Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 97 "God Strikes"

Chapter 97 "God Strikes"


Colin didn't get angry. After all, getting angry with a group of mentally disturbed people is meaningless.

He was just a little curious about the possible behind-the-scenes hands.
As far as the current situation is concerned, this group of people was instigated to come here, and there may not be any supernatural elements present.

Of course, it is not difficult to find out who is behind the scenes, but it may take a lot of effort and time to look at the mental state of this group of people
Thinking that this task seems to have a time limit, Colin wondered if the time limit was up, and what purpose did they achieve?
'Do you want to draw my attention to the traitor and delay time through this?Is that traitor planning to blow himself up? '

"An ordinary person would probably really want to find out who is behind the scenes and what is behind the scenes, but unfortunately, I have already got the most critical situation and know how to solve this incident. There is no need to play werewolves with them." jumping game. '

Colin probably guessed something.

At this time, the phone alarm suddenly rang.

He looked away from the group of people in front of him, took out his mobile phone and turned off the alarm while looking at it - the time just set, it's eight o'clock.

"It's time to act."

Ke Lin tilted his head and said to Hu Xiaoyuan beside him.

After speaking, he was ready to pass through the crowd and leave the apartment directly.

"Don't go!" A man stood in front of Colin with a grim expression.

If it wasn't for the other members of the liquidator team to stop him, he might have rushed up.

At this moment, after Colin looked at him, the man blushed and shouted:

"Anyway, you have to rescue me today, otherwise you don't want to leave! Don't even think about living by yourself!"

"We don't care what you guys do! Anyway, we must save people first!"

"Otherwise we won't let you go if we die as ghosts!"

Others also rushed up, emotionally.

Their suppressed spirit for half a month finally found a way to vent at this moment, they lost their minds all of a sudden, they looked like crazy monsters, spit flying, it seemed that they would die if they didn't come as required.

Looking at the crowd above who wanted to come over to ask for kitchen knives, but was stopped by other cleaners with open hands, Colin sighed, took out a lens from his pocket, put it in the socket of his left eye, and stared at the crowd .

He wanted to know which part of the body would be the least injured.

After getting the answer, Colin put the analytical lens back into his pocket, raised his revolver, and aimed at one of the people who yelled the loudest.

"One last warning, get out of the way." Colin said calmly.

"Come on! Shoot! Is it great to have a gun?! Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you! Today I'm going all out, and I don't believe you dare."

The man pointed at Colin, seemingly fearless.

The sound brought by the three flashes of the fire was like pouring cold water on the heads of the crowd, making them quiet for a moment.

Really shot?Hu Xiaoyuan turned her head in a daze, met Ke Lin's eyes, but couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Because she suddenly noticed that Ke Lin's eyes did not look like human eyes at the moment, but a pair of vertical eyes full of anger. The red light reflected in the vertical eyes was chilling - what kind of power is this?
"Don't worry, I'm not dead." Colin responded calmly.

Of the three bullets, one pierced the man's palm, and two "missed" into a TV behind them, leaving it covered with cracks like spider webs.

The man didn't feel any pain for the first time, only numbness from his hand, and then, when he regained his senses a little bit, looking at the bloody palm, he was terrified, and passed out unsteadily.

Without looking too much, Colin walked towards the stairs. While walking, he took out three bullets and filled them into the bullet slot of the revolver.

Hu Xiaoyuan followed behind Ke Lin in a daze. Although she knew that it was mentioned in the rescue rules that special actions should be taken at special times, she still felt shocked when she saw someone make a move.

However, correspondingly, after Colin made a move, no one dared to be the first bird, and no one said anything about ghosts and would not let them go.
The survivors present seemed to have finally regained their lost sanity, and their eyes became much clearer.

Ke Lin was not surprised by this at all. If this group of people were so fierce, how could they get angry at their own people present?

However, when he reached the stairs, Ke Lin suddenly remembered something, reached into his pocket, felt for it, took out a kitchen knife and threw it out.

"No, the kitchen knife you want."

Ke Lin threw the kitchen knife out like trash, then walked downstairs without looking back.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to go forward to pick it up immediately.

"Mr. Lin, is this really suitable? Take that kitchen knife." Hu Xiaoyuan, who was half a head taller than Ke Lin, chased after him, bent slightly, and whispered in Ke Lin's ear.

If she read it correctly, the kitchen knife was indeed the one that could easily cut down the black figure before.

"Oh, you don't really think I need a kitchen knife, do you?"

Colin smiled, and when he came to the gate, he took out a folded black engineer shovel from his pocket.

Seeing this, Hu Xiaoyuan, who was following behind, couldn't help being stunned again—where did the engineering shovel come from?

She clearly didn't see Colin carrying this thing on him.

But although she was curious, she didn't ask any further questions. With a flashlight with a large wattage in her hand, she followed Colin to leave the rental park as a stronghold.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, why don't we just use a 'book of fortunetelling'?"

Hu Xiaoyuan turned on the flashlight and asked curiously.

Before the general officials act, they will use this kind of props to test whether the following events are going well.

Just looking at the appearance of "Mr. Lin", it seems that he has no intention of using it.

I want to use it too, but the problem is that I have to have it. You have all sold out the "Book of Fortune Telling" and I haven't bought any. Colin complained from the bottom of his heart, but there was no change on his face:
"'Book of Numerology'? I never needed that kind of thing."

Need not?Hu Xiaoyuan was taken aback when he got this answer, but soon noticed one thing from the disdainful tone.

Among the three official powers, the most disdainful of the "Book of Fortune" is the "God Fight" that is tied with it.

They use special means to invite "gods" to get on their bodies and gain power
Of course, this is not a real "god". Its essence of power comes from the cognition and thoughts of the masses.

Specifically, it is the borrowing of a certain "idol" image that is generally recognized by people, rather than borrowing from the deceased who has been dead for an unknown number of years and whose nature is unknown.

Borrowers can only borrow from a few legal and positive specific images that are officially approved, such as Guan Gong, Zhong Kui, Chunyang Zhenren, Dragon King, etc.
When performing tasks, what to borrow depends on the local beliefs.
Different images for different occasions.

When "Mr. Lin" uses power, his temperament suddenly changes, which is indeed in line with the characteristics of "God Strike".

However, it seems that the borrowed object does not match anyone she knows.

"Could it be from overseas new school?"

Hu Xiaoyuan remembered that there was an exchange and learning session between ability users at home and abroad, and some new "images" appeared.

For example, the most famous is "Newton" or something
This person is well-known all over the world, and was made into a legal "image" by the government for the use of "God Fighting" practitioners.

It doesn't seem quite right, is it the official new "idol"?
(End of this chapter)

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