Chapter 16

Several little villains had their names and walked downstairs one after another.

Bletilla striata bit her finger and followed behind slowly.

〖Are you still buying the house and land? 〗

"Can a living person be installed in the system space?" Baiji asked without answering.

The system quickly denied it, 〖Impossible.Please host to give up unrealistic imagination. 〗

"If Di Lin were to make the decision, he would take me to the imperial capital of Min Kingdom, which would not be your second-tier city."

The system checked the country of Zha Min, which is the strongest country in the world. Whether it is military power or scientific and technological power, geniuses have emerged frequently in recent years, and it has connections with several top sect families, and there will be a lot of communication.

But in the reference novel written by the system, it belongs to the large dungeon site that appeared later. After all, where there are many geniuses and people, there will be many problems and conflicts.

〖Is this Mr. Di Lin from Min country? 〗Whether it is Bai Su, Ping Ha, or Ming Gu Luo and Di Lin, they are all characters that have never appeared before.

"No, but when I left that year, all his property and identity were indeed in Min country."

〖Then let’s go. 〗Anyway, it’s no longer their choice now that it’s here, 〖I’m going to buy a house now. 〗

"No, they'll take care of everything."

I don't know why they suddenly came to find me and take me back, but even Di Lin came in person, which meant that everything was arranged properly there.

Baiji thought, but lay down in another place.

And returning to Di Lin's side means that he can be a waste snack who only knows how to eat and drink and can be raised.

〖What about the villains? 〗

"Didn't he know everything? He's always been like that. He feels like he knows everything. The things about those brats should be arranged properly."

One person was in charge of the conversation, and even after a while, they reached the first floor. Several children were asked to get dressed and bring the necessary luggage.

"Can I move this house? I like it."

"No, there is a big villa for you to live in over there." Ming Guluo stood at the door, raised his hand and looked at the time, "This house is here, we will put a ban on it, you let your monster guard it Just tap."

"Can't you take Naqi away?" Bai Ji pursed her lips and held Ming Guluo with her eyes wide open.

"Why did you take it away? Show it to Bai Su, and then hand it over to humans for experiments?"

"... Has she completely sided with humans?"

"Not yet." Ming Guluo raised his chin, and Baiji looked in the direction, and it was Pingha who was wandering around Dunnian (No. [-]). "Pingha kept looking at her, and didn't let her be too presumptuous."

"What did Di Lin say?"

"Sir, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't lead humans to your presence."

Seeing that the children had packed their luggage, Baiji stepped forward and put them into the system space one by one. Except for the children who were amazed, Pingha and the others were not surprised.

"Missy has a secret, alas, the lady is not allowed to stay."

"You don't come here, now that the bletilla striata is back, you should restrain yourself."

Ping Ha glanced at Di Lin in the distance, bent down and asked Ming Gu Luo in a low voice: "How did the old man arrange it?"

Ming Guluo didn't respond, but curled his lips into a smile, looking very gloomy, which made Pingha's heart tighten, and he quickly hugged his shoulders, "What are you doing? Are you sick?"

"You won't know until you go back."

Feeling very bad and feeling extremely uneasy, Ping Ha grabbed Dun Nian's hand and pulled him to follow behind them.

Dunnian shook it off, but didn't.

Why is this person staring at him? !


Several people came out of Erlin one after another, the coachman disappeared, the carriage was put into the system space by Baiji, and Ming Gusu was leading two white horses behind.

Liu Qing likes this kind of beautiful existence, and she turned her head frequently along the way, but Minggu Luo ignored her.

"So why did you bring the carriage in?" Bai Ji and Di Lin walked ahead, and Bai Ji raised his head and asked Di Lin.

"The sports car at the beginning was because of its high speed. Later, a child was added and couldn't fit, so I changed the car." Di Lin recalled, "Then, the carriage was transported by air, and there is an airport near Erling. Go back from there."

"Is it Min country?"

"Yes, yes." Di Lin stretched out his hand to touch Bai Ji's hair, the hair was a little hard, which made him frown subconsciously, "When Xiao Bai returns, return Bai Su's things to her."

"I don't want it, I use it very comfortably."

"Be obedient." Dilin's voice turned cold, and Baiji suddenly remembered that when she was a cub, she was pinched by Dilin's cold and slender fingers on the back of fate's neck. There is no resistance.

"...Understood, wait until I see her."

When Pingha is not looking for fun, his temperament is the best among the few people to get along with. He walks with a group of children, holding Dun Nian all the time, and soon gets along with the others.

Seeing Liu Qing looking back frequently, he let go immediately, picked Liu Qing up, and put him on a white horse.

Ming Guluo frowned, seeing Di Lin in front of him smiling and waving his hands, without saying anything, let go of the rein, led another horse and slowed down a few steps.

"Wow! It's really amazing." Liu Qing's face flushed with excitement, "It's so beautiful, and its hair is also very good."

"That's right, this is old...cough, the horse trained by Mr. must be very good."

Liu Qing looked up, Shui Lingling's eyes were full of excitement, and asked excitedly: "What does Mr. Di Lin do?"

"Mr.'s identity is beyond your ability to know." Ming Guluo, who was behind, said suddenly, "Don't ask nonsense if you shouldn't know, and cut your tongue carefully."

Liu Qing's face immediately turned pale, she lowered her head, and lost the excitement.

Bai Ji frowned, walked aside, took the rein from Pingha, and explained: "Di Lin is a businessman, very rich, so he is more versatile."

After the words fell, Liu Qing slowly cheered up, knowing that Baiji was trying to appease herself, so she had to go on ignorant of current affairs and let the other people watch the joke.

After Dunnian was let go by Pingha, he dodged to Jiangzhu (No. [-]) and wanted to use him to block Pingha. Hearing Baiji's words, and looking at Di Lin who hadn't looked back, his heart gradually became firmer. had an idea.

Jiang Zhu gritted his teeth in a low voice and said, "Don't stay by my side, what if that guy comes here again?"

Dunnian ignored him, but he still didn't leave, squeezed between Jiangzhu and Yupei (No. [-]). Fortunately, Pingha didn't notice this. Seeing Hua Po (No. [-]) looking at Liu Qing enviously, he put He picked up another horse.

Ming Guluo let go completely, rolled his eyes, and glared at Pingha.

Pingha and Baiji led a horse, and immediately sat Liu Qing and Hua Po respectively. The white horse was docile and did not make any big moves.

After a while, Baiji called the other children, "Would you like to sit and watch?"

Because Baiji asked them to get up early and run every day, the physical strength of the children is quite good, and they are not very tired at this time, but they are still a little eager to try when they see the tall and mighty white horse.

Except Yupei.

Several children took turns to sit on the horse. Yupei was not keen on it, and he was pushed up by the bletilla striata twice. After he got on the horse, his whole body was stiff, his lips were tightened, and his eyes were fixed on the bletilla striata leading the horse in front of him.

The system is very satisfied with this scene, um, it is very good that Baiji is impartial!

A few people left Erlin without going to the town, and went directly to the airport.

Erlin is the site of creepy things. Baiji lives in the center and further back, and the weird things there are very dangerous.

However, there are some small monsters at the mouth of Erlin that can be used to practice hands, so many spiritual masters will come, and some school sects will also organize students to come, and the airport is built for this purpose.

Di Lin's private jet was parked there all the time, and when they arrived, a man in a black suit who looked like a bodyguard came and took the horse away.

Dunnian looked up to look for the parent logo, and found a black and gold logo on the tail of the plane, which looked like the logo of an ancient beast.

"It's a unicorn."

Baiji explained, rubbing Dunnian's hair, "But it's not a purebred, it's a hybrid of Bai Ze and Qilin."

"Is this kind of existence not good?" Dunnian asked.

"It's hard to say. It depends on what you think. After all, it can be regarded as a combination of two auspicious beasts. One is to understand the emotions of all things, and the other is to ward off evil and give birth."

Suddenly thought of the word "Lin" in Di Lin's name.

He wanted to ask Dilin if it was the mixed-race unicorn, but he felt that it was unlikely. Warcraft can transform into human form to a certain extent, but unicorns are ancient existences. It is mentioned in history books that all ancient behemoths have disappeared. Extinct, the pre-existing monsters are their descendants, but they cannot be compared with them.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since the glory of Warcraft.

"Let's go, go to Min country." Baiji took Dunnian's hand, and Pingha, who was about to come over, gave a pause, but was dragged away coldly by Mingguluo.

"Miss Mingguluo doesn't like us."

"Shh! She doesn't like being called Miss, you can just call her by her name." Baiji covered Liu Qing's mouth.

Several people boarded the plane, and Baiji sat with several children.


"Well... probably because although she is a woman, she is androgynous."

? !

It took a long time to come from Min Country by car, but it was very fast to go back by plane. In less than a day, a few people arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport in Min Country.

The imperial capital of Min Kingdom is also called the Demon City. Baiji has never been able to figure out why it was given such a name. Only after reading the novel with the system, did he have a subtle understanding.

It's been too long since the last time I came to Magic City.

Di Lin put on a mask and came to Bai Ji.

"It's amazing, isn't it? Human beings are still very interesting."


High-rise buildings, bright lights, and heavy traffic.

This is not what she looked like when she left.

The sense of modernity is too strong. From the airport to the long luxury car, star posters, 3D screens, and human beings can be seen everywhere on the streets. In the eyes of Baiji, everyone is an existence that is too bright.

She is afraid of noise, so she focuses her abilities on her eyes. Different people's desires, different colors, places where people gather, the colors are extremely gorgeous.

Of course, this is not an ugly desire. In fact, most people in this world will have desires, for love, for food, for the future, and for themselves.

"I haven't seen this for a long time." Bai Ji was lying on the car window with a few children and looked out. The cool night wind blew her hair, and she seemed to hear the teacher's voice again.

"Baiji, from now on, you will be called Baiji."

"Look, this is Baiji."

Asparagus orchidaceae Baiji belongs to Baiji, also known as Baiji.

No, teacher, there were no such prefixes at that time.

But she always remembered that the teacher wanted her to communicate with people more, to integrate into the crowd, and to make her less lonely.


Rong Yulin, the wealthy district of the Modu.

The people living in these villas are merchants and aristocrats in the magic city. What's interesting is that the military compound is just across the street.

Except for some big families who have inherited their own territory for several generations, everyone with status is here.

Some second-class businessmen want to squeeze in, but there is no market for the price.

"I bought this villa for you when this place just got up, but I never had a chance to give it to you. Now it is yours." Di Lin nodded to Ming Guluo, and Ming Guluo stepped forward to hand over the real estate certificate.

"Mingguluo and Pingha's villas are on your left and right sides, you can find them if you need anything."

Baiji knew that Mingguluo was strong, so she turned to look at Pingha.

"Hey! Thanks to you, Mr. and Mister also bought one." Pingha grinned.

So you take advantage of me every day, why are you still making fun of me?

Baiji raised his middle finger at Pingha.

"You don't live here?"

Di Lin shook his head, "No, I live on a mountain, but it's not too far from here. Xiaobai wants to find me, welcome at any time. But I may not be at home for something, you send me a message, and I'll tell you where to find me .”

Ming Guluo handed Baiji another mobile phone, a big-name mobile phone, the latest product.

The system is about to kneel down for Di Lin's wealth, the contemporary hidden world boss is talking about Di Lin.

"Our phones are all saved, as are other electronic devices. After all, Erling is not someone who can get materials locally. If Xiaobai needs anything, you must tell me, and I'll get it for you."

Yes, this is Dilin.

"There are people who were hired before in the villa. If you don't like it, you can fire it and find another one. They will take care of everything for you."

Familiar feeling, familiar taste of money.

"Xiaobai, this is a human house, so if you don't clean it regularly, it will get dirty, so the servants will come into your room regularly to clean it. Don't be angry. You have to change your shoes at home, and you can't run around wearing outside shoes."

And, meticulous and comprehensive.

"It's roughly that much. I will pay the servants, so you don't have to feel pressured. I know you don't need to eat, so the cook is hired for these children."

The system listened silently, and felt that this scene was very familiar. Isn't this how Baiji introduced it to Dunnian and Liu Qing?Ganqing Baiji really followed Di Lin's method.

After sending a few people into the villa, Di Lin led the bletilla striata around again, and the children also chose their own rooms.

Of course, Flower Amber and Wax Amber (No. [-], another personality of Flower Amber) are still in the same room.

Baiji's room is still inside, and she misses her previous medicinal bathroom, but Di Lin told her that there is a hot spring in the property under her name, which is not far away, and she can go there whenever she wants.

The system has been numb to hearing, and it feels that after these things, it should pray that the villains will not be raised as second-generation ancestors, right?

"You guys have a good rest today, and I will come to you tomorrow to talk about these children's problems."

"Is it a school thing?"

"Yes, they are all in elementary school at the same age."

Baiji looked back at Yupei, "Do you want both? I still want to take Yupei with me."

"If you won't raise him wrong, it's fine."

"Of course I won't raise crooked people! If you're worried about me, you might as well worry about Pingha, he's staring at Dunnian every day."

Monsters don't like the weak, but because some monsters are more difficult to conceive offspring, and some have many offspring, so the situation with offspring is also different. Converged.

Just a little, um, just a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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