Chapter 17

Di Lin smiled slightly and took Ming Gu Luo away.

Pingha still wanted to live here, but since there were so many rooms, Mingguluo dragged her away by her hair.

Bai Ji walked from room to room, told each little villain to have a good rest, and after she could sleep late tomorrow, she came to the second floor.

The first floor is the hall, kitchen, dining room and reception room.

The second floor is a study room, a guest room and some entertainment rooms. Because it is much larger than the previous hut of Baiji, there are two study rooms, one is full of books, and the other has books and a desk.The entertainment room such as home theater, computer room, and gymnasium.

The third floor is the residence of Baiji and several children.

Baiji came to the second floor and rushed into the computer room without hesitation.

There was no internet in Erlin before, but how could she feel wronged when she came to Shanghai?

It turns out that even if you're not human, you're not going to be in great shape after an overnight stay.

Several children slept beautifully. Although Baiji told them not to get up early, they had formed a habit. After waking up, they slept under the covers for a while. It was almost seven or eight o'clock, so they packed up and went to the hall on the first floor.

Yu Pei was the first to arrive, and he sat in a relatively remote place, still looking dazed.

But it's really nice.

Liu Qing sat beside him as soon as he arrived.

At nine o'clock, Di Lin and Ming Gu Luo came. Ming Gu Luo was actually earlier, but she had been waiting for Di Lin at the door, and then entered the door after Di Lin.

At 10:30, Pingha wobbled over and fell on Mingguluo, who avoided him and fell to the ground.

In fact, in Pingha, he always thought that Mingguluo was a male, but Baiji and Di Lin thought she was a female. How could a female have male genitalia?
None of the tricks.

Ping Ha pouted, and wanted to come to Dunnian again, but Dunnian was sitting beside him, with Jiang Zhu on his right, and there was no place for him.

He simply sat cross-legged on the ground to the left of Dunnian.

Suddenly, his body froze.

At eleven o'clock, the bletilla striata still did not appear.

Ming Guluo frowned and answered several calls during the period.

At twelve o'clock, the bletilla striata still did not appear.Ming Guluo held back and held back, swallowing the swear words on his lips.

An hour ago, Di Lin asked Pingha to hand out all the mobile phones prepared for the children and teach them how to use them.

The children are now fiddling with mobile phones, which Baiji could not provide them, and they are all very quiet.

"Do you want to call her?" Ming Guluo suggested.

But Di Lin refused with a smile: "No, she came back obediently, let her do the rest as she likes. It should be too late to play games last night."

Ming Guluo wore glasses today and a smart women's suit. She raised her hand to help her glasses down, frowned and said in a low voice: "But sir, we still have a lot of things to do today."

Di Lin still didn't care, "Then postpone it, Xiaobai is the most important thing, isn't it?"

"You're too used to her."

"Ming Guluo, postpone the matter."

Ming Guluo raised his hand with a middle finger, got up and took out the tablet from the bag, then took out the mobile phone, and started to communicate with each other.

On 25:[-], the chef prepared the children's lunch, and Pingha led them to the restaurant for dinner.

While eating, Ping Ha just sat aside, casually clicking on a small game to play there.

Bai Su's news popped up.

Sue: That bastard is back?

Determined to be a director: Why are you unhappy?The old man told her that he would pull out the puppet and return it to you.

Su: I don't care too much about that, it's fine when I come back.

Determined to be a director: Don't worry, the old man must have made clear arrangements for the young lady.

Su: How many children?Humanity?
Aspire to be a director: Well, most of them, there are also humans and other hybrids.

Su: It turned out to be of mixed race?Since we want to raise them, let Baiji protect them.

Determined to be a director: It's all right, Miss, don't you know?If they dare to bully those little devils, the eldest lady can beat them up one by one.

Su: ...

Su: In short, please help if you can. I still don't believe that Baiji can raise children.

Determined to be a director: Am I so good in Xiao Su's eyes?

Su: What I mean is, you can take care of each other, supervise each other, and don't lead those children astray.

Determined to be a director: Isn't there Ming Guluo? If there is an old man and a young lady, he will definitely take care of it.

Su: It's her.

Su: Something happened suddenly, so let's stop talking.

Ping Ha smiled and scolded the busy man, suddenly there was the sound of Baiji in the distance, so he put away his phone and stopped playing the game.

The children had almost finished eating, and when they saw him get up, they all looked at him, and Pingha waved his hands, and walked towards the hall.

When I got to the hall, I just heard the scream of Bai Ji.

"Are you crazy? I go to school? How old am I? Let me go to school?"

"Xiaobai, you have been derailed from the world for a long time. If you still want to stay in the human world, you need to learn the knowledge of dehumanizing." This is the voice of Di Lin slowly persuading.

Ping Ha leaned against the wall, watching Bai Ji stand up, trying to resist.

"So why did you bring me back, and where did you ask me to go?"

"The No. [-] Middle School in Shanghai." Ming Guluo replied, "It's a junior high school."

"Did you hear that? It's junior high school! You let me go to junior high school, and I, a hundred-year-old spirit, go to school with a group of teenagers?"

"But you are not proficient in the knowledge of junior high school, why, you want to go to university?" Ming Guluo sneered with a smile.

Baiji gritted her teeth, rolled her eyes, and sat back on the sofa, "I don't care, I won't go, it's impossible."

Di Lin thought for a while, and called Ming Guluo to his side, "Have you mastered Pingha's junior high school knowledge?"

Ming Guluo smiled and denied it.

Di Lin made a final decision, "Then you two go together, just make your appearance smaller."

"Huh?! What are you talking about? This is something I can control..."

"After all, Xiaobai doesn't want to sit with a group of junior high school students in the appearance of an adult woman in her 20s, does she? Take a lunch break and eat together after class?"

" are absolutely insane."

"Pingha will accompany you."

Baiji turned his head and glared at Pingha, as if he wanted to jump over and hit him.

Pingha smirked and shrugged, "Don't look at me, I just found out too,"

It doesn't matter whether you know it or not, Pingha is happy to have fun, and he doesn't rule out cubs, so this decision does not pose any pressure or problems for him, but Bai Ji doesn't want to, she just came to the modern city and is still curious about everything, so To be taken to a middle school with a group of teenagers.

It hurt her more than killing her.

At this time, the children had finished their meals and returned to the hall one after another, sitting down in rows.

Because of the few children, Bai Ji didn't want to start arguing. Of course, she couldn't win the quarrel.

"Now tell me about your affairs." This will change Ming Guluo's order to several children.

"All electronic equipment will be prepared for you, but it takes time to use it, and you should not rely too much on electronic equipment."

"Sir, I have already contacted the primary school for you, which is the No. [-] Middle School in Shanghai. It is a direct entry, including elementary school, middle school and high school. You will all go to the first grade of elementary school. After you study for a period of time, I will follow your learning ability. Then arrange the age for you."

"I have a problem. I suddenly thought that Pingha wouldn't be harmful to humans, right? Those are all children." Bai Ji raised his hand to intervene.

Pingha stepped forward and hooked Baiji's neck, "Hey, look at my friend who is backward in knowledge, don't know if my group can put away this kind of harm?"

"Ha, it's really disgusting." Baiji didn't speak anymore.

Ming Guluo then said to the children: "I see that some of you have opened your spiritual veins, but we don't intend to send you to the sect. The current school will also teach you this knowledge."

Although the Zongmen family wanted to gather the spiritual masters together, it was obvious that they couldn't do it.

In the big families of various countries, they will always find ways to keep capable children by their side, so there will be many spiritual masters in the cities, and even set up special schools.

The No. [-] Junior High School in Shanghai is a semi-noble school. There are not only commoners but also descendants of big families in the school, so there are many related courses.In addition to the compulsory courses, students also choose at least three elective courses at each stage during their schooling.

If you have been studying here from elementary school until you graduate from high school, you will have to take a total of nine courses.

"Bai Ji will go with you." Ming Guluo looked at Bai Ji, and the children also looked at Bai Ji.

Bai Ji gritted his teeth and turned his head, avoiding the eyes of several people.

"I dont go."

〖But the host, this is also a good opportunity, you can also watch the villains during the day! 〗

"Look at the fart, you clearly agreed to throw them to the teacher during the day."

〖... Cough, but since it's that kind of place, there must be some teachers who bully others and don't know right from wrong, right? 〗

〖After all, it can be regarded as a school where power gathers. 〗

"Ha, even though they are still a group of kids who don't know anything, they have completely become adults' early birds."

〖So the host wants to watch them!The villains must not be bullied, school violence is very bad and terrible! 〗

When the system said it, Baiji was also a little worried.

"This is for those brats." It was definitely not a compromise because of Di Lin.

〖certainly! 〗


In this way, Baiji has just owned a mobile phone, tablet and computer, and is about to say goodbye to them.

"Xiaobai, don't stay up all night tonight, you will get up early and go to school together tomorrow."

Although Di Lin said so before he left, Baiji still simply stayed up all night until three o'clock, and turned off his phone when the system reminded him.

"Spiritual creatures don't actually need much rest."

〖The host please go to bed quickly. 〗

"Sleep, for me, is just a form of recovery."

〖The host will get up at six o'clock today, and you still have three hours to sleep. 〗

"No, wait, I have one last thing to do."

The woman stood up, the moon shone through the window, and the system saw a terrifying scene that it would never forget.

The woman's body began to swell, and then, the corners of her mouth widened, and white hands stretched out from it.

〖Host? 〗

"Yes, it's me."

The puppet was thrown aside, and the puppet that lost its soul decoration looked quiet and ordinary, without a hint of human appearance.

"It has to be smaller."

Baiji murmured.

Early the next day.

The children were all dressed up, including Yupei, and Pingha helped him get everything done.

Yupei stood on the outermost side, looking at the schoolbag that Baiji had prepared for him last night.

Pingha now looks like a 12-year-old boy, with childish baby fat on his face, and a hoarse voice, as if he is in the stage of changing his voice.

"It's amazing." Liu Qing circled around him, no matter how he looked at it, he found it amazing. Yesterday he was a tall adult man, but today he became a boy who was only two heads taller than them.

"Where's the bletilla striata?" No. [-] asked, there was already a car parked at the courtyard entrance.

"Shouldn't it be staying up late again?"

"It's true that I stayed up late again, but I can still get up."

The girl's voice came, and several people looked up, and saw a completely strange and beautiful girl slowly walking down the stairs.

Ping Ha naturally went up to meet him, "Where's your schoolbag?"


"Liar, you will be scolded by the teacher when you go to school without carrying your schoolbag~"

"Are you a primary school student?" Bai Ji pushed his head to the side, "Have you lost your brain when you become smaller?"

"Bletilla striata?"

"Ah, yes, it's me." Baiji turned to look at the children, "My previous body was a puppet, well, this is my real appearance, but much smaller."

The girl had black hair reaching to her waist, but her hairstyle was the same as before.

But the skin was too pale, and even looked a little sickly pale.A pair of red phoenix eyes with slanted tails, a plump nose and pink lips, is a very delicate appearance of a beautiful girl.

Very good-looking, almost equal to Di Lin in appearance.

It just... looks a little fierce.

Different from Ming Guluo's coldness, she is a bit like a noble and arrogant lady in a big family, but also a bit ruthless.

The momentum is very strong, and it is not easy to mess with.

The children silently looked away again, only Yupei was still staring at the bletilla striata.


"Good looking, white, good looking, very good looking."

"Ah, people often say that." Baiji was also a head taller than them, and reached out to touch Yupei's head, "Let's go, let's go to school together."

"With Bai?"

"No, you are elementary school students." Bai Ji turned his head, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "I am a junior high school student."

"Missy is proud."



Although Baiji didn't want to bring a schoolbag, the driver arranged for it.

It was Ming Guluo who enrolled them. Di Lin was absent due to something, but he was videoing Baiji along the way, reassuring Baiji that nothing would happen.

"I'm not a child anymore." In the end, Baiji interrupted impatiently and hung up the phone first.

After meeting with the principal, several people were separated, the children went to their first grade, and Baiji and Pingha were taken to the eighth grade of the first grade.

"These two are newly transferred students, students Baiji and Pingha, everyone should get along well in the future."

The head teacher is a young female teacher, with good looks, wearing a small suit and her long hair pulled up.

The head teacher looked very kind, and the students in the class applauded enthusiastically. Everything looked very normal, like a very common junior high school.

〖's really normal, but we can't let our guard down just because they are young. 〗

"you're too……"

Scanning the children with her eyes, what she saw were brighter colors than the lights at night.

"It's really fun."

(End of this chapter)

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