Chapter 18

"Why are there so many colors..." the girl murmured, which caught Pingha's attention.

"That's why it's very interesting. The reason why Di Lin wants you to come here is that this world is no longer so simple."

"Bai Su, do you know that what she guards already exists like this?"

"Perhaps what she guarded has never been these people."

Spiritual person.

In the eighth grade of the first grade, the whole class is a spiritual source.

But Bai Su's guardians have always been ordinary people.


Friends have passed.

Baiji: Well, as long as the friend passes, the puppet will send it to you in a few days.

Su: I have a new one here, if you need that one, keep it first.

Baiji: No, I don't need it anymore.


Su: Baiji?

Su:? ? ?

Baiji: It's class, don't bother me.

Putting back the phone, looking at the Chinese teacher who was standing on the podium talking endlessly, Bai Ji still couldn't hold back a sigh after all.

Maybe she should learn to focus her abilities on her nose.

After the first get out of class, a group of people surrounded Baiji and Hepingha.The two were arranged to sit together by the teacher, which was also requested by Di Lin, hoping that the two of them could take care of each other.

"Where do you come from? Are you from Shanghai?"

"Baiji, you are so beautiful."

"Is Pingha really your name? How strange."

"What's your relationship?"


Bai Ji crossed her arms and leaned back on the chair, wanting to be dazzled by the colors of these children, "Where is the elementary school?"

"I can't make it back to the next class now, so I'll go find them at noon."

Baiji lay on the table and stopped talking to anyone.

Pingha sat there, smiling at everyone who came to see them, and integrated into the class very easily, but calmly blocked some of their subtle questions.

Enduring all morning, the last class was over, Bai Ji slapped the table and stood up, "Free! Good!"

"Come on, follow me to the elementary school."

"Yes Yes."

Under the eyes of the whole class, Baiji ignored him and dragged Pingha away.

"What is that person, she has no manners at all, and she doesn't even talk to her when you go to find her. I don't know her identity." Several young girls gathered together, very dissatisfied with Bai Ji's attitude.

"It's not so good-looking, it's fierce, bah."

"I don't know which family it is from, but Pingha is fine, hey, Pingha is so handsome."

"Right, right, it's totally my type, where is Miao Miao?"

The girl surrounded in the middle is called Lu Qiumiao, she is a water star, her family is also very strong, and she is in the upper class in the whole school.

"It's really rude, how about checking her background? If you are too naive, you should be taught a lesson." The girl looks soft and beautiful, with a pearl hair ornament on her head, showing that she is different from other people everywhere, " After all, I am the class monitor, and I am obliged to educate such disobedient students."

"As expected of Miao Miao!" "Miao Miao is awesome!"

"Let her have a good meal!"


The children in the elementary school are very small and not tall, but because some of them have already opened their spiritual veins and become spiritual masters, the atmosphere is still a little delicate.

Several children have just transferred in, and they are all in the same class.

Dunnian and Jiang Zhu, who had awakened as spirit masters, were much more popular than the other three. The children didn't think too much about it, but following the strong and surrounding the strong had become their habit.

"What are you proud of, I will open my pulse sooner or later." Seeing that the two were surrounded, Liu Qing curled her lips in disdain.

"Yes! Liu Qing, let's work hard too!" Hua Po cheered up from the side, "I'm basically proficient in that set of movements, and I think I can go find Baiji."

Liu Qing thought of the face of Baiji she saw in the morning, and suddenly remembered that she once wanted to climb her bed, her pretty face flushed, "You go look for it, tell me why?"

"Let's cheer for each other, I already know it, and Liu Qing can do it too!" Number four looked very positive and optimistic, and his chubby little face approached Liu Qing, "Liu Qing, you are also very happy The face is red, I understand, I understand."

"What are you talking about? Why don't you stutter? And I feel so excited..."

"Indeed, hehe, I still feel a little nervous when I stutter, but it's okay. When Baiji came to my room last night, he even encouraged me. Baiji cares so much about us, and I don't want to let Baiji down."

Liu Qing suddenly thought of Di Lin and the others.

When those people first appeared, he really thought that Baiji was going to leave them. Fortunately, Baiji didn't do that, and brought them here together, and let them go to school.

"Forget about your previous life. I can't completely deny it. After all, some people do live by it, but I'm sure that your actions are wrong."

"Even if it succeeds in the end, this is still a very unhealthy relationship. I hope you will not be so reckless in the future."

It was said to be reckless.

Liu Qing lowered her head and covered her face with her hands.That was a decision he made after careful consideration and after staying for a week.

The primary school ended early, and a few people came to the cafeteria. Dunnian and Jiang Zhu were still surrounded by people. Dunnian glanced at them helplessly, and sat down with other children.

Jiang Zhu didn't like people around him all the time, "It's so hot! Get the hell out of here!" There was an electric current coming from his body, and the children scattered in fear.

"Yupei! Yupei! We're here!"

Hua Po raised her hand to call Yupei, Yupei stood there for a while, and then sat down with a few people with a plate of rice.

Hua Po and Yu Pei sat together, and Liu Qing and Jiang Zhu sat opposite them.

Hua Po takes good care of Yupei and pays attention to how he is eating, but most of the time Yupei is very silent and looks like an autistic child.

"Why don't you go find other guys like Dunnian?" Liu Qing asked casually, poking his rice.

Jiang Zhu didn't think he was asking himself, until Liu Qing asked again with a more emphatic tone.

"You are so strange to ask, why do I have to sit with those children, I am completely unfamiliar with them." Jiang Zhu felt that this question was very inexplicable, "Dunnian is Dunnian, what does it have to do with me."

"What about you? Why don't you go around Yupei anymore?"

Liu Qing raised her eyes and looked at the two people on the opposite side, "I'm tired, what do I want him to do with the ice cubes that can't be warmed up? It looks good, but I don't like sticking to other people's cold ass all the time." Nothing.

There was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the cafeteria. They were sitting close to the entrance, and they all subconsciously looked there.

It was Baiji Heping, standing among a pile of radish heads, that head was very conspicuous, no amount of people could stop them.

"Hey, eating with elementary school students, you don't feel ashamed at this time." Ping Ha flattened the clothes that were wrinkled by the bletilla striata, and complained loudly.

"Then you go back."

"It's all here, let's go after eating." Ping Ha took out the meal card that Di Lin gave them, and trotted to the place to cook.

"Hey! Sister! You look so good today. Sister, I want to eat this." He has a sweet mouth and good-looking looks, making Auntie Dafan happy, regardless of whether he is from the elementary school or not. to him.

The two immediately found several children.

After bletilla striata's ingredients, medicinal baths, and Dunnian's handicrafts, the children have been raised very well, and all of them have good looks. It is very easy to find them.

As soon as Baiji arrived, he was grabbed by Yupei and simply sat beside him.Pingha had to take a step back and sat down with a full meal.

"Don't you need to eat human food?"

"Just pretending, anyway, the meal card is already done, so you don't have to be a fool if you have money."

Bai·Have meal card·Useless·Fool·Ji: "I can't stop your mouth even when I eat, I'll push you into the meal."

"Why don't you still understand, don't waste food, food is very precious, besides, these are really delicious, it's not impossible to satisfy your mouth, try it?"


"Ascetics who have no fun in life, you will not be able to get along in human society like this, and you will be exposed sooner or later."

The two quarreled every day, and the other children were used to it.

Hua Po noticed that Yupei's attention was shifted to Baiji, and her eating speed slowed down.

"Where's Dunnian? Didn't you come with you?" Bai Ji looked around, but didn't see Dunnian.

"Over there, they are surrounded by people." Jiang Zhu swallowed the food in his mouth, and raised his finger to point in one direction.

There are indeed a lot of people there, colorful ones, and the bletilla striata was the first to jump over there.

"Oh~ It seems that he is quite popular, and he has made new friends so quickly." Baiji smiled, reached out to touch Yupei's head, and said to the others, "You should learn from him too, you have all come to school , don't you want to make more friends?"

"Yeah! I, we will, and the bletilla striata too. Have you made friends with the bletilla striata?" Hua Po stopped watching Yupei eating, and looked up at the bletilla striata.

"No, it's my bottom line not to be friends with junior high school students."

"What kind of friend is that?" Liu Qing said unhappily, "That fellow Dunnian is also, at first glance, he is raising a follower."

Jiang Zhu tilted his head and glanced at him.

Hua Po smiled awkwardly, lowered her head and concentrated on eating, while Yupei was still the same, holding the hem of Baiji's clothes with his left hand, and eating with a spoon in his right.

"Slave?" Bai Ji turned his head to look again, and sure enough, the color belonging to Dunnian was very prominent and conspicuous, although Dunnian has always been like this.

The desire is not small, and there is a growing posture.

"Not bad! As expected of the person who dared to stab me!" Ping Ha was very excited, "Can't you really give him to me?"

"Are you crazy? Are you demented?" Baiji frowned, "I can't send it to you. If you want to teach me, but you must be in front of me."

Ping Ha fell in love with Dunnian because Dunnian stabbed him?

It was the first time for the others to know the reason. Although they didn't understand the reason, they all had different evaluations of Dunnian in their hearts.

Baiji didn't bother Dunnian either. When they were emptying the dishes after eating, they bumped into Dunnian.

Baiji didn't have a dinner plate, so she followed behind a few people, immediately saw her at a glance, paused, and then walked quickly towards Baiji.

"Bletilla striata."

"Yeah." Baiji nodded, accepting it.

"Dunnian, who is this?"

"Dunnian, is your sister?"

"Hi sister, my name is Jiang Zihao, and I am a friend of Dunnian!"

"elder sister……"

Although Bletilla striata is fierce, it doesn't put as much pressure on people as Ming Guluo. At first glance, it looks like a young lady who is not easy to mess with, but its energy is very attractive, making people want to go up to her and get to know her , so it has always been popular.

Dunnian frowned, afraid that Baiji would not like it, so he wanted to go forward to stop them.

Yupei on one side quickly flipped the plate, and finally threw the plate into the water, and the dirty water almost splashed on Liu Qing.

"Well, Dunnian is my younger brother." Baiji stopped Yupei with his eyes and didn't let him come over. "I hope you can take good care of him in the future."

"Of course."

"Can my sister play with us in the future?"

"Sister, we must get along well with Dunnian."

Dunnian regained his expression and coughed, which attracted the attention of the children, "Sister, she still has classes in the afternoon, let her have a good rest at noon, let's go first."

The children said goodbye to Bai Ji reluctantly, and then they all followed Dun Nian and left.

〖Woo, I knew it!Going to school in the city is indeed the right choice, you see!Dunnian has merged into other people, and the rest of Liu Qing and the others are also getting better! 〗

Baiji was noncommittal.

〖Host!Our mission has already achieved phased success, and if we continue to work hard, we are completely hopeful! 〗

〖School is the best! 〗

... Actually not.

Bletilla striata had a cold face.

It has been a month since I came to Shanghai No. [-] Junior High School.

Dunnian got along very well with the students in the class, not only in this class, but after he finished the performance test and finally skipped to the fifth grade, most of the classes in the elementary school knew of his existence.

The others were still the same, but after getting used to it, they all skipped to the fourth or fifth grade.

But this is not the most important.

Baiji once told Dunnian and Liu Qing to prepare for the "Art Festival", which was also held in No. [-] Junior High School, and it was just five months later.

In the registration form of their class, there is bletilla striata.


It's just outrageous fucking open the door to outrageous, outrageous home.


But now there are more important things!

Hua Po can open the spiritual vein.

When Hua Po finishes opening her veins, only Liu Qing and Yu Pei are left.

Among them, Yupei can actually do it, but Baiji has not figured out what his identity is, so he dare not do it for a while.

Let’s say it’s a human, it’s almost meaningless, human beings will lose their sensory abilities after being seduced, and they will not be able to live normally, but after being seduced, apart from being a little dull, it seems that there is nothing serious about it.But to say that he is a spiritual creature, the breath is not right.

Baiji also asked Mingguluo and Dilin, but neither of them gave her a definite answer.But Di Lin said that he would find a way, just give him some time.

Bai Ji has been busy with Hua Po's opening of the veins these days. It is amazing to say that there is no one with a special mental condition in the spirit source, so if Hua Po's pulse opening is successful, he will be the first spirit source with a dual personality .

The time was set on Friday after school. Several of them were commuters and did not live on campus. After school on Friday was Saturday, Sunday and weekend, which allowed Hua Po to have time to recuperate.

"How is it? Is there any expected element row?"

Baiji discovered that the process of opening the pulse for several people was like opening a blind box, and no one knew which element line was opened.

"This kind of thing, it's just random." Hua Po sat in the medicine pool, looking forward to it in her heart, "As long as it can be opened, it will be very good, and if it can be used, it will be even better."

"You can still guess, what if it comes true?"

"Then, then I hope, I hope it is useful to Baiji, and it can also help everyone."

What a cutie.

Even Baiji can't say that Hua Po is not cute against his will.

Who asked him to do his own homework for this month?

Although the knowledge level is there, it was not ideal at the beginning, but it has been improving. Today, during the day, the teacher praised the improvement of Baiji's homework.

Baiji responded to the praise without shame, and firmly stepped on Pingha with his feet under the table to prevent him from doing bad things.

And now, although Hua Po relies on guessing, Baiji can ask the system!

"Which line is Hua Po?"

(End of this chapter)

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