Chapter 25

Tonian still felt uneasy.

During this period of time, Pingha would always find time to teach him something, but he would laugh and laugh all the way, looking at him with malicious eyes from behind, making his scalp numb.

Ping Ha has always used unscrupulous means in order to have fun, so he never cared about the means, he only knew that if he succeeded, it was a good means, so he taught Dunnian all the things he didn't pick at all.

Now Dunnian can be said to be the most thoughtful of the few children, but he didn't show it in front of Baiji, and he has always pretended to be very good.

He has seen more conspiracies and schemes, and he has a more comprehensive view of things.

He knows his current shortcomings, and he is a bit eager for power, which will allow others to take advantage of it.

However, the opportunity was in front of him, and he didn't want to miss it.

"Is it not good for me to do this?" Dunnian clenched his hands tightly, not daring to look at Bai Ji's face.

A few months ago, he was still the kid who was always beating and scolding, but now he has to consider everything comprehensively.

Baiji was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"I feel that there is something wrong with this banquet, but I still want to go. Is it bad that I am like this?" Dunnian has been relying on Baiji who brought him out of despair. If it weren't for Baiji, his current life must be very exciting. despair.

After all, he is still a child, he seeks the help of Baiji, and wants to be guided and affirmed by Baiji.

"I said, go if you want." Baiji reached out and pinched Dunnian's face. The small face was stretched to both sides, looking quite happy.

Bai Ji had never been with children before, this was the first time, she was actually clumsy and flustered, so she could only imitate Di Lin.

"I'm in peace, let's go with you."

"However, their slave cousin may be Ni." Because his face was being pulled, Dunnian spoke with a bit of a tongue.

"I'm strong." Bai Ji let go of her hand, and both of Dunnian's cheeks were pinched red, looking a little pitiful, she chuckled and stretched out her hand to rub it again.

"Ok, deal."

She also wanted to see what this group of humans could do.

The birthday party was three days later, Baiji told Pingha, and also went to find Mingguluo and Dilin.

Ming Guluo had a cold face, his eyes were full of sarcasm, staring so hard that Bai Ji didn't dare to say more.

"Go if you want." Di Lin didn't care, "Have fun, Xiaobai, do you want me to pick you up after the end?"

"Sir! What if the Jiang family takes this opportunity to borrow your light?" Ming Guluo said dissatisfied.

Di Lin patted Baiji's head, "As long as they have a brain, they dare not do that."

Ming Guluo is still worried, but she is notorious for hating people, if she goes, she will definitely be made a fuss by the National People's Congress.

"Take care, Baiji." Ming Guluo gritted his teeth and warned, "And that guy Pingha, I won't spare you two if any accident happens."

So it's settled.

Bai Su has always been concerned about the bletilla striata, and also heard the news from Ping Ha, so she also advised Ping Ha not at ease, let him look at the bletilla striata more.

Pingha definitely has nothing to worry about. He can hide and pretend. The only thing he can be afraid of is that he may leave Baiji and run away by himself after something happens.

The birthday party is scheduled for four o'clock in the afternoon, and the invited guests need to arrive before four o'clock.End time is subject to availability.

This time, Ming Guluo didn't put Bai Ji in a good place, he just picked a dress for her, and packed the three of them into the car.

"Oh, wait a minute." Baiji tugged on the car door, "Where are the other kids? Aren't they going?"

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains. Why? Do you think that the rations for the tigers on my side are not enough?" Ming Guluo said sarcastically, pulled Baiji's hand away, pushed her into the car, and looked at it with warning. To the other two people in the car, "And you two, master and apprentice, I will not let anyone do anything to Bai Ji."

Di Lin happened to be free today, so he stood aside and smiled at Bai Ji, "Xiao Bai, have fun."

Baiji felt that there was something in his words, and Di Lin was still a riddle after so many years, which made her always disliked.

After waving goodbye to the other children, the windows of the luxury car were raised and they drove towards Jiang's house.

"It's going to be cloudy in a while." Liu Qing looked up, and dark clouds had already gathered in the sky, rolling in depressingly.

Jiang Zhu ignored them, turned around and went back to the house. When passing by the living room, he saw that the decorations he made were placed on the cabinet. Because they were so big, everyone passing by could see them.

He didn't put it there, and it happened that there was still a maid who hadn't left at home at this time, seeing him staring at the decoration, she stepped forward and said, "Miss Bai put it on."

The corner of Jiang Zhu's mouth hooked unconsciously, but he suppressed it immediately, nodded his thanks restrainedly, and went back to his room.

The remaining children also saw it when they came back.

Because it is sewn and transformed by many puppets, it is not particularly good-looking. It is completely different from the mainstream aesthetics, and has a strange niche beauty.

Just—I can’t say it’s not good-looking, but it’s somewhat weird.

The children were silent, but after all, Baiji got the prize, and Jiang Zhu made it with his own hands. They didn't participate in it, so they had nothing to say.

Go back to your room and put your doll away.

On the other side, the three of them arrived at the Jiang residence.

The Jiang family also has its own hilltop, a large villa, not only a yard, but also a golf course.

After getting out of the car, Baiji had a general inspection and found that there was still a long way to go inside.

Well, what defeats me is often not the enemy, but the road.

Pingha saw Baiji's dislike, and just about to express it, he watched Dunnian step forward and hold Baiji.

The young man was lovable, looking up at Baiji, "Don't Baiji like this place? I don't like this kind of big house either." He could roughly guess that Baiji likes that kind of crowded arrangement, which will make her feel safe.

Ping Ha took back the foot that was about to step over, looked at the "new relatives love each other", one big and one small, and suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Baiji, Dunnian, ha, cough, let's go." After holding back for a while, Pingha called the two of them to go inside.

The Jiang residence was well furnished, and I don't know if it was out of love for the youngest son or for the guests to see.

Baiji was outstanding in appearance, holding Pingha and Dunnian on her arm, and she stole most people's attention as soon as she appeared on the stage. I have to say that she is the most beautiful among all the guests.

Most of the spiritual beings these days are actually very good-looking, but the bletilla striata is more outstanding, especially the pair of golden eyes that are not human-like and the black flames performed at the art festival, which remind people of other races.

"Dunnian! You are here." It was Jiang Ziyi, a child of the master's family. When Bai Ji and the others caused a commotion, he immediately walked over to meet the three of them.

Most of the children from other guests' families are also in the No. [-] Junior High School, so they know the situation of Baiji, and they gather in groups of twos and threes or whisper or look sideways.Children are separated from their parents, and there is rarely a family together.

After all, the wealthy nobles are still somewhat different from the Zongmen aristocratic families.

Dunnian subconsciously clenched Baiji's hand, and his eyelids twitched. As Jiang Zihao got closer to them, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Dunnian, do you want to play with your friends?" Bai Ji felt the strength in his hand and patted Dunnian on the back.

Although she came here for a long time, she didn't like this kind of scene, and also hated the eyes of those people looking at her. She just wanted to rush to a place with few people to enjoy the cold wind.

Jiang Zijiu looked at Dunnian, paused for Dunnian, nodded slowly, recovered his state, and went to find other children with Jiang Zihao.

"No, I feel like vomiting." Seeing that Dunnian had left, Baiji immediately covered her mouth, her face turning pale.She was half on Pingha's body, wanting Pingha to quickly take her to a place with few people.

"No, I still have something to do." Pingha followed Dunnian all the time, raised his hand to straighten Baiji's body, and said seriously: "You are already a hundred years old, you have to fight hard, don't be stage fright all the time, you are being beaten. Others know how embarrassing it is."

Baiji slapped his hand away, and waved him to get out of here.

She was either stage fright, or she couldn't bear too much staring, and she still wanted to vomit when there was too much staring.When I promised Dunnian before, I completely forgot about this.

Who knows that when you go to someone else's birthday party, you will be watched by other guests?

The system also knew why Baiji had been living in Erling before.On weekdays, he always stays out of the door and does not step out of the door. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is impossible to leave Erlin.

〖We went to places with few people slowly. 〗The system didn’t dare to make Bai Ji angry. She just went to Di Lin to deal with her situation, and now she can not only see or hear desire, but also smell desire.Fearing that he would be fooled by his appearance at this banquet, Bai Ji concentrated his abilities on his nose before getting out of the car.

All the way to a place with few people, the bletilla striata blew cold wind, and the situation was much better.

In fact, coming here is not entirely a whim, Baiji promised that after a few years, he would have his own thoughts. When he met Jiang Zihao at school before, Baiji always felt that the other party's breath was wrong. too right.

Baiji felt even more disgusted when he thought of what he saw at the gate of Jiangzhai.

"The Jiang family is involved with the sect." Bai Ji sat on a chair in the yard and told the system what she had noticed.

〖so? 〗The system only knows that the demons will appear in the later stage, but there is no role in the Jiang family.

"It's not a special situation. It's normal for sects to be involved with these wealthy families nowadays, but I think the sects involved with Jiang's family are doing something bad." Jiang's family as a whole is very strange, Baiji The race is special, and they are more sensitive to these things, "There are always some sects who will do something disgusting."

Because of the existence of selling contracts, pills, alien races, etc., some spiritual masters who always feel that they are superior to others will have ideas that they shouldn't have, and start pursuing things that shouldn't belong to them besides their own strength.

"The descendants of mixed races are actually much better than the descendants of any ethnic group." Just like Dunnian, he has both the talent of his biological mother and the human body of his father as a reconciliation. harm to people.If it weren't for the two horns on his head, he wouldn't even be aware of his alien identity.

〖... So, in fact, some people will engage in this kind of mixed race in private, right? 〗The system only knows the development of the main characters who caused the world crisis in the original timeline, and the system doesn't know anything that has nothing to do with them.

"Yes, they created a hybrid, and even tried to control the hybrid, and wanted to change their life with the hybrid." Baiji paused, and then said, "But so far, there is no success."

In fact, she didn't know these things before, but after coming to the city, Di Lin told her after seeing the situation in Dunnian.

Fortunately, she thought that Dunnian was the crystallization of love before, but she didn't expect that reality would always go in a more cruel direction.

"But it's not necessarily true. Before Dunnian's death, his mother arranged for him to escape. Maybe it wasn't forced." Otherwise, I would hate Dunnian to death.

〖Host, you are so strong. 〗 The system suddenly sighed.

According to the normal development, it is often the protagonists who go to a place, find something wrong and carry out investigations, and finally know the truth of everything.But before Baiji took any action, the situation was almost known.

"After all, the people around me know everything, and it's not necessarily true in the final analysis. Let's talk about the specific situation later." With Di Lin by her side, that guy knew a lot, so she naturally knew it.

〖Does the host have any thoughts now? 〗

Baiji stood up, feeling that the nausea was gone, so she said, "I want to go to the place with the heaviest breath. If this is the case, the Jiang family's goal is probably me."

Dunnian's horns were hidden, his aura was completely human, and Jiang Zhu and the others were around him. The Jiang family probably didn't realize that something was wrong.

The system was surprised, and Baiji's words made it very angry.

〖They actually want the host to breed? !unacceptable!We will severely punish the Jiang family, no wonder there is no news about them afterwards, this kind of family should be taken away! 〗

Bletilla striata: ...

"Is there a possibility that they just want to make a contract with me?"


When Baiji left the hall, Dunnian noticed it.And Pinha is gone too.

The laughter of his companions is in his ears, but it is rare for him to lose his mind.

The news that Baiji knew did not share with him, and he could not guess what the Jiang family's purpose was.The invitation letter secretly asked him to bring bletilla striata, but he didn't do anything when he came.

Is it because the Jiang family is not sure?What are they trying to do with this opportunity?
Dunnian paid attention to Jiangzi Chief for a long time, but he didn't find anything wrong with him, and the departure of Baiji made him feel uneasy, and he wanted to get out to find Baiji as soon as possible.

Obviously the purpose of coming here is to meet more dignitaries, at least to leave a good impression, but at this moment, Dunnian can't think of any words at all.

"Dun Nian, what's wrong with you?" A familiar voice suddenly came to mind, and Dun Nian was startled, and hurriedly turned around, it was the guy from the previous art festival!
He said strange things to himself, and didn't have any impression of him at all.

"You are?" Dunnian tentatively asked.

"Students in our class! Don't we have a good time on weekdays?" Seeing this, Jiang Ziji put his arm on Dunnian's shoulder, pointed at the boy with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Zhou Liangqing." The boy also smiled, and turned to look at Dunnian, "Don't you remember? We went to find you together at the Art Festival."

Of course Dunnian remembered it during the art festival, but he also knew very well that there was no such person in his class.

Dunnian stepped forward to pull Zhou Liangqing up, and after saying hello to the other partners, he dragged Zhou Liangqing to a place where no one was around.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Zhou Liangqing resisted with a smile, but struggled slightly, as if joking, "I don't think I made you angry before, did I?"

Dunnian ignored him, and let go of his hand when he came to a corner where no one was around. Seeing that the other party was still looking lazy, Dunnian couldn't hold back, and said angrily in a low voice, "What are you doing? Where did the bletilla striata go?"

Zhou Liangqing was still laughing, straightened his sleeves, and said slowly: "How do I know where the bletilla striata went?"

"Shouldn't you be the one who knows where the bletilla striata is going?"

(End of this chapter)

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