Judging from the attitude of the old bustard before, the old bustard should know that the two of them are not so confrontational, so when she found out that Bu Niang came to look for Bai Ji, she would say those words to Bai Ji.

On the other hand, Bunianang didn't sign the deed of selling herself, and she ate and drank for free. Although she had something to do with the people behind the scenes, the bustard definitely couldn't agree so easily, so she drugged her secretly, making Buniang an internal "prostitute".

Thinking of this, Baiji couldn't help but "tsk tsk".

Why do you say so?In order to see his sister-in-law suffer and suffer, he folded himself in and didn't know how to run away.

Baiji was exerting force on her feet, and the cloth girl who was pressed by the stool had already started to roll her eyes, "I said, don't talk nonsense in front of the prince, you shouldn't be that stupid, right?"

Bu Niang nodded in a panic, and then Baiji retracted her foot, kicked the stool to the side, and scraped Bu Niang's body, causing a second injury to Bu Niang.

"Cough! Cough!" Bu Niang curled up, crawled on the ground, retched and coughed uncomfortably, gasping for breath.

Quickly change someone to deal with her!She's going to die!
Bai Ji glanced at Buniang, went out and called Meida, threw Buniang to her, and asked her to help take care of Buniang.

Today's cloth girl is not to mention Meida who is more than two meters tall, but she is still wearing sick makeup, and she is afraid of Baiji who seems to be panting after walking a few steps.He was taken away by Meida like a little chick.

Adi watched from the side, and came over after a while to poke his head.

Based on the idea of ​​joining in since he can't beat him, Adi wanted to talk to Baiji.After all, looking at it now, they seem to be nothing in this inheritance.

The first one was pressed and did not move, and this one has been pressed without any movement so far. Although he is no longer looking forward to inheriting the inheritance, but he has nothing to do. It is enough for Adi to feel uncomfortable and suffocate to death.

"Baiji, do you have a mission?" Adi touched Baiji and opened his mouth to test it out. After all, this guy's identity has a lot of background, and he also came from the Chunlou.

Adi's eyes were almost red with jealousy.

The prince's woman, if it were him, he could do a lot of things, why did it fall on this ignorant spiritual creature?
"There is a task, and there is a high probability that it is to do something that has not been completed before." It is also the main purpose of "Bai Ji" returning to the capital.

"Then do you know what it is?"

"I don't know." Bai Ji stretched her waist, and said lazily, "But it's okay, I'll find out after I finish eating and beat up that cloth girl."

Bu Niang followed "Baiji" all the way back to the capital. At that time, "Baiji" still trusted her so much. How could she not know what the purpose of "Baiji" came back this time?
Adi rolled his eyes, his delicate appearance was stunned because he made him look a bit lewd and mischievous.

"Oh, that's so boring, why don't you send me there, and I promise to investigate clearly for you!" In order to please Baiji, Adi didn't occupy it, but squatted next to Baiji, straightened up and patted his chest at this time, which was a bit funny.

But Baiji, who had already suffered enough at the hands of Pingha, would not believe him at all.

"No, I'm going to make a quick decision. This matter has been dragged on for long enough." After leaving the inheritance, he should be able to stay in the secret realm for a few more days and give the other four people some things.Liu Qing's hands are all treasures obtained by Liu Qing himself, even if he may not need some of them, there is no need for him to pass them on to others.

So everyone came, and the other four people also arranged a few.

Adi was not reconciled to this, and coaxed: "Then how do you make a quick victory? Don't think I don't know, with your current strength, even I can't beat you, and you still want to break through quickly?"

Who gave you the courage?Dilin?He is not here now!

Baiji got up from the chair and was not angry when he heard the words. He replied with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Ha, if you were really as powerful as you said, you would have run away long ago, and would you still be making trouble with me? Adi, your strength has also been cut by others, right?"

Adi wanted to deny it, but he was afraid that the bletilla striata would let him demonstrate, so he didn't open his mouth again, and closed his mouth.

To the disciples of Dong'ezong, the court in the first round seemed to be looking at people's hearts, to Liu Qing and the others, it seemed to be testing something, and to the four alien races sitting on it, it seemed to be evaluating.

The honest Ke and Meida have no problems in this game, but Baiji, who wants a quick victory, and Adi, who tries to make trouble, are completely banned.

This is why Baiji saw the scene of Adi fleeing from the window before.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that he had become an ordinary person, not to mention the inability to use his ability, even the original prototype, which scared Adi. He was afraid that he would run into some enemies and seek revenge here.

Now that I think about it, it's actually a bit embarrassing, but there's no way around it, the monster always likes to watch other people have fun, and doesn't like to have fun by himself.Adi would rather be killed by other tribes than to be tortured in the hands of his own tribe.

"Then you say a quick fix, and you mean to threaten that woman in the afternoon? If you want me to say, you might as well rush to see if you can restore your strength directly and smash this inheritance." Adi simply sat on the ground, his legs flung out.

It's so boring to concentrate on tasks. It's not easy to live a lifetime, so you should use it to do more things!

"The jar was broken?" Baiji glanced at him, just in time to see Adi curling his lips secretly, "So, I thought of an alternative plan."

"What?" Adi raised his head, and saw that Bai Ji had returned to him at some point.The shadow fell on him, and at this moment, Baiji was like the vicious but weak cousin in the novel.

"Have you ever done missionary work on the human side before?"


On Si Yueqing's side, after bringing Baiji back to the mansion, he found a reason to escape, avoiding the crowd, and left the Prince's mansion.

One time, one time out, two times, enough for Si Yueqing to write down the road.He ran back to Chunlou by himself.

The Chunlou at this time may be a little quiet because it is daytime.Si Yueqing went in through a window, came to the hall, and found that there were very few people, only a few guests sitting scattered in the hall, with no one accompanying them, and some servants were walking back and forth on the sidelines.

Si Yueqing had never played games before, so he didn't know how to describe this scene, he just found it a bit strange.

But these have nothing to do with him. It is of course good to be able to investigate and show his ability to the inheritance, but Si Yueqing is now more worried about those disciples, afraid that there will be accidents on the disciples' side.

Avoiding people all the way up, seeing that there were no people in several rooms, Si Yueqing began to sweat, and the fact that he was sneaking around like a thief actually caused him a lot of psychological pressure.

Looking around, there are basically no people, which is really strange.It is understandable that the men and women in the Chunlou do not pick up customers during the day, so why is there no one in the room?
Si Yueqing had a bad premonition in his heart, so he turned his gaze back to a door on the first floor that looked problematic.

There should be something there, but it is reasonable to say that the real world is probably not so casual, and this estimate is made here to remind them.

Si Yueqing noticed it from the beginning, but he wanted to keep it until the end, after all, it was not easy to see there.

But now that he can see all the rooms, he can only go to check the room on the first floor if he can't get in, or there are people inside (but there are only one or two people's aura, which has nothing to do with the disciples' aura).

Avoiding people and coming to the first floor, Si Yueqing first took out the magic weapon given to him by the suzerain of Dong'e Sect, which can cover people's faces, so that even if they really meet someone after opening the door, they will not think of the "Prince".

The magic weapon and Si Yueqing's face were stuck together, and it changed into another face after a while.It's just that Si Yueqing's gentlemanly temperament cannot be concealed, and Si Yueqing didn't take it seriously.

After entering the door, it is not a room, but a staircase going down.

Si Yueqing looked at the bottomless stairs, the bottom was pitch black, and he didn't know what was at the bottom.Si Yueqing didn't want to throw anything down to try it out.

No one is okay, I'm afraid that if there is something down there, if Si Yueqing hits his head with the probing object in his hand, it will be hell at that time.

He closed the door smoothly, and from the outside, everything was as usual, only the few guests in the hall were still doing their own things as if they had lost their souls, their expressions were in a trance.

Almost the moment the door closed, a gust of cold wind blew over, Si Yueqing rubbed the goosebumps he felt, trying to avoid himself to calm down.

The main reason is that it is impossible not to force myself to calm down at this time.In case I made some stupid decision in a flash of thought, I'm afraid I'm going to end up here - this is Si Yueqing's intuition after he came in, if he doesn't guard up later, he will really die here!

Si Yueqing gave himself some mental preparation, and just as he was about to go downstairs, he heard another boy's voice behind him, with a slightly displeased tone in his tone.

"What are you doing? Don't stand in the way if you don't dare to go down."

Si Yueqing didn't know who it was and how long it had been here, but he didn't notice anything, so he quickly looked back and found that it was Liu Qing.

Si Yueqing was taken aback, "You haven't left yet?" He thought that this guy would leave after confirming the situation of Baiji, but he was still in the Chunlou?

Liu Qing bypassed him sideways, came to Si Yueqing, gave him a blank look, with a look of love and care, "What does it matter to you if you can't leave?"

"Sorry, it's me..."

"No need to apologize." Liu Qing waved her hand, but she didn't know that this person was so particular, "Where's Bai Ji? How is she now?"

Si Yueqing knew that the two were in the same group, and now his task was to find out who framed "Bai Ji", so in theory, they should be in the same group?So he didn't hide it, "I brought her to the Prince's Mansion, and now it should be my cronies who are arranging her."

After thinking about it, Si Yueqing added: "But don't worry, she is definitely fine, the Prince's Mansion is very safe."

Liu Qing didn't reply, the two of them went down all the way, and they reached the bottom after walking for a while, but there was no fire at the bottom, so Si Yueqing got used to it, and then he could vaguely see something...

Liu Qing in front of her stopped at some point, but now she turned to face herself.The corners of the mouth were cracked into a non-human appearance, and the inside of the mouth could vaguely be seen to be pointed, and the eyes were also pitch black. The outstanding appearance looked very scary at this moment.

Si Yueqing became vigilant, took a step back, and stepped on the steps again.

"Liu Qing?" It should be the name, and he was right.

Never thought that this horror version of Liu Qing didn't speak, but silently, took out a knife from nowhere, pointed the tip at Si Yueqing, as if he could rush over and stab him to death in the next second.

Alarm bells rang in Si Yueqing's heart, but before he could make a move, Liu Qing's voice suddenly came from behind this terrifying version of Liu Qing, "Why are you here?"

In the darkness, Liu Qing's figure from the horror class paused, then dissipated like smoke, everything seemed to be just Si Yueqing's illusion.The person who answered the call walked over slowly.

Si Yueqing was very vigilant this time, but this Liu Qing was obviously much more normal. Seeing him looking at him like this, he didn't get any closer, keeping a safe distance between the two of them.

Si Yueqing called again uncertainly, "Liu Qing?"

Liu Qing on the opposite side was silent, her expression became strange, but she still said, "Am I familiar with you? You call me over and over again."

Wow, it's amazing that the other party can see him and call out his name in such a dark place, so what?The two of them don't know each other very well, why did you call again without being sure?
The two men were silent for a moment in the dark, and Si Yueqing ended the embarrassing situation first, "Why are you here?"

Liu Qing glanced at him like a fool, "Because there are ghosts here, so I'll come and take a look." What's the problem?He didn't believe that Si Yueqing appeared here just for a stroll.

There was another fierce silence, Si Yueqing wanted to say something more, but was interrupted impatiently by Liu Qing.

If it was someone else, he might still put on a show, but in this situation, he is one of the men and women who look very unpleasant to him, so he really doesn't want to waste too much time with him here.

"If you have nothing to do, you can leave as soon as possible. I'm not curious about what you're here for. We don't bother anyone." After Liu Qing finished speaking, she turned around and continued to go deeper. Si Yueqing hesitated for a few seconds, and followed at a distance.

But Liu Qing kept trying to get rid of him, it was amazing, the darkness seemed useless to Liu Qing, if Si Yueqing hadn't been staring at him, he would have lost him long ago.But even so, Si Yueqing was almost thrown away by Liu Qing several times on the way.

The two of them came to another room, it was still pitch black, without even a torch, Si Yueqing asked in confusion, "Your Excellency, why are you hiding from me?"

This dog skin plaster!He still has the nerve to ask?

Liu Qing rolled her eyes, "I'm afraid you'll kill me."

Si Yueqing was startled, at this moment he had already confirmed that this Liu Qing was the real Liu Qing, after all, since the first time they met, the other party had always had a strong sense of rejection towards him.

But they had never met before, and what Liu Qing said at this time, could it be that he saw a fake self just now?
"Your Excellency, have you met another me?" Si Yueqing asked.

Liu Qing was very impatient with him, I don't know how he could think of these ironic words.Why, find a good reason in advance to prove your innocence?Even in the future, even if there is a real fight, it will be the other one who made the move?

Liu Qing sneered inwardly, and spoke at the same time as Si Yueqing.

"What? You're still a twin?"

"I also met another you just now."

Liu Qing: ...Huh?

Si Yueqing: ...Oh, so he was being sarcastic just now.

This time the silence was deafening.


"Miss, Baiji was taken back to the mansion by the crown prince."

On the other side, Huang Feiqiu, who had just gotten rid of Ge Yaqi, went back to rest in her own yard, when she heard Dianthus who was pouring tea for her suddenly say this.

Huang Feiqiu's mind is now full of Ge Yaqi's affairs, she was taken aback when she heard this, and then simply said "Oh", but she still hasn't recovered.

Shi Zhu didn't urge her anything, as if she just mentioned it casually.

Huang Feiqiu drank herbal tea and calmed down slowly, but immediately realized something was wrong, and raised her eyes to Shizhu.

"You're only with me all day today?"

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