The so-called trick is actually not too clever.

But Baiji thinks it's okay, mainly because he can ask for a few days off for a reason, so he doesn't have to go to class.

On Wednesday morning, after the five teenagers finished cleaning up, Bai Ji went downstairs slowly, still in the original image, not attached to the puppet.

"Liu Qing, do you want to ask for leave these days? I'll take you to another place."

At that moment, Liu Qing clearly felt that the other three people who usually didn't pay much attention to her, all focused on her.

Liu Qing paused, and immediately responded with a smile.

"Since it's Baiji's invitation, of course I can. I'm not respectful."

This smile was somewhat unbearable, and Yupei was about to speak when Bai Ji slapped him back.

"Okay, everyone else is fine."

Unwilling to be dragged away by Hua Po, Yupei followed closely behind, but stopped for a while, looking at Liu Qing and Bai Ji before turning and leaving.

When Liu Qing was watched by him, he kept smiling at the corner of his mouth. Seeing that they had all left, he looked at Baiji, "Where does Baiji want to take me?"

Baiji couldn't help frowning.

Well, it's not the first time, Liu Qing always gave her a strange feeling in the past few days when she came back.Obviously what he said was normal, but it just gave her an awkward sense of discomfort.

I always feel that this guy is picking things up.

Bai Ji glanced suspiciously at Liu Qing, completely unable to connect this guy in front of him with the child who cried so hard just because he had a name ten years ago.

It's almost like a different person.

"You can find something to do, we don't rush to leave, we can leave later." After speaking, Bai Ji turned his head and went upstairs without waiting for Liu Qing's response.

Liu Qing stood in the living room for a while, putting her schoolbag on the sofa at any time, turning over the back of the sofa chair herself, and half lying down on the sofa.

Not playing with her phone or doing anything else, Liu Qing closed her eyes, as if she was taking a nap.

Baiji withdrew her spying spell and quietly returned to her room.


Zeng Baiqi finally came back, at that time Huang Feiqiu was practicing sword.

The weapons of the spiritual masters are not limited to the sword, but for the low-level rookie spiritual masters, the long sword is indeed easier to use.Especially the spirit masters in the sect basically used swords in the early stage.

Huang Feiqiu swung a few times at will according to the exercises. Compared with the long sword, she actually prefers to use a whip, but it is always right to learn more.

As soon as Zeng Baiqi came back, he saw Huang Feiqiu looking bored, and couldn't help but ask, "But do you think these days are boring?"

Huang Feiqiu was startled, looking back, it was indeed Zeng Baiqi himself, with the sloppy and decadent look when he first saw him, he was more like a beggar on the street in ancient times than an elder of a great sect.

But Huang Feiqiu hadn't seen him for a long time, and now she just felt excited, after all, this could be said to be her current parents.

"Master! You are finally back!"

Zeng Baiqi saw her excitement, and asked again: "Is the current life boring to you?"

Huang Feiqiu paused, trying to figure out Zeng Baiqi's meaning, but the other party's tone was calm and his expression relaxed, as if he was really just curious and not angry because of Huang Feiqiu's attitude.

Huang Feiqiu was a little uncertain for a while, so she could only speak tentatively: "The disciple is alright, but..."

"That's a bit boring." Zeng Baiqi ignored what she said later, turned around and walked to his own residence, "Come on, I'll give you something, and you will go out with me tomorrow."

He had been negligent before. A girl who was only 14 years old was a lively and active age. If she was thrown on the mountain by herself, she would inevitably feel bored.

Then take this opportunity to take her for a walk together. If something happens on the way, it will be a good opportunity for the little girl to practice.

Huang Feiqiu anxiously followed Zeng Baiqi to his study, saw him rummaging through and found a bunch of things, without introducing them, and stuffed them all to herself.

"Master! This..." Huang Feiqiu, who had been neglected for a long time, was startled, she almost couldn't hold these things, and was caught off guard by Zeng Baiqi's sudden generosity.

Going out with Master? "Then, Zongmen's courses..."

Zeng Baiqi waved his hand indifferently, "Don't worry about that, it won't be of much use to you, some things will come faster with practice."

Huang Feiqiu held a bunch of spirit treasures and said yes.

"Okay, let's go, pack up everything today, I don't know how many days it will be before I come back next time."

Huang Feiqiu was startled, she responded quickly and left in a hurry.

If this was left behind, she would have to stay alone on Shengkang Peak for a long time again.

Early the next morning, Huang Feiqiu got ready to go, carrying a backpack to hold some clothes and some spiritual treasures that Zeng Baiqi gave her yesterday.

Afraid that Zeng Baiqi would feel in the way, she had tried to bring as little as possible, but she was a girl after all, so she always had to take two extra sets of clothes for a change of clothes, and her backpack was stuffed to the brim.

Before leaving, Huang Feiqiu glanced at the calendar, today is Thursday.

The life in the Zongmen actually made Huang Feiqiu, who had been living the life of a young lady, a lot of discomfort. Not only was Zeng Baiqi left on Shengkang Peak, but she also had to do everything by herself on weekdays, which also made Huang Feiqiu a little bit uncomfortable. the embarrassment.

But she knew that she was no longer the eldest lady, no one would hold her up and take care of her, and there was also Yu Peipei who was always watching her.

Huang Feiqiu gritted her teeth and endured it. She also learned to look at other people's faces, and to fight for her own rights when encountering problems, but she couldn't let her go to her death. She no longer had any family power that could allow her to act recklessly.

But other than that, Dong'e Zong didn't allow disciples to carry mobile phones, which was the most uncomfortable point for Huang Feiqiu.

She couldn't know what happened in the city, couldn't contact her former friends, and didn't even know the daily weather.Huang Feiqiu, who has no experience of living alone, can't even look up some life knowledge online.

Thinking of this, Huang Feiqiu tugged at the strap of her backpack, put away the uncomfortable expression on her face, and went down the mountain to meet Zeng Baiqi.

To Huang Feiqiu's surprise, apart from Zeng Baiqi, Si Yueqing was also standing here with a bag on his back.

Huang Feiqiu didn't know whether to greet the other party, the two of them only met once, and the other party didn't seem to like her very much.After knowing Si Yueqing's identity from Bai Jialiana, Huang Feiqiu was very afraid that saying hello now would make the other party feel that she was trying to get close.

Zeng Baiqi, who was standing on the sidelines, saw Huang Feiqiu coming, and wanted to introduce the two of them.

Unexpectedly, Si Yueqing opened his mouth first: "Junior Sister Huang, if you bother me, I will travel with you and your master."

Huang Feiqiu froze for a moment, she didn't expect the other party to greet her.

Zeng Baiqi looked at the two of them, wondering, "So you know each other?"

Si Yueqing didn't deny it, turned his head to look at Zeng Baiqi, bent slightly and cupped his hands and said, "Yes, before Ming..."

"Master! Let's go!" Huang Feiqiu tightened the strap of her backpack, interrupted Si Yueqing, and looked anxiously at Zeng Baiqi, "Let's go now."

Zeng Baiqi nodded, but he didn't care how the two of them met. Anyway, it would be nice to save him the introduction, and to be able to say a few words less.

Si Yueqing on the side straightened up, glanced at Huang Feiqiu, and didn't say anything else.

The three left, not in a hurry, more like a trip.

This scene was also seen by more than one disciple.

Yu Peipei organized her words, and said casually, "Is that Senior Brother Si?"

Of course, the people around him also noticed Si Yueqing, they stared at Si Yueqing's leaving back, and looked at Huang Feiqiu, "That woman?"

Yu Peipei immediately said: "Huang Feiqiu, Elder Zeng's new disciple." The subject changed, her tone hesitated, "I heard that she asked Bai Jialian about Senior Brother Si before."

The person next to Yu Peipei, Ge Yaqi frowned upon hearing the words, looked at Huang Feiqiu's back that was already shrinking, and opened his mouth to tell Yu Peipei, "Bring me Bai Jialian."

"Okay, okay!" Yu Peipei immediately agreed.


It was after nine o'clock that the bletilla striata was cleaned up.

Her black hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, leaving a strand of hair on each side of her face, which was a very common fluffy ponytail.

The work vest is processed into trousers, and the exposed skin is white and reflective.In order to deceive others, Baiji also carried a backpack with a strong sense of design.

The woman has a good figure, very long and beautiful, with a height of 1.7 meters [-], and a pair of leather Martin boots under her feet. She looks heroic and very cool.

Liu Qing felt that Baiji would not go out today, and was about to go upstairs and go back to the house, when she saw Baiji dressed up like this.

To be honest, Liu Qing was stunned for a second or two because she was so handsome by Bai Ji.

It is normal for people to like beautiful and beautiful things, and it is also normal for people to be attracted by eye-catching things.Liu Qing comforted herself in this way.

Seeing Liu Qing lazily leaning on the sofa, Bai Ji was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Aren't you going to tidy up?"

Liu Qing nodded, got up and went upstairs to change clothes.

Baiji reminded, "Change into clothes that are easy to move around, and bring me some more."

Liu Qing nodded in agreement, regardless of whether Bai Ji saw it or not.

Back in her room, Liu Qing picked out a few sets of convenient and smart clothes, basically sports-related.As for what to wear today... Liu Qing also chose a set of work clothes.

When choosing shoes, Liu Qing chose comfortable high-top sneakers that won't hurt her feet even if she walks a lot.

——Actually, he thought of Baiji's Martin boots, which are really good and look very handsome, but it must be uncomfortable after walking too much.

Of course, since Bai Ji chose it, it means that she is definitely not afraid. As for myself, I should be more honest and choose comfortable and practical shoes.

After packing up, Liu Qing put the rest of the clothes into the backpack. Knowing that she would be going out for a few days, Liu Qing looked through other things.

Considering that Baiji seems to have a space, she should bring her toiletries.Liu Qing didn't pick these things either, so she didn't bring anything to wash, but brought a few spiritual weapons that Ming Guluo had given him before.

There is a difference between spiritual weapons and spiritual treasures.Spiritual artifacts are made, and spiritual treasures are naturally formed.

When flipping through the drawers, Liu Qing paused, noticing the things she had randomly thrown in the corner a few years ago.

Liu Qing pursed her lips, and stood for a long time before taking out the thing, rubbing it with her hands a few times before putting it into the backpack.

The things were a little too small, so Liu Qing carried the bag on her back, took some more in her hand, and went downstairs to find the bletilla striata.

At this moment, Bletilla striata was waiting impatiently, poking at the system, but the system was a little sluggish for some reason these two days, and didn't pay attention to Bletilla striata.

Liu Qing's backpack was much bigger than Bai Ji's, and Bai Ji didn't say anything when he saw that it was full, and reached out to take all the things, but Liu Qing blocked it, and only handed the things in his hand to Bai Ji .

Ming Guluo told him before that the fact that Baiji has space must not be exposed. After all, in today's world, there are only alien races of the space system, and there is no spiritual weapon or treasure that can hold things.

But the bletilla striata is not a spiritual creature of the space system, and they don't know how the space of the bletilla striata comes from, but at least they must not expose this point is the only certainty.

Liu Qing didn't want to cause trouble, but what could Baiji's small bag hold?Appropriate storage points are fine, but it is better to carry the big head by yourself.

Baiji didn't tell Liu Qing where the two were going, and Liu Qing didn't ask curiously. The atmosphere between the two was a bit cold. From the outsiders' point of view, the two who were both in work clothes looked like a quarreling couple.

On the way out of the community, Baiji, who has very good hearing, heard at least four or five waves of people talking about the two of them, saying that they were young couples arguing.

Baiji had no choice but to rush over to explain, so he could only speed up his pace and come out of the community, Baiji started to poke the system again.

"What's wrong with you? Can you do it?"

The system was sluggish, and the answer was also very weak, 〖Fortunately, nothing happened. 〗

"What's the matter with you these two days?"

〖It’s time to upgrade, it’s just a little weak, alas. 〗

Baiji paused, thinking that it must be more than that simple, "Upgrade? You can still upgrade? Is there any benefit for me if you upgrade?"

The system paused, very embarrassed, 〖It is really not good for the host, but after the system is upgraded, I can monitor the happiness index of the villains in real time! 〗

Bai Ji looked puzzled, her mission is over soon, you tell her that you are now leveled up, and you can still test the happiness index of the villains?
Feeling uneasy, Bletilla striata didn't ask again, but the system has cheered up a little, and didn't give Bletilla striata a chance to escape, 〖Host!My upgrade of the system this time is also a series of improvements to the villain missions! 〗

Bai Ji kept her mouth shut and refused to communicate with the system. She also took a taxi at this time, and after going up with Liu Qing, she took out her mobile phone and showed the address to the driver.

The driver knew where it was at a glance. When the car started, the system was still talking in Baiji's mind, 〖Host, I will upgrade the system in a while. You may not be able to contact the host in the next three days. system i. 〗

〖After the upgrade this time, the mission of the villain is estimated to be refreshed as well.But host, don't worry, I will definitely upgrade the system in the future, and the headquarters will definitely benefit you at that time, it is impossible for the host to do so much for nothing! 〗

Good guy, the mission will be updated. Although she has been absent from work for ten years, aren't they already different from writing the future?Why did you suddenly have to refresh the mission in the last two years?
And what does it mean that it will be updated in the future?She won't be chained to these villains in the future until they die, right?
"The biggest benefit is to let me end the mission in two years, don't give me anything else!" Bai Ji gritted his teeth, why wouldn't I do it for nothing?The cake painting is pretty good, right?What about the white wolf with empty gloves?

The system also knows that this is really not good, but there is no way, it can't stop the system update, and the bletilla striata is bound to it, and it can't change the status quo, so it can only choose to obey.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed a bit of a strong buy and sell, ahem.

〖Oh, by the way, host, I just detected that the way of heaven has begun...don't go...don't let Liu Qing touch...〗

What the hell?
Bai Ji hadn't continued to fight for his own interests, when he heard the sound of electric current coming from the system suddenly, followed by the clear words 〖Updating〗, then the sound completely disappeared.

Bletilla striata:?
So don't go what?Don't let Liu Qing do something wrong?

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