Chapter 55
If the system left half of it, it disappeared. Baiji waited for a long time, no matter how much he poked the other party, the system did not respond.

Did you just run to upgrade?

Baiji swears that the most annoying person in her life is the Riddler, and now I want to add another one, that is, the person who talks half of the words and doesn't say the main point!
Although I know it's not a system problem, why is it distorted in a key place?Is this more uncomfortable than seeing a few key words suddenly appear in the novel, okay?
Although the novel is uncomfortable, it generally has little impact.But the system feels like a big problem!
Liu Qing looked at the scenery outside all the way, and found that the taxi was not traveling to any remote place, but actually came to the World Trade Center in Shanghai.

Parked in front of the World Trade Center on Central Street, Baiji scanned the QR code to pay and led Liu Qing to get off.

"Come here?" Liu Qing raised her eyebrows, although she didn't know why Bai Ji brought him out suddenly, but no matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like she was leading him to go shopping, right?There is also a change of clothes in the backpack.

Bai Ji recalled the records in the memorandum, and compared the photos sent by Bai Su to confirm that it was indeed here.

Before setting off with Liu Qing, let's find this "ex-husband brother", which Bai Ji thought of last night on the spur of the moment.For this reason, she even asked Bai Su to ask for Dan Zuo's current address.

Minggu Luo didn't have feelings for Danzuo at all, and now he feels disgusted with Danzuo because of He Zhusha's matter-not to mention that Bai Ji came to "greeting" Danzuo, she brought Naqi to chop Danzuo into scum , Ming Guluo will definitely not care, and probably will applaud.

Baiji took Liu Qing into the World Trade Center, where the lower floors were used for renting and selling goods, while the upper floors were the office areas for various company teams.

Liu Qing thought that Baiji was coming to buy something, but seeing Baiji went straight to the elevator, she raised her hand and pressed the eighteenth floor.

Liu Qing:?
After rushing to the eighteenth floor, it could be seen that a team occupied this floor. Liu Qing glanced at the sign, "Luo Zuo Creative".

From the name, one can guess something at a glance.

Sure enough, Baiji rushed into the office, a group of people didn't stop her, they could only watch her drag the boss's ear to a more open place.

The employees looked at the bletilla striata vigilantly, and Liu Qing glanced at it out of the corner of her eye, noticing that someone was already calling for security, and someone would come in a while.

The World Trade Center is not a place where everyone can run wild.Liu Qing didn't want to attract people's attention, because it would be really ugly if such a thing hits the hot search, so she coughed a few times, and Liu Qing stepped forward to stop Baiji.

Baiji was not something he could stop if he wanted to, so he threw Liu Qing away at will, and Baiji also loosened the grip on Dan Zuo's ears, widening the distance between the two.

"This, who is this?"

"It's so beautiful, what does it have to do with our boss?"

"Why did this beauty bring a man with her?"

"I rely on... there is no explosive inside story, right?"

Some people watched and others ate melons, and some secretly took out their mobile phones to start recording.

Baiji had noticed it, but she didn't care. The video recording works now, but after she guides it with spiritual power, even if they really uploaded to the Internet, their faces and Liu Qing's faces would not be revealed.

But Liu Qing didn't know that once the coercion of the elementary green class was released, the ordinary people present would no longer dare to be presumptuous.

The spirit's jokes are not so good.

The employees didn't dare to peek any more, and returned to their positions silently. They had a good relationship with the boss, and could only pray in their hearts, hoping that the boss would not do anything wrong to others, so that they would be severely retaliated by them.

Dan Zuo himself rubbed his ears and didn't pay much attention.

He has no emotions towards Bai Ji. In his opinion, Bai Ji belongs to Di Lin, and he cannot touch or move it. It is best to stay as far away as possible.

But Ming Guluo has always been by Baiji and Dilin's side, and his identity on the surface is Dilin's assistant and Baiji's personal butler.

"Bai Sheng." Those with status and status like Baiji, who are also of a strong race, should be called "Sages" like Dan Zuo.

Baiji waved his hand, indicating that he would not eat this set.The main reason is that she thinks the thief Bai Sheng is ugly.

"I know all about you. I just come here when I have time these few days. Let's fight here. It's quite spacious."

The corner of Dan Zuo’s mouth twitched. Even though he knew that Baiji meant that he didn’t need spiritual power, he was still a little scared. After all, there was a huge disparity in strength between them. Chance.

All the employees are here, and Bai Ji is determined to make him lose face.

Dan Zuo moved his body, and now he can only bite the bullet, at least the loss will not be ugly... Well, it is very ugly.

Under the hands of Baiji, Dan Zuo couldn't pass ten moves at all.

The employees may think that this is the oppression of ordinary people by the spiritual masters, but in fact, it is the oppression of the extreme spiritual beings.

Although both are bullying, the meaning behind the two is too different.After Dan Zuo arrived, he didn't hide his tricks, and Wei Wei showed the employees that he was not weak, revealing his identity as a "spiritual source".

——Otherwise, he is really afraid that someone will report it, saying that the spirit master is oppressing here.

Human beings take these things very seriously, because ordinary people were once enslaved by spiritual masters, so the two are still awkward and conflicting with each other, after all, this situation still happens now.

The city side is fine, but the spiritual masters on the other side of the sect will only look down on ordinary humans even more, and even laugh at their name of "beginners".

Dan Zuo has no intention of being involved in these disputes. He is a hidden spiritual creature who came to chase his wife, and he doesn't care what happens between human beings. To be crushed.

After being beaten to the ground by Baiji, Dan Zuo still had the heart to think about it, lamenting his "foresight and foresight".

"Have you recorded it?" After Bai Ji hit Dan Zuo on the ground, he turned to look at Liu Qing who was holding a mobile phone.

The other party made a gesture of yes, ended the recording, and handed the phone to Baiji to check.

The recording is really good, and I can clearly feel how weak Dan Zuo is (by comparison).

"Okay, send it to me." "It has already been sent."

Bai Ji accepted the video, and before Dan Zuo could respond, he forwarded it to Ming Guluo and shared his thoughts with him.

Ji: If he pesters you again, you can post this video to the "Spirit of the World" group, let him throw a wave of people in the spirit circle, and see if he dares to come to you with a shy face!
The night chat last night not only let Baiji know about the so-called "spiritual community", but also allowed Baiji to successfully join the "worldly spirit" group chat formed by the worldly spirits.

Ming Guluo didn't reply, probably because he was busy with work.

Baiji didn't bother anymore, anyway, the other party would see it sooner or later.She achieved her goal today, and now she can lead Liu Qing out of here and go to Zhou Languo.

Without taking another look at the embarrassed Dan Zuo, Bai Ji pushed Liu Qing away, otherwise it would be easy to miss the flight.

Dan Zuo was baffled by Baiji's operation. He didn't understand why Baiji wanted to videotape it and send it to Ming Guluo?But Mingguluo knew that he couldn't beat Baiji.

If you don't understand, just don't think about it, Dan Zuo patted the dust on his body, looked up and glanced at his employees, and sure enough, many people were watching furtively, and he quickly took them back after being swept away by his gaze.

"Ha... alright, alright, what should I do, go to work." After speaking, Dan Zuo limped back to the office, this young lady really didn't know what to do.

The benevolent spirit boss didn't know that flowers had exploded in the employee group at this time.

My boss turned out to be a spiritual master, and he had been hiding his identity before!

Who is the beauty with golden pupils who knocked on the door and beat up the boss?What kind of entanglement does she have with her boss?
That's right, the ten counterattacks just now, in the eyes of the employees, meant that the boss was being beaten unilaterally.Even if he rose up and tried to resist in the later stage, the effect...was not big, very little.

The beauty with golden pupils who was being talked about had already pulled her little villain into a taxi and headed for the airport in Shanghai.Unexpectedly, in just half a month, she came to the Shanghai Airport twice. I am really ashamed of the "house girl" character she gave herself.

Holding the plane ticket, Liu Qing knew that the two of them were going to Zhou Languo.

Seeing Liu Qing staring at the ticket, Bai Ji twitched slightly, "Don't worry, I won't buy you, I'll go there to treat your illness, let's have fun."

Zhou Languo's territory is not large, but there are many forests, so many foreign races have taken root in it.It can be regarded as a small trial ground except for the fixed alien survival points like Erlin.

Of course, if you want to get some rare treasure, you have to go to the ancient secret realm, but the opening time of this thing depends on the probability. Basically, one can only emerge every five or six years, and the location is random and the internal size is also random.

Baiji didn’t tell Liu Qing too much about this, mainly because Baiji is not interested in these secret realms at all, and has never had any opportunities so far, and he doesn’t know how to find secret realms by himself, so that even though Baiji has lived for more than 300 years now, once a secret realm Have never met.

Zhou Languo logically said that the probability of exploding the secret realm is quite high, but Di Lin didn't ask him to tell him before he set off, so, it should be, no problem, right?
Bletilla striata, who has been popularized by the system about the luck of the villain, thought uncertainly.


Dong'e Sect is not far from Zhou Languo. After all, Zhou Languo can satisfy the spiritual masters in all aspects, so Dong'ezong has cooperated with Zhou Languo a lot before and signed a mutual assistance contract.

Huang Feiqiu did not expect that Zeng Baiqi would bring the two of them to Zhou Languo. She had been here once or twice before, but at that time it was only as a tourist attraction. She didn't know that Zhou Languo had a "small trial ground" The name.

The three of them took the train and transferred to the bus, these were things that Huang Feiqiu had never experienced before, after all, the eldest lady had always been picked up by a special plane when she went out.

There were many people on the bus, most of them were ordinary people, with heavy sweat glands on their bodies, Huang Feiqiu was confused by the smell, but she didn't dare to complain, for fear that Zeng Baiqi would think her hypocritical.

Noticing Huang Feiqiu's complexion was not good, Si Yueqing paused at the side, then switched places with Huang Feiqiu and sat next to that person.

The cool and refreshing woody fragrance filled Huang Feiqiu's nostrils instead of the smell of sweat, making her stunned for a moment.

Turning your head, you can see the handsome jawline of the young man, the long eyelashes, and the high bridge of the nose...

The girl's brows trembled slightly, and after looking at it for two or three seconds, she looked away as if nothing had happened, at least the blush on her little face couldn't be hidden no matter what.

It must be too hot in the car... the girl thought so.

It was already late when the three of them arrived at the border of Zhou Languo. After finishing the relevant procedures and matters, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

The three of them were a little hungry, so they simply found a restaurant nearby.Huang Feiqiu knew that she couldn't be picky eaters at this time, besides, during this period of time, her bad habits have also changed a lot, and she will no longer be the same as before, not eating food that was not cooked by the chef.

Zeng Baiqi meant to stay here for one night tonight, and find a car to go into the city tomorrow, Huang Feiqiu and Si Yueqing both agreed.

But there was a problem when choosing a hotel. I don’t know why the cheap hotels in the surrounding area are full. It is said that it is because some planes landed early. Several flights landed at the nearby airport, so the hotels and hotels are almost full. .

Huang Feiqiu didn't know the specific situation, so she and Si Yueqing stood still, waiting for Zeng Baiqi to ask some passengers who were forced to land here.

"You two are really lucky." After returning, Zeng Baiqi was obviously very happy. "I heard that Zhou Languo seems to be opening a secret realm in the past few days, so all the planes were allowed to land outside Zhou Languo for fear of accidents."

After studying for this period of time, Huang Feiqiu of course knows what a secret realm is and what it represents. Hearing this, she is very happy. This is probably the best news of the day she came out!

And Huang Feiqiu also understands the point of letting the plane land outside the country. If you don't do this, the plane and the secret realm are likely to interfere with each other. When it is felt that there is a fluctuation in the secret realm to be opened, the plane is not allowed to land around it.

At this time, Zeng Baiqi changed the subject, and his tone became serious again, "The last time the secret realm was seven years ago, although the lifespan of the spiritual master is longer, you must also cherish this opportunity, and don't start near the secret realm. , and miss this secret realm for other reasons.”

Huang Feiqiu nodded repeatedly, and Si Yueqing also nodded.

Zeng Baiqi continued: "I don't know if there is any limit to this secret realm, whether I can enter. But if I don't enter, you must help each other, and don't kill each other because of the treasure."

Of course, these Huang Feiqiu all know that the size of the secret realm is variable, but one thing is certain, the secret realm seems to be opened for low-level people, each secret realm is definitely accessible to those with low ranks, and those with high ranks, above the purple rank There will be all kinds of surprises.

Either it's because of the level limit and it's impossible to enter, or it's suppressed everywhere after entering, and it's not even as good as some low-level spiritual masters.It's not that this kind of situation hasn't happened in the past years, and there are even examples of high-level spiritual masters being folded in because of suppression.

But the tricky thing is that this rule does not restrict alien races.The entry and exit of high-level alien races during the start of the secret realm is like returning home. There are no restrictions, and they can choose to go out and come in, which is very annoying.

In addition to human beings, some alien races who have entered the world will also want to get involved in the opening of the secret realm, and get some treasures for daily self-defense, while those alien races who do not enter the world will also break into the secret realm in order to compete with humans for resources.If the number of foreign races is too large or the proportion of high-level foreign races is large, it will be tantamount to massacres for the low-level spiritual masters who enter the secret realm.

In the face of the secret realm, low- and middle-level spiritual practitioners must learn to unite and help each other, otherwise they will only be bullied by aliens!
This is why Zeng Baiqi warned the two not to cause fratricidal incidents because of Zhenbao's loss of self.

(End of this chapter)

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