Chapter 13

The so-called bletilla striata is a little painful, but it will be severe pain on the third day.

He endured and endured, but he still couldn't hold back, and let out bursts of low growls, which made the number one on the side feel very painful.

This kind of thing, whether you can not experience it or don't experience it, No. [-] sneaked a look here, thinking, everything must go well for your own pulse opening, and don't have such an accident as No. [-].

The treatment process is very long, and the intermediate system is also very anxious, but they dare not make a sound to disturb.

Baiji went out halfway, and the two children didn't communicate much, but the system took advantage of this to ask Baiji what happened to No. [-].

"It's actually okay, he was cursed." Bai Ji passed by the living room and found that Ping Ha was no longer here. She frowned, worried that Ping Ha would make trouble again.

〖Curse? ! 〗

"That's right, it's very strange." This is also what Bai Ji was curious about.

No. [-]'s background experience was investigated by Baiji himself. He also confronted him when he took over No. [-]. He didn't know any very good people in his previous life.

Born, lost, adopted by beggars, beggars died, and sold into underground black fists.

As I said before, these places are generally not very developed cities, so of course there will be big people, but who will come to curse the children of ordinary people?

"No. [-] hasn't tested his talent. He has been wandering around with beggars for as long as he can remember. No one knows he is a genius, so why would someone put a curse on him?" Baiji thought about this question, but there were too few clues to know what it meant.

"Does anyone besides you know that he has the so-called villain identity?"

〖There is also world awareness, but world awareness will not do this! 〗

Indeed, the world consciousness cannot take action directly, it can only push the boat along behind the scenes to protect itself from being violated.

"This is really getting more and more interesting."

Number three has the simplest identity among them, but the mystery is also the biggest.

Baiji picked up what he needed, and on the way back, he found Pingha in the kitchen.

He was facing the pots and pans, and his back was facing the bletilla striata, not knowing what he was doing.

The system is very nervous, 〖he is not poisoning, is he? 〗

"No, I'm the only one among us who understands medicine quite well. Even if the others know it, not many of them do." Baiji thought for a while, but he didn't come forward to find him, and returned silently to the medicinal bath room.

〖But what is he really doing! 〗

"Probably cooking."

〖? ?Who cooks muttering. 〗

"His old problem, um... But he is actually cooking, which is really suspicious, so finish the work and leave early." Bai Ji lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then continued, "Have you chosen which city? "

〖! 〗

〖Choose it!This is here, Lanming City, a second-tier tourist city, with the imperial capital on the north and mountains on the west, so it is very convenient in every way. 〗


〖Yes, there are sects in the mountains. Considering the special characteristics of the villains, if there is any problem at that time, the host can directly search for information. 〗

Bai Ji paused, feeling that his image in the eyes of the system was not very good.

"...Let's talk about it later."

〖Okay! 〗


No. [-]'s pulse opening went smoothly without any abnormalities.

He officially became a spiritual master, a water star.

Bai Ji also threw him a secret book of exercises (private exercises), and asked him to try his moves to ensure that he would not lose control like No. [-].

Number one was not very good at controlling at first, but after concentrating on comprehending the spiritual power for a period of time, a small ball of water immediately formed on his right hand.

It is worth noting that the water mass is not blue like other water lines, but turquoise.

Number one has no awareness of this aspect and is immersed in his own joy.

Baiji recorded the color silently and called Naqi.

"The turquoise water, does the strange thing have something to do with it?"

Natch shook his head and snorted a few times.

"There is no water, but there is a turquoise power possessing." The strange power is a kind of mist around the body of the monster when it uses its own ability, which can prevent the prey from getting close.

There are many colors of fog, and Naqi's is red and black.

"What kind of monster is it?"

Naqi leaned closer to the bletilla striata, and let out a few more grunts of dissatisfaction.

"... Tsk, it sounds a bit difficult to deal with, it seems that you have been deceived by them."

The system uses a translator to roughly translate it, and quickly goes to the background think tank to search.

Baimian, a kind of terrestrial monster, is very smart, but its body is very ugly in terms of human aesthetics.It has tentacles, can be possessed, is good at disguising, and often turns into various forms to deceive humans and the same kind. It is a rare existence among high-level monsters that is not welcomed by the same kind.

The system checked its prototype, and it was decidedly ugly according to the human aesthetic setting, and quickly closed the picture.Thinking of this weird creature giving birth to No. [-], um... I think the father's genes are very strong.

"It should have turned into a human being back then, and then imitated a woman to lure No. [-]'s father to have sex with it." Baiji tried to sort out this relationship, "but why did it give birth to this child?"

Existence is reasonable, but from the standpoint of considering human beings as livestock and loving to kill human beings to satisfy their evil tastes, especially from the perspective of such a weird creature that even dares to play with its own kind, Baiji doesn't understand why it wants to give birth to No. [-].

"Nach, what would happen if you found out you were pregnant with a human child?"


Natch was so frightened that he vomited.

"Well, it's really hard to imagine." Immediately cutting open the stomach and killing the child, or even being depressed for a long time, or simply committing suicide, is the normal idea of ​​the monster, although most monsters can't conceive a human child at all.

"That must be true love." Bai Ji finally affirmed.

"That Baimian is true love with No. [-]'s father!"

Although it may be eaten in the end, it must be love in the first place!

Natch's expression was indescribable.

The system thinks something is wrong, but looking at it this way, it is indeed the only one that can explain most of the problems.

〖Then... that is it. 〗The system weakly agrees.


Number three woke up in his own room.

He opened his eyes, everything in front of him gradually became clear, and he slowly sat up.

The body does not have that stuffy feeling, but the whole body is light and refreshing.

Maybe it was made by bletilla striata, or maybe bletilla striata asked someone else to do it.

"Body, feeling..."

"How do you feel? It's not bad, right?"


No. [-] was startled, turned around suddenly, and found that Baiji was sitting on the chair beside the bed with his legs crossed, and he tilted his head in astonishment.

"what happened?"

"No, it's nothing, I didn't expect you to be here, I'm a little surprised." Number three shook his head, avoiding Baiji's sight.

"Of course it's still there! Unless it's under special circumstances, I won't leave patients who don't know the situation alone there."


"But it's true that you haven't been here all the time. It's just that you should wake up soon before you come back." Baiji explained, not wanting him to think that he was here all the time, "Don't think too much about it."

"Okay, I didn't think much about it." Why did he suddenly have to explain.

Seeing that No. [-]'s expression was normal, Baiji secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It is a problem for Pingha to stay here all the time, and he suddenly cooks again, which always makes Baiji feel very uneasy.While Ping Ha wasn't paying attention, he got his mobile phone and wanted to see the group chat between him and those people.

These few people have built a group behind their backs. Bai Ji knew it a long time ago. Before there was no mobile phone, they used other methods. Now that they have a mobile phone, there must be a group!
After entering the password to open the screen, the main page is a novel.


Is that guy not someone who reads novels, or did he start to find inspiration from novels recently, and then experiment in reality?
Baiji cheered up and began to read the novel rigorously.Then I immediately discovered that the novel is a love story between the heroine and the original villain.

What a waste of time.

Bletilla striata is inexplicable.

〖Hey, this novel is similar to ours, alas, these authors must not know that there are real villains in reality, right? 〗


Do not!
Do not! ! !
"What's the same? Can't you see that this is a romance novel? This is what you and I popularized." Baiji suddenly retorted fiercely like a cat with fried fur, and subconsciously threw the phone out of his hand and threw it on the sofa.

〖Um?Yes what's the matter?I mean, the heroine here also adopted a villain, just like us now. 〗

"They ended up together! Not like us! There's no way I'm with them!"

〖...Ah, I didn’t say that the host should be with them. We won’t interfere with this. Except for helping the villains live another life, we won’t interfere with the host’s own life. 〗

"Then if they like me in the future, you won't help them get me?"

〖! 〗

〖How could it be, how could the system do such a thing!If you like someone and pursue him, the system will never intervene in such matters!No matter who it is, the system will not interfere! 〗

"...Okay, okay, don't get excited, let's not get excited." Hearing the system's assurance, Baiji felt a little relieved, picked up the phone, and started to read it—mainly to see how the hero and villain in the article got it Mistress, what methods were used.

〖Actually, the host doesn’t need to worry about this. 〗

At least the system doesn't see any tendency now.

"No, you don't understand, I'm allergic to romance."

〖...〗Ouke, as long as the host is happy.

Turning the time back to the present, seeing that everything on No. [-] is normal, Baiji pursed the corners of his mouth, and continued: "I wanted you to rest for a while, but we have to leave here quickly, so I plan to..."

"I'll get up right now."

"We'll leave after you rest enough."

The two voices sounded at the same time.

"Huh? Have you had enough rest?" Bai Ji wondered, "But your complexion is not very good yet."

"The body is very comfortable, but it is still a little boring, but there is no big problem."

"Let's take a good rest, after all, you're still a—kid. You're still a kid."

〖Yes, yes, alas, most children at this age are still acting like a baby with their families. 〗The system paused, then continued.

〖Maybe... they can act like a baby? 〗

"...Of course, you can be more self-willed." Bai Ji held back, leaving only this sentence.

Number three raised his head, and Baiji had already closed the door and left.


It was the first time anyone had said that to him.


Baiji decided to stay one more day because of No. [-], and conveyed the news to several other children behind Pingha's back.

She told the little villains to do what they should do, and they must not show any strangeness.

Pingha's meal was not given to Baiji after cooking, but he himself never ate human food, so he didn't know what he did with it in the end.

Baiji didn't dare to relax her vigilance, while connecting the system to the Internet, it will purchase various equipment and send it to the address of the new home.

Although the little villains tried their best not to show any strangeness, a weird atmosphere still spread among them, especially when they passed by the living room occupied by Ping Ha, they almost immediately avoided his sight.

group chat
Aspiring to be a director: Have you arrived yet?Missy, she is leaving.

Ming Guluo: On the way, we will arrive tonight.

Su: Will she be "happy" crazy?

Aspires to be a director: No, no, the eldest lady has recently moved to the city with those children.

Su:?She is coming to the city?It's ridiculous.

Ming Guluo: When are you leaving?

Determined to be a director: Tomorrow, those little ghosts are still avoiding me, I already knew it.

Su: How many?

Determined to be a director: Well, there are four children here.

Sue: Four children? ? ?Is she still insane after all?
Ming Guluo: We have one more here, so there should be five.

Su: Why does she want so many children?Do you really want to experience how to be a mother?Even going back to the city.

Ming Guluo: Don’t worry about this, Mr. has already prepared a place for Baiji to live, and this will never change.

Su: No, wait, Pinha, she will tell you this?

Determined to be a director: Of course she didn't say it, there is another interesting guy here, so I simply used a little trick~
Su: Who?Who else?
Determined to be a director: a cute and cowardly junior.

The man straightened his long legs and lay on his back on the sofa, the black monster trembling as his foot pad.

"Don't move around, little Qiqi, you made me almost make a typo." The man put down his phone, and softly scolded the weird thing at his feet, when No. [-] happened to pass by the living room.

"Hey! Little guy!" Pingha quickly turned around and called number one to stop.

The black monster took the opportunity to escape without being noticed by others.

"How about those meals? Is it delicious?" Ping Ha held his face and said with a smile, "It's delicious, right? If you follow me to my side, I can cook for you every day Oh~”

No. [-] pursed his lips and didn't respond.

"The bletilla is rich, and so am I. I have more money than the bletilla. Although it is true that I am not too strong in terms of force, I am still very strong. Well... I can be regarded as a genius. I can satisfy what you think You, it won’t restrict you like Baiji.” Ping Ha stepped over the sofa and came to No. [-] in a few steps, making it impossible for him to retreat.

"Come with me, I can teach you many things, I am more suitable for you than Baiji~"

No. [-] avoids Ping Ha's hand grabbing him, lowers his head and refuses: "No, Mr. Ping, I am very satisfied with my life now." After saying that, No. [-] will bypass Ping Ha and leave.

"The existence of human beings still can't be compared with races like monsters, curled up in the human body, taught by narrow-minded women, are you really willing to live like this?"

"Don't you want to show your strengths? Bai Ji doesn't know what you really need, and what is suitable for you."

Number One looked up at Pingha.

Ping Ha is slightly possessed, the front is full of shadows, and the specific expression is not clear at all.

But his words were full of deception, like the serpent in the garden of Yinden, tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

Pingha was reflected in the pupils of number one, he opened his mouth, he didn't even know what he said in the end.

Maybe agree, maybe refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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