Treasures are important, but the most important thing is your own life.Life is gone, no matter how many treasures there are, it is useless. Instead, they made wedding dresses for aliens.

When a conflict occurs, two or more people can choose to mark the treasure with their own spiritual power, and make a decision after they come out.

It is not uncommon for a treasure to be robbed by a foreign race in the end, and it happens every time.There are good ones, and of course there are bad ones.

It's okay to meet those who are arrogant and disdain to deal with human beings, or those who have good intentions for human beings, but I'm afraid of meeting those alien races who are more or less seriously ill and like to slaughter human beings for fun.

Yes, most of the alien races mentioned here are weird creatures!

As for the other two races, the spirits are proud, but what if your treasure is what this spirit wants?And World of Warcraft is complicated, there are good and bad in it.The aggressive ones or the calm ones, the latter may be able to give you a helping hand if you meet them fortunately, but the former will eat you as a ration.

Huang Feiqiu had just entered the sect, and although she was talented, she hadn't studied for too long, no matter how hard she worked these two days, she was only at the mid-level red now, and she was ready to hug Si Yueqing's thighs tightly.

I hope that boss Si can save his life for the sake of her master leading them on the journey!It's best to get treasures, if you don't get them, you'll gain insight.

"Okay, let's do this first. I'll contact the sect and try to send in more disciples from our sect!" Zeng Baiqi instructed the two of them again. Knowing this, he stepped back to contact the sect.

It is their "fairness" and "guidance" as seniors to strive to send opportunities to every disciple, but what will happen in the future, whether they can survive the secret realm, and what they can bring out from the secret realm, depends on each person's own capable.

Because of Zeng Baiqi's departure, Huang Feiqiu and Si Yueqing stayed together again, which made the girl feel a little uneasy, and even cared about her appearance.

Hair shouldn't be messed up, right?I've been driving all day, my hair should be oily, right?Does she look good from this angle?

Tilting her head slightly, Huang Feiqiu wanted to pretend to glance at him casually, but found that the young man wasn't looking at her at all, but kept staring away!
What is there to see there?

Huang Feiqiu followed Si Yueqing's gaze, and was taken aback for a moment, this... is really fucking pretty.


When boarding the plane, I put on the bletilla striata black eye mask and a bluetooth headset, and chose to make a cool cover.

Liu Qing was sitting on the outside of the bletilla striata, and there was no need to guess that this seat was probably occupied by Minggu Luoding, who was mainly used to protect the bletilla striata.

Liu Qing didn't feel uncomfortable either, he was used to this kind of thing for a long time, if he thought about these shitty things every day, he wouldn't have the skills he has today.

It took about five hours to get from Shanghai to Zhou Languo. When the two got off the plane, Bai Ji was still a little dazed. After a closer look, he found that this was not the capital of Zhou Languo at all!

At first, I thought that something happened, so I heard the reason behind the incident that the airport radio suddenly started looping.

Good guy!Bai Ji's eyes widened, he didn't expect that this spiritual creature that had lived for more than 300 years could be regarded as encountering a secret realm once.

At first, it was due to various reasons, she was too lazy to look for it, and she was not particularly interested in it, so she missed it until now, but it's okay to bump into it directly!
Bai Ji led Liu Qing to have a meal first, thinking about it slowly.

The peculiar smell on Liu Qing's body can only be smelled by foreigners. It is a kind of mark, but it will affect people's spirit if it is carried on the body all the time, and it will degenerate people over time.

If you want to remove the mark, one is to find the trick that issued the mark and remove it, and the other is to take back the trick that issued the mark.In short, you have to find that weird thing, and others can't get it at all.

Bai Ji used to be with Di Lin all the time. Although she moved to Erlin to avoid the world for a while, she met a lot of aliens with Di Lin during that time. Do not drill into the secret.

Bai Ji thought again that before he came out, Di Lin did not look for her, nor did he give her too many instructions, so he probably didn't figure it out, or he knew it, but the trip was not dangerous, so he didn't remind her much.

Bletilla striata...Baiji thinks it is the latter based on what he has known about Dilin for more than a hundred years.

After Liu Qing finished his meal, Bai Ji took him to find a place to live. Similarly, most of the nearby hotels were fully booked.

"Ha...the news spread so quickly." The two found a bench to rest, and Bai Ji felt quite a headache about the situation.

It doesn't matter what she said, she will stay wherever she turns into a prototype, but Liu Qing can't do it, so the two of them must find a place to live tonight.

The two of them talked very little along the way. In order to alleviate the bad atmosphere, Liu Qing found a topic, "It's really unlucky, I finally came out and ran into these things."

Bai Ji was taken aback, he didn't expect Liu Qing to say so much, unlucky?This is too lucky, okay!
"The plane made an emergency landing because a secret realm was about to be revealed within Zhou Languo. If we were still in Shanghai at this time, we might not know about it at all or would not be able to feel it because of the delay in the news. Liu Qing, you are lucky."

The five words Baiji at the end of the sentence are clear and heavy, Liu Qing froze slightly, Baiji then said: "Liu Qing, it's a rare opportunity to open the secret book, as a spiritual master, you are right next to the secret realm, you should fight for it, And be happy about it.”

"The lifespan of the spiritual masters after cultivation is longer than that of normal humans. I don't know if you will encounter a secret realm in the future, or if you will be so close to a secret realm. But I know, Liu Qing, you at this moment Luckier than the other four."

"Our current situation is because we keep wasting time after getting off the plane. We knew that there was going to be a secret place to start, but we still didn't choose to book a hotel first, and didn't consider everything comprehensively. Therefore, it is the result of man-made, bad luck, and fate. It doesn't matter if it's bad."

Liu Qing twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Don't be so serious, it's just a joke to ease the atmosphere."

The atmosphere is not so relaxed. Baiji is not a spiritual creature who can vomit bitterness.

"Get up, you have to find a place to stay." The convenience of communication has its advantages and disadvantages.For example, now, most of the hotels are fully booked. In addition to the many passengers on the plane, there must be some companions summoned by the spirit masters. After all, secret realms are really scarce.

Baiji, who did not carefully read through the "planning to write the future" provided by the system, and slept for ten years, causing most of them to forget, knew that Zhou Languo's secret realm was just the beginning. From this secret realm, the whole world will appear more frequently than before. .

After all, the children of the world are starting to grow up one after another, so the secret realm must be opened more frequently, otherwise where would they go to get cheats?
Baiji didn't know this, and of course Liu Qing didn't know either. The two started looking for hotels and finally found a good one.

Baiji was communicating with the front desk, but Liu Qing noticed something passing by outside the door.

"Ah, what is that?"

Bai Ji booked the room, turned around, and saw a very beautiful...animal outside?
Bletilla striata:?
It is indeed a very beautiful animal, it is still a cow, but its whole body is snow-white, and when it walks, it will constantly sprinkle sparkling fine particles like snowflakes, and the horns of the cow are covered with white sand.

Bletilla striata, who has a good vision, can also see the cow's long eyelashes, which are long and curled up. Coupled with the shimmering pupils, they are more beautiful than most human beings.

what is this?
Bai Ji turned to look at the others, and found that except himself and Liu Qing, the others seemed to have not noticed the beautiful cow that was swaying on the street.

"What is it? A monster? A spiritual thing? It can't be a weird thing, right?" Bai Ji wanted to take a closer look, and walked outside the hotel door. When passing by Liu Qing, he took advantage of the opportunity and gave the room card to the other party.

The beautiful cow also noticed the bletilla striata, and even nodded to the bletilla striata very naturally, as if greeting it.

No, wait, who are you?
The bletilla striata who came out of the hotel was overwhelmed by this nod, and Liu Qing, who was chasing up, also saw the nod and was slightly taken aback.

"You know it?"

"No way, how could I know such a strange guy..." Bai Ji was also a little uncertain for a while, she confirmed that she didn't know anything, but the other party seemed to know her?Could it be that she actually knew each other, but she had never seen him in this form?
So what exactly is it?Can no one else see it?
The pretty cow left, and Baiji's eyes fell on the opposite side. They were a young and handsome man and woman, about the same age as Liu Qing and the others, and the girl was younger.

The two parties looked at each other and were both taken aback.

Bai Ji felt that the young man was a little familiar, and Liu Qing subconsciously felt dislike for the two of them.

On Huang Feiqiu's side, after seeing the beautiful cow passing by, she first noticed Bai Ji and Liu Qing on the opposite side. After all, the two of them have outstanding looks, even if they were amazed by the beautiful cow for a while, they would immediately turn their attention to the two. body.

Almost the first time she saw the other party, Huang Feiqiu felt unspeakable fear and hatred in her heart, so much so that she panicked a little, subconsciously took a step back.

"Junior Sister?" Si Yueqing turned his head and noticed that Huang Feiqiu's face was pale, as if he saw something frightening.

Huang Feiqiu shook her head, and then looked towards the opposite side, the figure of the man and woman was gone, Zeng Baiqi also finished contacting the sect, and returned to the two of them.

"Let's find a place to live now, oh, there is a hotel opposite. Go and ask if there are any vacancies." Zeng Baiqi took a step ahead, and Si Yueqing followed behind, but soon noticed that Huang Feiqiu was taking a step in place didn't move.

"Junior Sister?" Si Yueqing turned her head and saw that Huang Feiqiu's expression was still very bad.

"'s okay, I'm okay." Huang Feiqiu shook her head and caught up with the two, but in her eyes, the hotel opposite was like a monster's big mouth, waiting for her to eat.

Who are those two people?How could it bring such a terrible feeling to myself?

Huang Feiqiu was puzzled, but she always believed in her intuition, so from the moment she stepped into the hotel, Huang Feiqiu put her whole body on guard, for fear that Baiji and Liu Qing would suddenly come out from somewhere and stab them three.

Si Yueqing has been paying attention to Huang Feiqiu's situation. Seeing her serious face and full of vigilance, she thought she was concerned about the secret realm, especially when a particularly strange and beautiful cow passed by just now.

Si Yueqing said comfortingly: "It's okay, junior sister, the secret realm won't appear suddenly, and it won't appear in this kind of building complex either. As for the cow...we'll talk to your master later."

The hotel is a big hotel, so there are many rooms left, Zeng Baiqi asked the front desk for two single rooms.

"Well... I didn't bring too much money when I came out this time. I will share a room with Nephew Si, and you will live in a room alone." With that said, Zeng Baiqi handed the room card to Huang Feiqiu.

Huang Feiqiu took the room card, feeling a little scared in her heart, she knew that the two of them were probably also in this hotel, so is it really safe to have a room by myself?But at this time, it was inappropriate to ask to share a room with Master and the others.

"Master, I... yes." Moving her lips, Huang Feiqiu didn't say anything about switching rooms.

But her abnormality was so obvious that both Si Yueqing and Zeng Baiqi noticed it.The two looked at each other, planning to talk about it in a small meeting later.

The rooms of the three are next to each other, which made Huang Feiqiu breathe a sigh of relief, if there is any accident, they can make a noise for Master and the others to find out.

The three of them all went to Huang Feiqiu's room first, and when Si Yueqing told Zeng Baiqi about being beautiful, Zeng Baiqi really didn't notice.I don't know if I couldn't see the beautiful cow like everyone else, or because I was too focused on contacting the sect and ignored the beautiful cow.

"It's okay, it didn't hurt you at the time because other people couldn't see me, which means it's not a dangerous object, but you must be careful next time you meet, and never confront the other party." In this world, laugh with you in the last second , There are many things that will stab you in the next second, and this kind of unknown existence must be handled with care.

Huang Feiqiu and Si Yueqing should be, and Zeng Baiqi told them about his contact with the sect.

"The news has been conveyed. If there is no accident, they will be here tomorrow morning. Because of the rush of time, the sect did not send everyone to come. Only four elders and all inner disciples came, plus some comparisons. An excellent outer disciple."

Even if Dong'e Sect is a large sect, there will definitely be a phenomenon of resource inclination inside. In such a sudden situation like now, of course, outstanding disciples should be given priority.

Zeng Baiqi asked the two of them some more things, and after telling them about tomorrow's arrangements, the topic fell on Huang Feiqiu.

"Huang Feiqiu, did you encounter something?"

Huang Feiqiu raised her head, Zeng Baiqi who was asking questions, and Si Yueqing beside her were all looking at her.

"I... no, it's okay... I can do it." Huang Feiqiu hesitated to speak, but this matter is really hard to explain, should she tell the truth?Being scared half to death by intuition or something sounds unreliable and will only make others feel ridiculous.

Zeng Baiqi frowned, disapproving of Huang Feiqiu's business, but now the secret realm is more important, and the rest of the two is the top priority, so he didn't hold on to it, wasting time, but just signaled with his eyes Yueqing meant to make the other party pay more attention to Huang Feiqiu.

Her state is a bit bad, if the secret realm opens tomorrow, and Huang Feiqiu is still in this state, then Zeng Baiqi will never allow her to go to the secret realm!
After the matter was finished, Zeng Baiqi and Si Yueqing couldn't stay any longer, they got up and wanted to go back to their room, Huang Feiqiu also got up quickly to see them off.

"Take a good rest." Zeng Baiqi instructed, feeling very worried about Huang Feiqiu, "No matter what, you must take a good rest now, and get back to your normal state as soon as possible." He was his apprentice, and he brought it out again. , must be taken care of.

Huang Feiqiu should be, just as the door was about to close, the door opposite Zeng Baiqi and the others opened. It was the woman among the two that she saw before, and she was also the one that made Huang Feiqiu feel afraid!
At such a close distance, at that moment, Huang Feiqiu seemed to have her throat choked, her face was pale, and she lost her voice for a while.

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