Chapter 51
Watching Bai Jialian go away, Huang Feiqiu turned to Shengkang Peak.

Her intuition over the years made her very uncomfortable with Bai Jialian's approach, and she chose to believe in this intuition.


When the four found Baiji, Baiji had just come out of the bell tower.

"Tomorrow we'll come to the Bell Tower for dinner." Bai Ji spoke first when he saw the four of them, without asking how they knew he was here.

Dun Nian nodded, staggered away from the bletilla striata, and looked at the bell tower with dark eyes.

After returning home, the five of them went to the restaurant for dinner, while Baiji played games in the living room.

Human beings develop so fast that even games are played with them.

Bai Ji was curious and thought about ordering someone to play with, but before he could find someone, he received a friend request first.

[Beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother]

Bletilla striata:?
This screen name aroused Baiji's curiosity, and he clicked into the address book to agree to the friend application, and the other party immediately sent a message to Baiji.

Beauty looks at me, I’m sweeter than my brother: Hello beauty, I’m He Zhusha from Class [-] and [-] of Senior High, a cinnabar mole that can compete with Bai Yueguang, Jiumi~

Shan Fenglan:?

Shan Fenglan: I don't seem to know you.

The beauty looks at me, I am sweeter than my brother: Oh yes, of course, after all, the beauty has only been in the first junior high school for two days, so it is normal not to know me.

The beauty looks at me, I am sweeter than my brother: I am He Zhusha, a classmate of Yupei and the three of them, hello beauty, we know each other now, right?

Bai Ji laughed when she saw this, the last time she knew such a detached character was that girl named Yu Wanyi.

Shan Fenglan: So?How did you get my contact information?
She doesn't remember telling anyone at school about her contact information.

The beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother: ah, that's right.I first tried some tricks yesterday, but without success.So today I bought Liu Qingdamei with money, and spent 100 million soft sister coins to buy your communication method~~
Bai Ji raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect Liu Qing to sell herself.But... obviously there's something wrong here, right?

The beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother: But don't be angry, beauty, I don't have any malice, I just simply like all beautiful things.

The beauty looks at me, I am sweeter than my brother: I liked Liu Qing before, you can inquire about this beauty, I have done a lot of stupid things for Liu Qing, hehe.But now!Ever since I saw a beautiful woman for the first time, I have fallen completely, ah~ this life already depends on you!
Shan Fenglan: Is that little thing yours?
The beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother:?
The beauty looks at me, I am sweeter than my brother: what little thing?

Shan Fenglan: It’s nothing, I just went to the Bell Tower in the past two days, and I didn’t expect to have unexpected gains.

The beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother:? !

The beauty looks at me, I am sweeter than my brother: Beauty, putting down the butcher knife and turning enemies into friends is the correct choice of a wise man.Beauty, don't make mistakes on the spur of the moment!

Shan Fenglan: What happened to Liu Qing?It's about you too?
The beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother: Aww!Beauty, save some underwear for the child~~ How about I willingly be the dog of the beautiful sister?Wang wang, beautiful sister, don't bully me~

The beauty looks at me, I am sweeter than my brother: "picture"

Baiji clicked on the picture, and it was a selfie. It can be seen that the girl is very beautiful, petite and delicate, with curly hair, just like a beautiful doll.

It's really indescribable...

Shan Fenglan: It's pretty fun to play, but it's okay, I'm straight.

The beauty looks at me, I'm sweeter than my brother: Woohoo, sister beauty, I really know I was wrong, I shouldn't be flirting.But the beautiful sister really hit my aesthetics, so believe me, I really want to be the stupid licking dog of the beautiful sister.

Shan Fenglan: First of all, these are useless to me.

Shan Fenglan: Second, call me Dad.

He Zhusha's face froze, and the giant behind her couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the chat on the tablet.

"What what? What are you laughing at?"

"Hahahaha, He Zhusha, you have today too!"

"He Zhusha! He Zhusha! Call me Dad!"

"Hahahahaha, this little girl! I like this little girl!"

He Zhusha sat up straight, buckled the tablet, and yelled at the black balls in the room.

It is a roar that humans will never and cannot make.

"Quiet me! Who am I for now?" After yelling, seeing that Hei Tuanzi had kept quiet, He Zhusha continued, "I told you not to make trouble for me. Look at you, how are you doing now? ? Did you mention the iron plate?"

Hei Tuanzi continued to be honest, but the black giant couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay, okay, after all, Liu Qing's matter has nothing to do with us, it's you who caused Liu Qing trouble."

"Now that someone has found him, you... you can solve it yourself."

He Zhusha pursed her lips, and rolled around unwillingly on the bed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I didn't do it on purpose, who knew this kind of thing would happen, I just like beautiful things, I didn't do it before Live it."

Bai Ji on the other side saw that the other party didn't reply, and he was not in a hurry. Instead, he clicked into the campus forum and started searching for "He Zhusha".

I didn't expect that the other party came to the door as soon as I got a clue tonight. This is really a surprise, and it's more interesting than asking a companion to play with.

There are more than 1000 posts about He Zhusha in the forum, all of which are all kinds of jokes. It can be seen that He Zhusha is like a living treasure on weekdays.

Since He Zhusha transferred to No. 50 Junior High School in the second year of junior high school, in just over two years, she changed eight classes and courted more than [-] people, including men, women, and teachers...

Bletilla striata:?This is really "cool".

One of them, "Scrape the Mute Bride" attracted Baiji's attention.

It was a post a few months ago, and the owner of the post can see that he has a very detailed understanding of the protagonist He Zhusha, from her background, to her talents, to more than 50 people she is pursuing.

The only daughter of the chairman of Hengtai Pinghai Group, she is 16 years old today. She is a high-ranking adult. She looks as delicate as a doll. She is very attractive when she does not open her mouth.

But it doesn't work if you open your mouth, you can tell that you are an old licking dog.

After licking this and that, as long as she considers it "beautiful", she will rush to "lick" it frantically.

She doesn't care about meat and vegetables, and runs the train with her mouth full. Although she is warm and generous, and will immediately help those around her if they are in trouble, but... In a word, it is very good to be friends, she is definitely a perfect friend, but she is following her It's broken.

Her "licking" can be so greasy every time, and every time it can be disgusting to the person being "licked" by her.But you say she is not serious, she can really tell others about this person's many benefits, and it feels like she really likes the other person.

Just, pretty outrageous one person.

Bai Ji looked over the more than 50 people she had licked, some of them had changed schools, some had changed jobs, some were almost afraid of women...

The earliest was the monitor of the same class in the second year of junior high school, and the most recent one was Liu Qing.

At this time, the five of them finished their meal and saw Baiji sitting in the living room, so they also came to the living room.

Yupei was next to the bletilla striata, trying to sit at the feet of the bletilla striata, but was kicked away by the bletilla striata because it was "hot".

Before Hua Po sat down, she turned to Bai Ji's cell phone and couldn't help saying, "He Zhusha? Is that He Zhusha from our class?"

Baiji noticed that when Hua Po read the words "He Zhusha", Liu Qing's face obviously flashed an emotion called disgust and irritability.

It seems that it was really uncomfortable to be entangled before.

Baiji didn't hide it from a few people, but he didn't tell them all. He basically said that He Zhusha had added him, as if he was going to pursue him.

Yupei didn't pay attention to these things, but the other three people knew about it. Hearing this, he looked at Liu Qing with disapproval. How could he sell the contact information of Baiji for 100 million soft sister coins?What if the other party does something bad?
Even if the bletilla striata is very strong, Ming Guluo will protect the privacy of the bletilla striata well, and may not be harmed in the end, but this approach is somewhat reckless.

Liu Qing frowned, dissatisfied with the gaze of the three, "It's not me."

Jiang Zhu didn't believe it, "Then take out your mobile phone and see if your account has an extra million, wouldn't it be good?"

Liu Qing pursed her lips and remained silent, nor did she take out her mobile phone to prove herself.After all, he did receive an unknown transfer of 100 million today. Although he has already returned it, the record can still be seen.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhu was about to speak sarcastically, but Bai Ji preempted him, "It doesn't matter, this is not the point now."

Indeed, the point now is that He Zhusha is obviously eyeing Baiji.

The living room was quiet for a while, Liu Qing lowered her head, and after a while, she said first: "I really didn't do it."

Baiji nodded, "I know. If you did it, Mingguluo could kill you."

As a typical spiritual creature, Ming Guluo always has only one emotion for human beings—dislike.If Liu Qing really did this, in Ming Guluo's view, it would be a provocation by human beings to spiritual beings.Ming Guluo might not kill Liu Qing because of Baiji, but he can also use tricks to kill half of his life.

Liu Qing is a smart person, he will not make himself uncomfortable.

This sentence of Baiji is an explanation.Although Liu Qing was the only one of the five who had been taught by Ming Guluo in the past ten years, it was inevitable that they would meet each other in daily life. Without Bai Ji, Ming Guluo's contempt for them was clearly visible.

Those snake-like eyes caused several teenagers to have nightmares for several nights at the beginning.

At first, Jiang Zhu couldn't bear Bai Su's uncertainty, but after comparing with Liu Qing who lived under the shadow of Ming Gu Luo, he felt that he was living in heaven!
Liu Qing doesn't care what the other four people think, as long as Baiji doesn't misunderstand.

Dunyou coughed a few times, attracting Baiji's gaze to himself, "According to the past situation, being stared at by her is really...uncomfortable, and she is a difficult person. But the current effective solution , just ignore her, ignore her, ignore her."

The truth is this truth, but it is actually quite difficult for people to do it, otherwise those people would not transfer schools and jobs.

He Zhusha is an existence that cannot be ignored, she seems to have a kind of magical power innately, and can become the focus of the crowd - after she licks the dog and opens her voice.

It was as if she was playing a game, all the next words she said were buffs to herself, making it impossible for others to ignore her existence.

"And actually...aside from her verbal harassment, she can really take care of tia, ahem, and other people in life."

At first, Dunnian and the others only heard about each other's rumors, but after the high school was re-segregated, He Zhusha soon ended her pursuit of the previous person and turned her attention to Liu Qing.

Dunnian was afraid that she would stare at him one day, so he sent someone to check a lot of her information.

As a "senior", Liu Qing held back and held back, and couldn't help but said: "Don't ignore her too much, sometimes you still have to talk to her. She is a bit awkward, if you ignore her for a long time, you will be in bad luck. "

Immediately raising his eyebrows, he wrote this down in the memo on his phone, "Is there anything else? Are you sure the bad luck has something to do with her?"

Liu Qing leaned on the back of the sofa chair, the more he talked about He Zhusha, the more irritable he felt, "Yes, it's her, it must be because of her."

Hua Po and Jiang Zhu recalled, Liu Qing was really unlucky for a while.

As for Yupei, who has been silent all this time, he is still looking for an opportunity to get close to Baiji.

"As for the others... I don't think so much, but that guy is really...very enthusiastic. Anyway, don't fall into the trap. How enthusiastic she is when she licks people, and how cold she is to her family when she licks the next one."

Baiji didn't think that she would fall on a little ghost, but the other person might be older than her. After all, although she was an adult, she was not very old, at least she was considered a junior among the extreme spiritual creatures.

It is only because of the Shiling clan that he has the strength to be on an equal footing with those old guys.

Baiji looked through the forum again, and found that among the more than 50 people in the past, many of them convinced himself and agreed to He Zhusha's pursuit of them.

After all, who can refuse a delicate and beautiful girl who cares about you everywhere in life, cares about you in all kinds of ways, is rich, beautiful and talented, can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, and bangs on the wall for you?
She just talked people down, disgusting and greasy, but she was sweeter than her brother.

Thinking of this, Baiji couldn't help laughing.

It's just that He Zhusha's love is too short-lived. If this person doesn't agree to her, she will lick him for about half a month. If this person agrees to her, she can leave immediately the next day.

Over time, some people would not agree to her even if they were tempted.

Bai Ji clicked on a picture of He Zhusha, the girl is indeed exquisite and very good-looking, her fair skin reflects light in the sun, her smile is also very sweet and bearable, the baby's fat little face is full of flesh, people can't help thinking Take a bite on it and see if it is really as soft as it looks.

It's really good for others.

When the five people saw this scene inadvertently, they were all dazed and thirsty, but when they took a closer look, the bletilla striata returned to normal, as if the scene just now was an illusion of the five people.

Dunnian tugged on his collar, and diverted his attention: "Did He Zhusha send you anything? Now that she has her eyes on you, she should send you something too, right? Can you tell me more about it?"

All five of them looked at Baiji, and Yupei couldn't help pursing his lips, already thinking about how to kill that He Zhusha.

Baiji cut the screen and returned to the chat between the two of them, just as He Zhusha, who had finished her mental construction over there, returned her a three-second voice.

Baiji clicked on the voice, and the five teenagers held their breath for an instant, staring at the phone as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Then... Dad? Dad, can we have a chat tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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