
Dunnian scolded in a low voice, not wanting to attract others' attention, "Stop pretending, I don't know what you are going to do, but the Jiang family is paying attention to Baiji, don't you care?"

Zhou Liangqing took a few steps back and looked at Dunnian like a fool, "What Pingha, I don't know Pingha, you are so strange."

Dunnian couldn't believe it, everything he did before implied that he was Pingha, and he thought it was Pingha who was teasing himself.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to find my parents." After Zhou Liangqing finished speaking, he turned and ran away.Dunnian watched him run towards a couple, who was lifted up and held in his arms.


Are you kidding me?
There are 38 people in their class, and none of them is named Zhou Liangqing!

Dunnian, who has already figured out that everyone in the class has similar backgrounds and family backgrounds, feels unbelievable. He memorized the names of all the students in the class on the first day after he was promoted to this class. Could it be that there is something wrong with his memory?

So where did Ping Ha go?
Standing at a corner where no one was around, the young and mature Dunnian rarely showed a childlike expression, very helpless and pitiful.

Fear welled up in his heart, and he even thought extremely, whether Baiji and Pingha left him at the Jiang family, or the Jiang family's goal was him, what kind of deal did Baiji and the Jiang family make?
It turned out that he was so afraid of being abandoned.

"—Ahem, I can't do it, I really can't bear it when I come inside, the smell is so strong, it still transfers to my eyes."

Dun Nian raised his head, Bai Ji stood beside him at some point, seeing him looking at him, stretched out his hand and turned his head aside.

"You are too colorful, don't look at me."

The system immediately noticed that Dunnian's face was pale, and hurriedly called Baiji, 〖Wait!Host, Dunnian's condition is not very good, could it be that he ate something wrong? 〗

So Baiji hadn't left Dunnian's hand, and pulled him back hard. Looking down, his face was really not very good.

"Are you having a stomachache or want to throw up?"

Dunnian hadn't quite reacted yet, and then he heard this sentence.

Bletilla striata... still the same puzzled style.

Thinking about it, Dunnian raised his hand to hold Baiji, "I'm fine, but there are too many people over there, so come here to be quiet for a while. Where's Pingha?"

"Pingha? Weren't you with me just now?"

He was taken aback for a moment, and a fire surged in his heart. He didn't express it to Baiji, but tried to speak in a calm tone: "I wasn't with Pingha just now. I was talking to Zhou Liangqing, who is in my class."

This time, Bai Ji was taken aback. She recalled the scene she saw just now. It was indeed Ping Ha standing beside Dunnian, "Zhou Liangqing? Who?"

"During the last art festival, the one who came to us with Jiang Ziyi and stood next to me. Oh, yes, there." Dunnian raised his hand and pointed to Zhou Liangqing who was by his parents' side.

Baiji took a look at it, and it was indeed a normal boy, but there were no children around Dunnian at the last art festival.

〖? 〗

〖It won't be haunted, right? 〗The system panicked, 〖Could something unclean be entangled in Dunnian. 〗

"No." Although Bai Ji was puzzled by Dun Nian's words, he found it with a little thought.

Pingha is a creepy thing. Its race is called "Hidden Ghost". It is a relatively sinister race. It is good at hiding and disguising its aura. It is weak like Baiji in its childhood, so it will be caught by other creepy thing groups. For fun, just scare them and they will turn invisible, or change color.

To put it simply, they are similar to chameleons, except that they can even change and hide their breath.

It was indeed Pingha who was with Dunnian just now, but he probably was recognized, so Pingha hurriedly withdrew...

"It's no big deal." Bai Ji reached out and touched Dunnian's head, and still chose to reveal to Dunnian, "Pingha's talent is to change impressions, he can stimulate the subconscious mind of others, that child should indeed be in your class, but you were Ha influence, just ignore his existence."

It seems that Pingha should want to change his identity by Dunnian's side.

Dunnian expressed his understanding, and his expression with his back to Baiji suddenly turned cold.

This is the first time he has so clearly realized how evil a monster's ability is to change a person's subconscious mind. What if Pingha blurs his consciousness and makes him forget his purpose?
Confuse his understanding of his classmates, and then replace that classmate and come to him at any time. The key is that no one else realizes that something is wrong except him. If he behaves too much, he will be misunderstood by others, and the other party will always able to get away.

The situation just now should be that Zhou Liangqing has been by his parents' side all the time, while Ping Ha came to him pretending to be Zhou Liangqing, and after being discovered, it affected his subconscious mind, making him think that Zhou Liangqing was looking for his parents. Deceived perspective.

During the art festival that day, Pingha should have also blurred the sight of Baiji and Mingguluo. In everyone's eyes, he was the only one who saw Pingha who was disguised as Zhou Liangqing, but Baiji and Mingguluo were very strong, so they would be more or less aware of it. Something was wrong, so he kept staring in that direction.

Seeing is not necessarily believing.

"Baiji, do I have this kind of talent too?" Quickly summarizing the situation, Dunnian asked again, with a bit of expectation in his tone that he didn't realize.

Baiji immediately thought of the blue-green water in Dunnian. The color is so special that she is very impressed now.

But I don't know what specific use it has. Her black flames can devour normal flames, and no grass can grow in the land swept by the black flames, but she really doesn't know much about the turquoise water.

So Baiji poked the system, "May I ask you, what can you do in the future, that water."

Knowing that my host would not seriously read the copy it gave, so the system that memorized the whole text immediately replied, 〖Host, normally the water in Dunnian is not green. 〗


"Yeah, it's great." Baiji said bluntly, thinking of Dunnian's mother's tentacles, and began to put on them, "It's very strong, you can make it into water rolls and use it as tentacles, and because it's water, others will cut it Constantly." When I got back, I checked to see if there was such a cheat book, and even if there wasn't one, I would ask Di Lin to find one.

Dunnian lowered his head in thought, thinking about the scene, rolling up the enemies with water, even wrapping their heads in the water to suffocate them...

Really strong.

In just a few seconds, he thought of the multiple uses of the water tentacles, and his eyes became black and bright.

After he is proficient, he will be the first one to experiment with Pingha. If he wraps the opponent in water, he should be unable to hide anymore. Even if Pingha is still invisible, as long as he is in his own water, he should be able to feel it. The existence of Pinha...

"Baiji! I will work hard." Dunnian raised his head, his immature face was full of confidence and firmness, "I will definitely be strong in the future, whether it is status or my own strength, I will not let you down."

He will let Baiji know that adopting him is not a burden, and one day he will repay Baiji for his dedication.

On the other side, Bai Ji, who was attacked by Aite, was very casual, and didn't take Dun Nian's words too seriously, and nodded perfunctorily.

Oh fart in the future, there are still ten years to say goodbye, and you don't even want to find her again after ten years.

Dunnian didn't know what Baiji was thinking, and now he just wanted to go home quickly, and then plan his life more carefully and clearly.I also felt that I was too excited, so I quickly calmed down my thoughts and told myself not to worry, since today is here, I will focus on this birthday party first.

"Baiji, I've rested, and I'm going to find Jiang Ziyi and the others."

Bai Ji nodded, straightened his expression immediately, raised his head and walked towards Jiang Ziyi and the others.

The birthday party is about to officially begin.

Bai Ji picked up a glass of fruit juice casually, and looked up the layout of the entire hall and the positions of the bodyguards by looking up.

〖Host, do you really want to go? 〗The system knew that Baiji was about to start acting, but at this moment it was hard to tell whether it was nervous or excited.

If the Jiang family is really doing something shady, it and the host are the messengers of justice to suppress the evil forces!After it bound to the host at first, it thought that it would be fine as long as it had a good daily life of raising a baby, but it didn't expect that there would be such an exciting infiltration activity.

When Baiji and Dunnian talked just now, the system watched a lot of infiltration clips, and only hoped that it would play a leading role for the host!

"Well, wait a little longer, let's get together more." Baiji put down his cup, took out his phone and sent a message to Pingha, telling him to watch Dunnian stop having fun by himself.

Ji: Stop making jokes about Dunnian.

Aspiring to be a director: ?Wait, is Missy going to make trouble?

Ji: Optimistic about the new year.

Aspire to be a director: Okay, okay, call me if you need it.

Bai Ji put away his mobile phone, just as the head of the Jiang family led Jiang Zihao, the protagonist of the banquet, to the stage.

"Thank you for coming to my youngest son's birthday party..."

The head of the Jiang family was a tall man in his prime. He was wearing a suit, holding Jiang Zihao by his right hand, and talking freely on the stage he had built.

〖Host, is it now?let's go. 〗The system urged in a low voice excitedly, turned on the all-knowing perspective and stared at everyone around, it now feels that everyone has a problem!

"Yes, let's go."

Baiji quietly left.


The head of the Jiang family was named Jiang Shizhong. He didn't speak for too long on the stage, and Jiang Zihao's heart was not on the stage. Right after he finished speaking, he rushed towards Dunnian and the others.

"Brother Dunnian!" Because Dunnian was older than him and he was no longer in the same class, Jiang Zihao began to call Dunnian his brother, "Where is Sister Bai? Sister Bai is here?"

Dunnian was a little taller than him. Hearing this, he looked down at him and said with a smile, "Bletilla striata is here, but she doesn't like crowded places. Maybe she went to the bathroom. Did you want to invite Baiji?"

Jiang Zihao nodded repeatedly, not hiding his love for Baiji at all, "Yes! Sister Bai is so beautiful, I like Sister Bai, so I want to invite Sister Bai to my birthday party."

Jiang Ziyi, who was at the side, patted Jiang Zihao's head, and said to Dunnian: "This kid has been thinking about Sister Bai since the art festival, and he wants Sister Bai to come to his birthday party."

Dunnian pursed his lips and smiled, but didn't respond anymore, he glanced across the hall from the corner of his eye, and Baiji and Hepingha disappeared again.

Dunnian will no longer think that Baiji is going to abandon him. I noticed that Baiji has been looking at the entire hall before. I guess Baiji also has his own purpose when he comes here. It should be to go to work at this time.

The bletilla striata on the other side is hanging upside down on the hanging beam at this time.

She changed her dress, put on convenient trousers, carried people all the way to the place where the atmosphere was mixed, and lost her way.

"Are you reliable, what about the omniscient perspective?"

〖No, the perspective of the system is limited and can only be opened within a certain range of the host. 〗The system retorted in a low voice, 〖Isn't this afraid that some systems will cheat the host, there will always be some systems that open back doors for the host for performance. 〗

〖Small favors related to the villains can help, but once it will cause a big impact, our system cannot intervene. 〗

Hearing the words, Baiji held back, and could only say: "Then do you remember the way back? I have a monitor here, if it doesn't work, press it first, we will go back and monitor them."

〖No...〗The system sound became even quieter, 〖I was so excited when I came here, I only thought about what would happen after sneaking in. 〗

Bletilla striata: ...

She hates big families, especially big families who put mazes in their houses.

Baiji came down from the beam, landed softly, took out the monitor and installed it on the wall beside it.

〖It’s a little wretched for us to do this, host. 〗The system looked at Baiji's cautious look, and said in a low voice.

Baiji didn't pay attention to it, and after installing this one, he planned to move forward to install another one.But as long as she has the ability of the Pingha clan, she will go in directly and aboveboard.

〖etc!There are people ahead! 〗

Bai Ji paused, then climbed up to the beam again, and two cloaked spiritual beings came from the corner ahead.

〖It's really exciting! 〗Even though it knew that the two of them could not hear their own voices, the system subconsciously lowered their voices, 〖Host!Now it really has the atmosphere of those movies! 〗

After the two walked over, Baiji waited for a while before getting down from the beam and looking towards the corner where the two came.

"They are from the sect."

〖It's really a sect? 〗

how to say?Although they are all spiritual masters, there are many differences between being brought into the sect and growing up in the sect, and staying in the city and being restricted in many ways.The spiritual masters of the Zongmen need to have a steady breath. It can be seen that the Zongmen has strict requirements on them in this regard. Their daily main content is to improve their own strength.

The spiritual masters in the city are different.They grew up in impetuous cities, like No. [-] Junior High School, where good and bad people are mixed together. They not only have to take care of themselves, but also try to maintain the balance of all parties around them, so as not to be criticized one day.In this way, after a long time, the aura is not as stable as the spirit masters in the sect, and it is somewhat impatient.

But no matter which side of the spiritual source, when facing ordinary people, they all have a kind of arrogance, thinking that they are very good.

Bai Ji didn't install a second monitor, and walked towards the corner where the two came, remembering to calm down his breath along the way, to cover up the remaining breath, and his footsteps landed lightly like a feather.

The system followed her all the way, but still couldn't hold back, and asked very puzzled, 〖Host, why are you so proficient? 〗

At this time, Baiji's whole breath was about to blend with the air, and after the corner there was another fork in the road, after Baiji chose one at random, he said to the system in his heart, "Before, I used this method to hide from Di Lin and the others. "

Otherwise, how do you think she moved the house and ran out that night?Not to mention Dilin, Ming Guluo could pin her to the ground and poke her to death with his eyes.

For a spiritual creature to live for a lifetime, there must always be a few skills to escape that are very proficient.

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