Chapter 52
The sweet female voice is a little distorted with the electric sound, but it can be heard that the other party is whispering between the voices.

It's very uncomfortable.

She really deserves to be the only dumb bride in No. [-] Junior High School, and now she even played a new trick and started calling her "Daddy"!

Sensing that the eyes of the five people became complicated, Baiji coughed a few times, replied "Yes" to He Zhusha, and immediately put away the phone.

It is better to let some misunderstandings continue like this.As soon as she finished talking about not being able to be hooked up by the other party, she said that she asked the other party to call her father, and those who didn't know thought it was the two of them, no, it was some strange game she liked.

Her fame cannot be ruined here, mainly because she didn't expect that He Zhusha would really call it out!
It's just a nonsense, it's so fucking strange to be called so changed by her!
"Baiji, why don't you go to class tomorrow? It should be okay to tell Ming Guluo." Hua Po suggested, with an uneasy expression, "This He Zhusha is really strange, we should stay away from this kind of person Better."

Jiang Zhu scratched her head vigorously, and said irritably, "Since I've told Ming Guluo, why don't we just let her deal with He Zhusha?"

After watching the whole process, immersed in the thought that his host was being targeted by a strange homosexual, and what this strange homosexual seemed to have done to Liu Qing, the system didn't notice Jiang Zhu's "solve" one by one.

Bai Ji got up, but did not accept their proposals, "I promised her to talk to her tomorrow, we will talk about the details after tomorrow's talk." She was holding the other party's weakness in her hand, the other party should know more about it, and won't provoke her her?
"And even if we really want to deal with her, it's better to leave this kind of matter to Pingha." Baiji clapped his hands, and then patted Yupei's head who was sitting on the ground. Tonight's matter is considered to be over. , and there is no need to mention it again.

Dunnian lowered his voice and looked dissatisfied. He had a lot of opinions on Pingha, "Is it really okay to hand it over to Pingha? Of course, I'm not questioning you."

Baiji smiled, and what he said comforted Dunnian, and let Dunnian know that this was not something they could intervene in.

"This kind of thing, of course, can only be handed over to Pingha."

Don Nian stopped talking, Baiji bypassed the sofa, said goodnight to the others, and left the living room.

Oh, of course, after saying goodnight, she certainly wasn't going to bed.


The next morning, after the first class was over, Yupei just got up to look for Baiji, when he saw a figure rushing out diagonally in front of him.

Hua Po:?
Are you in such a hurry to go to the bathroom?
But when the two came to the second class, they realized that the person who rushed out was He Zhusha.

Baiji raised her eyebrows, and she didn't expect that He Zhusha would come to chat with her right after the first class. She thought she would have to wait until noon or at night after school.

"It's time after class..."

"Beautiful sister! I am He Zhusha!"

No. [-] Junior High School has school uniforms, but except for special days, students are not required to wear school uniforms, so there are very few people in school who wear school uniforms on weekdays.

Baiji and the five teenagers, including He Zhusha who rushed out suddenly, were not wearing school uniforms.

He Zhusha is as delicate as a doll, and the clothes she wears are also as delicate as a doll.

Although it's too exaggerated because I can't wear it at school, it can be seen that the girl's dress is very careful, and she feels like a sweet girl today.

"Beautiful sister, you are so dazzling today. In fact, I have been watching you secretly for the past two days. It's just... I really am! I still can't forget you, and I can't leave you. I can go to Is Class Two coming?"

Amidst the whispers around, "It's He Zhusha."

"It turned out to be He Zhusha, is she eyeing the transfer student again?"

"Wow - it's still so efficient, can she really turn around?"

You know, the original He Zhusha was not in the second class, but came to the second class to chase Liu Qing.

But Hua Po could clearly hear Yupei's veins tensing.

If He Zhusha really transfers to the second class, Yupei will definitely make trouble with Di Lin, right?
He Zhusha squatted in front of the bletilla striata, looked up at the bletilla striata, her big eyes sparkled, "beautiful sister, you believe me, I really like you. You can do whatever you want to me, scold me or hit me ... Cough, you understand."

Facing Baiji's unclear smile, it's fine if He Zhusha didn't say that sentence.

Although the other party was only a 16-year-old girl, He Zhusha always felt that the other party would really beat her to death.

Bai Ji also knew that He Zhusha didn't come to talk to her at all, but she was tired of work and really came to find herself to make trouble.

Baiji raised her hand, and before she touched He Zhusha, she grabbed it.

"What are you going to do? Tell me, I'm sure I'll cooperate... Ah, wait, the hand of the beautiful sister is really good... um... so white, and it feels... um, so comfortable, haha. Ah Of course! I really like the beautiful sister very much, I like everything about the beautiful sister." As she said, He Zhusha pressed her face to Bai Ji's hand.

The bletilla striata is now using a puppet body, so it only looks good, but the texture is not very good.

He Zhusha felt that the hands of Baiji were a little rough, and even felt a little grainy. Anyway, it didn't look like the texture of human hands, but ordinary humans certainly don't think too much, and don't feel too much...

But He Zhusha is not a human being, and when she touched the bletilla striata, she immediately knew that the bletilla striata was not a human being...

This feeling is really suffocating...

He Zhusha lowered her head in a misplaced position, the expression on her face was already very flustered.She originally thought that the other party was just a human girl with background and background, but now it seems that the other party may even be bigger than herself...

"That... beauty, 230, how about you?" He Zhusha's face did not leave the back of Baiji's hand, and she didn't even dare to look up, she whispered.

Bai Ji knew that the other party saw that he was not human anymore, so he smiled and said, "320 three."

Oh, it's really an iron plate.

He Zhusha gritted her teeth, but even so, it didn't affect Sao's operation.

As the so-called face is stable and panicked, it is He Zhusha who is afraid of bletilla striata, but she shows no expression on her face, and she can even open her mouth to lick: "Beauty sister, let me be your guest of honor, I I don’t ask you to be the only one, it’s enough for me to be one of your thousands of ladles of water, so that I can see you once in a while.”

"Beautiful sister, my family is rich, I will give you whatever you want."

There is no shortage of money at all, Baiji, who has never been short of money, took his hands from her hands.

"Go back to your class."

He Zhusha froze, she hated her mouth sometimes, but she really couldn't control her mouth, "Beautiful sister, do you really not give me a chance?"

Before Baiji was about to lose his temper, He Zhusha took the initiative to run away from the second class, but she still said disobediently, "Beautiful sister, then I will come to you in the next class!"

Yupei followed closely back to work, but was quickly pulled back by Hua Po.

"Okay, okay, didn't Baiji say she would handle it?"

Yupei stared at He Zhusha who had returned to her seat, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"She's an eyesore."

"Bletilla striata will be angry."

Bletilla striata... Bletilla striata was indeed a little angry, but it was even more ridiculous.

The girl's words were inexplicable, even illogical, and she felt that she was simply disgusting others.

But from the behavior of the girl herself, it can be seen that she actually likes him a little bit, and she doesn't want to come here to disgust herself.

The little thing in the bell tower is also related to her. It seems that there is a terrible guy in No. [-] Junior High School.

During the second class, Bai Ji placed his mobile phone on the table aboveboard and chatted with Ming Guluo.

Ji: Where is Pingha now?I sent him a message and didn't reply, and he didn't answer the phone, what happened to him?
Ming Guluo: What task did the sir give him earlier?But don't worry, he should be back in two days, and I will bring him to you.

Baiji thought for a while, but still couldn't hold back, and asked Ming Guluo the most curious question since meeting He Zhusha.

Fearing that Minggu Luo would be angry, she even tidied up her words.

Ji: In addition to being blinded by human beings, the spirit creatures will fall in love with strange creatures under what circumstances?

Minggu Luo:?

Although there was only one question mark, Bai Ji immediately knew that the other party was being laughed at.

Ming Guluo: Leaving aside those self-willing and degrading things that hang out with human beings and make disgusting things, there are still such delirious and perverted guys?

Hmm... humans are to spiritual beings what animals are to humans.Spiritual beings have inherent prejudices, and feel that human beings cannot compare with themselves, or even look down on human beings at all.

Some extreme guys, such as Ming Guluo, treat humans like humans treat mice. Not only will they set themselves high, but they will also be extremely disgusted and even want to kill each other.

Of course, Ming Guluo is actually fine, so far, except for those humans who provoked her, she has not touched other humans.

And weird things are to spiritual things, just like insects are to humans.You can tolerate the existence of the other party, and sometimes you won't kill the other party when you see it, but don't even think about being with them.

Ming Guluo already knew about the spiritual event of the Kan Lingzong ten years ago. In her opinion, it is no different from a human being in the human world who fell in love with an animal and gave birth to a child.

And today's spiritual and strange things love each other, that is probably even more outrageous, a human and a worm fall in love and give birth to a child.

After Bletilla striata was substituted in, he also felt a little outrageous.

But how to put it, spiritual creatures or monsters need to transform into human form if they want to be with humans, otherwise there will be reproductive isolation, but the three races of spiritual things and monsters do not exist with each other.

It's just that intercourse is possible, but the pregnancy rate is extremely low. After all, it's the race that doesn't match.

Ji: The world is full of wonders, so just keep calm and focus on our own business.

Ming Guluo: Don't tell me such disgusting things in the future.

Bai Ji took it for granted, turned off the screen of the mobile phone, staggered the teacher's embarrassing face, and silently returned the mobile phone to the desk.

Fortunately, Ming Guluo will not engage in other discrimination because of race.Some capable people under her command are monsters or human beings, and she didn't treat them badly because of their race, they were all treated equally, and they received as much effort as they put in.

When you are really capable and prove yourself, she will immediately let go of her prejudice.

She just purely and equally discriminates against interracial love.

After all, when you are concentrating on your career, who cares what you do and what race you are?Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to bring value and create value with ease?
After every class after that, He Zhusha would come to Bai Ji for verbal harassment, but she repeated her words over and over again, and there was only one central idea.

I am willing to be the licking dog of the beautiful sister!
When school was over at noon, Bai Ji led the boys to the room in the bell tower, and this time Liu Qing also followed her. After looking at it, she thought it was good, and decided to have lunch here in the future.

After school in the afternoon, He Zhusha quickly packed her schoolbag. She knew it would be better to run first at this time, and it would be too risky to lick it later.

So her brother, don't blame her!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left school, he was dragged into a top-notch black car and tied up in a luxury villa.

Sitting in the living room, five teenagers surrounded He Zhusha in a semi-surrounding shape, either sitting or standing against the wall, so that He Zhusha, who was sitting on the sofa in the middle, hugged her schoolbag and shivered, wanting to cry without tears.

She didn't dare to look at the family she pursued here. They were obviously five teenagers who could see through their strength at a glance, but He Zhusha couldn't bring up the thought of resistance at all, which showed that there were more powerful existences in the villa.

Bletilla striata, who had recovered her real body, came down the stairs and sat down next to He Zhusha. She stuck an apple with a knife and handed it to He Zhusha.

"Don't be nervous, didn't you want to talk to me?"

He Zhusha looked at the apple on the tip of the knife and hiccupped, "Dad, so you agreed to let me be your guest of honor?"

Liu Qing who was sitting on the side laughed, he knew it must be very interesting.

Baiji's body paused for a moment, and it was true that he was speechless by He Zhusha's sweet "Dad".

"You look up at me."

He Zhusha looked up tremblingly, and saw that it was several times more beautiful than the one she was chasing now, no!She is hundreds of times more beautiful!

It's just that the beauty's cold face looks so fierce, and the appearance that people dare not desecrate makes people feel very stressed and fearful.

"Beauty, I love you, marry me." Without thinking about it, He Zhusha took Baiji's hand, and inserted it forcefully between Baiji's fingers, interlocking her fingers.

"I would give my all for you."

Baiji smiled slightly, and in the next second He Zhusha was buckled upside down on the sofa, unable to move.

"It hurts... it hurts, it hurts, beauty, please be gentle, I won't resist whatever you want!"

Bai Ji ignored her, took out a black dumpling from his pocket, and put it in front of He Zhusha, "This is your brother, right?"

As the descendants of spirits and ghosts, He Zhusha has a total of 57 brothers and sisters, and besides her, they are all kinds of black gangsters, who are completely incapable of human form.

As for the reason, it is probably because He Zhusha is the only complete one among the 58 regiments, and even if the other regiments practice, most of their spiritual power will gather on He Zhusha.

But what is interesting is that He Zhusha can possess other brothers and sisters. For example, He Zhusha now carries her 23 brothers and sisters.

At the first sight of He Zhusha, Bletilla striata saw dense black lumps on the opponent's body, which was a bit shocking, but Bletilla striata is not a human being, so when He Zhusha knelt down and shook her hand, Bletilla striata carefully identified these black lumps. Dumplings, I found that every black dumpling seemed to be moving around consciously, jumping and jumping.

As for the fact that He Zhusha's mouth can't be controlled by her and say something that makes people down, it's because her father has always been attached to her mouth.

As the saying goes, this father really did it by cutting off every peach blossom of his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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