Chapter 7

Mi Tu was very confused at this time, he had forgotten his original words, and didn't know whether he should also kneel down.His matter was big or small, and he felt it was unnecessary to kneel. After hesitating, the room fell silent, only the sound of No. [-] kowtow.

Baiji didn't stop No. [-], she remained silent, and the surrounding atmosphere was oppressive.

Mi Tu thought for a while, and slowly knelt down, but he didn't kowtow, and just sat on the side, burying his head and thinking of a way.

No. [-]'s forehead was blushing, and Bai Ji raised his hand to stop it.

The system yelled angrily in its head, if it wasn't for its lack of body, it would have wanted to drop two golden beans to set off the atmosphere.

〖Too cheap, too cheap!Host, you are too much!How can you make the villain kneel and kowtow to you?He is one of the big villains in the future! 〗

The system usually feels quite businesslike, but at this time it is very emotional, like a bear child's mother, defending her child frantically, and condemning Baiji.

〖I asked you to teach them well, but if you don’t teach them, I’m so mad!The child made a mistake and you stood up?I tell you that this is fishing law enforcement! 〗

Baiji smiled instead of anger, "I am fishing for law enforcement? If I really did that, I would have thrown them out!"

〖——!I, I beg you, please treat them better, psychologically, not just materially, what the villains lack is spiritual comfort and companionship.Please host, you are the best! 〗

Baiji sighed.

It's not that she will definitely quit, but she has never communicated with children of this age, and she doesn't know what these children think, so she has no way of persuading them.

The system saw something interesting, and hurriedly passed the previously downloaded books such as "How to Become a Qualified Guardian", "Cultivation", "My Rebellious Son and Me" to Baiji.

〖The host can learn from it. 〗

Without even thinking about it, Baiji opened the most conspicuous book, "My Rebellious Son and Me".

Open the first page, cartoon illustration.

Bletilla striata closed, expressionless.

She might as well contact her guardian when she has time to read children's picture books.

Yihao and Mitu watched Baiji's expression change, and finally sat blankly.

Mi Tu scratched his eyes at No. [-], and he never stopped cursing No. [-] in his heart. He felt that No. [-] dragged him into the water, so he felt that No. [-] was not a good person!
"Don't look at him, no matter how much he pushes, if you don't have the heart, he can do it?" Bai Ji propped his face, seeing all of Mi Tu's little expressions.

Mi Tu froze, lowering his head even lower.

"I don't want to go into details with you about today's matter. You two are the same, and neither of you is going to be any better." Bai Ji continued, "No. I saw it just now, and it was mainly because they were fighting."

When she first arrived, Mi Tu seemed to be blocking a fight, and his body was also painted, but she could tell at a glance that Mi Tu was very scheming in blocking, and secretly beat another person several times.

The beatings by the few people were not very strong. In Baiji's view, it was actually more like grass chickens pecking each other.She was angry that they fought in the house and broke the furniture!
Except for the things she bought for a few boys, the whole room was basically built for her by craftsmen in the past. If one is broken, one will be missing, and when the rest is almost the same, what should she do?
Do you want to find some craftsmen again?They are still fighting!
She got up, and a thought flashed through her.

She took a few steps forward, picked them up with each hand, the thought was still there, and Bai Ji shook her hands, but the thought still didn't disappear.

She was not as resistant as before, so she asked the system: "What if the mission fails? Like you said just now, they may not have become villains, but they fought too hard with each other."

〖That, there is no way.It can only be considered that the task failed the host. 〗

〖Actually, it doesn’t matter, host, don’t be afraid, but their fights will indeed cause the world to shake, and it will probably take hundreds of years to recover. 〗

"Won't you start over?"

〖Time moves forward, host. 〗

〖Although it is theoretically possible to start over, in order to avoid accidents, it is often necessary to cross latitudes and reshape time, and this world will be destroyed. 〗

〖We will not do this, so the mission failed, probably because the world has become devastated and it will take hundreds of years to recover. 〗

〖The world is unique, and time is constantly moving forward.Host, cherish the present moment. 〗

Baiji walked to the attic, she put down the two boys and looked down at them.

"I told you before that this is my collection room." Baiji paused, "If you fight here and smash my collection, I will really kill you."

"But now, I can give you a chance. After I find the last child, you come in one by one to pick one thing, and I will give you a new name."

"Let's go with this matter for now, but I'll make a note of you two, so I won't take it as an example. After returning home, everyone will write three thousand... no, I will give you a [-]-word self-criticism."

"The two of you are not allowed to play tricks again in the future. Although you may not be the biggest, you are still the first to come. You must set an example for your predecessors."

Bai Ji knelt down and rubbed the tops of their hair. Number one had horns on his head, and it was a bit harsh to touch.

Bai Ji complained in her heart, but she couldn't lose face, so she kept her face calm and naturally withdrew her hand.

The palm of the hand brushed the side face of No. [-], and the corner of the eye was the palm of the woman.

"Let's understand each other in the future, we will support each other here for more than ten years."


"Hey, craftsman, are you busy?"


"Why are you still so angry? Have you seen the Missy's spiritual candle? It went out a month ago."

"Didn't it light up again later?"

"Hey! Look at it!"

"...So? What are you going to do? It happened a month ago, and you only came to me now?"

"Ming Guluo was afraid that the bletilla striata would be caught by someone, so he contacted the old man. The two of them have gone to Erlin now."

"Is it going after a month? It will take some time to rush there, right?"

"Well, they still go by car."

"So it's nothing. They're not in a hurry."

"Yeah, but, they plan to bring the eldest lady back~ let the eldest lady enter the world, try to integrate into human society, and take care of her. After all... it seems that something has mixed in."

"Ha... the two of them can't speak well, right? You want to go too?"

"Of course! Long time no see."

The woman stood in the shadow, with an obscure expression on her face. She looked at the man standing under the light with a wicked smile.

"So, please hurry up and leave."

"Hurry up and get that bastard back."


"So, you don't know where the last one is?"

After soaking the children in medicinal baths, Baiji asked the system.

〖It can only be detected when they reach their strong fate point, or when they are very close to the host. 〗

"Well... so you are not omnipotent."

Baiji stopped in the corridor and looked through the window at the boys in the yard who were exercising. "It's almost time to open their spiritual veins."

The basics are almost done, except for number four, which has to wait, the other three are already good.

"And the name..."

In fact, to be honest, she doesn't know how to name Baiji, and everything seems to be the same these days, but she racks her brains every day to think of a name.

"I think No. [-] sounds good too. Let's change the word, such as Yihao, Mitu, Sanhao, Si..."

〖The host please take this matter seriously. 〗


"Then why don't you look it up online? I remember that you can find out a lot of boys' names with good meanings."

"If it doesn't work, let's draw lots."

〖... Does the host have any ideas? 〗

"Idea, speaking of ideas, indeed..." The woman stopped deep in the corridor, looking up the attic from the small stairs.

The attic is not very big, the door is tightly locked, and even the woman herself hasn't entered it for a long time.

There is pure natural, very beautiful amber.Pieces of beautiful translucent amber are either wrapped with bugs or animals, or mixed with plant debris, ah—of course, in the collection of bletilla striata, some of them are wrapped with corpses of strange and spiritual things...

Each piece of amber is exquisite and light, with a warm touch. Hold it in your hand, count the air bubbles inside, look at the wrapped animal and plant corpses, and feel the accumulation of gifts from time. No matter how you think about it, amber is a very perfect existence!

Thinking of this, Bai Ji propped his face with one hand, "Maybe... a name like Si Hao is more suitable for them."

〖! 〗

"Bletilla striata!" The boy saw the bletilla striata standing at the window on the second floor, raised his arm and waved vigorously, "Bletilla striata!"

Bai Ji paused, rolled his eyes with his back to the yard, and looked downstairs, it was number three.

"What's the matter?" The figure of Bai Ji flashed, and appeared in the courtyard downstairs.

Number three was a little excited, the others were doing their own thing, but number four looked here frequently.

"Baiji, I have mastered this physical skill now, can you teach me other things?"

"Huh?" Bai Ji was taken aback. The gymnastics she is teaching them now is based on their physical condition. It is normal to memorize the steps, but it is still a bit difficult for them to learn one set.

"Give me a demonstration."

Standing far away on the [-]rd, the demonstration started on the spot.

The boy's movements were crisp and sharp, the place where the punch should be punched was firm and firm, and his breath was also very steady after a set of movements.

Baiji's eyes lit up, and it was the first time that he felt happy about adopting these children.

"Okay, you kid, it's not bad, you don't need to practice anything else, you can open the spirit vein!"

After the words fell, No. [-]'s breath was unstable at first.

Ever since he knew his identity, he has always felt that he has an advantage over others, and he has been working hard to open the spiritual vein as soon as possible, but he did not expect that No. [-] was indeed one step ahead.

During this period of time, he no longer thought about the art festival, nor did he continue to prepare.

No. [-] took a few steps back, got behind everyone, turned his head to look at Mi Tu, and sure enough, the other party's expression was not very good.

Number four was ignorant, with a restless expression. His physical fitness was the worst among them. He was not injured when he was brought by Baiji, but he was so weak that he would pant while running, and he couldn't do much strenuous exercise at all.

"Damn it, that guy."

Mi Tu's murmurs came from next to his ear, and the tip of No. [-] ear moved, but there was no movement.

Not now.

No. [-] lowered his eyes.


Baiji was very happy, the corners of her mouth kept pulling upwards, her face looked stiff and unnatural.

Although the system is in the mind of Baiji, it is an omniscient perspective, and it has noticed the abnormality of its own host several times.

〖The host...has plastic surgery? 〗

"Plastic surgery?"

〖Modern technology, some people are not satisfied with their face, they will choose plastic surgery. 〗

"Oh no, why should I have plastic surgery? I'm very satisfied with my face, um... no, I'm also a little dissatisfied."

It was so attractive to other people's eyes, and those eyes made her very uncomfortable and displeased.

〖……All right. 〗The system doesn’t know why, but it still follows the host.

Bletilla striata made a medicinal soup, put a lot of tonic things, and the eyes were shining with gold.

"No. [-] ate these today, tomorrow, no, I'm going to open his spiritual pulse tonight, ah~ I'm excited!"

A genius, a genius, a genius, she will personally witness the birth of a genius today, just like the witness of Amber's infancy.

"System! What is No. [-]'s original strength? What kind of genius is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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