Mostly felt the resentment of Baiji, the time was not the same as reality, at least after Baiji couldn't help sitting up and fell asleep, the sky immediately turned into dusk.

The old bustard brought people up, and the sound of pushing the door woke Baiji awake.

Ashamed to say, the skill of sitting and falling asleep was learned in order to deal with Di Lin, although that guy probably knew that she was actually sleeping.

So she really likes Di Lin's "see through but not tell!"In stark contrast to Ming Gu Luo who came back and pulled her ears whenever he found her sleeping!

Bai Ji wanted to get up, but was held down by the man led by the bustard, pulled to the dressing table, and began to dance and prick Bai Ji's face with rouge.

After melting for a while, everyone backed away, and found that it only made the bletilla striata look less fierce, but it didn't change in essence. It can be said that it was ineffective makeup.

Everyone was stunned, but the old bustard was very happy, "Hey, you are indeed the girl I like. You have such a good foundation, so you should go to enjoy yourself!" It is because Bai Ji has such a face, otherwise she She can only be treated the same as other Dong'ezong disciples, and will not let the bustard coax her to come.

Baiji thought it was over, and was about to stand up, but was pulled back again.

Baiji: ...It's almost done, don't overdo it.

After being held down by the crowd and changed into clothes, Bai Ji was let go by them.

The new clothes are more close-fitting, with some half-disguised temptations, paired with Baiji's good figure, all the women present are blushing and discussing in low voices.

The old bustard even squinted his eyes with a smile, and his face was wrinkled, looking very happy.

"Okay! That's how it should be! If you perform well tonight, you will definitely keep that lord!"

Baiji smiled but didn't smile, and pulled the corner of his mouth perfunctorily.

After a while, someone came to send a message, and the bustard hurriedly went downstairs, and before leaving, she still didn't forget to ask others to take the bletilla striata with her.

"You will behave well in a while!"

Bai Ji nodded indiscriminately, already thinking about how to teach that guest how to behave.Although Chunlou is a normal industry here, and many people rely on it to make a living, she is not from this era, let alone a person, and has nothing to do with her.

Being led to a room, the decoration here is also hazy, and the atmosphere is full, Baiji looks at the burning incense on the side.Good fellow, this old bustard said that she agreed with her to show off her art but not her body, yet she dared to release such an aphrodisiac!
Because there were people watching around, Baiji didn't say anything, so it was useless to her.As for the guest, if he comes in, he will be educated in physics. If he can't, he will be tied up. I don't think he can do anything stupid.

The person who led the bletilla striata took her to the side of the guqin. The room was quite big. Baiji, who had read many novels and comics, knew at a glance that this room could definitely play a lot of tricks, especially there was a small table next to the guqin, which was full of Food and wine.

To dress her up like this, to have such a room, and most importantly to light aphrodisiac incense, this old bustard really made a good plan!
After a while, Baiji heard a sound in the corridor, and there was more than one person.

After getting close, the shrill voice of the old bustard was also very distinguishable, and what he said was full of flattery, Baiji could not help digging his ears.

Okay, coming here is considered learning, and she will use these language skills to befriend Ming Guluo afterwards, so that that guy doesn't always have a cold face.

A group of people stopped outside the door, Baiji looked sideways, and found many figures, one of them was particularly tall, it was Ke?

No, no, no?Ke is her elder, does this inheritance play with her?

In fact, Baiji didn't care much about this, she was afraid that Ke would record her outfit and show it to Di Lin.Di Lin will definitely be angry!
I panicked a lot, but Baiji's face was like an old dog, thinking about how to explain it, and saw the tall figure was arranged outside, and the old bustard accompanied the other to push the door in.

Bai Ji wanted to look at that person's face, but was held back by the people around him, "No! You can't look at Enke's face yet!"

What a broken rule!
Bai Ji lowered her head, listening to the bustard bragging to the guest, then led the others to leave, and closed the door thoughtfully.

At this time, Baiji was not in a hurry to raise her head. She raised the guqin with both hands, weighed it, and felt that it was feasible.

At this time, the guest slowly moved to the side of the aphrodisiac, and his back was facing the bletilla striata.

All the people at the door left, leaving only one person of normal height standing there. After Bai Ji felt that he could bring down the guest without disturbing that person, he came behind the guest holding the guqin.

I don't know why this guest cares so much about this fragrance, did he also notice it?Baiji raised the guzheng, thinking that when the guests turned around, she would go straight to it!

The guest turned his head, and Bai Ji also held the guqin and called over.

"Wait! It's you?!"

The guqin almost landed on the guest's stunning face, which was prettier than many women's, but not feminine.

The guest Liu Qing raised her eyebrows, looked down at Baiji, then reached out and tapped the Guqin next to her face.

"Haha, accident." Bai Ji put down the guqin, feeling terrified for a while.This inheritance hasn't made a move on Liu Qing yet, it would be interesting to be seriously injured by her first.When the inheritance comes out, the system will grind her to death because of it!
Liu Qing didn't expect that the person Chunlou sent to serve her was Baiji, she looked at Baiji, and said half-jokingly: "I thought you wouldn't listen to them."

Baiji put down the guqin and explained: "Harm, I don't want to, but I have no spiritual power, and now I am stronger than ordinary people."

Liu Qing was taken aback, raised her hand to check Bai Ji, and found that she did not have a trace of spiritual power.Now tell others that Baiji is an ordinary person, and no one would believe it.

"Why?" "Why do you still have it?"

The two spoke at the same time, Liu Qing raised her eyebrows and asked Bai Ji to speak first.

"Why do you still have spiritual power? No. That's not the point now. Having spiritual power can be good or bad, but at least it's good that you have the ability to protect yourself now." Bai Ji stepped back and pulled Liu Qing Looking back and forth, I found that Liu Qing's abilities are all there, and her rank has not been affected in any way.

Now it's like playing a horror game.The horror game that allows you to run and jump is flexible and not too passive, but again, since you can run and jump, it means there must be a chase!
Liu Qing's spiritual power is the same.Having spiritual power is equivalent to having the ability to be close to one's body, but if the opponent is a big monster, Liu Qing can't handle it at all.

"Let's talk to each other about the previous situation first." Bai Ji told Liu Qing about his previous situation, and finally added, "If anything happens later, take care of yourself first, I won't die so easily, so You must protect yourself first."

After all, they are fragile human beings, and they are also their mission targets.Baiji thought so.

On the other hand, Liu Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then said as if joking, "What? Are you afraid I won't be able to protect you?"

Baiji was silent, she really hadn't thought about this.Subconsciously, her positioning of the five people has always been her own children who need to be taken care of and are more sensible than other children, so she never put them as objects who can protect herself.

"Just take care of yourself. Don't worry, nothing will happen to me." Bai Ji raised his head, looking serious, and staggered the topic he just said.

Liu Qing smiled and didn't say anything more, she didn't really care much about it.

Bletilla striata probably doesn't know the importance of their pair in Mingguluo, right?If something happened to Baiji by his side, even if Baiji told him to leave first, he would be stripped by those people after he left.

"Actually, there is nothing on my side. After waking up, I was in a mansion. My identity is probably the prince of the royal family. Then after wandering around the big mansion for a day, someone like a housekeeper came over and told me that my tonight There is an arrangement to come to Chunlou in the itinerary." Liu Qing said, and turned off the aphrodisiac incense casually, this kind of thing is good for the other four idiots, but he was always exposed to this when he was a child.

The two found a seat and sat down to share information.

Bai Ji talked about his side before, and after thinking about it, he mentioned, "The disciples of Dong'ezong have the same status as me, but their status in the old bustard is not as good as mine. It's night, and I don't know how they are. Such a situation." With the character of the old bustard, after sending Liu Qing here, it is likely to urge them all to pick up the guests.

And the bletilla striata that dealt with the "sweet heart" all used things like aphrodisiac incense, so I don't know what will happen to others.

Liu Qing narrowed her eyes and recalled, "When I came up, I saw a few familiar faces welcoming guests in the lobby. There are a lot of guests today. I don't know if there is something we don't know. Oh, of course, it is not ruled out. There are so many people coming here every day in this Chunlou."

"I also saw Meida and Adi. Adi was running away at the time, and I guess he was the same, but Meida was the thug of the old bustard." Baiji recalled the scene he saw before, "There is Meida guarding So, Adi should be fine."

In the inheritance, except for the four alien races, they are all human beings, and Meida will definitely not let Adi have a relationship with a human being.

"Ke is now my subordinate. Before Laichunlou, the housekeeper brought him to me and said that he would escort me and he would protect me." Liu Qing said, "We didn't have a chance to talk along the way, but I learned from the housekeeper. It can be speculated that Ke's ability should not be lost."

Baiji went on to say: "Now, it means that there are still some disciples of Dongdong Ezong, and that pair of luck... I don't know what to do with the three inner disciples."It's best not to let the big villains like Liu Qing know about the son of luck.

But Liu Qing was not deaf, and Baiji spoke clearly. He noticed the word "Qi Luck", thought about the plaintiff's reasons given by the inheritance before, and didn't say a word, but he kept his mind on it.

"Since Ke and I, who were not in the Spring Tower at the beginning, were also arranged to come to this Spring Tower, it means that this Spring Tower should be the main location. I think they should also come here for other reasons." When saying this Liu Qing was suddenly dazed, and it took him a moment to see the picture in front of him, causing him to pause and subconsciously sit up straight.

Baiji was thinking about something and didn't notice Liu Qing's strangeness, "By the way, I sat up and slept in the afternoon, and it was evening when I woke up. Does the time here pass quickly? And the first time I came here was In the afternoon, it's not the same as you."

There are advantages and disadvantages to the fact that the time flow is fast, but the time of entry is different, and the meaning is different.

When Liu Qing heard this, her heart tightened, and she wanted to use her brain to analyze it, but in her sight, only Baiji's cherry lips were the most eye-catching.


Has he been tricked?Is it the aphrodisiac?Could it be that he died too late?
No, this feels very wrong!

His gaze was fixed on Bai Ji's face, the other party saw him looking at him with strange eyes, and tilted his head slightly, for a moment Liu Qing was thinking, ah, why is she so cute.

The idea is scary!You wake up!You will be skinned by Ming Guluo! ! !
At this time, Liu Qing felt that her consciousness seemed to be torn into two parts. One part was delirious and full of bletilla striata, but still controlled her body. Can't stop it!

damn it!Whose inheritance is this?Does that Adi know what he came up with?

Bai Ji on the opposite side thought that Liu Qing was in a daze, she looked straight at her, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but Ming Guluo told her that Liu Qing was smart, and this was also reflected before.Probably thinking about how to break the situation?

Bai Ji didn't speak again, she hated trouble and didn't want to use her brain, so she needed such a smart person to make a decision.

Waiting and waiting, Liu Qing suddenly got up.

Bletilla striata:?So excited, I thought of...! ! !
But Liu Qing approached suddenly, hugged the bletilla striata tightly, tilted his head and kissed the bletilla striata indiscriminately, leaving some red marks on the side of bletilla striata's neck.

At that moment, Baiji was taken aback for a moment, and then in just a second, the novels she had read before, including the novel about adopting a villain and falling in love with a villain that Pingha specially showed her ten years ago, all appeared in her mind one by one. mind.

They are children! ——The system's words were deafening.

Yes, I am!They are not full yet!The bletilla striata wanted to stand up and break free, but unexpectedly, Liu Qing had used up all her spiritual power. The bletilla striata was restrained by wisps of wind, which blew past her ears from time to time. The temperature was in stark contrast to Liu Qing's fiery kiss, and the bletilla striata was agitated. A layer of goosebumps.

No matter how dull he is, he knows that Liu Qing has been tricked. Bai Ji hates it to death, and only hopes to end this broken inheritance quickly, find out the people behind the scenes, and crush his last remaining soul!
"Save—" No way!It would be even more embarrassing to ask human beings for help, and besides, the guy at the door is likely to belong to the old bustard. This situation is a happy event for the old bustard, and no one will come to rescue her!
Help yourself, help yourself, think of a way, calm down——shit!This fucking almost kissed her mouth!
Baiji put his hand firmly against Liu Qing's face, squeezing that handsome face to make it a little funny, but at this moment neither of them had any thoughts, one's pupils trembled, and only hated that he had lost his spiritual power, and the other shouted in his heart , but to no avail.

"Be sober! I'm your guardian! I'm your stepmother!" Anxious, Bai Ji didn't know what he was talking about, and tried to arouse Liu Qing's rationality with his super seniority.

"I'm very old, I can treat you as too grand! We are not suitable!"

Spiritual power prevailed, like shackles, locked Bai Ji's hands that were shoving wildly, and Bai Ji's handsome face, which usually looked pleasing to the eye, was now flushed, even his ears became red.

Those long and narrow red phoenix eyes are also red at the end of the eyes, making Liu Qing look astringent and lustful.Obviously he is the attacker now, but it seems that he is wronged.

After Baiji's hands were locked, looking into those eyes, he even had the idea that he was the queen at this time, and Liu Qing was a male pet who begged for her love and was waiting for her love.

Baiji: She must be crazy now, this mission should end sooner.

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