depending on the situation, the mission failed because he failed to complete the containment mission in time, not because he was unable to complete it due to lack of strength.

According to the above statement, after he arrived, he met Hu Xiaoyuan first, but he was regarded as a cult member, and the two sides fought, but it didn't take long to fight. At night, he went to the depths and met other people. In short, after all kinds of vigilance and temptations, they all missed it. The best chance.
It wasn't until the end that the "border defenders" and the "cleaners" knew that he belonged to the friendly army, and they both had a big oolong with each other.

But this time, Colin didn't have these troubles.

"The 'Book of Fortune Telling' can be regarded as a great help. Of course, fortunately, it seems that those cultists don't have the 'Book of Fortune Telling' in their hands. Otherwise, it would be another situation now."

While Ke Lin was rejoicing, he was also full of complaints about the person who created the "Book of Fortune Telling Fragments".

If this thing falls into the hands of the enemy, it will be really troublesome.
What Ke Lin didn't notice was that when he checked the contents of the "Book of Fortune", Hu Xiaoyuan also looked at him without any trace.

He was somewhat relieved when he was sure that he could indeed understand what was on it, instead of pretending to read it.

The "Book of Fortune" is the main ability means of the capable users of "Fate Pushing", one of the three power paths of the relevant departments. It is said that the material used to make it is the same as the original of the ancient book "Tui Bei Tu", but the specific situation is How she doesn't know.

This is the most top secret.
Anyway, she knows that under some special restrictions, people who are not from relevant departments cannot understand the contents of the "Book of Fortune Telling", but the "Mr. Lin" in front of her can understand it, which means that he is indeed one of her own .
Although she didn't know why this person didn't have any documents, but she didn't have time to think about it now.

Ke Lin scanned the yellow paper again, asked a few questions, then handed the "Book of Fortune Telling" back to Hu Xiaoyuan, and said, "I probably understand the matter, it's around 07:30, take a rest." Let's wait for eight o'clock to start action.
"Look and find someone, and I will go to the source location with me later, and try to solve everything at once."

Hearing what Ke Lin said, Hu Xiaoyuan nodded: "Okay, I'll accompany you there later, I know the situation here best."

"Well, it's nothing, but didn't you find something?"

After a pause, Colin looked at her and said, "Didn't you notice that you have a ghost here?"

(End of this chapter)

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