Chapter 116

This should actually be considered a sad thing, but the two people who already regarded each other as mortal enemies didn't think it was anything.

But after all, this was the first pair of worldly spirits to kill each other.

Baiji sighed and silently lit a candle for the subsequent worldly spirits. It's so pitiful to have to face the memory of your predecessors killing your own people when you're just an adult.

After wiping away a few drops of crocodile tears, little black flames began to appear around Bai Ji. As the black flames tangled from the silk, her aura became particularly dangerous.

She was serious.

He seriously wants to kill his own kind.

But Gu Zhi on the other side didn't plan to take action yet, "Even so, you still don't plan to accept the inheritance?"

"This way they still have a 1/2 chance of not having this memory, right?" Bai Ji retorted.

Gu Zhi frowned and did not insist any longer.

"That's fine."

This is not a big problem. Every race will have examples of killing each other, and Shiling will not be that exception after all.

Unlike Baiji's black flames that clamor to devour everything, Shou Zhi's innate ability is a very vital thorn, which reaches out to Baiji like a tentacle, and is cut off by Baiji with a black flame knife.


Because the rank is below the skull, the black flame's devouring ability cannot be fully utilized. Against thick thorns, it is useful but not very useful. It can only be cut and chopped with a knife.

It was not easy to hide from the fine thorns. After a while, Baiji's body was scraped with several cracks. When the thorns hit the body, they would pierce into the skin and even stay in the wound.

...It seems to be poisonous.

How the hell do you fight this? !

Bai Ji, who was slowing down, took advantage of the gap to take a few breaths, and thought about how to win over and over again in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it would be much easier to directly accept the inheritance.

Even the system advised her to accept the inheritance as soon as possible, but the annoyance filling her chest was rushing around and she couldn't find an outlet... Why was she so annoyed after all? !
"...I'm so annoyed! Shut up!"

The black flames instantly piled up layer by layer. The victory in numbers quickly drove back the thorns, giving Bai Ji some time to breathe.

calm down……

Noticing that Bai Ji was in a bad mood, Gu Zhi frowned, and then a thorn struck at Gangliang, leaving a bone-deep crack on his back.

"Put the things away for me!" Victory without force!
After being whipped, Gengyang quickly behaved and smashed the things in his trouser pockets with a grin on his face. In an instant, Baiji's mood also recovered a lot.

The rest of the annoyance is probably due to being pressed and beaten and unable to do anything about it.

These cult people actually have this kind of props.

Because it was a matter of life and death, Bai Ji quickly forgot about this matter, and concentrated entirely on how to find the flaw in Gu Zhi. His consciousness and eyes were listening to all directions and looking in all directions.

On the other hand, the system, through Baiji's perspective, sharply saw the prop of Kangxi, and had several thoughts in his mind. Considering that the current situation was not suitable for talking about this, he silently retracted it.

After a while, the system quietly sent a message to its superiors.

——It’s so strange, but it shouldn’t be.

"I have insisted on not accepting the inheritance for two hundred years, and I will not be forced to accept it by you!"


The two of them fought back and forth. Although neither could kill the other for a while, it was obvious that Baiji was at a disadvantage. As time went by, she would definitely be defeated.

This feeling... just like being beaten by Di Lin!
Bletilla gnats its back molars. The thorns are not very poisonous and will pass quickly, but they can't stand it. They whip the whip now and then that. The poison here has passed away and another poison has come up again!

Can you defeat Shou Zhi by accepting the inheritance?

But can she really do it?
Shaking away those messy thoughts, aiming at an opening, Baiji wrapped herself in black flames and rushed over. In an instant, she was in front of Gu Zhi, but Gu Zhi was faster than her who was slower due to poisoning, and thorns gathered in her hands. It turned into a thick vine, and finally condensed into the shape of a snake, with a bloody mouth biting towards Bletilla striata. It was dodged by Bletilla striata, and then scattered and gathered on the ground.

The larger giant hand made of black flame appeared again, this time with both hands, and grabbed the giant snake that attacked again.

There were thorns circling on the ground, making "whispering" figures. Because Bai Ji was paying more attention to the giant snakes, her foot was entangled in one of them. When she struggled out, her ankle was already covered in blood.

The unusual movement here attracted Yu Pei and the others, and Huangfu Yan also successfully rescued the other residents and was watching from the yard.

The giant snake, the giant hand, and the thorns that seemed to cover the entire community were too eye-catching. The skeleton stood speechless in the air, forming a sharp contrast with the struggling Bletilla striata.

Bai Ji could have covered the entire community with black flames, but because she was worried about the giant snake in front of her, she couldn't fully use her abilities. She couldn't completely spread her talents like Shou Zhi did.

This is the current situation of low level versus high level. In addition to being suppressed in level aura, abilities will also be suppressed a lot.

Because high-level people can often notice many situations, while low-level people can only face the immediate crisis. Even if he can do it like a high-level person, the result will be useless and will only harm himself in the end.


When things got to this point, Baiji completely gave up reason and chose to trust his fighting instinct.

Her golden eyes began to glow, causing her eye circles to turn red. She opened her mouth and sprayed fire to burn away the thorns in front of her, then rushed towards the skull in mid-air regardless.

Her hands turned into claws, her nails grew longer, and black flames covered all the way to her forearms. Because the aura was so strong, the thorns along the way were powerless against her. They were either quickly dodged by her or cut off directly by her.

Standing close to Shou Zhi, Shou Zhi still had that cold face.

Bai Ji's struggle seemed to her like a trapped beast still fighting.

"The enemy is stubborn and resists! It's just a desperate struggle!"

The thorns seemed to be covering up the sky and the sun, and Bletilla ji almost revealed its original state. To show respect, Shou Zhi also became similar to Bletilla, except that her hands were full of thorns, her eyes turned red, and her hair stretched out. Plenty of thorns came out.

"Bletilla! You deserve to die!"

The black flames and vines clashed with each other. Looking from Huangfu Yan's side, he could only see the giant hand and the giant snake on the side being crushed and scattered by the powerful shock wave. The giant hand disappeared directly into the air, and the giant snake The pieces that were chopped off fell to pieces on the surrounding houses.

"Bletilla...?" Huangfu Yan murmured, and before she could make a move, a shadow rushed over from her peripheral vision.

It's Yu Pei, Hua Po can't hold him back at all.

"Yupei! Wait!" Hua Po's face was serious. Seeing that Yupei was not stopping, he gritted his molars and chased after him.

Although he knew that it would be of little use even if he went there, Huangfu Yan still chased after him. He took out his cell phone and told Liu Xingjia about the situation here, and it was up to them to decide whether they should come or not.

The three of them rushed to the scene of the incident. The place was filled with smoke and no one could be seen clearly.

Yupei wanted to rush again, but was caught by the switch.


"Idiot! Just wait!" Wamper's temper was not very good. At this time, Huangfu Yan caught up and helped him suppress Yupei, preventing him from rushing forward.

Except for the three of them, there was no other movement. The smoke slowly dispersed, and the figure opposite appeared first.

"Hey! Hello everyone, it's such a nice weather today." In the mist, the man smiled playfully and even said hello to them in a nice manner.

If murderous intent could kill people, he would have been killed hundreds of times by Yu Pei's murderous intent.

Wabo and Huangfu Yan quickly alerted and stared at him warily.

Far away from here, there are two figures paying attention to this side.

One of them said: "You don't care about her?" The other person replied: "I can't control her for the rest of my life."

"She could die."

"That's her life." The latter curled her lips and smiled with endearment, which was completely different from what she said. "If she loses, she will have no choice but to die."

"Huh? Do you have any other plans?"

"You know my personality. I don't like putting eggs in different baskets."

"Oh yes, I almost forgot that you are a gambler."

The latter didn't speak anymore. The former felt a little bored and turned around to leave, leaving the former standing there with his gaze never leaving.


"Bletilla striata! Look, this is Bletilla striata. It was just to pick this that I met you."

The girl was coddled in the house, and all she knew and saw was that men brought her in from outside every day. On this day, the man brought a white striata plant.

"It can astringe and stop bleeding, reduce swelling and promote muscle growth."

The girl subconsciously wanted to catch her, but the man nimbly dodged her.

"No, you can't touch it. Have you forgotten the last time you touched wild angelica and cut your hand on the leaves? You had a high fever that night. If it weren't for me, you would have died a long time ago."

"You are such a little crispy."

The girl felt that this was not a compliment, so she sniffed, but because she inhaled the dust, she started coughing again.

The man hurriedly put down the Bletilla striata in his hand and expertly tapped the acupuncture points to help the red-faced girl stop her coughing.

"Oh, what can I do if you are so crispy?"

"I can't stay with you forever."

The man sighed softly and was cautious in every move. He stood for a while and saw that the girl was in good condition. Then he reached out to grab Baiji. After thinking about it, he didn't listen to his colleagues.

"When I bring you back, I have to bear this responsibility."

"Every existence is reasonable, and one day, you will also play a role."

"Huh? I still want to... Oh, okay, okay, you wait for me to deal with it."

The man stretched out his hand, gently touched the girl's face with a custom-made handkerchief made of fine silk, and gave the girl a simple daily cleaning.

"Baiji, you must live well."


“It’s actually a bit of a stretch.”

Bai Ji stood up unsteadily from the hole that was made. Baiji was covered in blood and his eyes had lost their former agility.

But look on the bright side, at least he's still alive.

"This is such a bad day..." Just now I was holding someone down and beating him, but now he is being held down and beaten. It seems a bit embarrassing?
Is this considered a change of fortune?

"You're still alive." Gu Zhi fell not far away from her. His clothes were a little torn and there was blood at the corner of his mouth, but he was not as embarrassed as Bai Ji.

"I'm a little surprised. Your vitality seems to be very tenacious...or did you avoid fatal injuries?"

"Ha - thank you for the compliment! Of course I was able to avoid your loophole-filled attack at the most critical moment with my perfect body skills!"

"Hmm..." Gu Zhi raised his eyebrows and slowly moved his gaze to the right, looking behind Bai Ji.

"Bai Su, right? I know you."


"Yes, it's me." Bai Su held down Baiji who was about to turn around, and pushed her directly to sit on the ground. At the same time, he took out a dark pill from his pocket and poured it into her without saying a word. stuffed in the mouth.

"Uh! Uh-oh..."

"Take it quickly, it won't hurt you." After pressing it for a long time, Bai Suke pressed the pill into her mouth because Baiji was injured and couldn't resist, and then pinched her mouth to prevent her from vomiting it again. come out.


Bai Ji's eyes were filled with black flames from anger, but Bai Su wasn't too afraid of her in the first place, let alone now.

Among the aliens, the ones she was afraid of were actually the unidentified gentleman and...

"Ming Gu Luo."

Different from the joking tone when he first discovered Bai Su, Gu Zhi immediately became alert the moment he discovered Ming Guluo, with a solemn expression.

"...I know you too." Gu Zhi narrowed her eyes and twitched her right hand slightly under her sleeve. A thorn on the ground behind her quietly raised its head. Because the ground was full of thorns, it was difficult to find it, but before it could lay down, With one move, it was cut off by a light blade and fell back to the ground.

Gu Zhi's eyes moved slightly, but she was immediately controlled by her. She looked straight at the three people in front of her, without looking back at the thorns.

"What a coincidence." Ming Guluo walked between the two groups of people in a few steps and used his body to block Bai Ji from Gu Zhi's sight. "I don't know you."

"Yeah...but I know your name, Guzhi, right? You're breaking the law!"

Gu Zhi's eyelids twitched, then he straightened up and relaxed his shoulders. He seemed to have lost his guard and was no longer tense. "Your Excellency Ming Guluo, you are joking."

"I'm very serious." Ming Guluo narrowed his eyes slightly. The feeling that usually made Baiji and the others feel extremely creepy now struck outsiders, and he didn't restrain himself at all.

"And because you are also a spiritual creature, you! You still have to be under my control."

"...It's really embarrassing." Shou Zhi frowned, "You made me don't even know what to say."

"Are you going to meddle in our worldly affairs?"

Bai Su, who was supervising Bai Ji to ensure that she had indeed taken the medicine, heard this and slightly raised his eyes to look at Gu Zhi, then looked at Ming Guluo's back. No one knew that her palms were all sweaty at the moment.

She always thought that Di Lin was the strongest, followed by Bai Ji, but now it seems that Ming Guluo is the second strongest one?

Anyway, she couldn't beat the alien, and she hoped that Ming Guluo had kept Bai Ji away from him before, otherwise the three of them couldn't beat Gu Zhi in the end, and it seemed really embarrassing to refuse to say anything!
"Bai Su." Ming Guluo, who was fighting with Shou Zhizhi, turned slightly and said, "Don't whisper what's in your heart, we can hear you no matter how quiet your voice is."

Bai Su:!
"Sorry, please continue." Bai Su quickly lowered his head, and in order to cover up his embarrassment, he reached out and patted Bai Ji's back, making Bai Ji roll his eyes.

"Ahem, I told you that you broke the law, so I'm here to arrest you." Ming Guluo answered Gu Zhi's question just now, "Of course you can also choose to refuse and continue to attack Bletilla... Oh, that's right I don’t know if you can bear the consequences.”

"Do you threaten me?"

"Fart, do I like you that much?"

Sister Mingguluo is a little crazy.

Bai Sumu frowned, pursed her lips, and stroked Bai Ji's back.

Gu Zhi on the opposite side laughed angrily, "The younger one is here, the older one is here. If you have the ability, go ahead!"

After the words fell, no one on either side moved, because those who moved were spiritual beings.

Go crazy secretly

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