But this situation will not last for too long, her father will dissipate in a short time, and there is no way to save it.

Baiji rubbed her chin, guessing that there should be some problem with He Zhusha's mother that caused her father to become what he is today.

But when Baiji possessed her body and opened He Zhusha's mouth to check carefully, she found that the facts were not as she thought.

But one thing is certain.

"Your mother, should it be your mother? You're so weak."

When the girl saw her brother, she stopped struggling, and when she heard Bai Ji's words, her eyes immediately filled with tears.

"Beauty, you can say that I am weak, but how can you say that my mother is weak?" That is their family's favorite!
Brothers and sisters are like this because mother is like this too.

Bai Ji wanted to say something more, but Ming Guluo opened the door and rushed in.

"The more I think about today's incident, the more disgusting I feel. Did you meet..." Ming Guluo said, and when he looked up, he saw seven people in the living room, among whom Baiji was holding back a young girl.

Minggu Luo:?

"What? Did I disturb you?" Ming Guluo was puzzled by the current situation, and said to disturb, but he did not leave, but approached Baiji instead, "How did you regain your appearance in front of others? "

When Ming Guluo approached, Bai Ji could clearly feel He Zhusha's body trembling, and he stopped looking at his brother, and buried his head in the sofa, deeply buried.

But Ming Guluo had already walked to the edge of the sofa, no matter how He Zhusha tried to hide it, the smell of her and her brother couldn't be covered up.

The five teenagers who had been watching the excitement obviously felt that the atmosphere had become oppressive, as if a big hand was pinching their necks.

"Hi, Uncle, Auntie." Seeing that He Zhusha couldn't hide, she could only greet in a muffled voice, and Hei Tuanzi clung to He Zhusha, trembling constantly.

Bai Ji raised his eyebrows, "Or your relative?"

Ming Guluo's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker, she picked up He Zhusha to check the aura repeatedly, and found that the other party did have that person's aura.

"I've already divorced that guy." Ming Guluo gritted his teeth, "I'll give you a chance to organize your language again."

He Zhusha was trembling, and wanted to say something nice, but her mouth couldn't control her, "Then, hello, ex-aunt."

It was Baiji's sharp eyesight and quick hands that stopped Ming Guluo and prevented He Zhusha from being killed on the spot.

The little ghost brought home turned out to be a former relative of my friend.Baiji also thought it was amazing.

"No way, didn't you divorce that one? It's been a hundred years, so there's no need to be angry again." Bai Ji stopped Ming Guluo, and He Zhusha immediately picked up her brother and ran aside. Under the astonished eyes of the five teenagers, they opened their mouths and swallowed the brother in one gulp.

Mingguluo was blocked by Baiji, but kept her eyes on He Zhusha, as if she could pounce on and bite at any time, her sight was like a knife, and it hurt He Zhusha, "I heard that Lan Cheng disappeared for a while before, Is it going to give birth to you?"

He Zhusha gritted her teeth, and still told the truth that her mother never let her tell Ming Guluo, "No, Lan Cheng is my father, and she went to take care of my mother during that time."

Baiji could feel the murderous aura on Mingguluo's body grow stronger.

As I said before, the Mingguluo family is hermaphroditic, and this Lan Cheng is a female, and she is also the sister of Mingguluo's former husband.

But He Zhusha is more than 200 years old this year, and Ming Guluo married her ex-husband more than 150 years ago, and divorced within a year, which shows that He Zhusha was born at that time.

The former eldest sister-in-law actually engaged in interracial love without telling her, and there are so many children left, Ming Guluo is so disgusting that she is going to explode now.

She told that guy before she got married that she couldn't accept interracial love, and if there was such a spiritual creature around him, she would tell her immediately, and she would judge how to deal with it according to the situation, and he agreed.

——But the guy didn't tell her that his sister was.

She also said that who will be the father in the future will be determined by the strength of the two, and asked if the other party can accept her as the insemination party, and the other party agreed.

——But that guy played tricks after losing, and wanted to be his father's side.

The more Ming Guluo thinks about it now, the more disgusting Dan Zuo feels.

Just two days ago, you still contacted yourself to get back together?Does he want to die?Do you want to die?

Seeing Ming Guluo's changing expression, Bai Ji knew that she was thinking of Dan Zuo.

For this ex-husband brother of her friend, Baiji was also speechless for a while.

She is actually not easy to get involved in other people's family affairs, even if Ming Guluo doesn't care, Bai Ji doesn't know how to evaluate... After all, her Shiling clan is not hermaphrodite, so she doesn't understand what they are... Hmm... what a custom.

Anyway, it is possible for a couple to discuss who will be the father and who will be the mother. She was surprised when she knew it, not to mention that there are now females in the clan who are interracially engaged in "homosexuality".

Ming Guluo's temples were throbbing all the time, and she felt that if she didn't take Dan Zuo out and beat her up now, she would be disgusted and go crazy.

Bai Ji is stronger than Ming Gu Luo, while controlling her, he sent messages to Bai Su and Ping Ha, but only Bai Su replied to her, and Ping Ha still had no news.

Can come one is one.

The scene was deadlocked for more than half an hour. Bai Su rushed to the scene, and together with Bai Ji, he controlled Ming Guluo on the sofa and tied him with a spirit belt to ensure that she would not rush over and kill He Zhusha with a single paw.

Several people sat down one after another, and the five teenagers were also shocked by the situation in front of them, and their expressions were in a trance.

Ming Guluo actually has an ex-husband.

He Zhusha is the child of spirits and strange things.

In terms of gender, both parents of He Zhusha are female.

He Zhusha...has more than 50 brothers and sisters.

Any of the above is incredible.

Several people sat separately in the living room, even though they were all against He Zhusha, the five teenagers sat on one side with He Zhusha, Bai Su and Bai Ji sat on the other side, Ming Guluo on both sides.

The main reason is that the five teenagers are also afraid that Ming Guluo will be impulsive and beat them up again.

Ming Guluo has been staring at He Zhusha viciously all the time, seeing He Zhusha trembling, curled up in a corner of the sofa.

Bai Ji supported his forehead, stretched out his hand and turned Ming Guluo's face towards him, "Okay, okay, don't stare at other people's children, other people's children are innocent too."

Ming Guluo turned his attention away from staring at He Zhusha after all, but his tone and complexion were still bad, "You reminded me that this matter should really not go to the children, but to their parents."

The corner of Baiji's mouth twitched, and she told Ming Guluo to find Lan Cheng and Dan Zuo, she would definitely be able to chop those two guys into pieces.

"It's all in the past. Let's not pursue it. It's as if we care about him."

Of course Ming Guluo didn't care about Dan Zuo that much. The two were together because of their clansmen. Ming Guluo could leave at any time, and it was true in fact.

"But their behavior is a fraudulent marriage."

Bai Ji could only insist, "At least it's not Dan Zuo."

Ming Guluo sneered, "If Dan Zuo did this, I can kill him now."

Ming Guluo has a deep resistance to interracial love, even somewhat extreme. If Baiji wants her to calm down, he must completely let Ming Guluo separate Danzuo and the others.

"It's all in the past. What do you care about them? They can do whatever they like, and it has nothing to do with you anyway."

Ming Guluo ignored Bai Ji, turned to look at Bai Su, "Release me, I've calmed down, I won't attack a bastard."

Bai Su hesitated, looked at Bai Ji, saw Bai Ji nodded, and then started to untie the spirit belt.

Ming Guluo moved his body, stood up from the sofa, and cast a cold glance at He Zhusha who dared not speak.

"It's agreed that we won't attack children." Baiji reminded him.

Ming Guluo took out his mobile phone, found Dan Zuo who was still sending messages to him yesterday, and did not know where he got his contact information, and made a video call.

The other party quickly picked it up, and a man's face appeared on the screen, and it could be seen that the other party was very happy.

Bai Ji stretched out his head and took a sneak peek. It was indeed that guy Dan Zuo, who hadn't grown up in decades and looked pretty good.

The youthful aura of the meeting here has completely faded away. The man is handsome, sunny and enthusiastic. As far as appearance is concerned, he really fits Ming Guluo, one cold and one hot.

But it's just not very good at dealing with people.

When Dan Zuo saw Ming Gu Luo, his eyes became bright, "Luo Luo!"

Ming Guluo had a cold face, and Dan Zuo was used to it. Just as he was about to share his recent interesting stories with her, the screen turned from the front camera to the rear camera.

Dan Zuo froze for a moment, and then the camera focused, and a trembling girl appeared on the screen, which completely froze Dan Zuo.

He really didn't expect that He Zhusha would meet Ming Guluo.

Ming Guluo's voice was very cold, and he didn't want to chat with Dan Zuo, "You should know she exists by the look on your face, but I don't want to talk nonsense, if you want to save face, don't come to me anymore, you guys The whole family stay away from me."

Dan Zuo's face turned pale, and he wanted to persuade him to stay, "No! Wait, I didn't mean to lie to you!"

"But in fact you did this." Ming Guluo felt that he was too angry now, so he didn't get angry at all, and he completely calmed down, "The deception has already been done, and it is irreparable, Dan Zuo, please show some face ?"

Under the pale face of the other party, Ming Guluo hung up the phone decisively.

"Do you want me to take her back to her home?" Ming Guluo put away his phone and looked at Bai Ji.

He Zhusha froze when she heard this, and quickly shook her head at Bai Ji.Going back with Ming Guluo, she was really afraid that she would kill her whole litter.

Bai Ji knew that Ming Guluo would calm down, and he would definitely not touch He Zhusha, but in order to reassure the little girl, Bai Ji simply stood up, "Well, I'm with you."

Liu Qing's matter is not in a hurry, she can solve it herself, and depending on the situation, the little girl is not behind the scenes.

The three of them got into Mingguluo's car, He Zhusha sat tremblingly in the back seat, and Bai Ji sat beside her, at this time He Zhusha didn't dare to speak again, for fear of saying something next to attract Mingguluo's attention Notice.

Coming to the place where He Zhusha lives now, it is also a large community with villas. Although it is not as expensive and luxurious as the place where Baiji and others live, it is also unique.

As soon as Baiji stepped into the community, he felt more than one of the same kind of breath.

This is very interesting.

Did they come here by themselves?Is it clear on the human side?
He Zhusha trotted back to the door of her house. Bai Ji looked up and could see a lot of black lumps by the window on the second floor.

"The small house is shabby, then, then I won't let you in." He Zhusha whispered, and looked up at Mingguluo, before she could see her face completely, she heard her sneer, she was so frightened that she hurried Withdrawing his gaze, he lowered his head tightly.

Baiji pressed his shoulder against Mingguluo, and the latter withdrew his gaze and turned to the side.

"Go back and have a good rest." Bai Ji said.

He Zhusha nodded repeatedly, turned her head and was about to run home, but suddenly thought of something before opening the door, and looked back at the two of them.

Mingguluo looked at other places, and Baiji was also looking around, very interested in this community.

Both of them are the proud sons of heaven, with outstanding looks, they both belong to cold beauties, but one is gloomy and cold, and the other is high-cold.

The bletilla striata is actually better-looking and has an outstanding temperament, and when the two stand together, the bletilla striata is obviously more difficult to get close to than Ming Guluo.

He Zhusha wiped off the non-existent halazi on her lips, and said to Baiji: "I'm sorry about Liu Qing, I will take care of it."

Bai Ji withdrew her gaze from looking around, and fixedly looked at He Zhusha, thinking that this little girl is actually quite pleasing, when she is not talking or doing business.

"No, I'll take care of it."

He Zhusha knew what Baiji meant, which meant that she didn't need to intervene anymore, but... Actually, this matter is not difficult to say, and it is not too simple to say simple.

Seeing He Zhusha sprinting home like a rabbit, Bai Ji turned to Ming Guluo, "He's gone, why don't you take a stroll with me? Do you know this neighborhood?"

Ming Guluo scanned around and nodded, "I know, Dilin knows it too, and the human side knows it too."

Bai Ji raised his eyebrows, and the two began to walk around the path, "Has it only happened in the past few years? Or it has been there for a long time."

"It's only in the past few years." Mingguluo, like Baiji, does not eat human food, and has never touched alcohol or tobacco. A cigarette to relieve boredom.

"Why did they all come to the human city?"

"The development of human beings is good. With so many technological products, life can be said to be very convenient. Bai Su's laboratory has also developed a simple robot in the past two years."

Bai Ji nodded, deeply convinced, at least she is very satisfied with the game, and she is looking forward to the holographic game described in the novel.

"Life is convenient, and you don't have to worry about old enemies, because humans have human rules and regulations, and aliens are not allowed to cause too much damage, so you don't have to worry about your own danger."

"At least monsters and spiritual creatures are very welcome on the human side. Feeling the sincerity of human beings, it's normal for them to choose to come to human cities, right?"

Baiji was noncommittal.At present, it seems that there are two races of spiritual creatures and monsters living here, and they are all above high level. They don't have that much demand for spiritual power. They probably come here to enjoy life.

Humans must also welcome aliens who are harmless to them. Their existence can help humans in many things, and even if they are lucky, they may be able to sign a contract with some alien boss.

And the ones who reconcile between the two, manage the foreign races, and suppress the foreign races to prevent them from changing are the existences such as Dilin and Mingguluo.

"I noticed Liu Qing, he was glued to something stinky, what are you going to do about it?" Ming Guluo asked about Baiji about humans.

But it's also possible that you just want to bring up a topic.

Baiji smiled, "I, I have my own plan."

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