Chapter 114

Tian Ruoruo raised her eyebrows lightly, narrowed her eyes and mocked: "First come, first served, you know?"

"I know you, the barbarian who wants to turn my husband into a homosexual. It's a pity that my husband doesn't like you at all."

Huangfu Yan:......

"It has nothing to do with this. You are suspected of murder, so you have to come with me." Huangfu Yan, who didn't understand the other person's mind, tightened his hands, and Tian Ruoruo, who was shackled, frowned.

"Even if you are...the family member of the assisting personnel, you will not be able to escape."

"She is not my family member." Bai Ji looked indifferent.


"Just take her away." Bai Ji stood aside, ignoring Tian Ruoruo's pleading eyes, and urged Huangfu Yan to take her away quickly.

Ever since Erlin came out, everything has happened to her. Has life begun to deal with her, a "poor little girl"?
Tian Ruoruo's pitiful look for help seemed to be directed to a blind man. Bai Ji didn't care about her at all. She was not as strong as Huangfu Yan, so she could only be dragged away by Huangfu Yan.

"You!" Tian Ruoruo's temper also rose. She withdrew her gaze from Bai Ji, and her gaze fell directly on Huangfu Yan. Her heart-like eyes began to beat and...

"Be careful with her eyes." Bai Ji raised her hand to cover it.

Huangfu Yan was startled and broke away from the mysterious state just now.

"There seems to be something wrong with her eyes."

Huangfu Yan looked serious and sent a message to Liu Xingjia who was still in the car.

After a while, Liu Xingjia trotted over with a jet-black hood. There were no holes in the hood. It must be a skill that can prevent Tian Ruoruo.

Although his identity was the more official among all the people present, Liu Xingjia felt like he was a lamb that had broken into a wolf's den. As soon as he stepped into the surroundings of several people, the sight of the four people looking at him suddenly made him feel a sudden shock in his heart. .

He is a superior carnivore who will not surrender to any laws.

Although this idea was untimely and very abrupt, it quickly flashed through Liu Xingjia's mind.

But in this world, the so-called laws can only restrict ordinary humans and some obedient spiritual beings.

What's more, it's because of the interests involved, so it's hiding in secret.

"Handband." Liu Xingjia stabilized his thoughts and handed the black hood to Huangfu Yan.

Baiji on the side was still covering Tian Ruoruo's eyes. She was also very honest and obedient, but after hearing these two words, she pursed her lips and was very unhappy, "If it's that kind of black rag hood, you are... serious……"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ji put a jet black rag hood on his head.

"Is this useful?" Huangfuyan raised his hand and waved in front of Tian Ruoruo, who immediately looked at her. Even though his facial features were all covered, Huangfuyan could still feel Tian Ruoruo's eyes accurately falling on him. on the body.

I don't know if it was because she didn't use her powers, or if the headgear really worked, but Huangfu Yan no longer felt that strange.

"It seems to be useful?" Baiji didn't feel anything strange about the girl's identity. Whether it was the breath or the texture of her body, they were no different from normal humans.

But can humans still have such strange abilities? Don’t they only know simple spiritual power control and elemental control?

This time I came out and gained something. The girl stayed by Baiji's side and wore a hood on her head. She was very honest along the way.

Huangfu Yan and Liu Xingjia sent her to the management bureau. They stayed there all afternoon and led the girl through many tests, but found nothing wrong.

The girl is completely human, not even a spiritual being.

Through the single-sided glass, Bai Ji watched the girl being surrounded by a crowd of people and instruments in the testing room. Her harmless face and obedient appearance made her a victim. When she was not using her powers, that The eyes are exactly the same as those of ordinary blind people.

"The instruments you have here...are a bit backward." After a while, Bai Ji came to a conclusion.

Although she couldn't feel anything strange about the girl, she still couldn't change her mind that these instruments were useless.

Huangfu Yan was just here to help and didn't know much about these instruments. Seeing that the staff were so anxious and still found nothing, he took out his cell phone and contacted the junior student who was called away.

Because Tianma was very resistant to the equipment, she was left in the reception room without coming in. At this time, she was playing with Baiji's mobile phone alone.

He was the only one in the reception room. Thinking that Jiang Zhu and the others might not know that they had found Baiji, Tianma opened Baiji's contact interface, only to find that there were many call records in her calls, but none of the contacts were saved.


It doesn't matter, Tianma opened Baiji's communication software again. This time, there were friends on the friends page, but none of them had notes.

It's all up to others to find her, right?

Tianma sighed, found Jiang Zhu and Bai Su from their names and friend circles, and sent messages to them respectively.

Miss Ming Guluo, do you want to post it too?
Tianma hesitated for a while, and finally chose to exit the software, and randomly found one among the many game software to kill time.

He has already told Miss Bai Su and Jiang Zhu, so forget it with Miss Ming Guluo. Anyway, she must know that he is coming out, so he will not disturb her.

It's not that he's afraid of Miss Ming Guluo, huh.


Although nothing was detected in the end, it made everyone more wary of Tian Ruoruo. Bai Su and Huangfu Yan were sent out by Liu Xingjia, while Tian Ruoruo stayed alone in the room.

No one noticed that when Bai Ji left the observation room next to Tian Ruoruo, the girl's still-still pupils moved slightly in that direction.

"You won't be rough with me, will you?"

The staff member during the exchange was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Tian Ruoruo. Somehow, he told the truth: "That was the end."

It is actually not recommended to use lynching to deal with prisoners or to force suspects to speak, but when the situation is special, the Bureau does not care about the method.

They are more responsible for ordinary humans, and some spiritual beings or alien races are indeed unmanageable, so of course they will have to use some special means.

Tian Ruoruo understood what they meant, nodded, and continued to sit in a daze.

If anyone approaches her at this time, they will hear her whispering softly.

"Hurry up, honey."

"They're coming to get me."


Huangfu Yan's mission was completed, and she had nothing to do in the magic city, so she simply planned to stay and play for another two days. Of course, Bai Ji agreed.

The two brought Gastrodia back to the villa, and Bai Ji also knew that Gastrodia came here with Bai Su and the others.

Just after four o'clock in the afternoon, we returned to the villa area. Bai Ji took Tianma to the villa, and Huangfu Yan went to park the car.

"Mom... Baiji, this neighborhood is so quiet."

After Gastrodia was brought to Mingguluo, Mingguluo conducted a very detailed examination on him. Gastrodia has been perfectly integrated with spiritual objects and strange things. He is no longer a human and has the ability of the space system. He can interact with The buildings are integrated together, but they do not have strong attack power, nor can they change the shape of the building. They can only control and adjust the temperature inside the building.

The previous thought interference of Bai Ji and Jiang Zhu's hallucination were caused by the boy named Jiang. The purpose was to kill each other for them and prevent them from discovering the Gastrodia elata that was integrated with the bell tower. But why is Gastrodia elata in the bell tower? Why the boy named Jiang brought Gastrodia there, I don’t know about these Gastrodia.

He was still in the laboratory the day before. After sleeping, he found that he was taken to school by Jiang Zihao. Sensing this opportunity, he ran away while Jiang Zihao wasn't paying attention. He fused and evaded all the way, and was finally blocked in that bell tower.

Because it is a public landmark building, Jiang Zihao could not destroy it, and he could not expose the existence of Gastrodia elata, so the two had a stalemate.

It was an accident that Bai Ji went to the bell tower. After Jiang Zihao found out, he wanted to scare her away, but Bai Ji didn't take the bait at all, and that's what happened next.

"Yeah, it's so quiet."

In the past, at this point, there would be old people walking in the small garden, young people returning home from get off work, and children jumping and chattering.

"Bletilla, I feel very uncomfortable here." Something seems to be brewing in the air. It is depressing and makes people lose their energy and energy.

Tianma trotted forward two steps, followed Baiji, and held the corner of her clothes.

The two of them arrived at the door of Huangfu Yan's villa. Gastrodia's little face turned pale with discomfort, her feet slowed down, and finally stopped and pulled Baiji.

"is it here?"

Baiji looked back at him, then looked up at another villa.

"It's not this, this is Huangfu Yan's home, it's that one."

Huangfu Yan's neighbor, the weird couple who said last night that they were going to hold a small party to celebrate their move to a new home.

The husband is a human being and the wife is a monster. The smells on both of them are very special, unpleasant and messy, with the smell of blood, the smell of monsters, and something else. No one is any better.

"But what does it have to do with me?"

The Jiang family incident was because they targeted her people and also implicated the cubs. The same was true for that sect back then. Without these prerequisites, why should she stop the couple from hunting normally, an activity as natural as eating?
Tianma stared blankly at Baiji, understanding the coldness and cold-bloodedness that she had never hidden, but went unnoticed because of her indifferent appearance.

After all, they are aliens.

"What are you doing standing here?" Huangfu Yan stopped the car, and with his long legs, he quickly caught up with the two of them.

Seeing two people standing at the door, he thought they were waiting for him to open the door, so he quickly walked up and opened the door.

"Those two boys haven't come back yet?"

Baiji withdrew his gaze from Tianma, looked at Huangfu Yanqian, and glanced at the villa next door.

"Yeah, but no one should dare to touch them."

Those two people carry her scent. If the couple wants to hunt them, they will first be attacked and suppressed by the scent. This is a normal marking method among alien races.

Mine, don't move.

Huangfu Yan seemed to understand, so he opened the door and found Hua Po and two people lying motionless in the hall.

"! Them!" Tianma was startled, forgetting his fear, and quickly followed Huangfu Yan to check.

They are all still alive, but they all have some... spider silk?
Knowing that the two of them were fine, Bai Ji, who was just unconscious, walked over slowly and sat on the sofa on the side.


"Pour some water on them or hit them to wake them up."

Tianma hurriedly got up to find water, but Huangfuyan was faster than him. He slapped each one with the same strength, and they both woke up immediately. When Huapo sat up, a murderous intention flashed in his eyes. , noticed Bai Ji on the sofa, and quickly lowered his eyes to cover it up.

"Stop hiding, tell me what's going on over there." Bai Ji tilted her body and looked sideways at him. To be precise, she was looking at Wax Amber.

"What?" Hearing Baiji's voice, Yupei replied subconsciously, but was pushed away by Wabo.

"Spider silk." Wamper raised his eyes, "That house is full of spider silk."

"Bajiao? No, the smell is not's the Nine-Life Spider," Bai Ji murmured.

"Nine-life spider?" Huangfu Yan was startled. He escaped from the shock that his neighbor was not a human being, and was restrained by the opponent's race.

The nine-life spider, as its name suggests, has nine lives. It holds grudges and brings great misfortune to those it touches. but……

"They are not..."

"Has been exterminated? How can you be sure that these things will be exterminated?" Bai Ji sneered.

Because the Nine-Life Spider is a strange creature and has a jealous and vengeful temperament, it has caused a lot of harm to humans. Finally, several decades ago, several sects and the country sent people to kill the Nine-Life Spider. The fire burned for five days and five nights, and the Nine-Life Spider clan died and lived again and again.

In the following years, in order to prevent other Nine-Life Spiders from retaliating, humans began to take the initiative. The remaining Nine-Life Spiders in the world were killed one by one, and soon there were no Nine-Life Spiders anymore.

How can I put it, human execution is really good.

"A fish slipped through the net." Baiji grinned, "She's still a bastard. Was she rescued by that man?"

The bloodline is impure, the aura is chaotic, and it doesn't look like a normal monster. It seems that he has been having a rough time these past few years... No, maybe there are other reasons.

He dared to hunt for land in a high-end villa area. He was so bold and bold. It is hard to imagine that he had a very bad life before. Or is this the last supper?

"I'm going to call someone." Huangfu Yan had already stood up to contact Liu Xingjia, but Bai Ji glanced at her and didn't stop him.

In the final analysis, this matter has nothing to do with her. How humans deal with it is their own business. Since it won't interfere with the Nine-Life Spider's hunting, it certainly won't stop humans from killing it.

Natural selection means survival of the fittest; the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. No matter how the times develop, the world has always had this rule, but it is no longer as obvious as before.

-To appease ordinary people, managers hid it.

"They didn't do anything to you." In her opinion, there was nothing wrong with the two of them, but she didn't know if they had been done anything else.

This is what the system asked her to ask. A little annoyed.

"That's not true." Hua Po, who had been replaced, quickly covered Yu Pei's mouth and spoke first, with a strange expression, "Besides, they didn't attack anyone else."

"They... seem to be playing some kind of pretending game."

Yesterday, everyone wore regular clothes to attend the celebration, but when they entered, they saw that both the host and his family were wearing ballet costumes adapted from palace costumes?

The hostess was fine, but the male host didn't think he was suitable. With his rough figure and terrifying face, he looked more like a perverted killer.

Hua Po took one look and felt it hurt his eyes, so he quickly looked away, thought for a moment and hurried back. The air was filled with embarrassment. The other guests probably thought the same, but in the next second they were all caught by spider threads falling from the ceiling. Tangled.

If you look closely, you will see that the long veil behind the hostess's skirt is also spider silk!

Then, the hostess and the host began to dance ballet, and some guests were manipulated to sit down as spectators, while others... danced with them.

Accompanied by the screams of the guests who did not know how to dance ballet from time to time due to stretching, Hua Po and Yu Pei sat in the auditorium covered in sweat, only feeling that this scene was very weird.

Really, crazy old man and crazy woman.

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