On this Sunday, several people in Yuekabele were doing pretty well.

Huangfuyan and her junior Liu Xingjia integrated all the current information in the study, guessed the murderer's movement trajectory, and really made them decide on several places with high probability.

Baiji played a game with two teenagers in the living room all afternoon. The three of them were invincible. In the end, because victory was too easy, Baiji became uninterested.

In the capital of Yuekabele, which is not far from here, Bai Su held an afternoon meeting with local researchers, while Jiang Zhu kept helping her, sorting out various materials and data for her.

In the evening, Baiji lost interest, put down his cell phone, yawned lazily, and once again pushed away Yupei who took the opportunity to come over.

Huangfu Yan and Liu Xingjia came out of the study. Huangfu Yan was in a good mood, not to mention that she rarely had a bad mood.

"It's already this hour, time flies so fast! Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?" Huangfu Yan strode to Bai Ji's side, but his eyes fell on the two teenagers.

——She has realized that Bletilla striata does not need to eat human food.

The teenagers didn't answer her immediately. Yupei stared at the arm she was holding behind Bai Ji and frowned unconsciously.

"Just do whatever you want, thank you for the hospitality." Hua Po turned sideways slightly and stood in front of Yu Pei.

The young man was even more unhappy and Huangfu Yan couldn't help laughing.

"He really hasn't changed after all these years." Huangfu Yan patted Bai Ji on the shoulder, turned and left the living room, heading to the kitchen.

But accidents happen often. As soon as Huangfu Yan rolled up his sleeves, the doorbell rang.

Bai Ji was close and went to open the door. Outside the door was An Zhen, who had been here once during the day.

"Good evening! My dear friends, I'm here to remind you to attend the banquet. Everything has been decorated and arranged at our house!" An Zhen curled up the corners of his mouth, smiled, and looked at Bai Ji like a rare animal, " Miss Bai, do you want to be a guest?"

Bletilla and Bletilla are not interested.


"I may have something to do." Baiji moved her index finger slightly and tapped the door, "But our children may be able to go."

She stepped aside slightly, revealing Yupei and Huapo behind her, and used two "maybes" in her words.

But the moment she turned sideways, the expression of the woman named An Zhen also changed for a moment.

"...Of course, we are all welcome." An Zhen waved to Yupei and Huapo with a smile, and then began to say something unclear, "Our villa welcomes anyone to visit at any time."

"It's just that tonight is extra special. My husband Long Aotian and I personally prepared it - I mean, there are surprises prepared by us."

“And we really had a lot of people come tonight.”

There was an imperceptible temptation in her words, but Bai Ji remained unmoved.

"Are you interested?" She turned to look at the two teenagers, but before the two teenagers expressed their opinions, she simply made the decision for them, "They agreed, you can take them away now."

"Have fun, have fun." When he said this, Bai Ji was looking at Hua Po, or in other words, at Wax Po.

Hua Po smiled back and said nothing, pulling Yu Pei, who was very unhappy, behind An Zhen, planning to leave with her later.

"Miss Bai, won't you come? I'm sure this will be a very nice night, and you will spend it here..."

"You also said you were sure." Bai Ji smiled and rejected An Zhen again, "I may not have the same interests as you. We are not the same people."

"I am sure."

An Zhen finally stopped laughing. When she wasn't smiling, her facial features were very flat. She no longer had that agile feeling, and the strange feeling became even stronger.

"Okay, then I won't interrupt."

An Zhen left these words and left with Hua Po and Yu Pei. The distance between the two villas was not far. The setting sun fell brightly on An Zhen's back, with an icy chill.

When Huangfu Yan and Liu Xingjia, who had gone in to help, finished working in the kitchen, Bai Ji was the only one in the living room who was leaning on the sofa.

"Did they leave?" Considering that the two were still students, Huangfu Yan was not particularly surprised. After all, she really made some casually. If she couldn't finish it today, she could continue eating it tomorrow.

"No, they went next door."

next door?

After an afternoon of mental work, Huangfu Yan had long forgotten An Zhen's invitation. It was Liu Xingjia's reminder that made him remember this person.

"Are you so relieved about them?" Although the woman looked weak, she was not simple no matter how hard she thought, Bai Ji actually let the two boys leave with her.

Bai Ji picked up the phone and yawned, looking lazy.

"I just suddenly thought of someone's words." She looked up at Huangfu Yan and tapped the back of the sofa with her index finger, "You can't raise ferocious beasts the same way you raise docile animals."

Huangfuyan agreed with this, so she stopped caring about the matter and turned around to entertain Liu Xingjia for dinner.

Although Baiji didn't want to eat, he still followed them to the restaurant and sat aside, obviously wanting to talk to Huangfu Yan about something.

"I will take action with you tomorrow."

Huangfu Yan just stuffed a mouthful of rice into her mouth. She chewed it twice quickly. After swallowing the food, she simply agreed with Baiji's companion, "Okay, of course!"

Of course it would be nice to have a powerful guy come to help, but it would be better to say that this is what they need most now. After all, the murderer's ability is unknown, and they have even begun to speculate on the other party's race.

The day passed as usual. When Huangfu Yan and Liu Xingjia went downstairs the next morning, they were surprised to find Bai Ji already dressed and sitting on the sofa playing games.

"Are you looking for someone today?" Bai Ji kept his eyes on the screen and moved his hands quickly on both sides of the phone.

"Yes, as expected we are going to a lot of places today."

Huangfu Yan and Liu Xingjia hadn't had breakfast yet, but they obviously didn't intend to sit in the dining room and have an exquisite breakfast. Huangfu Yan skillfully took out the bread from the living room cabinet and threw one to Liu Xingjia.

After Bai Ji finished the game, he turned off the screen of his mobile phone, put on two power banks and followed the two of them.

After walking out of the villa, Huangfu Yan took a few big breaths of the fresh air and couldn't help but sigh: "What a peaceful morning!"

Serenity indeed.

Even quiet is a bit too much.

Baiji heard many sounds in the early mornings of the past two days, including people getting up early to do morning exercises, people getting up early to go to work, etc.

Today she finally stepped out of the room, but all those people were gone. Huangfu Yan and Liu Xingjia ran towards the car in the garage, while Bai Ji stood in the yard and looked next door until Huangfu Yan used the car horn to call her back to consciousness.

"We should go!"


Bai Ji got into the back seat of the car and left with the two of them. Little did she know that there was a figure behind a window on the second floor of the villa where she was staring at in a daze just now, watching them. She did not leave until their figures disappeared completely.


"This way...no, no, maybe that way."

The girl Tian Ruoruo held hands with the boy Tianma who did not want to be held by her, and wandered along the road.

This was the fifth time they had passed by this intersection. Every time they came here, Tian Ruoruo would be stunned for a moment, mumbling strange words.

Tianma wanted to break away from her, but his ability disappeared for some reason. In terms of strength alone, he was really no match for the girl, so he could only frown his little face, angry with himself.

What a shame he thought he was so powerful before he set off!
Tian Ruoruo came to the crossroads again. Tianma couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "What on earth are you doing? Are you looking for something?"

Tian Ruoruo nodded and said seriously: "Yes, I am looking for your father."

Tianma even felt that she had recognized the wrong person, "I don't have a father, I only have a mother."

"I know, your last name is after your mother, that is, me." Speaking of this, Tian Ruoruo remembered that she had not introduced herself to him, "My name is Tian Ruoruo, your name is Gastrodia, and I am yours." Mother, you take my last name."

Tianma choked and was speechless at Tian Ruoruo's answer.

"My surname is not Tian, ​​Tian is not my surname."

"If you don't have a last name, why aren't you called Ma?"

This logic of thinking is really...

Without a second thought, Tianma attracted her mother's other "adopted sons", but before the words came out, she suddenly remembered that their names were not single words, and they would definitely continue to quibble with them.

"Auntie, if you keep pestering me like this, I will tell the police." Tianma couldn't take his hand away, and he didn't want to follow Tian Ruoruo around here all the time, so he decided to seek help from humans.

But Tian Ruoruo didn't panic at all, and didn't even take Gastrodia's words seriously, "I will cover your mouth before you speak."

This is a mental illness that escaped from nowhere!
Tianma doesn't understand why he would provoke such a woman. Is it just because the word at the beginning of his name is Tian? But he really doesn’t have a surname!
"My, my name is actually Tianma."

"You lied to me, your name is Tianma." For some reason, Tian Ruoruo was very sure.

"Be honest and follow me to find your father. When we find your father, your father will take us to see your grandma."

Not only do you want to find your father, but you also want to see your grandma? !
Tianma suddenly burst out with more strength than before to break away from Tian Ruoruo, and shouted: "I don't want to go with you! I don't want to go with you! I want to find my mother!"

His sudden resistance and yelling made Tian Ruoruo frown unconsciously. She pulled Gastrodia and almost pulled Gastrodia down.

"Don't scream! I have no habit of not spanking children!" In order to scare Tianma, Tian Ruoruo unconsciously raised her voice, "Even if you are a girl! I will spank girls too!"

Tianma:! ! !
He is not a girl!
As soon as these words came out, Tianma immediately found a loophole to take advantage of, "I told you that you recognized the wrong person! I am not a girl! I am a boy!"

Tian Ruoruo calmed down quickly. Her eyes could only be in two states: moving and blind. After listening to Gastrodia's words, she lowered her body and looked at Gastrodia carefully. Her pupils also changed from misty white to beating. .

"...No, it's you. I didn't admit my mistake." Tian Ruoruo looked at Tianma for a while, then slowly turned back, "I won't admit my 'child' wrong. I know that you, like your father, always I like to switch my gender.”

"I called you son before because they all called you that." After saying that, Tian Ruoruo touched Tianma's head with the other hand that was not holding Tianma, with firm luck and a strong sense of belief, "But I know Yes, Gastrodia is actually a very well-behaved and cute girl."

"You don't have to make yourself look like a boy." As if thinking of something, Tian Ruoruo frowned, "That's weird, they... are not good-looking."

Her strange cognition shocked Tianma, so much so that she even forgot to hide when her head was touched. How did the other person know so sure that he was a girl? Again...wait! Mother!

The two of them stopped at the intersection, and there was a red light on either side. Tianma also saw Baiji in the back seat with sharp eyes. Tears filled his eyes unconsciously, and he wished he could fly into Baiji's arms in the next second.

"Let me go! I won't play house with you! I found my mother!"

Although he had been comforting himself that the child was acting like this because he had never seen her before, the way he was pulling his neck and saying that he wanted to find another mother in front of her still made Tian Ruoruo feel uncomfortable.

She unconsciously exerted force on her hands, and her irises turned and burned like flames, but no one else saw this scene.

Gastrodia's attention was focused on Baiji. Seeing that Tian Ruoruo still couldn't break away, he began to call Baiji loudly. The three Baiji people over there also quickly noticed the situation here.

Gastrodia elata? Why is he here? Who is next to him?

Bai Ji remembered that she had left him to Ming Guluo. Was that girl Ming Guluo's subordinate?

"I'm an acquaintance. Please pull over."

Huangfu Yan, who was driving in the front seat, turned around from the horse and got off the car with Bai Ji. Liu Xingjia, who didn't know them well, stayed in the car and took the opportunity to read the information.

He was a little motion sick, and Huangfu Yan was driving like a dragster. Sitting in the passenger seat, he was so stunned that he couldn't even look at anything.

Over there, Baiji and Huangfuyan had already arrived beside Tianma and Tianruoruo, "Why are you here?"

Tianma opened her eyes wide and kept acting cute towards Baiji, wanting to show Baiji that she was being bullied. Who would have thought that Tian Ruoruo, who was like shackles just now, would be able to throw them away this time.

Tianma was stiff for a moment, and his mind instantly changed the script.

"Mom! She bullied me!" She threw herself into her arms before saying anything else!
But how could Baiji let him succeed? She pushed him away with one finger, "Come on, don't call me mom, I'm not your mom..."

"Yes, Gastrodia elata." Tian Ruoruo, who had always turned her back to Huangfu Yan and Bai Ji, turned around at this moment. Her pupils seemed to be blind again, and she looked innocent and harmless.

"Didn't I tell you? This is your father...that is, Dad."

Baiji:? Who isn't you? What dad?
Tianma:? ? ? dad? who? Bletilla?
Facing the confused expressions of the older one and the younger one, Tian Ruoruo introduced himself with a chuckle. Every move he made was very elegant, completely different from the way he looked when he almost attacked Gastrodia just now.

"Hello, you don't know me yet, but it doesn't matter. I wish I knew you. My name is Tian Ruoruo. I am the mother of this child and your future wife."


"Are you Tian Ruoruo?"

When Tian Ruoruo introduced her kung fu, Huangfu Yan kept observing her. When she stretched out her hand to Bai Ji, she immediately put shiny shackles on her slender wrists.

"Then let's take a trip. I've been looking for you for several days."

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