Chapter 8


〖It is...a handcrafted object. 〗


After the fight, basically all the children knew that something was wrong with number four, he still had number five in his body, and Baiji also gave him two rooms.

Children can mix and match their own room at will, and they can place their favorite things in it, and Baiji will provide them with the decorations they want.

The room belongs to oneself completely, no one can trespass into other people's room, and Baiji can't enter without reason.

Three piled everything in the room aside, leaving a lot of space for things to be done.

Although he used to fight underground, Number Three is actually more interested in creation.Ingenious mechanisms and devices are pieced together step by step, and finally a perfect weapon or tool is created!

He made a wooden knife by himself and put it under his pillow. Recently, he is studying how to make a simple gun. The materials have already been obtained from Baiji.

The door of the room was knocked, No. [-] gave a meal, and secretly hid the parts.

He wasn't stupid either, it could be seen that except number four, the other two wished him well.

Step forward to open the door, it is Baiji.

Baiji stood at the door with a cold face, holding a bowl of something unknown, but neither the taste nor the color was very good.

"...Bletilla striata!" Number three was very happy, and hurriedly let the bletilla striata come in, "What's the matter? Do you want to open my spiritual vein?"

"Well, yes." Bai Ji said coldly, "You don't need to go in, you drink this medicine and follow me to the first floor."

No. [-] didn't think too much, if No. [-] and Mi Tu were here, they would definitely coax Baiji first.

No. [-] simply drank the medicine, because it was too bitter, his face wrinkled, and his hand holding the medicine bowl was a little trembling.

"Come with me after drinking." Bai Ji turned and left, regardless of whether No. [-] could keep up, anyway, he knew where he was going.

No. [-] followed closely behind Baiji, passed by the kitchen, put the medicine bowl in it, and planned to come back later to clean it up.

Baiji cast a glance and didn't say anything, but walked slowly.

The two came to the room where they usually took medicinal baths. Bai Ji closed the door and locked it, not wanting others to come in and disturb her.

"Should I still go in?" Number Three dragged out his tub, with his hands already on it.

It is also because of this that Baiji likes No. [-] and allows him to follow her all the time.

Number three is very mobile.

You tell him, and he will do it as soon as he understands it.

No. [-] looks forward and backward, Mi Tu wants to reap benefits, No. [-] and No. [-] simply don't have this awareness.

"No, go to the pool."

No. [-] didn't need to talk about Baiji, and immediately took off his clothes and soaked in the pool.

But Baiji paused, and added in a low voice: "You don't need to take off your clothes."

You can't make them get used to it.

Number Three got up, came out of the pool, and went to get the clothes that were set aside.

"Use this." Baiji threw a bath towel to No. [-], and No. [-] wrapped it around after taking it.

Baiji looked at No. [-]'s movements, and hadn't paid much attention to it before. No. [-]'s hands-on ability is indeed very strong.Whether it's repairing furniture after the last fight, or doing other things, he can quickly understand and make things that involve using his hands.

〖cough!Ask the host to start the next step. 〗

Number three was also a little cramped, after all, Baiji had been staring at his abdomen.But he didn't think too much, he just thought that there was something wrong with his pulse.

"Sit cross-legged, lower your energy to your dantian, and I'll give you a pulse."

In a way, the villains are also interesting.

A normal child's five-year-old talent test is basically a natural spiritual vein. After being admitted to a special school or sect, just like the gang of cultivators in the novel, they can accumulate and cultivate according to the skills.

The villains don't know why, they are all very talented, but they all have blocked pulses, and they need someone to open their pulses the day after tomorrow.

In the original trajectory, the villains each had a catastrophe, and got a little chance from the catastrophe to become the spirit source.

Now that Baiji has taken them in, the catastrophe is gone, so in order to avoid the problem of chance, Baiji took the initiative to open their veins, and also did not want to turn them into waste one by one because of this adoption relationship.

Number three moved quickly, but he held back for a long time, but he didn't feel how angry his dantian was, and his little face was flushed.

Baiji: ... Tsk.

Bletilla striata draws air into the body, guides No. [-] step by step, and finally completes it.

Bletilla striata pressed one hand on the boy's chest to transfer the spiritual power, and raised the other hand to store the power and transfer the spiritual power.Before No. [-] could react, Baiji tapped the acupuncture points a few times, and the last palm was done.

It's very simple and rude, and it's not the same as what No. [-] thought.

As Baiji's hand left the body, No. [-] felt his body lighten, and then countless tiny purple particles poured into his body.

"what is this?"

"Oh, you belong to Lei Xing." Bai Ji looked at it and found it quite interesting. Among the several villains, the No. [-] who belonged to the background output turned out to be the most destructive Lei Xing.

"Cultivate well." Bai Ji threw him another set of exercises.

No. [-] hurriedly stood up to take it, but almost fell into the water.

The exercise is called "Thunder Lion", and it looks quite simple.

A person who awakens his spiritual veins and becomes a spirit originator, in addition to the common exercises in his profession, will also have some private exercises, which people in the sect will exchange for through contribution points.

Generally speaking, private exercises are researched by predecessors themselves, everyone can create their own, and suitable people are different.

There are already many common exercises, but if you want to be better than other spirit masters, it depends on how many other exercises you have mastered.

But these villains don't know, because Baiji is hiding from the world, she mainly doesn't do these things, so she doesn't know.

Those who know these things are on the way to Erlin.


group chat
Ming Guluo: We will arrive in half a month.

Ah Hei's Tears &: You guys are so leisurely, I'll be there in a week~

Ming Guluo: Sir, I want to see more scenery on the road, and we also picked up a child on the road.

Su: Huh?Is he going to get a brother for that bastard?

Ming Guluo: I don't know what the husband thinks, but he said that Baiji may need this child.

Su: What about the child now?

Ming Guluo: We took him with us, but my husband didn't have much contact with him. We'll talk about it at Baiji.

Su: Then you are not in a hurry.

Wuhu takes off~ Hula: Hey!How about my new screen name, guys?
Ming Guluo: Please be careful not to be captured and photographed by humans.

Sue: Does that bastard need kids now?Is she doing some evil curse to renew her life?

Ming Guluo: Probably not, the husband will take care of it. If Bai Ji really did something unforgivable, the husband will take care of everything.

Wuhu Takes Off ~ Hula: The eldest lady will not leave all the children to us in the end, will she?With her temperament, she can also raise children?
Ming Guluo: Bletilla striata grew up beside her husband, so she should be able to raise those children in the same way that he raised her. This is not something we need to discuss.

Su: Contact me in case of accident or need.

Wuhu takes off~ Hula: Bai Su, don't let any human beings get involved.

This is not advice, this is a warning.

My dear human friend.

The man shuttles quickly on the high-rise buildings, and he can go a long way with a light jump.

The wind hung up his hair, the man turned the corner of his mouth upwards, and clenched the phone with his right hand.

Don't let me down.


After Kaimai became a spiritual source, many aspects of life were different.

I don't know what other people are like, but in the two days after No. [-]'s pulse was opened, a lot of discomfort did occur.

It stands to reason that the spiritual master can control his spiritual power at will, but his spiritual power is not so easy to control.

The other children were deeply affected by it, and they were shocked by No. [-] at every turn, and they drove him to the single table during dinner.

Number Three hiccupped, with lightning flashing from his mouth.

He didn't want to do this either, he had already ruined many parts because of poor control, which made him unable to make things for a long time, and he was extremely agitated.

Because of the opening of the spiritual vein, his work and rest were also adjusted, and only the self-study and physical education classes in the afternoon could be used for activities with other people.

During the day, he was confined to the study room alone. No. [-] had no choice but to go through this crazy study, but all he read were some books on machinery making, and the primary and secondary school textbooks prepared by Baiji for them were completely useless.

Leave the required books in the box at the door, No. [-] wants to tell Bai Ji about his strangeness during the medicine bath at night.

Baiji will still let him take a medicated bath, but the time has been changed to night, and it has already stated that it will be canceled after a while.

At first, Bletilla striata thought that it could be soaked for a few more years, which is good for the body anyway, but later found that too much medicinal bath would have bad results for the villains.

The original purpose of the medicinal bath was to improve their bodies. Now that the purpose has been basically achieved, the spiritual veins can be opened, and the medicinal bath can be stopped.

On the [-]rd, Xiwan finished all the courses and came to find Baiji.

"Baiji, I can't control my spiritual power very well, is this normal?"

"Can't control it?" Baiji felt novelty, "Did I give you the exercises?"

"No, it's my use of spiritual power. I will use my spiritual power indiscriminately when I do things these two days, because it's thunder, and it hit No. [-] and them."

Bai Ji looked No. [-] up and down, "Is the damage serious?" There was no difference when they were given a medicinal bath in the afternoon, and the boys didn't mention it to themselves.

"It's not big, but it affects life." No. [-] paused, and still chose to tell Baiji, "I usually make some small things, which are the parts I asked you for before. If you can't control spiritual power, it's also a kind of damage to parts." consume."

If the process fails or the level is poor, it is acceptable, but because the user's spiritual power is leaked and lost, it is too wasteful for parts.

"I don't understand this very well, do you need me to seal it up for you?" Bai Ji rubbed his chin, judging from the pulse condition, there is nothing wrong with No. [-], everything is normal.

The system says they are geniuses, so are they different from everyone else?

"No, just seal it up." Number three hurriedly shook his head, "I don't want to seal up the spiritual power."

For number three, spiritual power is like a double-sided sword, with both good and bad.

"Is there a way for bletilla striata to improve my control over spiritual power?" No. [-] raised her head, grabbed bletilla striata's skirt with her small hand, and looked at bletilla striata expectantly.


Baiji pulled out the hem of her skirt, but it still gave him hope.

"From tomorrow onwards, you don't need to take a medicinal bath anymore, just follow the timetable I gave you, and I'll think of a way to do it."

No. [-] nodded, took off his clothes a few times, and honestly enjoyed the last medicinal bath.

While throwing herbs, Baiji told the system about it.

"Would that be the case with normal development?"

〖No, after normal development, although a few people have gone through hardships, they are all very strong after becoming spiritual masters. Except for some unseen diseases left by being too rough when opening the veins, there is no problem overall. 〗

"Then what is this situation? Has anyone else experienced it?"

〖No, the system will not pay attention to some useless secondary characters, so I don't know the specific situation, but none of the main characters have such an accident. 〗

This incident has been judged as an accident by the system.

Not knowing if it would lead to a good ending or a bad ending, the system flickered, thinking of reporting to the superior, and then contacting the world consciousness to notify.

Bletilla striata cut off its link.

〖!Host! 〗

"Don't worry, it doesn't have to be a big deal, let's see." Bai Ji prefers such unexpected events. Although she is not too proficient in pharmacology, she is still very confident in her own pharmacology. It is impossible for children to The question arises, is it possible to say that this result will cause them to become stronger?

The next afternoon, when it came to the medicated bath on the [-]st, the boy didn't start directly.

"Baiji, I can do the exercises too, can I open the spiritual vein?"

(End of this chapter)

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