Chapter 69

Huang Feiqiu didn't know the meaning behind Shi Zhu's smile, and began to sort out all the news she knew now.

First of all, her task is to obliterate the bletilla striata, or to mop up the previous actions.At the same time, within the scope of ability, it is best to be able to conceive a dragon fetus.

Huang Feiqiu has a good impression of Si Yueqing at present, especially after the previous debate, she has developed a little love for Si Yueqing.But these are not enough to make her want to have a child for Si Yueqing, after all, she has nothing to do now, and she doesn't know if this inheritance will allow her to have a real child.

Secondly, she didn't know how the identity passed on to her was transferred to Chunlou, and then sent someone to abolish her.After all, she was just a cousin who stayed at the prime minister's house before, but she had no influence and no one who could use her.

Reminiscent of the "suitor" Ge Yaqi who was arranged for her by the inheritance, could it be that "Huang Feiqiu" has always used her people?Not like it, but there is no need to dig deeper. After thinking about it, many of these things are actually not worth scrutiny, and they may be just some auxiliary settings.

But since Ge Yaqi's identity is her "suiter", then can she make a bold guess, Ge Yaqi should know her actions, then Ge Yaqi's task is probably to help her conceal it, the two can Said to be a gang.

It's just... After thinking about Ge Yaqi's troubles and dislikes towards her before, and the expression of wanting to kill her and her aggressive attitude when she was the plaintiff not long ago, Huang Feiqiu is not sure whether she can cooperate with Ge Yaqi a question mark.

Moreover, it is worth noting that her setting mentions that she hates Goyaki very much.So even if the two want to cooperate, she can't get together, but wait for the other party to speak up, and then she can use it, which is in line with the personality.

In the end, Si Yueqing, who was the "lover" of Baiji, was probably on the opposite side of them, and his task was probably to find evidence to settle everything.

As for the bletilla striata...

Judging from the known information so far, Baiji has been in a passive state. It is estimated that he does not know anything about these news. He only knows that he is the prince's "lover" and that he has been framed.

Becoming an ordinary person... Huang Feiqiu clicked on this point with a brush, and felt that this was their advantage.

As for Si Yueqing, as the "Prince", Si Yueqing, who has joined hands with the Prime Minister for two years, must have a lot of influence, which is his strength.But it is precisely because of his status as the "Prince", he can't operate too much on the bright side, and everything has to be done behind the scenes, which has certain limitations.

Ge Yaqi's identity is the "Prime Minister's Daughter". If she uses it well, she can also manipulate it secretly to slow down Si Yueqing's progress. As long as Ge Yaqi can see the situation clearly, she will stop using those methods.

Thinking of this, Huang Feiqiu sighed. After the two tests, she was actually a little tired, especially when Liu Qing was pinned to that point just now.Now that he has recovered, he can think so much calmly, with plenty of time, enough rest, and the refreshing effect of the jade pendant.

Thinking of this, Huang Feiqiu took out the jade pendant, held it in her hands and played with it a few times.It feels good to be refreshed, and to get out of the muddled state just now, it seems that I have found my brain back.

As for the carnation on the side, Huang Feiqiu didn't care.Although she thanked Shizhu, subconsciously she didn't treat Shizhu as a human being.

Everything now is a test for them by the inheritance. She feels that this inheritance is mainly a simulated scene to see everyone's performance, and only the best one can accept the inheritance.Then these other people are all fake, just simulated to assist their existence, similar to the non-self-machine characters in the game.

And the debate just now has made her lag behind others. In this case, she must perform well. It just so happens that this is very beneficial to her in all aspects, and it is like giving the opportunity to the door.

Huang Feiqiu did not forget that she had promised to share the benefits with other disciples.Even though Si Yueqing said it was unnecessary, she didn't intend to change her mind once she said it.It is precisely because of this that she has to perform well to win the inheritance, after all, there is no way to give up inheritance.As for how other disciples would evaluate her after she got the inheritance...

Huang Feiqiu paused the hand playing with the jade pendant, then laughed a few times.With so much concern, she was still shaken by the reason.Forget it, the one who cleans himself cleans himself, she thinks she definitely doesn't.

Huang Feiqiu, who was caught up in her own thinking, didn't pay attention, and was ignored by her. Shi Zhu, who didn't treat her as a human being, stared at the jade pendant in her hand for a long time.


"Awake? How do you feel? Drink water?"

Almost as soon as Liu Qing moved, the bletilla striata lying beside him woke up.Turning his head to look at Liu Qing, those golden eyes were still foggy at the moment, but his gaze was extremely condensed, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Liu Qing was startled, and quickly touched her clothes, and found that they were still there, but a little messy.

As for Bai Ji, her clothes were low-cut and slim, her skin was sickly pale, and the hickey marks on her neck and chest were particularly obvious.

After a while, Liu Qing spoke, her voice was different from last night's hoarse voice, and her voice was also a little trembling, "The two of us last night..."

Bletilla striata's mouth was swollen a bit from his gnawing, and it still hurt to touch it. When I heard this and looked at him, I saw that his face was pale, and the whiteness was compared with his own.

Bai Ji got up and paused, thinking that sure enough, no one can bear this.

Without joking to test Liu Qing's heart, Bai Ji directly told him the truth of last night, "No, it was just a kiss, nothing else happened."

Liu Qing paused, then turned to look at her with a silly expression.

Seeing Bai Ji was amused, he stretched out his hand to rub Liu Qing's hair, just like he did when he was a child, making Liu Qing's hair even more messy.

"No big deal, you did a great job last night."

Liu Qing's face turned red all of a sudden, and she stammered, "What? What's great? You, what are you talking about?"

Bai Ji tilted his head, puzzled by Liu Qing's reaction, is this child the type to be shy so easily?Blush when you praise?

"What happened last night, haven't you been working hard to resist that feeling? I think you did a great job, and in the end you succeeded in stopping the inheritance." Otherwise, something really happened between them, Baiji thought He could leave his mission behind and move back to Erling for a hundred years.

The blush on Liu Qing's face faded when he heard the words, and she felt that she had misunderstood Baiji, but she couldn't explain it, so she responded indiscriminately, "Mmm, yes. Yes, I am trying very hard to resist."

When she saw her body do those things to Baiji last night, the real Liu Qing didn't dare to have any charm in her heart, she was afraid that Ming Guluo and the others would suddenly rush out from somewhere and tear him into pieces.

But now, nothing happened, and it was the morning after the incident, Liu Qing glanced at Bletilla striata's still red lips, and the marks on her body...

Like memory, it will be as soft as when I was a child...

I still remember that when he first came to Baiji, he spent a while alone to step on the spot, and then tried to climb Baiji's bed but failed. He was startled by the puppet that Baiji used at that time.

But now he has no idea of ​​climbing the bed at all, instead he has a semi-success...

Sometimes fate is really unpredictable.

Stopping the thoughts that started to diverge in her head, Liu Qing's face turned cold.He didn't believe in fate, so why did he suddenly sigh.

Because the two of them spent the night together in this room last night, people outside all acquiesced that the two had already had a relationship.When Liu Qing called for water, the old bustard made a special trip to follow her. Seeing the hickey mark on Baiji's neck that she couldn't and didn't want to, she smiled until her eyes were slit.

Baiji: ... When she breaks the game, this old thief will kill her several times, no, hundreds of times!
There is a screen in the middle of washing and washing, and only the sound of water can be heard.The bletilla striata was fine, but Liu Qing's face turned red again after she finished washing, probably due to the heat.So when it was Liu Qing's turn, Bai Ji deliberately opened the window on her side.

After the two of them washed and washed, Baiji put on the new clothes sent by the bustard. They were of the same slim fit style, and her good figure could be seen at a glance.

Liu Qing, on the other hand, did not expect to have new clothes to change into, saying that his subordinates brought them for him.

Baiji and Liu Qing looked at each other subconsciously, thinking of Ke, and both of them blushed for a while, Baiji also specially found a scarf around his neck, and checked inside and out, trying not to reveal a red mark.

Liu Qing started to help her tidy up, looking at the two people who were close to each other in the bronze mirror, Bai Ji paused in her heart, and suddenly a strange sense of myopia entered her mind.

The two of them are now like the couple who fell in love with each other early, and after mustering up the courage to do something, they hurriedly covered up, for fear of being seen by their parents.

Although they were indeed afraid that Ke would tell Di Lin, it's really strange to see it this way!
"Last night's plot is over, and then?" Liu Qing finished tidying the scarf and looked at Baiji.

He guessed in his heart that the scene last night must have been intentionally created by Inheritance, otherwise why he had clearly turned off the aphrodisiac, and he was always vigilant, but he still fell for the trick.

Bai Ji straightened her clothes, looked at herself again, and said, "I don't know, you said you are a prince, so are you going back?" A prince should be enough to hang out for one night. Can't you stay in the spring building during the day?

Liu Qing nodded, and then heard a knock on the door.

"My lord, have you packed up? When it's over, we should go back to the palace." It was the other servants brought by Liu Qing.

"Someone called you." Bai Ji raised his eyebrows, "Then you should go back to the palace first. I don't know how big the map of this simulation scene is, but if possible, let's explore it as much as possible."

It is the same as playing a big world game and exploring the game map, and it is also like playing a book, and there is also role setting.

Bai Ji doesn't like the restrictions imposed on her by her current identity and inheritance, but before the end, as long as there is no such thing as last night, she is not so resistant to having fun.

Liu Qing thought of the palace where he had walked around for a whole day yesterday, and fell silent.

It seems that it is not so easy to explore this map.

After the two agreed to meet again tonight, Liu Qing left with the servant, and Bai Ji followed the smiling old bustard back to her room.

Along the way, I ran into a few disciples of the Dong'e Sect, who had a very bad expression on their faces. When they saw Baiji, they all gave her a vicious look, and were reprimanded by the old bustard.

Why did you mess with her?Now she is a celebrity in the bustard.

When the bletilla striata walked away, the female disciple of Dong'ezong gritted her teeth fiercely.

"Look at that man! He has a vicious look on his face! There is still a scarf around his neck, he must have slept with someone last night!"

The male disciple on the side is actually pretty baiji.To be precise, there should be no one in this world who is not interested in the face of Baiji.Although fierce is a bit fierce, but also more attractive!
Nothing happened to the male disciples last night. Male actors with this background are not mainstream, so they were not forced to receive customers like the female disciples. After thinking about it, he said, "Maybe nothing actually happened."

"Don't help her talk!" The female disciple was forced to pick up the guests last night. Although nothing happened, she felt wronged when she thought that she, a spiritual master, was pleasing those ugly ordinary people all night. At this moment, I can't see the goodness of others at all, and I don't want people from my own sect to speak for others.

"Okay! Don't talk too much, don't forget that woman helped Brother Si and the others." In the previous debate, the two waves of people noticed Bai Ji and the others, and they also guessed their identities in private, and learned that Baiji and Liu Qing had helped some of the disciples before.

Of course the female disciple knew about this, she just didn't agree that she wanted to receive guests in the hall, she would lose face in public and suffer such humiliation.This woman can have her own room, and she also has a separate room for receiving guests!
"Don't forget, this is an inheritance, and that woman is your competition!" The female disciple yelled at the male disciple a few times, and left satisfied when he saw that his face was not good.

Most of the female disciples were pressured to pick up the guests last night. They wanted to resist, but found that they lost all their spiritual power!After midnight, I asked other male disciples, and they were also in the same situation.

On the other side, after Liu Qing left Chunlou and got into the carriage, he had mixed thoughts when he came last night and didn't have much time to look around, so he just opened the window and saw that he came to pick him up this morning The young servant suddenly flashed past the window, and Liu Qing was startled by the dark shadow.

Liu Qing: Damn, I almost called out to let others see the joke!
Liu Qing had a dark face and asked the other party what's the matter.

The boy nodded his head a few times, with a flattering expression, "Oh, it's that prince, although you are usually out of tune every day, you can play wherever you run. You are a well-known dandy in the capital, but you can't touch him." The prince's woman!"

Liu Qing was startled, and looked up at the servant, "The prince's woman? Who? Bletilla striata?"

The boy continued: "Isn't that right! You are the richest man in our country! You are the younger brother of the current Holy Majesty, and you have a lot of information networks in private, and you work for the Holy Majesty. Didn't you find out the identity of the bletilla striata a long time ago?"

"I brought you to Wenxianglou last night, but I didn't expect you to touch that woman! Tell me, even if you don't like the prince, you can't do that."

Liu Qing was silent, the boy's face was full of disapproval, he almost pointed at his nose and said that he coveted his nephew's woman!

So, Bai Ji still has this identity?

By the way, he has many identities, and he is a little too gold-plated, right?Will there be something bombing waiting for him?
Liu Qing was vigilant, and thought a lot for a while, but saw a carriage passing by that looked much more exaggerated than his carriage, which was incompatible with the surrounding background. It seemed that the owner of the carriage was a person of status.

Liu Qing's heart tightened suddenly, and she quickly asked the servant: "Whose carriage is that? Just the one that passed by just now! The one with the golden light!"

The boy looked back, looked at Liu Qing and explained: "The prince's. It should be that Miss Bai's identity has been found out, so I want to take Miss Bai back?"

Liu Qing didn't know who the crown prince was, but she was afraid it would be bad for Bai Ji, so she urged the servant, "Hurry up! Let's go back! Go back to the Wenxiang Building!"

Baiji!Your "mistress" is here to find you!
(End of this chapter)

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