Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 96 Violation of the Rules

Chapter 96 Violation of the Rules
"Inner ghost?"

Hu Xiaoyuan was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't react immediately, not knowing what Ke Lin meant by this.

Seeing the bewildered expression of the head of the cleaning team, Ke Lin raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the other party didn't seem to notice?

Colin didn't intend to continue being a riddler either, so he gently reminded: "You should take a good look at the content on that piece of paper."

Hu Xiaoyuan opened the "Book of Fortune Telling" that was about to be put away, looked at the content on it, and under Ke Lin's intentional reminder, he quickly noticed something wrong——

Why were those cultists able to appear on the path of "Mr. Lin" first?
"Mr. Lin" came from the direction of the square. Isn't this information that only they know?
She suddenly remembered that in the afternoon, she wanted to set up on the road one step ahead, but in the end, she met the group of believers of the "Red Moon Mother", and the two sides fought for a round, and they had to withdraw.

Later, if the reserved camera did not find Colin, they might not be able to meet Colin in time.

"There are many people who have read this piece of paper, people from the 'Border Guards' side, us, and others."

"The scope of your suspicion is too wide, if you really can't find it, forget it."

Colin waved his hand: "I only trust you at the moment, anyway, you can go to support the rear with me later, I plan to join forces with the 'Border Guard' and his team to completely suppress the stone Buddha as the source, It should all be over."

He didn't reveal that he knew that the black figure was a matter of the main body, so as not to make trouble for the existence behind the scenes.

As for trusting Hu Xiaoyuan?just talk
Colin didn't smell any cultists in this building or even in the vicinity, so he didn't know who the mole was, so in his opinion, everyone at the scene might be a mole.

Including the one in front of you.

And he raised this point because he wanted to cheat, but it was a pity that he didn't cheat.

"The previous cultist named Wu Sheng seemed to have always thought that I had teammates, but the 'Book of Fortune' clearly stated that I arrived alone, dragging five bottles of soy sauce, which means that the inner ghost may not be able to convey too much information , or didn’t read the specific content.”

Colin had some guesses in his heart, but he really didn't care much about it.

"I understand."

Hu Xiaoyuan nodded, and then said: "If I am like this, please be careful of me. After all, there may not be a mole, but because someone was hypnotized, so I sent the message unconsciously."

The more you talk, the bigger your head is, even if Colin raised his hand to interrupt the other party's speech: "Okay, okay, this subdivision will be endless.

"In the face of absolute strength, everything is nothing more than a chicken and a dog."

After wearing a "divine costume" and performing an F-level trial task, Ke Lin still has some confidence.

Now it seems that it is indeed much easier than the "advent type".
After speaking, Colin took a Snickers bar from his pocket and was about to start eating when he suddenly heard many people coming from outside the hall.

Colin ate the Snickers bar into his mouth, took a look at the group of people, and immediately determined that they were all ordinary people.

They should all be survivors from the local township.
"What's wrong?" Hu Xiaoyuan frowned, stood up and faced the crowd.

At this moment, these people look at me and I look at you, and finally a woman spoke.

"Captain Hu, I just heard that you guys are going to solve the trouble."

"Yes, that's it? This time outside support has arrived, and when he solves the trouble, everyone will be safe."

Hu Xiaoyuan said roughly, but this did not reassure everyone. The woman glanced at Ke Lin, and then said:

"It's not that I don't believe him, I mean, before we go, can we be sent out here first? Otherwise, what if, what if it fails?"

"Yes, you are capable, and you can still live if you fail. We can only wait to die."

"Yes, yes, if it fails at that time, we will become a burden instead, can you send me out first, that little brother is amazing, we have all seen it, and cut it all the way"

"The Hu team is not what we say is unlucky, but it is your duty to protect us, right? You can't leave us alone, can you?"

Seeing the crowd booing louder and louder, Hu Xiaoyuan frowned, not knowing what to say.

"Everyone, everyone"

Colin yelled twice. Seeing that the crowd had not calmed down, he pulled out his revolver and aimed a shot in a direction where no one was there.


Everyone finally calmed down and looked at Colin in fear.

"First of all, I have to tell you that I can't leave until the problem is solved."

As Colin spoke, he stared at them, trying to discover the hidden ghost inside.

He felt that a group of people suddenly came up to make trouble at this time
It's a bit too much of a coincidence.

It's a pity that he didn't seem to notice anything from the faces of this group of people except that his emotions were a little out of control. It's normal for them to have a little emotional breakdown after being trapped here for more than half a month.

On the contrary, if you've been trapped for so long, it's not normal to act like a normal person.

However, he still suspected that the reason why this group of people came out might be because someone was instigating them behind the scenes.

"How come? We all saw it just now, you just took a kitchen knife and hacked in casually. It's not easy to save us? I beg you, aunt, we don't want to die here, woo woo."

As he spoke, one of the women, who was in her 60s, couldn't help crying.

"Brother, what is that powerful kitchen knife?"

"It's that kitchen knife! With that kitchen knife, we can leave by ourselves!"

"Why don't you leave things to us, and if you fail, we can do it ourselves."

Oops, Hu Xiaoyuan's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly remembered an internal rescue rule:

If there are ordinary people at the abnormal site, if the situation is appropriate, please try to avoid showing the particularity of the special items held in front of ordinary people, otherwise the violator will bear the corresponding responsibility for the adverse consequences caused by this reason.

This line seems to be unclear, but she knows that each of the above lines is built up bit by bit through various sacrifices.

Right now, Colin is causing trouble because he showed his props.

Colin didn't know the rescue rules, but looking at this group of people who were emotionally broken, he remembered something.

There is a child in the orphanage whose father is a firefighter. During a firefighting mission, his father broke into the sea of ​​fire to save people. When he rescued people in the corridor, he saw that the rescue was about to succeed, but one of the people he rescued was a victim of the disaster. The breathing mask fell off.
He then snatched the child's father's breathing mask and managed to escape.

Then, the child's family collapsed, and he was brought back by the old headmaster and moved into the orphanage.
Of course, in the final report, the father of the child died heroically and "voluntarily" gave up the chance to live to others.

Colin did not expect that such a thing would happen to him one day.

(End of this chapter)

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