Chapter 68
Seeing his red eyes and his handsome face slowly approaching, Baiji spoke, struggling for the last time, "We are not of the same race, brother. Isn't interracial combination too avant-garde?"

When Liu Qing spoke at this time, her voice was hoarse, and the ears of those who listened were numb. At least Bai Ji admitted that this kid is very talented in this area, and her waist is so numb that her waist is going weak.

"I don't care. Bletilla striata, I don't care about race." Liu Qing got up, the princess hugged the bletilla striata, walked slowly to the only bed in the room, and put the bletilla striata gently on the bed.

"As long as it's what I want, so what if I cross races?"

He sat on the bletilla striata with full body, but he was afraid of crushing the bletilla striata, so he didn't use any force, the bletilla striata tilted his head, and the muscle lines on his thigh could still be seen.

The boy's movements are full of piety and caution.Obviously he was the predator, but he seemed at a loss when facing Baiji.

As the boy's lips moved, Bletilla striata could no longer hypnotize herself, she could only raise her head numbly, looking at the carved flowers on the bed, counting the number of petals on the carved flowers in boredom.

In fact, Liu Qing didn't do anything, Bai Ji thought she had been bitten by a dog, thinking that when she passed the test, this broken inheritance palace would be blown up!
Liu Qing seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly raised her head, her gaze fell directly on Baiji's lips.

That gaze was so hot that it was impossible to ignore it.

Bletilla striata:?What do you want to do, you brat?

Leaning down again, this time with a clear goal.It was still tentative at first, but it gradually became impatient, and even penetrated into the territory and attacked non-stop.

Baiji at this moment: To be honest, she feels a little sick.

She even rolled her eyes thoughtfully.

The temperature in the room rose again and again, only the suppressed panting sound from the boy's throat, and then everything came to an abrupt stop.

"Oh, I've said it all, don't provoke me."

After a while, Baiji pushed away the boy who was lying on top of her, tidied up his messy and uncomfortable hair, and sat up slowly.

When her strength recovered by half, she knew that the inheritance could not completely suppress her. At the beginning, her ability was restrained because she was afraid that she would mess around and ruin the inheritance.

"How's the show going? Next, I'll catch you~"

She just hates trouble and doesn't want to use her brain too much.On the contrary, she was looked down upon by a remnant soul who didn't know what it was, thinking that she was easy to bully, and even came up with such an arrangement.

Putting Liu Qing's body upright, Baiji was actually a bit annoyed when he looked at him, but after all, he is also a victim, probably more uncomfortable than himself?
Anyway, if you think about it in the same place, Bai Ji would definitely not be able to accept that he was like Liu Qing, who suddenly couldn't control himself, and then went to mess with Di Lin.

That scene was really horrifying and disgusting, to the point of having a nightmare.

"You're doing great, so get back on your feet."

The two didn't do much, they just stayed in the deep kiss stage.It is estimated that Liu Qing was also trying to resist, so when his hands were uncontrollably trying to pull the clothes of Baiji, he suddenly fell down like an electric shock, and soon fell into a coma.

Bai Ji got up, tidied up her clothes, took off the ornaments on her head, and removed her makeup, then came to the window, only opened a small gap to observe the outside.

The people outside the door didn't know if they heard the voice just now and went to report to the old bustard, but he was no longer there.Bai Ji didn't dare to be careless, after all, his strength hadn't fully recovered yet.Now she is almost equal to a young human being, a medium spiritual creature, and she is not much better than Liu Qing and the others.

And it was Si Yueqing and the others that Bai Ji cared about the most.After all, if the time after coming in is different, if they come in earlier, they may have more clues, and the situation will be very unfavorable to them.

Ke said that the inheritance belongs to Liu Qing.

That being the case, it happened again now.Bai Ji thinks that besides inheritance, it is normal to leave all the other treasures to them, right?

She has no intention of getting too involved with the Children of Destiny, but since they have all suffered, she must ask for more favors to calm her anger!

"The City That Never Sleeps! Welcome to the City That Never Sleeps!" The vendors downstairs began to hawk, "Come here, let's have a look! Special products of the City that Never Sleeps!"

City that never sleeps?
From here, the whole city is indeed brightly lit and very prosperous.So this is the city that never sleeps?But Liu Qing's identity is "Prince", so could this be the capital?Or is it just a fiefdom?
The angle of view is limited, and Baiji can't deduce whether there is a palace here or not.But if this is really the capital, judging from the possibility of this inheritance causing trouble, there must be royal people among them, not just princes, but princes, princesses, emperors, etc...

Oh wait.

Baiji suddenly turned cold.

This doesn't mean that Si Yueqing and the others are all people of status, right?However, they who were on the judging side before became "civilians", or even worse than civilians.

Actors, thugs... No matter how you look at it, they are not as good as ordinary people.

The status of the remaining Dong'ezong disciples is probably not too high. On the contrary, Si Yueqing, Huang Feiqiu and Ge Yaqi may be masters with status.

It's not far from what Baiji speculated, Si Yueqing and the others do have identities.

Si Yueqing is the "Prince", Ge Yaqi is the "Prince Concubine", and Huang Feiqiu is the "Prince's side concubine".

But what Bai Ji didn't know was that the setting behind her current identity was that she was a prostitute in the Chunlou who was a prostitute but not a prostitute. It will become what it is now.

While Bai Ji was still guessing their identities, Si Yueqing, who was the "Prince", had already received news from his subordinates that the "Bai Yueguang" he had been looking for was now in a certain spring building in the capital!

The subordinate is obviously a close friend of the "Prince", and knows a lot about the "Prince". After Si Yueqing read the secret letter, he immediately said: "That's great! Your Highness, you have been looking for Miss Bai for so many years, and now you finally have her." News! I didn’t expect her to be turned into a prostitute, Your Royal Highness, you will definitely avenge her, right!”

Si Yueqing, who had just received such exciting information when he came in and learned that he not only had two concubines, but also a white moonlight, was silent for a moment, knowing that this was the inheritance reminding him of his identity.

"...Okay, you're right."

"Then, Your Highness, you will definitely bring Miss Bai back, right? The main concubine and you are in a marriage relationship, and the side concubine married you by means. When you bring Miss Bai back, you must Abandon that side concubine Xiu and make room for Miss Bai!"

Si Yue paused for a moment. Although he knew that this was the background setting introduced by the inheritance, but in reality, is it really okay for a retainer to talk to his master like this?
"...isn't that good?"

"His Royal Highness! What are you talking about! This is your plan all along! You and Miss Bai have been in love for many years, and now, are you going to betray Miss Bai?"

Seeing his confidant's face change, Si Yueqing knew it was a warning to himself, it seems that this test must respect the "personal design".

"You misunderstood, I was just wondering if the side concubine has wronged Ms. Bai a little, and I should think of a way to let her be my main concubine." Si Yueqing lowered his eyelashes, looking very disappointed.

The confidant changed back to his original appearance and smiled when he heard the words, "Hey! You and the Crown Princess are married, which will be of great use to you, so don't worry about it. Besides, the Crown Princess also knows about Miss Bai, she doesn't care too much! "As he spoke, he leaned closer to Si Yueqing and whispered, "Besides, don't you have an appointment with the Crown Princess? You both have a lover in private!"

Si Yueqing was startled, she didn't expect such an inside story.It seems that this "world" is also fake.After all, it's really the ancient times, not to mention the prince, does the princess want to have another lover?They were stabbed out a long time ago and all stepped down!This prince will be abolished!

Thinking of this, he looked at the secret letter in his hand again, seeing that Ge Yaqi's identity as "Crown Princess" was written on it, Si Yueqing's expression was momentarily difficult to describe.

After a while, he tentatively said, "Oh, I suddenly wondered, who is the lover of this princess?"

"? You have forgotten this? It's your side concubine."

Si Yueqing:? ? ?

At the same time, Ge Yaqi, who also got the "identity card" and learned most of his background, smashed a room full of porcelain.

She's fucking insane!Is this inheritance playing with her?Are you targeting her? !

Not to mention letting her deal with her beloved with a strange man just now, forcing her into such a situation, now she finally got close to her beloved and became his rightful concubine, but it was a contract marriage!
Not only do you have to endure the fact that your beloved has someone else in your heart, but you also have to protect your "beloved" from punishment!
Ge Yaqi was like a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, wanting to cough or not.

The maid on one side was still adding fuel to the fire, "Oh, concubine Huang is so confused! How could she do such a thing to the prince's white moonlight just because she loves the prince? Ma'am, she is really wolf-hearted! She forgot you Have you been kind to her over the years?"

The corners of Ge Yaqi's eyes twitched, she knew that this maid was just saying that, once she really scolded Huang Feiqiu, then this maid would change her face immediately!She just couldn't hold back and was almost killed by this maid!Fortunately, she came back in time.

"Chuntao, stop talking." Can't you see how angry she is? !
Chuntao thought that Ge Yaqi was outraged by Huang Feiqiu, so she sighed, exited the room, and closed the door intimately.

Ge Yaqi turned around, looked again at the survey results Chuntao had given her just now, and remembered Chuntao's introduction to their "past", whether the old blood in her throat could not be held back.

Two years ago, the Bai family was framed and exiled by the Holy Spirit.This made "Prince Si Yueqing" realize his lack of ability, so he approached "Prime Minister's Daughter Ge Yaqi" in an attempt to improve his status in the court by marrying her.

But at that time, "Ge Yaqi" was in love with "cousin Huang Feiqiu" who was fostered in their home, so he hesitated.So "Si Yueqing" simply confessed himself to her, saying that he also had a lover, who was the exiled "bai family's young daughter Bai Ji".

So the two made an agreement in three chapters, hit it off, and became a couple that existed in name only.After two years of marriage, they rarely even meet face to face, let alone have sex.No, to be precise, in the third chapter of the agreement, it was proposed by "Ge Yaqi". During the two people's marriage, they cannot have any physical contact!

"Si Yueqing" has a lover of her own, so of course she readily accepts it.It's just that "Huang Feiqiu" always felt that "Ge Yaqi" was annoying, but she couldn't tell it clearly when she was dependent on others, and the marriage of "Ge Yaqi" and "Si Yueqing" made her see a turning point!

Because "Huang Feiqiu" is an ambitious person!She wanted to marry "Si Yueqing" who would become the holy majesty in the future, so she used "Ge Yaqi" to trick people into seeing her disheveled appearance in front of "Si Yueqing", and she was logically accepted by "Si Yueqing". "Yue Qing" moved into the back house.

To Ge Yaqi's relief, "Huang Feiqiu" and "Si Yueqing" had never had a relationship. Even because of "Huang Feiqiu's" ambition, "Si Yueqing" always hated her and never went to After seeing her, the chance of the two meeting each other is even less than her.

What bothered Ge Yaqi was that after the incident, "Si Yueqing" wanted to get to know Huang Feiqiu who had no background directly, fearing that her existence would hurt "Bai Ji".It was "Ge Yaqi" who begged "Si Yueqing" and couldn't kneel in front of his study, and that was why "Huang Feiqiu" got her current concubine status!

Unexpectedly, the existence of "Bletilla striata" was known to "Huang Feiqiu", so she tricked "Bletilla striata" into Chunlou, and "Ge Yaqi", who had been sending people to watch her, knew immediately, so So she has the task now, to protect Huang Feiqiu from Si Yueqing's hands.

Looking at this mission, Ge Yaqi knew that she and Si Yueqing were hostile again.What's even more disgusting is that the identities of Huang Feiqiu and Baiji are like sticks in her throat!
It was already a great gift that she didn't kill Huang Feiqiu, but now she is even asked to protect her!
As for Huang Feiqiu, who was farther away from the two people's hospital, since hearing the report from her subordinates, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Ah, she just thought that she would no longer be so afraid of facing Baiji now, so let her face Baiji now and frantically frame him?

Did you know that she can kill a high-ranking alien by raising her hand!That guy is definitely an existence above Bai Duan!Does this broken inheritance want her to die?Yes or no? !
"So... I want to..." Huang Feiqiu turned to look at the maid beside her, wanting to confirm her mission again.

The maid, Shi Zhu, looked at her resentfully, "What do you want? If the crown prince finds out about what you have done now, you will be executed! Let's just kill that bletilla striata without doing anything else." !"

Huang Feiqiu's face was numb: Is this too difficult?
Shi Zhu thought for a while, then continued: "It's okay, that bletilla striata is now an ordinary person, did you forget that you found someone to cripple her spiritual power?"

Huang Feiqiu:? !Am I that strong? !

"Oh, by the way, and, don't forget, you hate the concubine Ge Yaqi and the prince's Baiyueguang Baiji very much, but at the same time, you also yearn for the prince very much. You want to be the future queen, so you While trying to solve the problem of Baiji, we must also try our best to conceive a dragon fetus."

Huang Feiqiu nodded, that is to say, she couldn't love the prince a little bit, so she didn't love the prince, and she felt that she wanted to be superior directly.

"Thank you." Thinking, Huang Feiqiu raised her head and thanked Shi Zhu.

Shi Zhu smiled, but didn't say anything this time.

No need to thank, telling you this is not free.

 Sorry for the late post, folks, it's been under review for the [-]th time so I finally edited it out

(End of this chapter)

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