Bai Ji, who came to the Prince's Mansion with Si Yueqing, did not wander around like Liu Qing.After all, this is not her territory, it is better to lead her people to her yard quickly.

The cronies led the way, Si Yueqing didn't know where he went, and Baiji didn't pay too much attention.It's just that when they were approaching the courtyard, there were suddenly two more groups of people around the corner.

And it can be seen that the heads of the two waves are pulling.

Bai Ji heard the familiar voice, subconsciously stopped and looked over there, and saw Ge Yaqi and Huang Feiqiu suspected to be arguing.

This is the backyard of the Prince's Mansion. Two well-dressed women are arguing.

Baiji speculated based on the routine of reading novels for many years that these two people must be the prince's women, and one of them may be the murderer who framed him.

As soon as this idea appeared, Ge Yaqi pulled Huang Feiqiu and shouted hoarsely, "Qiu'er! What do you want me to do!"

Bletilla striata:?
The two of them turned out to be in this relationship?Good guy, then in the court before, Ge Yaqi still hated Huang Feiqiu like Liu Qing, loved him so much and hated him so much?
No, wait a minute, isn't Ge Yaqi in love with Si Yueqing?You can't go wrong with that look in court!Is it because of personality?
Looking again, sure enough, because of the change in their movements, Ge Yaqi is now facing Baiji, although she called Huang Feiqiu "Qiu'er" and shouted again, but the expression was not good, it almost had the word disgust written on her face.

You are worthy of being a member of the sect, and you are worthy of an inheritance based on making troubles!

It is wonderful to be alive!

Bai Ji withdrew his gaze, turned and left without staying for long.

But I kept an eye on it.Since the inheritance arranged for Ge Yaqi to like Huang Feiqiu, could it be Huang Feiqiu who hurt her?But it's not necessarily true, it's also possible that Ge Yaqi made the move for Huang Feiqiu.

Anyway, she should pay attention to these two people.

When they came to the courtyard, the cronies introduced Baiji to him. In summary, this courtyard has a lot of status in the prince's mansion, how great the beer is, and how much the side concubine Huang Feiqiu wants to come.

After hearing this, Bai Ji wanted to ask the concubine Zheng why she didn't want to come, but later felt that it was unnecessary, this question was too stupid.

After everyone made arrangements and everything was packed, Bai Ji brought the Bu Niang, who was still in a daze, into the room alone, trying to find out what she could ask her.

As soon as she entered the room, Bu Niang was no longer in a daze, she looked fiercely at Bai Ji, "You bitch! You have such a big face! You..."

Before she could finish her words, Bai Ji slapped her and knocked her head aside.

"I asked you to come in to ask you questions, not to make you yell and scold me." Baiji's eyes turned cold, and she looked at the girl as if she was looking at a dead object, shaking her body. "From now on, if I ask you a question, you must answer everything truthfully. Of course, if I have something that I didn't think of, you remind me and I will reward you."

Bu Niang pursed her lips and didn't dare to say anything, but the look on her face showed disdain in her heart.

Baiji hooked her lips into a smile, and performed a chopping table in front of Buniang, only to completely calm down Buniang.

"Then, if I don't tell you, how do you know if I'm telling the truth?" Bu Niang questioned weakly. Her original intention was to tell Baiji not to do this, even if she told her, Baiji might not believe it.

But Baiji got it wrong.She now only knows that there is a problem with the cloth girl, but because the cloth girl is just a phantom created by inheritance, not a human being, she cannot see through her desire.But Bu Niang's words reminded her.

Humans, no, in this world, what do all races value most?It is a contract, an oath, and it is above life, which can lock the effectiveness of spiritual power.

Although she hasn't done it before, isn't it impossible?
Five minutes later, Baiji made a contract of prostitution and handed it to the maiden, forcing her to sign her name and retaining her "spiritual power". A valid contract of prostitution appeared.

Baiji was very happy, shaking the contract of prostitution in his hand, and grinning at the cloth girl, but what he said was like a devil whispering, "Oh, it's all right, you can think about what you say next."

Cloth girl: ...

Damn her, she shouldn't have said that extra word.

Bai Ji put away the deed of sale, but was thinking about another thing.

It is probably because of the existence of the "deed of sale", so it is very interesting that they can sign the contract of sale even though they are not real human beings.The people here will essentially be inheritors, but the "deed of sale" is real, so if she can grasp more deeds of sale...

This idea is a bit dangerous, but Baiji has an intuition that this is a feasible direction.I just suddenly remembered the way Liu Qing was crying while holding the deed of sale ten years ago. That scene actually made people feel a little uncomfortable.Bai Ji pursed her lips, her heart was shaken.

In the end, Baiji decided to do it behind Liu Qing's back.

After all, human beings are human beings, and Baiji would not do this to humans in reality, but now it is an inheritance!If there is a way to not use it, then it is a fool!
Thinking of this, Bai Ji made more than a dozen contracts of selling himself.People who do this also need to attach their own mental strength to the top, but Baiji only has half the strength, and the mental strength cannot be reduced. After a dozen copies, it is still the same as a normal person.

At that moment, the cloth girl who watched everything silently, felt fear in her heart. If she hadn't signed a contract of sale with Baiji, she really wanted to break through the restrictions of "personality" and run to her "enemy" old bustard, telling her to run!

Don't ask, she just knows.Among the dozens of deeds of prostitution, there is definitely a procuress!
After the bletilla striata was done, it was all thrown into the system space.Now she really thinks that the contract with her should be the system space, right?The system is the bonus, otherwise why is the system space always with her every time.

After settling the matter of selling his life, Bai Ji's eyes fell on Buniang again, and the torture session began.

Bai Ji Erlang raised his legs, bent his index finger and tapped the table, and asked, "Come on, what is my identity, and what is your identity?"

Bu Niang's setting is to bully the weak and fear the hard, greedy for life and afraid of death, and has an inexplicable jealousy towards Bai Ji, and doesn't want to see Bai Ji get better.But now that the deed of prostitution is in someone else's hands, even if Bu Niang doesn't want to say it, she has to say it because of the influence of "personal design".

"You are the prince's sweetheart, and I am your servant." After signing the contract of sale, it is indeed possible to say that, but the answer is obviously to deceive people.

Bai Ji glanced at Bu Niang and knew that this was a trick of inheritance.Otherwise, why would there be people around Si Yueqing and the others, especially Si Yueqing, he wished he could say everything for Si Yueqing in ten sentences, completely avoiding the possibility of Si Yueqing violating his character.

It's good for her, after signing the deed of sale and playing word games with her, she really doesn't care about her own life or death.

Bai Ji immediately moved as he wanted, and saw that the cloth girl felt as if she had been electrocuted, she couldn't sit still, fell off the chair, lay on the ground twitching, her eyes were full of hatred.

Bai Ji smiled, "If you don't want to die, come again."

She and Bunian confronted each other twice, and both times she made Bunian lie down on the ground. Just like that, the scar was healed and she forgot the pain. She really didn't know what to say.

"Who am I? Who are you?" After thinking for a while, Baiji added a loophole, "I suddenly encountered such a big change, so it's normal to lose my memory? But you, it seems that you know me very well, so you can't lose your memory, so tell me everything you know."

Good guy!This blocked her last escape route!She wanted to use the point of "how can you ask me these questions, you are the person you should know" to question Baiji, trying to gain the initiative!
Bu Niang lay on the ground for a while maintaining her enchanting posture, finally struggled to get up, and sat back on the chair.

"You are the youngest daughter of the Bai family, and you and the prince are childhood sweethearts. You once secretly decided to spend your life in private, but then suddenly something happened. Your entire Bai family was exiled, and you also left the capital."

"Then, for some reason, you returned to the capital and were taken into the Spring Tower, and that's how you got what you're doing today."

Baiji raised her eyebrows. The last sentence was a bit interesting, "I don't know why she returned to the capital", which means that "she" should have come back on her own initiative in the first place, but she didn't expect to be tricked into Chunlou after she came back.

So, what is her mission?Everyone should have a task in the inheritance of this kind of competition for employment, and finally judge the final result according to the actual situation and the degree of completion of the task.

Then her task, is to continue to complete "her" goal of returning to the capital, or to find her murderer?

Thinking of the two people who were arguing just now, Bai Ji felt that if it was the latter, it would be too simple. On the contrary, the former is very flexible, and there are many points that can be manipulated by inheritance and stumbling.

"What about you? What is your identity?" Knowing her so well, and harboring such malice.

Bu Niang's expression changed. After all, she didn't skip this question. When she saw Baiji pondering just now, she thought that Baiji had forgotten this question.

"I... I am..." The ending was drawn out for a while, seeing that the bletilla striata was indifferent, the maid was silent, so she had to tell the whole story.

"My natal name is Bai Shu, and I'm your concubine sister." When Bu Niang said this, she quickly glanced at Bai Ji, and she saw her strange expression.

White vegetables?Bai Su?Or vegetables?

This inheritance name came from 6.Bletilla striata, who considers her name to be a medicinal material, looked at the "sister" whose name was a vegetable, and asked, "Isn't that right? If it's sister concubine, then how can you know so many things about me?"

How to speak this? !

Bu Niang felt that if she said it, she would definitely be beaten. She couldn't beat this woman in the first place, let alone signed a contract of prostitution.

But this matter must not be simply fooled, Bu Niangdi glanced at the closed door for countless times, and prayed for no less than a hundred times that someone would come to Baiji at this time and interrupt the interrogation that suffocated her.

No one came to save Bu Niang.

So Bu Niang could only help herself, "Then I told you, I'll tell you the truth, you can't be angry, you can't beat me!" It hurts a lot!What kind of person, either with a big mouth or a chair to beat people, if she is really human, she would have been beaten to death, okay?Don't even try to get any information from her!
Bai Ji nodded perfunctorily, and Bu Niang opened her mouth to tell the "past" entanglement between the two from the beginning.

"Not long after I was born..."

"You're going too far from the beginning, just skip to the part of how you know."

The cloth girl gritted her teeth, and gave the middle finger to Bai Ji in her heart, "That's right, we grew up together, you, cough, you trusted me very much back then, so you told me about you and the prince."

Then the next Baiji can basically be guessed, after all, novels, Gongdou dramas and so on are not for nothing.

Life is bloody, not to mention that the owner of this inheritance also likes it very much.

"Okay, I know."

"Then know? What do you know?" Bu Niang was shocked, she knew what she was going to do now?She just said the beginning!

"It's probably clear, isn't it just those things." Baiji yawned, she didn't sleep much last night, she felt light, and she didn't rest even if she wanted to rest today.Although it doesn't matter to her that she is a spiritual creature, this broken inheritance has always been messing with her from the beginning, causing her to be as tired as a human being now.

"Let me guess, it's probably that you grew up with 'me', seeing 'me' is good for everything, so you have always been jealous of 'me', but you have no chance to show it, to be precise, you dare not show it, and 'I' has always believed in you foolishly."

"Until the prince's incident, after 'I' told you, your jealousy finally reached its peak, so I think you should do something? For example, those who want to harm me know my identity, and you should have leaked it."

"I guess they wanted to make a move at the time, but suddenly something happened. The Bai family was exiled collectively, and the sky was high and the emperor was far away. They couldn't do anything. And the exile should have nothing to do with you, you don't have that much ability."

The cloth girl gritted her teeth, what are you talking about!If she changed to someone with a high status, such as the current Holy Majesty, let alone exile, she would order to kill this bitch right now!

"Later, when 'I' returned to the capital for some reason, you immediately followed me. The first thing you did here was to release the news of 'I''s return. This caused 'I' to fail to finish that task, and instead was brought into the Spring Building."

That's right!How did this woman know?Does she have a script?What else does she know?
While talking, Baiji was observing the expression of Bu Niang.Sure enough, my guess was pretty close.

Thank you, Pingha has dealt with that monster for a hundred years, and if she doesn't know the brain circuit of some weird thing that likes to make trouble and like blood, she has long been played into a fool by Pingha.

"The interesting thing is, why did you also enter the Chunlou, and you still look like... 40 years old." And the maid obviously didn't have the deed of prostitution in the hands of the procuress, but she still chose to stay.

"'I' found out about your betrayal, right? Then 'I' used tricks to deal with you and got you into the Chunlou. You should be able to escape, but at that time, 'I' was severely injured in order to deal with you, so your crooked temper made you choose to stay, just want to see how painful I am."

All right!Bu Niang's heart was pounding, her fear of bletilla striata reached the extreme at this moment, but she was only half right about the last point, and she is not clear about her mission now...

When Baiji made a move, even if her abilities were cut in half, her body's fighting instinct was still there, and she quickly knocked the unsuspecting Bu Niang to the ground. She didn't even have a chance to resist, so she was held down by Baiji with a low stool that she didn't know where.

"Another reason is that you are in contact with the person who harmed me, right? Staying there is to see how I suffer, and to monitor me and pass on news to that person."

Bletilla striata stepped on the stool and slightly possessed her body. It was originally a world spirit formed by gathering spiritual power. It should be a noble and pure existence, but at this time its smile was more dangerous than a strange thing.

"But you have calculated everything, and you never thought that the bustard would drug you."

Bu Niang's pupils shrank.

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