Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 98 Insight into the Secret

Chapter 98 Insight into the Secret
Ke Lin didn't know that Hu Xiaoyuan was trying to guess his background. At this moment, when the two opened the door of the apartment and went outside, a large number of dark figures suddenly appeared around them.

They seemed to follow an instinct, opened their hands, and walked slowly towards the two of them.

Colin didn't have ink marks either, so he opened the "Poke Ball" in his pocket, and then "sneakly" pasted the "false strong man" to the hidden parts of his body.

Using it this time, he felt that there were more than thirty "valid approvals" around him.

These "effective recognition" quickly transformed into real power, and accompanied by strong self-confidence, swelled from his body.


Ke Lin showed a confident smile, and the military shovel in his hand shone brilliantly, like a sacred object that bestowed blessings.

He rushed up a few steps, grasped the handle of the military shovel with both hands, swung it up, and slapped the black figure hard on the head.

With a bang, Sombra's head was smashed into his chest cavity, and his figure quickly collapsed.

But this time, it failed to dissipate into the air, but was dragged into Colin's pocket by an invisible force.

"Very good, take one first."

Ke Lin nodded, picked up the military shovel that was shining brightly, and rushed towards the next target.

clang clang ~
Inside the stronghold, there were continuous slapping sounds, and some survivors in other apartments stood on the window sills and looked down, all with shocked expressions.

More and more faces appeared behind the windows, looking dumbfounded.

The monsters that made them despair before are now being picked up one by one, like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Fuck, what's going on, how did you do it?"

"I thought the group of buddies who came to support me before were already invincible, but I didn't expect this one to be more aggressive. Where did this boss come from?"

"It's saved! We're finally saved!"

"Brother, take us, let's rush together!"

Someone's voice came from a nearby building, and many people were very excited when they saw Colin's performance, and even wanted to go together.

But Colin didn't care about the shouting of these people.

With this group of insects, how could it be possible to contain the monsters?

"Hahaha, come on, come on! Let me have a little fun!"

Ke Lin laughed wildly, picked up the military shovel, and killed the approaching monster with one blow.

With the emergence of more and more "effective recognition", his strength has become stronger and stronger, and his physical fitness has even surpassed the state of "lycanthropy".

A glowing aura erupted from the whole body, as if a god descended from the earth.

The process of fighting against weirdness can only be described as "destroyed".

However, Hu Xiaoyuan, who was following behind, felt a bit of a headache while watching Ke Lin slaughter all directions.

Because the killing started, but the result was thirty minutes, and they didn't even walk 500 meters.

"However, Mr. Lin's strength is at least at the level of an 'agent' or even a senior 'agent'?"

Hu Xiaoyuan watched the other party killing randomly, his eyes sparkled brilliantly.

Some people on the road of "God Fighting" can be called "agents" after borrowing to a certain extent from "idols" who often borrow power.

It's like "Fate Pushing" to the back, even if you don't need the "Book of Fortune Telling", you can predict the future by yourself.

This kind of person belongs to the existence that has truly stepped into the extraordinary door.
"One hundred and sixteen!"

Ke Lin smashed a black figure horizontally with his right hand, stretched out his left hand, grabbed the head of a black figure, and crushed the head directly with five fingers.

"Mr. Lin, it's over here" Hu Xiaoyuan reminded behind him.

"What side? It doesn't matter where! I'll talk about it after I kill the weirdness here!"

"How could it be possible to kill them all? These things cannot be killed. They are endless. Impossible"

"What is endless, you didn't realize it, it's just because you are weak, where I am, there is the depth!"


Hu Xiaoyuan was startled when she said that, she suddenly found that the number of black figures in the vicinity seemed to have decreased significantly!
The feeling of coldness in the surrounding darkness is also significantly weakened
what happened?

Is it really going to be killed?

At this time, she suddenly saw the terrifying figure of Colin in front of him suddenly stopped, then turned around and kicked her.

Hu Xiaoyuan didn't even react, and was kicked to the side.
"Is this out of control?"

In mid-air, her first thought was this. Borrowing the power of an "idol" is of course not without risk, and the biggest risk is that she may not be able to distinguish herself and be assimilated by the "idol" in the end.

The stronger the strength, the higher the tendency to be assimilated
However, just as her butt hit the ground, she suddenly saw a crater suddenly exploded in the ground beside Colin.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rumbling sound in the distance——

Heavy sniper rifle! ?

The moment Hu Xiaoyuan heard the sound, his pupils shrank, and he immediately recognized the source of the sound.

The enemy still has this weapon?

Without thinking, she rushed directly behind the building, looking for cover.

Then, she looked at Mr. Lin worriedly, and wanted to tell him to stop messing around.

Bullets are sometimes not very effective against weirdness, but they are really good for killing people, even more effective than using superpowers.

Even an elephant can't handle a heavy shot, let alone a human body, even if it's strengthened.
"Hahaha, it's finally out."

When Ke Lin turned around, he looked at the roof of a building hundreds of meters away, and could vaguely see a vague figure.

He wasn't surprised by this at all. If he took so many "black figures" in a row and these people didn't respond, then he really had to doubt the IQ of those guys.

Then, he raised his hand and touched his right ear, and put it in front of his eyes, there was some blood.

"Hehe, yes, it can already hurt my skin, but compared to the enemies I have encountered before, it is not worth mentioning, and it is not even worth taking a second look!"

Colin turned around and shoveled a black figure, and contained it on the spot.

Another heavy sniper shot came, and the bullet penetrated the oil road, causing the ground to tremble.

"Too slow, too weak, disappointing."

Ke Lin shook his head and sighed, waved the shovel in his hand, and contained another black figure in front of them.

At this time, more than 2 "Level 200 Containment Balls" have been installed. Looking at the progress bar above, it seems that two-thirds of them have been collected.

"Damn it! How did he find out that he just arrived and hasn't even been in the construction site."

The teeth itch of some secretly watching cultist.

They set up a large number of traps near the construction site, but unexpectedly, the other party did not show up.

Not only did it not appear, but the concentration of weirdness in the whole town was still declining!

They immediately realized that someone had discovered the key secret of this anomaly, and if they couldn't get in, all the traps and ambushes would be in vain!

Then, a few more bullets missed, and they became visibly irritable.

"What's going on! What's going on! Which image did he borrow?! Why can he complete the seal directly?!"

The cultists hidden in the darkness obviously also regarded Colin as a user of the power of "God Strike".

I just don't understand which image he is using.

But no matter what, feeling the continuous weakening of the abnormal power around them, they knew that they couldn't drag on like this, and if they continued to kill like this, they would only have a dead end!
"No, you can't hide anymore! It doesn't matter if you are discovered!"

"Fight it! Stop them, bet our lives, at least before twelve o'clock, we can't let them get out of here!"

Several behind-the-scenes cult members gritted their teeth and prepared to end.

(End of this chapter)

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