Chapter 24

"Their liking is so fake that it's not worth mentioning. They don't know me at all, they just like my human appearance, or because of the performance."

"So? Aren't those all you?" Ping Ha tilted his head, seeing that Bai Ji had a bad expression, he quickly hugged her and let her sit down.

"Our eldest lady is so good, it's normal to be liked by others, you don't care why they like you, isn't that enough for you?"

Bai Ji frowned, "What's the use of that liking?"

Pingha smiled and said, "It's still very useful, human beings like it."

Just a simple liking, they will spend time and money, if things go on like this, if they don't get back in time, they will only invest more.

The more you put in, the harder it will be to let go.

Ping Ha was still thinking about these things, and in the next second he was pushed down by Bai Ji, with his hands behind his back.

"The painstaking efforts of the teacher? Dilin's money? You cut off my violin? Shall I beat you up for the broken string of the violin?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter what you said, and then I did it casually. You see, it's better than your bad violin if you do it casually now."

With Baiji's control over the two, it won't be a result if she plays the violin casually. She will be laughed at the forum tomorrow.

"You're really getting better at making excuses."

Sensing the force of Baiji, Pingha hurriedly howled: "Wait! You don't wonder who took me...Di Lin! It's Di Lin! Di Lin agreed!"

After Pingha finished speaking, the door of the lounge was opened again, and it was Di Lin and Bai Su.

Di Lin walked in with a smile, he was still wearing a mask, and stepped forward to let Bai Ji let go, "Okay, okay, it is indeed me."

"I want Xiaobai to enjoy the art festival well."

Bai Ji didn't want to be rude to Di Lin, so he let go of his hand.

But now, since Di Lin has spoken like this, she can only let this matter go lightly, but she feels deeply aggrieved.

"I asked Ming Guluo to convey to you before that if Xiaobai performed well, I will give Xiaobai a reward." Di Lin raised his hand and touched Baiji's head, "Reward Xiaobai can make any request at will, as long as I can Do it, anything."

Baiji's expression improved slightly, but she still held it.

"Besides, Xiaobai can call Naqi back to his side."

Bai Ji almost lost his expression, so he could only ask with a stiff face, "Nach is harmful to humans, so he can't come to the city."

"Well, so I have been looking for a way during this time." Di Lin said, taking out a chain from his suit pocket.

"The size of this chain can be controlled at will. Wearing it, Naqi can live with you in a human city, but in order to prevent it from being exposed, Xiaobai will keep it in the contract space, right?"

After making a contract with a foreign race, a contract space will be formed, but the contract space cannot hold anything, only the contracted foreign race can live in it.

So even after the contract, the contracted party can quickly pass the contracted party to the side, most of the contractors usually keep the contracted party in the contract space, and then call it out during the battle, especially the human beings. Spiritualists.

Baiji felt that this would make Naqi lose his freedom, but...

Natch loses his freedom and cares about himself?She is a junior high school student in the city, and Naqi is sure to share the joys and sorrows with its owner.

"Okay, well, I mean yes."

Di Lin smiled softly, and touched Baiji's head again.


After Baiji's performance ended, it naturally gained the attention of many parties.

Just like what Pingha said, Baiji is good at fighting, even if she plays badly and suppresses her as much as possible, she will not be far behind in terms of level and talent. Anyway, it is definitely not like a 12-year-old junior high school girl can do it.

Bai Ji was originally attracted attention because of Di Lin, but in the past she ignored people and her grades were average, so everyone kept a wait-and-see attitude.

Now that I have seen Baiji's ability, no matter what the purpose is, they all start to look for Baiji. The number of votes for the program on the campus official website has also risen sharply, even surpassing the number one in previous years.

Baiji changed back to her regular clothes after the performance. She wanted to take a casual stroll around the campus, but there were people everywhere, so she turned around and left annoyed. She didn't call anyone, and took a taxi home by herself.

Some people speculated about her identity in private, because they all knew that Di Lin and Ming Guluo were not human beings, so some speculated about Baiji's real body and race.

"It really doesn't feel right. She doesn't pay attention to people. She doesn't know anyone except those children."

"But my children have been tested, and those children are all normal humans."

"Five elementary school students, and a classmate named Pingha, are they all normal human beings?"

"Yes, Baiji has no way to touch it, so I tested it on other people."

"Find a way to test the bletilla striata too, if she is really of a different race..."

"Hahaha, old man Liu, don't think of any bad ideas. If that adult really cares about bletilla striata, you will have to suffer if he finds out."

"I just said to test the identity."

Several people present had different thoughts, the man on the edge silently drank the last sip of red wine, got up and left.

"Xiao Jiang, why are you going?"

"An alien race that can transform into a human form must be of a very high level, at least above the middle level, right? It looks young and has a bright future." The person named Lao Jiang walked to the door and said sideways, "If it is possible, I would like to compete. "

A group of bullying old men, each with a bletilla striata, knew everything about beating, but when they mentioned Dilin, they were scared to death.

"Xiaojiang! What nonsense are you talking about!" One person threw his glass and got up, and scolded, "Is that adult's person you can miss?"

"What if she volunteered?"

The roundabout tactics started with those children, starting with the child named Dunnian.


The art festival came to a successful conclusion, and Baiji received the overwhelming number of votes, and was asked to perform on stage in the coming year.

When Baiji came home, he pulled Pingha out and beat him up.

After playing Pingha, he calmed down and planned to go to the computer room to welcome his one-week vacation.

On the way, I ran into Jiang Zhu.

How to say?I don't know how they get along in private on weekdays, but Jiang Zhu has always been a relatively silent image in front of Bai Ji.

Strong action, decisive, very obedient.

When he first picked her up, he was still very attached to her, even more attached to her than the current Yupei, and always wanted to be by her side without talking.

After coming to the city, with Yupei beside him, Jiangzhu was not so clingy, but Baiji could still feel that as long as they were in the same room, his eyes never left him.

"what happened?"

Jiang Zhu was standing near the computer room, probably waiting for him on purpose.

"I...can't get in touch with Miss Bai Su."

"Have you added your contact information?"

"Added, but I can't contact her." Jiang Zhu took out her phone and handed it to Bai Ji, "She seems to have blocked me."

There are chat records between the two of them in the past few days on the mobile phone. Bai Su accepted Jiang Zhu's friend application and greeted Jiang Zhu briefly.

It's very perfunctory.

Then Jiang Zhu asked her about her study arrangements today, but the message was not sent, with a red exclamation mark.

Baiji tried to send it again, but it still didn't go through.

"...She probably forgot to add a note to you, and then deleted it by mistake." Bai Ji found a reason to comfort Jiang Zhu, "It's okay, I'll tell her, it won't happen in the future."

Jiang Zhu nodded, took back the phone, but still didn't leave.

Bai Ji asked him what else to do with his eyes, but he had already turned to the computer room from the corner of his eye.

"The previous prizes, I have remodeled them, can I put them in the living room?"

Baiji doesn't care much about these, "It's fine, as long as you like it." She doesn't have too many requirements for home decoration, otherwise her previous room would not be so messy.

Basically, I just buy what I need, throw it in the room after buying it, and don't put it on purpose.

And she quite likes this messy feeling, just like in Xuwo.

There was another silence between the two, but Jiang Zhu still had no intention of leaving. Bai Ji felt faintly impatient, thinking about the game all the time.

〖Jiang Zhu finally came to find you, so you can just accompany him, the game can be played anytime. 〗

"You don't understand, today's team battle."

〖...What if today is not a holiday? 〗

"That's the team fight on the day of the holiday, and you don't play games, you know nothing."

Jiang Zhu also felt that it was embarrassing to stand here without saying anything. He wanted to get closer to Baiji, but there was no breakthrough. Seeing that Baiji was always thinking about the computer room, he tentatively said: "Well, I can also play games. Don't want to be together?"

Actually no, he never fought.

Dilin did have a computer in every child's room, but they were not interested in it at all.

"Oh? What do you play?" Bai Ji's eyes lit up and he became interested.

The system didn't do it, Jiang Zhu was still young this year, so he couldn't become a teenager with Internet addiction so early.

〖Host, Jiang Zhu is still young, and he is still human. Playing too much on the computer will affect his eyesight. It is not good to be addicted like you. 〗

In fact, the spiritual source will not affect the eyesight because of the computer. After becoming a spiritual source, basically many senses are strengthened, which is a kind of evolution, otherwise the spiritual source would not feel how awesome they are.

But Baiji doesn't know much about these things, and thinks what the system says makes sense.

But she knows that Jiang Zhu has strong hands-on ability, Bai Su doesn't talk to her at all, and she doesn't know how to play games with her, so why not let Jiang Zhu try?
"I remember that ordinary humans have e-sports careers. I should let Jiang Zhu try it." Baiji said with a righteous face, "One hour a day."

〖……as long as you are happy. 〗

Jiang Zhu was dragged into the computer room by Bai Ji, and sitting next to Bai Ji, Jiang Zhu started to turn on the computer stiffly, with very unfamiliar movements.

The system thought that Jiang Zhu was not proficient in these things, but Baiji didn't look at him, opened his own game, and helped him register, and led him directly to his teammates after entering the game.

Ji: This is my child, he can play for an hour.

Jiang: Hello everyone.

The best fight ever: ?Ji are you married?

She is still an Internet addicted woman?
Ji: No, I helped others raise them.I'll take him to upgrade first, you can do whatever you want.

After typing, Bai Ji took Jiang Zhu to fight monsters and level up.

Someone sent her a message in private chat.

The best fight is to fight: We are going to have a face-to-face meeting recently, is it convenient for you?Which country are you in?

Bai Ji paid attention to Jiang Zhu's situation, and didn't pay much attention to it, just casually.

Ji: No appointment, no disturbance.

It’s okay to be happy together online, but offline offline.

Jiang Zhu was not very proficient in the operation at the beginning, but he was smart and quick-witted, so he learned it in a while, and he played well, and his operation was close to Baiji.

Bai Ji watched for a while, and within an hour, she asked Jiang Zhu to go offline.

Jealous, can't see human children be better than themselves.

Because she took care of Jiang Zhu, Baiji didn't stay in the computer room, she felt that she was becoming more and more like a parent, and she was really responsible.

Before going off the assembly line, the best fight ever, sent her a message again, "What about the appointment?"

I had chatted with the other party before, this person is very keen on fighting, especially fighting with the strong, Bai Ji guessed that he should be a spiritual source, and he is very powerful, so he is very arrogant.

Bai Ji didn't want others to be proud in front of her, so she sarcastically said that she was born to fight, and she has been missed by this person until now.

Ji: roll.

After sending Jiang Zhu back to his room, Bai Ji stretched his waist and wanted to go back to his own room.

When he turned around, he saw Dunnian standing at the door of his room, he should have just come out, but he looked at Bai Ji, as if he also wanted to find Bai Ji.


What are these kids doing today?
Baiji put down his hands and asked him what happened.

Dunnian also made a gesture to take out his mobile phone, Baiji subconsciously wondered if Pingha didn't care about Dunnian anymore, but didn't Pingha like Dunnian very much?

"Someone asked me out." Dunnian handed the phone to Bai Ji.

Baiji doesn't want to take it, she doesn't understand why these people always like to show her the mobile phone, do you still have to tell yourself when someone asks him?

"It's Jiang Zi Chief."

In the chat records, Jiang Ziji warmly invited Dunnian to his younger brother's birthday party. He didn't mention the name of Bai Ji, but every sentence was full of insinuations.

At first glance, it seems that she likes this sister of Dunnian very much, and she has a good impression of her, but she is very shy inside, so she asks her friend to bring her sister to the banquet together.At the end of the conversation, he also said that if Bai Ji could really come, his younger brother Jiang Zihao would be very happy too.

Because of Bai Su's relationship, Baiji is fine with human senses. As long as they are not picky eaters or jump around in front of their eyes, Baiji doesn't care.

"Do you want to go?" Bai Ji asked subconsciously, feeling that something was wrong. Jiang's family is a wealthy family in Shanghai. This kind of birthday party will definitely invite many celebrities. This is a very good opportunity. miss.

"I want to go, but I always feel that it's not right." When he received the news, Dun Nian's first reaction was that he was bound to win this birthday party.The Jiang family has a wide network of contacts. He wanted to gather some people who would be useful to him in the future at this birthday party, but deep down he always felt uneasy.

The birthday banquet is like a huge beast's mouth. Although it is full of delicious food and temptations, it will be a dead end if you step into it.

"If you want to go, go. If you can't, I will follow you with Pingha. Nothing will happen if we are here." Baiji reached out and touched Dunnian's head.

His horns are hidden under the secret technique, but there is still some sensation when touched, but Baiji is not using a puppet now, and there will be no traces of the palm of his hand before.

Baiji is not good at intrigue, but she is strong and fights well, so she feels that those tricks will not be effective for her.

She can't see others being arrogant in front of her, because deep down in her heart, she has always been full of arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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