Chapter 14

〖He said you are a narrow woman. 〗The system didn't know why Baiji didn't go up to stop it, so it started to sue, trying to arouse Baiji's anger.

"He was right."

Baiji really doesn't know much about these things, but she has a specialization in art, and she is much better than Pingha in other aspects.

〖What if he really takes No. [-] away? 〗

"Take it away, take it away. The child has his own ideas when he grows up, so he can't keep it."

Just like she left Dilin.

〖You fight for it again! 〗The system screamed, even if it is a show for it to watch, it obviously felt a little positive just now, why is it now negative again!

"But Pingha is indeed more suitable than me to take No. [-]. It's hard to say about the others, but Pingha can definitely solve the problem of No. [-]."

〖what? 〗

"Ha... That guy is an extremely strange thing." The existence of a higher level than Naqi, the strange thing that has lived for decades, has been able to hide itself well and blend into humans.

〖But isn’t that more dangerous! 〗

"Dangerous fart, it's dangerous to the other brats, but number one has the blood of a monster, how could it be dangerous to him."

〖...That's true, but just in case!What if that person misleads number one? 〗

"Well... just give him a warning. If he still dares to take the wrong number one, kill him."


Host, how can I answer your answer.

Now it doesn't matter whether No. [-] agrees or not, no matter how he answers, Baiji wants to send him there.

The main reason is that some accidents did happen on the day of opening the pulse. Although it was a small situation, it was finally brought under control without any bad results, but in the end it was Baiji's mistake.

At least Baiji thinks so.

"In terms of monsters, all my experience comes from the monsters and naki I have hunted. After all, I still don't know as much as Pinha."

〖Then, at least let them be by your side, right? 〗

"Well, of course."


At night, Baiji went to visit number three again.

〖Very good!Now there is no problem with number three. 〗

"Hmm... tsk. Eavesdropping is not a good habit." Baiji closed the door and turned around, only to see Pingha standing in the middle of the corridor.

The man put his hands in his pockets, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, "Really, how about returning the original words?"

"Ha, ridiculous, what happened in the afternoon?"

"Erlin is tricky, the bletilla striata behind him? Isn't the eldest lady listening well?" The man stepped forward a few steps, bent down to look at the bletilla striata, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"I'm really speechless, Pingha." Baiji backed away slightly, and the distance between the two of them was opened again.

"I thought about it. I can bring number one to you, but you must be by my side. You can't take number one away without authorization."

"Hmph, it sounds very tempting~ Not only did I get the little devil who was interested, but I also got to stay by Miss Bai's side."

"... After all these years, you still speak like you are acting strangely."

"Pfft ha ha ha, but it's not up to you to decide now."

"Huh?" Baiji's pupils shrank, and the uneasiness in his heart these days was suddenly magnified, and he grabbed Pingha's wrist with both hands, "What are you talking about, brat? Tell me clearly. This is my home. .”

"You'll know right away. After all, the ignorant young lady must not know that there is more than one mobile phone for a person, right?"

Ping Ha slightly attached himself, and with his other hand broke away Baiji's hand, took it out from his trouser pocket and put it on it.

"Our eldest lady, she is surprisingly naive in some places~"

Baiji looked down, and Pingha unlocked the screen lock for Baiji in a very considerate manner. Suddenly, the page that lit up was a group chat that Baiji hadn't found before, which belonged to Pingha and several people.

Ping Ha adjusted the font very awkwardly, and chose the largest size.

Di Lin: Here we are.


Oh shit.

He was actually cheated, Pingha, this kid...

Should have killed him sooner.

"Hahahahaha, Baiji, your expression now is really wonderful."


In the past few days, he has been coaxed by Pingha.

Baiji raised her head, her gaze was dull, but the golden light in her eyes was becoming more and more difficult to hide, as if something was about to break through all the restrictions and run out.

"Calm down, you know, this is Bai Su's lover."

The man pressed Baiji's shoulders with a pair of big hands, and the inherently stubborn side of the monster was vividly revealed on his body. The corners of his mouth grinned to an extent that ordinary people could not do, and those red phoenix eyes were full of blood.

"The us here are Mingguluo and the old man~"

Fuck!It turned out to be Ming Guluo!

Among the few people, what Baiji is most afraid of is not Bai Su, who was born on her own, nor Pingha, who is an enemy of her, nor the noble, perfect Emperor Lin.

It's Mingguluo.

Ming Guluo, who is always rational, takes care of the overall situation, stands silently by the side, and handles everything perfectly with a cold face.

Di Lin would teach Bai Ji when he made a mistake, and Bai Su would fight with Bai Ji when Ping Ha was upset, but Ming Gu Luo would not.

She didn't have to do anything, just stood there, and Baiji felt completely at a loss. Those green eyes were obviously very cold, but they seemed alive, full of various emotions, and entangled the targeted person like a poisonous snake.

"It's crazy."

Baiji punched Pingha violently, but Pingha didn't dodge and was knocked down on the floor. The loud noise attracted No. [-] and Liu Qing to check the situation.

"You boy told them?"

"How could it be?" Ping Ha wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then smiled, "That's why I say that the eldest lady is very naive, she has been hiding in XZ, and even hid in Erlin, like a little mouse."

"But we, all along, know where the bletilla striata is."


These guys! ! !

Bletilla striata's face flushed suddenly, reaching the tips of the ears and spreading all the way to the neck.

What is this?She thought she hid it well, but in the end these guys knew everything, didn't they--wouldn't it make her look like a badass!

Although No. [-] and Liu Qing didn't know what happened to them, they probably understood a little bit, especially when they saw Baiji's face flushed with shame.

Number One and Liu Qing: ...

So, this kind of thing is really embarrassing.

"Now that you know why you don't come to me, don't contact me at all, I thought, I thought..."

"That's right!" Ping Ha raised a big smile, "Because you like this game very much, Bai Ji, so we didn't bother you anymore."

Like a fart!
"However, Bai Su did not come to you all this time because she was really angry. After all, you fought with her, moved away the house she built, and took away her lover..."

"Pfft, that guy has been clamoring to kill you heartless bastard since he found out the next day."

"——!" Baiji's face darkened, and she said through gritted teeth, "But even so, she knows I'm in Erling, right?"

"Well! Yes! We all know it!"

The system is sure, as Pingha's words fell, it heard the blue veins of Baiji.

"Bletilla striata! Outside! There's a carriage parked outside!" No. [-], who ate the slowest, rushed to the second floor and saw several people in the corridor on the second floor.

Because he rushed up suddenly, several people looked at him.

No. [-] was taken aback, his face flushed, and he stammered, "The atmosphere is not good? I, I, I——sorry for disturbing you!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and rushed downstairs again.

"Stop!" Baiji hurriedly called to stop him.

No. [-] froze in place, turned around slowly, and looked at No. [-] and Liu Qing for help, but the latter silently avoided his sight, pretending not to see it.

Baiji lowered her head, her face was gloomy, and she raised her hand to pinch the space between her eyebrows.

Among the few people present, Pingha had the worst image. He was wearing loose clothes. After being punched by Baiji, his hair was disheveled and his collar button was unbuttoned, revealing his honey-coloured collarbone. sit on the floor.

Number One glanced at him and had to admit that although this guy was a bit of a mess, he was still damn attractive.

Pinha noticed No. [-]'s gaze, and raised his hand to wave No. [-], and No. [-] turned back immediately.

"Bai, Baiji, outside, the horse, the carriage." No. [-] reminded weakly, wanting to end this weird scene quickly, so that Baiji's attention would be diverted.

"Heh, Pingha, you boy, you are really good." Bai Ji put down his hands, raised his head and laughed a few times.

The system didn't know who was outside, so it tried to scan, but found that it couldn't see through the outside of the carriage, and was almost noticed by those inside.

It is an existence that it absolutely cannot afford!

How on earth did such a big man appear in Erling, for Baiji?How good is its host background? !Is it, bound to an amazing guy...

Even though the system has always known that Bletilla striata is very strong, but she is either doing bad things, or on the way to create a bad environment, she still has a lot of troubles, bad temper, and not easy to get along with, although there is nothing too bad, The unbearable place... Who would have thought that she knew such a character!Even so, why are you so incompetent!

Do you know that the sons of luck over there don't have your backstage, but no matter how you look at it, they are all higher grade than you!
Bai Ji didn't know what the system was thinking, and didn't know that it was going to spy on Di Lin desperately. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Pingha, dragging him downstairs.

"Get down for me! Call number three down too!"

"A distinguished guest is here."

"Hey! Baiji! Stop! Lighten up! Hey! This is the stairs, wait, my ass!"

Several people came to the entrance on the first floor. Baiji was still dragging Pingha like a dead fish (because she was dragged down the stairs). She took several deep breaths before slowly opening the door.

Erlin was still the same Erlin, with a strange and gloomy feeling everywhere.

But today's area of ​​Erlin is destined to become extraordinary at this moment because of those two luxurious carriages.

Even Liu Qing, who has the most contact with rich people among them, couldn't help muttering: "It's the first time I've seen such an exaggerated carriage."

It looks like it's all made of gold and diamonds!The two white horses in front are also tall and mighty, with gold and jade on their bodies.

"Well... I just think, don't you think the horse won't be tired? It looks very heavy." Number Four said weakly, and felt that this seemed to be provocative, "I, I didn't do it on purpose, or..."

"No, you don't understand." It was rare for Liu Qing to talk to him once, without sarcasm, "Really rich people don't care about horses."

"The point is the people in the carriage, not the carriage?" Seeing that the two of them were talking about carriages and horses, No. [-], who was behind them, couldn't help but whispered.

Indeed, no matter how you think about it, such a carriage will not appear here. The golden light is so conspicuous, let alone the humans in the backward village and town outside Erlin, even the weird things in Erlin, it is impossible to let it go, right?To drive so cleanly in the depths of Erling...

No. [-] frowned. The books he read in the library were basically history, as well as the current customs and customs of various continents and countries, and the division of financial resources. He basically had a rough positioning of the identity of the people in the carriage.

Pingha rubbed his butt, stuck to Bai Ji, and squinted at the carriageway: "Let me tell you first, I really don't know about this, they said they came here with a sports car, and later they changed it to a long luxury car, what are you doing, old man Still like to show off so much."

Baiji ignored him.

The carriage stopped for a long time, and none of the people in the carriage got off.

Number One quietly walked a few steps in front of the carriage, wanting to see the coachman driving the carriage. Generally, such people would have family imprints on them.

The coachman has a strange figure, covered by a wide cloak, and the body under the cloak presents irregular protrusions.

Number One naturally retracted his gaze.

The coachman is not human, he thought calmly.

"I told you all of you are here, why are you still staying in the carriage?" Finally, Baiji couldn't hold back, rushed forward and yanked open the door of the carriage.

Liu Qing was taken aback, worried about the carriage.Be careful!That's real money!

The carriage door was opened, and the other people didn't know what was going on, they saw Baiji's body stiffen, and then, a woman's cold voice came out.

"Bletilla striata, have you fed your etiquette to the dog?"

Baiji clenched his hands, and just about to speak, he heard the system shout.

〖Host!that child!The last villain! 〗

what? !

Bai Ji was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his attention to the boy who was sitting aside with a low sense of presence.

The boy is very good-looking, with delicate features and a sense of independence from the world. He obviously had a low sense of existence before, but when he looked at him, he realized that his temperament was really unique.

Kaolin Flower.

For some reason, Baiji suddenly thought of the introduction of this person in the reference given by the system.

And every aspect is in sharp contrast with the previous ones.

He was uninjured and looked in good spirits.

"Wait, why is he here?" Baiji turned to look at Ming Guluo.

"I met him on the road. He was wandering on the street at that time." Ming Guluo got up, ignored the boy, pushed Baiji off the carriage, and saw Pingha who was laughing at her.

"Pingha. Hmm. It's really..." Ming Guluo's eyes seemed to be looking at a clown.

The woman is really good-looking, tall, with long, straight black hair tied up in a ponytail, fair skin, slender eyebrows and peach blossom eyes, but thin cherry lips, showing a bit of meanness and indifference.

Her gaze swept over several little villains one by one, and the emerald green pupils made several children dodge subconsciously.

"Mister said you needed it, so I brought it." Ming Guluo didn't look at them for too long, and turned to talk to Baiji. When she talked to people, she would always stare into the other person's eyes.

So, although Ming Guluo said that this is a polite behavior, the person being stared at is very uncomfortable, and often suddenly becomes ashamed and ends the conversation hastily.

"What about Di Lin?"

"Sir, I got off the carriage a long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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