Chapter 117

Shou Zhi's speed was very fast, and the thorns she threw were particularly majestic, but Mingguluo was faster than her, dodging the dense thorns, and in an instant he was in front of Shou Zhi and gave her a kick.

Gu Zhi was kicked to the roof, causing a big hole.

Bai Su looked at this scene in disbelief - So Ming Guluo is so powerful?

After all, he is an extremely spiritual being with qualifications, but he usually either follows Di Lin or Bai Ji, keeping his eyes open.

Gu Zhi walked out of the cave and knew that Ming Guluo was humiliating herself, or in other words, she was looking for a place for Baiji.

"That man... Di Lin? What benefits did he give you? Can you do this for them?"

"Don't call me sir by his first name, you are not qualified." The moment he finished speaking, a light whip was thrown at Gu Zhi, but he was only half a second too late to dodge, leaving a scratch on her face.

Gu Zhi wiped away the blood stains with a serious expression.

"Besides, the man behind you gave you these dogs, what good does it do?" Ming Guluo walked slowly towards Gu Zhi with a shining circle of light around him, taking his time.

But the feeling of oppression is very strong.

Bai Su on the other side was always paying attention to the situation there while helping Bai Ji stand up.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

"...It's okay, I can't die yet." Bai Ji rested half of his body on Bai Su's body. He couldn't die, but his whole body hurt everywhere.

Sure enough, the fight cannot be stopped in the middle, otherwise the feeling will disappear and the injuries on the body will continue to make a sense of existence.

Might as well finish it in one go!

"Okay, okay, don't be brave." Bai Su was pushed to the side by her, and she didn't have the intention to look at Ming Guluo. Anyway, she could see that Ming Guluo had the upper hand at the moment, and that was enough. .

Moreover, Ming Guluo is different from Bai Ji, who are single-minded. If the situation is unfavorable, they will naturally look for opportunities to retreat.

"The medicine just now can help you recover quickly. If you breathe more spiritual energy, doesn't it mean that your worldly soul absorbs spiritual energy as naturally as breathing?"

"I'm sucking, I'm not stupid, okay?"

"Aren't I afraid that you are seeking death?"

"Tsk. Not yet. I won't die like this."

The hand on Baiji's shoulder shrank subconsciously, and the two of them leaned together. Although they were so close, they were completely stunned by this sentence and looked in different directions.

"...Is it just you two?"

After a while, Bai Ji spoke first to break the embarrassing situation.

But Bai Su suddenly looked at Bai Ji's face as if he had just remembered something. Because of the large movement, he almost dropped Bai Ji to the ground.

"...Hiss! Why don't you stop holding me and let me lie back!"

"There's so much dirt on the ground! It's all made of dust and dirt!"

"More!" Bai Su turned his head and looked in the other direction.

"Jiang Zhu!"

"I forgot about Jiang Zhu!!!"


"Hello, this... young lady makes people feel disgusting just by looking at her."


Originally he and Bai Su were rushing to the laboratory here, but they were suddenly left behind by Bai Su who had received some news on the way. Jiang Zhu, who didn't know what he was going to do now, looked at this person whom he didn't recognize, but as soon as he came up Not only did he identify the wrong gender, but he also scolded his girl.

"...Get out." Jiang Zhu had no desire to pay attention to her. Bai Su couldn't be contacted now. He didn't have the key to the laboratory, and he didn't bring any money when he came out... He wouldn't just live on the streets like this, would he?

Bypassing the girl, Jiang Zhu recalled the message Tianma sent him before. How about going to Baiji and the others first? At least I have a place to stay, and they are all acquaintances...

"Can you take me with you?" The girl came up again and stood in front of Jiang Zhu. "I finally got rid of those people and found you. Now you have to take me to find my dear."

Jiang Zhu:......

Is this person really sick? Didn't her dear have something to do with him and she wanted him to take her to find her?
"Are you crazy? Or do you think I'm crazy..."

The girl's eyes seemed to be covered by a layer of film. Although her eyes were fixed on Jiang Zhu, her pupils were out of focus and looked a bit strange.


Jiang Zhu frowned, not intending to tangle with her anymore, and once again walked around her and strode forward.

The girl Tian Ruoruo was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect such a reaction from the other party.

"...Ah, do you want to take some measures? But if you hurt her dear, she will be angry..." She whispered, and Jiang Zhu had already walked some distance in this moment.

"...Then, let's follow him first."

If you meet those people and go to her side again, at least you won't be taken away...

"I can't be taken away, I can't."

Tian Ruoruo bit her lip and quickly followed Jiang Zhu.

And her decision was right, because this place was not too far away from the community where Baiji and the others were. After Jiang Zhu walked for a while, he met Liu Xingjia and the others who came to support.

They have just set up a barrier in the community to prevent strange things in the community from being seen by outsiders and causing unnecessary panic.

This group of obviously official Ling Yuans worked together in an orderly manner and quickly completed all the arrangements. They also closed the road at the entrance of the community and prohibited everyone from entering.

Jiang Zhu was stopped by someone and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"My... family members are inside, can they let me in?"

Tian Ruoruo, who had been secretly following him, hid when he saw the shadows of those people. Seeing that Jiang Zhu still wanted to talk to them...

Um, isn't she a fool? The not-so-bright type?
Tian Ruoruo squatted behind the wall and began to doubt Jiang Zhu's IQ.

No matter how you look at this, the solution should be to sneak in secretly instead of going up to ask them, right?

You won't be let in for sure!
Tian Ruoruo raised his head and tried to see what was inside through the barrier, but what he saw was foggy.

We cannot sit here and wait for death.

Tian Ruoruo had an idea in his mind and secretly moved in another direction.

Jiang Zhu, who was followed the whole time, actually knew about her existence all along, but just didn't want to talk to her.

As for why he came up to ask even though he knew that outsiders would not be allowed in under such special circumstances, Chun Chun was because he had followed Bai Su and dealt with these official spiritual practitioners so many times during this period that he was not like Tianruo at all. If that kind of consciousness.

"I am Jiang Zhu, Dr. Bai Su's assistant, I..."

"Hey! I know you!" Liu Xingjia, who was discussing countermeasures with his colleagues over there, spotted Jiang Zhu.

There is no way, who makes this young man with outstanding appearance and temperament face several of his colleagues alone.

"You know Bai Su..."

"No, I mean Miss Bai Ji. I know Miss Bai Ji. I saw your photo from Miss Bai Ji before. Are you a child of Miss Bai Ji's family?" "...Ahem, you can understand it that way. But I'm not Baiji’s child. Then I’m here to see Baiji, can you let me in?”

"Oh, then we can't let you in!" Liu Xingjia patted his shoulder, "That's right, I just received news from my senior sister. My senior sister is Miss Baiji's companion, saying that there are aliens inside. It's destructive, and the other party is very strong. Miss Bai Ji and the others are fighting hard inside. You are Miss Bai Ji's family, and we definitely can't let you in at this time. "

Liu Xingjia and Huangfu Yan just contacted each other a few more times. The number of aliens inside is not large, but it is definitely not something they can handle. Now they have applied for higher-level spiritual beings to come to support.

And the reason why I just said a few words briefly was because I didn't know what went wrong over there, and the phone was suddenly disconnected. That is to say, such a powerful senior Huangfu Yan may be killed, and it is even more impossible for a young man like Jiang Zhu to be let in.

Jiang Zhu kept frowning after hearing this. Thinking of Bai Su who had just left suddenly, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. He took out the contact device and tried to contact Bai Su again, but the contact device had no response.

Is it because of the barrier? Or is it because they are really in danger?

Aliens? What kind of existence could pose a threat to such a powerful group?
Baiji, Baisu...Mingguluo, Pingha and Dilin!

Jiang Zhu started to contact Dun Nian.

"Oh, by the way, there was a woman in a white dress who followed me here just now. She seemed to be a psychopath and said incomprehensible words... She is also blind. Please pay attention." Although the other party is suspected of being mentally ill, in the end It's a human life, don't go crazy and kill yourself.

Liu Xingjia had been troubled by Tian Ruoruo for a long time, almost to the point of becoming autistic due to the "blind man" and "girl in white dress". Now when he heard the keyword, he immediately triggered a reaction.

"Is the other person young? And he has long hair and looks very well-behaved?"

"...I don't know. I didn't pay much attention. He was following me just now. Now I don't know where he is. Hello? Wait, I'll make a call."

Liu Xingjia also quickly contacted his colleagues who were still in the bureau and asked them to see how Tian Ruoruo was doing now. At this time, he only regretted that he was not strong enough and did not know how to clone himself.


"How do you feel now?"

"Are you done?"

"Let her run away."

Ming Guluo didn't want to say more, glanced at Bai Su, and then stepped forward to check Baiji's condition.

Baiji was pressed hard by her, and the wound that hadn't recovered seemed to be torn open again, and she gasped in pain.

"Hiss! Wait! Do you want my life? And you let her go on purpose, right?"

"Your life is worthless to me." Ming Guluo took back his hand, "You can still be so noisy. It seems that the problem is not that big."

"Hey! You haven't answered my question yet!"

Ming Guluo stood up, his cold snake-like eyes reflected Bletilla striata, and his gaze was like a knife peeling off the flesh of Bletilla striata inch by inch.

It can really make people feel fear and pain just by looking at it.

"..." Bai Ji turned his head away, thinking that he had a lot of money and didn't care about her.

"Do you want me to deal with your troubles?"

"……Do not."

"Get up as soon as you can. Although your psychotic kin was beaten away by me, isn't there another wild dog running wild everywhere?"

"Um... As for that lamb, Huangfu Yan and his men should be able to handle it, right?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will pull out some weird props again?"

Baiji's expression became serious, thinking of the thing that Kangxi had used on herself before, which made her upset.

"Who are they?"

"Who knows? Let's talk as we go."

Bai Su, who had stepped aside since Ming Gu Luo came over, raised his eyes and glanced at Ming Gu Luo. The other party immediately noticed and looked back. The two people's eyes met briefly in the air, and then quickly separated.

Ming Guluo/Bai Su: Ah, I haven’t seen him for a while, but this guy is still so annoying.


"...A bunch of ants, you don't really think you can compare with me, do you?"

"You let it slip."

Huangfu Yan stood in front of the teenagers, his tone affirmative.

"Ah~ Of course, after all, fighting like a mad dog is too ugly, right? What's more, I don't need to use all my strength to deal with you."

Regardless of the madman-like Wax Po, the Yu Pei who wants to kill Kangxi, and the wild Huangfu Yan who has been playing wildly since he was a child, they are all indeed what Shang Kangxi calls a "mad dog".

Yupei: "I'm going to kill you!"

Huangfu Yan: "You don't need to give in, use all your strength! Let's fight seriously!"

Waxpo: "It's said that you let go of the water, but who knows if you tried hard enough to hold on? Do you only have bad breath now?"

"Hey, hey, you guys haven't beaten me even if I beat me three times. Which side is holding on now?" Gengyang focused on Waxpo, "And you, a kid, you're so mean. , who is the villain among us now?"

Waxpo sneered, "You still know that you are an unpleasant bug villain, don't you?"

"Well... I can't help it. Who makes you always think that you are the orthodox? And in those stories made up by you humans, most of the villains are unpleasant aliens like me, right?"

"It seems you are really self-aware."

"There's nothing I can do about it. I'm born like this. I'm very good at making people hate me." Gengyang spread his hands and said, "That's enough gossip. Have you recovered well by taking this opportunity? Do you want to continue?"

"Well, thanks to a bad guy who can't beat us at all, so he pretends to let go, just to give himself some face, we should be able to kill you now, right?" Waxpo pulled the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows at Qiangyang. Middle finger.

Yupei, who took the opportunity to take a quick rest, was slightly startled, "So did he let go?"

"...They are just talking harsh words to each other." Huangfu Yan, who had seen through everything, sighed, "Now, neither of us can actually solve the other party."

"How ridiculous!"

"Can we beat him? What can you say to be frustrated!"

"Who said I can't beat you? It's just for my fun..."

The two of them almost spoke in unison. Yupei looked at this and then at that.

Gengyang calmed down first and took two steps back under the vigilant gazes of the three people. "Okay, it seems that my occasional kindness has made you misunderstand me. Next..."

"You're under arrest!"

A crisp sound sounded, and before Hengyang could react, he was locked in a transparent box. The box kept changing and shrinking, and finally it just fit in his hand.

Wax Amber: Huh?

Huangfu Yan:......

Ming Guluo threw the square box twice casually, and looked at the strangely shrinking Kangxi inside, which was so painful that he couldn't even speak, and smiled like a devil.

"Do you know? Your race... is full of good materials. Whether we use it or sell it by peeling off the skin and bones, it will be more valuable than you living now."

"After all, you are the best at making others hate you, right? It doesn't matter, we will all like you very much from now on."

"Don't thank me."

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