Chapter 15

"Get off the carriage?" Bai Ji was stunned, "But we..."

"Come on." Ming Guluo looked at Bai Ji, those expressive eyes, with a hint of disappointment and sarcasm, "Mr. Lian can't even notice that you have become weaker."

These words pierced Baiji's heart. Although she has indeed neglected martial arts training these years, she will not become weak, right?
Seeing this, Ping Ha retreated behind the children, silently swallowing what he wanted to say.

"Achnatherum splendens, I found something weird in the backyard."



"Ahhh! What are you talking about!" The visitor just walked around from the right side of the house when Baiji rushed over and covered his mouth.

"What kind of splendens, I told you not to do this..."

"Pfft, Ji Ji, Miss Ji Ji." Ping Ha couldn't hold back, it's not his fault, it was the memory of being beaten to death by Bai Ji suddenly attacked him.

The bletilla striata before was a little more impulsive than now, because she hated trouble, so she wanted to do everything quickly, and naturally everything was always in a hurry.

In addition to the homonym of the name, Dilin always called Baiji "Jiji", so Pingha simply nicknamed Baiji.

Bai Su is a craftsman, Ping Ha is a fun person, Ming Gusu is a ghost animal with a poisonous tongue (snake), Di Lin is an old man, and Bai Ji is Miss Ji Ji.

Since then, the nicknames of several people have all been exposed.

There was a smile on the corner of the visitor's mouth, but Bai Ji didn't let go of his hand, his face was as red as blood, and he said in a low voice, "Di Lin, please save face."

Di Lin still didn't speak, and looked down at Baiji with a smile.

Bai Ji gritted his teeth, and his voice couldn't be lowered.


"Let's go, Xiaobai."

Bai Ji put down her hand, one step behind the man, and returned to the crowd together.

When the little villains saw the man, they froze in place, unable to look away.

In this era, most things are superficial, and it is difficult to unify people's aesthetics. After all, there are always sunspots crawling around, or they don't see the good of others.

But the man in front of him is definitely an existence that can unify aesthetics.

No matter which country or continent someone is standing here, they can't deny the man's appearance.

He must be the most perfect creation of the Creator, magnificent and holy, handsome and dignified, without any femininity.

Liu Qing has seen too many beauties, such as the prostitutes in the land of Chunlou, such as the young lady of aristocratic family, such as Pinghaminguluo.

However, this man named Di Lin is an existence that surpasses all things.

Maybe he is God?

Even the system in Baiji's brain was shaken to the point of garbled codes, and she marveled how in the world she could have such a face, but it was still on a man!Aren't they all beauties since ancient times?

Bai Ji saw that the children were all stunned in place as if they had lost their souls, and sighed, she knew it would be like this.

If the appearance of the villains and the son of luck is the pinnacle of the entire continent, then Dilin's beauty is the pinnacle of the entire planet.

"That's why I told you not to come out and wander around all the time." Bai Ji rolled her eyes at Di Lin. She is not qualified to say little villains. After all, the first time she saw Di Lin, she grabbed the teacher's clothes and said that she wanted to marry this little boy. Brother, who knows why he became his "father" in the end.

"Don't Xiaobai like me coming to pick you up? I brought you a gift." Di Lin reached out and stroked Baiji's head, and Baiji lowered her head, which was rare for a little girl.

"...don't touch my head like an animal."

Di Lin chuckled a few times, withdrew his hand, and asked, "So do you like it? I'm giving you a gift."

"What? The kid?"


"Very satisfied,...thank you." She had never had any news about the last villain before, and she couldn't find him at all. The reference given by the system was only a few words, saying that he was displaced.

It's just too fateful.

The system is still in a dizzy state in Baiji's mind, after all, it accepts Di Lin's beauty crit more intuitively than the others.

"You don't have to be polite to me, I will be happier if you are happy."

Di Lin is 1.9 meters two, and his figure is also perfect. His muscles are smooth, but he doesn't look greasy and bloated. The typical clothes look thin and fleshy.

He supported Baiji and walked slowly to the carriage.

Pingha shrank aside, Mingguluo nodded slightly to the two, turned around and glanced at Pingha who was frantically weakening his sense of existence.

"Xiaobai, you must tell me anything. Your business will not be trouble." Di Lin gave Ming Guluo a look, and Ming Guluo got into the car and dragged the boy down.

"It's nothing." You can't say that your adopted daughter almost killed herself and then had to help someone else raise a cub, right?

"By the way!" Bai Ji held on to the door of the carriage without being pushed up by Di Lin. With the other hand, he grabbed Di Lin's collar and let him slightly possess him, then whispered, "How do you know that I need that child?" ?”

Di Lin: "I have been paying attention to Xiaobai's matter, of course I know."

Bai Ji pursed her lips. After saying this, she probably knew how clear Di Lin was.

"Okay, let me go back now, don't think about pulling me into the carriage and taking me away."

Di Lin smiled, "I was discovered, as expected of Xiaobai."

"Oh, get out."


Several people sat in the living room one after another, but Baiji, as the owner of the room, wanted to stand aside with Pingha.

She rolled her eyes and began to sarcastically say: "I used to give you a fright every day, why are you withering now?"

Pingha squinted his eyes and smiled: "Don't talk about me, the host doesn't sit, but stands aside like a servant, it's really ridiculous. I dare not compete with Ming Guluo for a seat, who is more noble than the other."

Bai Ji gritted his teeth, "I am humble."

"Wow - so modest."

The two turned their heads and rolled their eyes together with their backs turned to each other.

Over there, Di Lin was drinking the tea he brought, when Baiji suddenly thought of Naqi, "Di Lin, where is Naqi? That weird thing you just mentioned."

"I locked him in the backyard, don't worry, it's nothing serious. As Xiaobai's contract monster, it's a bit too cowardly, should I change it for you?"

Bai Ji rubbed his chin, "It's quite convenient to use, and its ability is good, but it's okay to change it, I want Pingha."

"Roll!" Ping Ha was swept away by Di Lin's gaze, his hair stood on end, and he pushed Bai Ji to keep her away from him.

"Xiaobai, Pingha is your friend." Di Lin smiled, and that's the end of this topic.

"Next, it's time to talk about Xiaobai, and these... children."

The man smiled, and the children who were still a little immersed in the beauty suddenly froze, and then lowered their heads one after another, their shoulders trembling.

Because of his excellent appearance, Di Lin had long since found a way to avoid situations that would make him unhappy.

Illusion, although he still looks the same, but in the eyes of others, he can change freely according to his mind.

At present, the human beings know of his existence, and there are also rumors of his appearance, but he has always shown his face to others, and few people have seen his appearance.

Looking at the children's appearance, one could tell that they were probably frightened by Di Lin's ghostly appearance.

Bai Ji sighed, and was about to speak when he noticed the last little villain beside him, who first named him No. [-], well, there was nothing unusual, it was still the same as before.

Di Lin followed Baiji's line of sight and explained: "This child has been drawn in love, you should be familiar with this method."

Baiji rushed forward, lifted Number Six's chin and inspected it carefully.

"It's true that I was drawn in love." But this is the method of spiritual beings, and human beings don't know these things.

Human beings can only use the power of the five elements and wind and thunder, and the other various abilities, like the abilities in the novel, are basically the abilities of other races.

Pulling love... is the means of spiritual beings.

Baiji called the system, "You villains are really more interesting than the other."

No wonder, like losing his mind, he was actually taken out of love.

If it is said that ghostly creatures take pleasure in torturing and killing human beings and look at human beings like dogs, then spiritual creatures are superior and look down on human beings at all.Not to mention letting humans make fun of them, they would find it unlucky for humans to appear in front of them.

As for the remaining monsters, their names sound dangerous and villainous, but they are actually the ones that are most involved with humans, and they belong to mutual benefit and reciprocity with humans.

"How could there be a spirit creature attacking a human he a human being?" Confused by these brats, she dared not judge this person's race at will.

"It's human, it used to be."

"Tsk, it's all a problem."

"But it's a problem that can be solved sooner or later, Xiaobai, you can't be too eager, helping them with everything, isn't it a kind of spoiling?"

Baiji was not reconciled, "I will provide them with good learning resources, and I will try my best to give them what they want, just like you."

Di Lin shook his head, "You are different from them. Sufficient learning resources are important, but some experience is also necessary. You can't protect them from a lifetime of disaster."

"I didn't want to block them for a lifetime, I just kept them until."

"Then you blocked the disasters in the first 18 years, and they have no practical experience for the rest of their lives, so how will they spend it? Use your theoretical knowledge?"

"I gave them secret exercises, and I asked Pingha..."

"The strong are forged through life and death." Di Lin lowered his face, and his hoarse voice that made people's ears pregnant had an undeniable momentum at the moment, "Baiji, you clearly know this best."

"We haven't seen each other for many years. I don't want to quarrel with you because of this kind of thing. Baiji, raising children is different from person to person."

"You're coddling a pack of hounds."

Bai Ji gritted his teeth, lowered his head and did not object any more.

〖sorry!Host, it's my fault that I told you to treat them better and help them not to suffer! 〗

"Shut up you."

〖However, I did ask you to do this. 〗

"I'm not very careful. Di Lin is right. I just want to provide them with a bad environment. I'm glad they are geniuses and won't bother me. They seem to be good to them but I'm raising them. I'm ruining them. Their lives." Knowing that they are not that simple, but still thinking, ah, so troublesome, so they simply want to solve all their problems.

"You write me a novel about the normal development of this world. Although they are brutal and bloodthirsty in those references, they are undeniably excellent." What she wants to change should be their tragic fate so that they will not be black. rather than completely cutting off their path to success.

〖But, they will kill people! 〗

"Say something stupid, won't the children of luck know it too?"

〖They are messengers of justice, they are the preference of the world consciousness, and they kill the bad guys! 〗

"Yes, let the villains only kill the bad guys."

〖——The definition of a bad person is very inexplicable. What if they think that this person is a bad person just because he is an eyesore, and then they want to kill him? 〗

"... At this time, you unexpectedly think a lot? Also, stop reading my novels secretly."

Since reading the novel on Pingha's phone that day, Baiji has been looking for similar novels in which the heroine adopts the villain, trying to kill all the novels that can ignite the fire of love.

〖! 〗

〖This is not a novel!It is the possibility calculated by my system! 〗

"...a bit stupid, I feel like a second grader."

——You better be really allergic to romance and go to hell!I want to change masters!I'm so mad!

"Xiaobai? Sorry, I lost my composure."

"No." Baiji came back to his senses, "You are quite right."

"Then, can we talk about entering the city?"

Bai Ji froze, and hurriedly asked the system again, "How about the house and land you looked at before? Come on, I have money, so hurry up and buy it, let's move out!"


One second he seemed to be thinking about it, but the next second he was really thinking about running away? !

"I... Ah yes! Even though everyone is here, I want to give each of them a name before I leave. It can be regarded as a new beginning." After saying that, Bai Ji rushed forward with a few little villains in a hug and resistance. Up to the second floor.

"Sir!" Ming Guluo stood up to chase.

"No, it's a good thing to have a new name." Di Lin didn't let Ming Guluo catch up, "Give them some time, we don't have to worry."

"The last thing we need is time."

In front of the attic door on the third floor, Baiji was looking for the key.

Several little villains are by her side, including the new No. [-] and the already named Liu Qing.

"Ah! I found it, let's all come in." Baiji pushed the door and turned sideways, and several children entered the room one after another.

The attic is not very big, but various ambers are placed.

"Choose one by one, and bring the amber, and I'll give you a new name." Bai Ji came over and sat on the chair, "Liu Qing already has a new name, you can just choose an amber."

Several children patrolled back and forth. After all, they were still young and were very interested in these novel things.

Number four was chosen first, and he took two pieces in his hand, both of which were not in good shape, with plants inside.

"This one belongs to me, this one belongs to No. [-], it was chosen by him." No. [-] handed two pieces of amber to Baiji.

"I remember you don't stutter." Bai Ji didn't let them put one back, and put the two pieces of amber back into Number Four's hand, "Don't be nervous, it's okay. One day, you will feel how lucky you are to have each other One thing that can protect and support each other.”

"I don't want you to polish them, are you sure you'll choose these two pieces?"


"Okay, number four is flower amber, number five is wax amber, these are your names."

Liu Qing showed Bai Ji the amber she had chosen, and Bai Ji nodded in agreement.

Then there is number three. He chose a larger one with a lot of things in it. He told Baiji that he wanted to make a necklace, and he would make every bead perfect so that the things inside would not be damaged.

Bai Ji was silent for a while, and agreed, "You are Jiang Zhu."

The last one was No. [-]. He chose the smallest one among them. There was an extremely small bug in it, which couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

But the color is the brightest, under the sun, it seems to be shining golden.

"I want to make it into stud earrings."

"Sure, it fits perfectly. Tonian."

No. [-] still stood silently on the side, Bai Ji wanted to keep it first, but was afraid that he would not get his love back until he was an adult.

So Baiji personally selected the amber, the color is more brown, but round, it seems that it is selected according to the aesthetics of Baiji.

Baiji stringed a red rope for him, and put it on No. [-]'s head and fixed it. The amber was not very big, and it was in the shape of a drop. After wearing it, it hung on No. [-]'s forehead.

Number Six raised his hand to touch it, but did not pull it down.

"Yupei, your name is Yupei."

(End of this chapter)

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