But it's also very strange!It has nothing to do with him to adopt five little ghosts. If those five guys are not raised well, they will rush to destroy the world in the future!Speaking of narcissism and greatness, she is saving the world!
If the other party really held grudges against her for this reason, chasing and biting her, he wanted to destroy the world...

Oh wait.

Baiji's face turned cold.

When she told Di Lin before that she did not intend to accept the inheritance, Di Lin told her that not all good people in this world wish for world peace, there are always some strange guys who are looking forward to the destruction of the world.

——"For the reason, for example, some people are afraid of death and fear that their consciousness will dissipate. But it's good for everyone to die together, so I hope that the world will be destroyed when he dies, and everyone will end their lives together."

Just this weird reason...

Bai Ji lowered her eyes, thinking to herself, wouldn't those guys who targeted her also have such outrageous reasons?That's wrong, how did that guy know that she adopted the villain?And how did he know that these five teenagers were villains who would destroy the world?

"Did I think too much?" Baiji murmured, "There must be other points on my body that he hates."


"Ah, no, it's nothing. I can't remember." Baiji shook his head in denial, and came to Meida's side, "Let's start with her. Since she is also Tata, let's use her to find out who is behind the scenes."

Mei Da was taken aback, and became disappointed with the naked eye, "So, can't you eat it?" A plate of such tempting delicacies is placed in front of her, but she has to endure it. Does she know how painful it is!

Baiji didn't know that Baiji didn't have any appetite, so he detained the cloth girl coldly and threatened her with Meida.

"You now know that the one over there is Lan Hou who preys on your clan. To be honest, I don't know how much tata she has eaten over the years, but I think it must be quite a lot." Bai Ji was speaking, and she saw that Bu Niang's body was shaking violently.

Is not this nonsensical?That girl almost drools just looking at her!She was finally brought out of this convenient form by her master, but now she is going to be buried in the belly of the natural enemy!
At this moment, Bu Niang felt very regretful, she shouldn't think that this task is easy to accept this task.He wanted to make things difficult for Bai Ji, but in the end he was not only beaten, but also had to pay for himself!
"But since you were arranged to come in, the contract of prostitution should have an effect on you, right?" Bai Ji reached out and grabbed the girl's hair, making her look at him at eye level, "You are completely in my hands now. Meida is very hungry, why don't you give some of your family members first to satisfy her hunger?"

demon!These guys are absolute demons!

Controlled by others, Bu Niang didn't dare to resist too much when her scalp hurt from being pulled by Baiji, but when she heard that Baiji planned to keep her and let others fill Meida's stomach, she quickly said, "I know, I know! That girl of luck is surrounded by maids who belong to our clan!"

Bai Ji now knows so much, it's useless to hide it anymore, it's better to confess that guy who stinky farts every day!

Although the Tata family mostly gathers people to act, they are actually not very friendly to each other, they are only forced to do so for survival.Those who are usually weak and inconspicuous, such as Buniang, can only follow the smart ones in the group and be ordered by them at will.

There is no camaraderie, and now Bu Niang just wants to get out and be her back, "That guy is called Shi Zhu, and he has a mission! She will definitely ruin your business, so hurry up and get rid of her!"

Baiji turned her head and met Meida's eyes.

"She is useful to me now, why don't you go find that dianthus first?"

Meida had a weird expression, "I'm sorry, I was so full of thoughts about Tata before, so I forgot to give this to you. I got it from the Tata that I ate." She handed Baiji a piece of paper, which was densely packed, but not in traditional characters.

"It was just written today." Baiji concluded that the main reason was that the paper still smelled of ink, and some places were not completely dry.

She looked at the writing again and found that it said how to kill herself.

Bletilla striata: 6
She thought it was a valuable secret letter, but it turned out to be a secret letter. It was the content that made her speechless and felt that it was unnecessary.

When everyone was looking for inheritance questions, it turned out that someone was really taking the test task seriously.It made Baiji, who wanted to jump directly to the finale and overtake another car in a corner, feel embarrassed.

"...This, it should be from Shi Zhu."

"Then what I just ate was carnation?"

"...Yes." Speaking of this, Baiji thought for a while, "Then why don't you pretend to be a carnation and send this letter, and see if the person receiving the letter on the other side is also a Tata."

This can have!Meida's eyes lit up, she ran out after receiving the letter, Baiji didn't even stop her, I can only hope that she will react quickly, her height seems to be unable to imitate Dianthus.

"Now it's your turn." Baiji turned her head, looked at Bu Niang who was trying to pretend to be unconscious, and smiled.

"Everything you say next, the news you tell me, will be regarded as your own value. And this value will determine whether you will be eaten by Meida who comes back later."

Bu Niang's body trembled, and after calling the master countless times in her heart to no avail, she could only choose to accept her fate.

She wants to live, she doesn't want to die.


The two men walked back and forth in the dark.Liu Qing was fine, but Si Yueqing felt a little embarrassed.

He opened his mouth and tried to find a topic, "It's so big inside, you can't tell it from the outside at all."

Liu Qing didn't reply to his words, but Si Yueqing found the direction and was indeed deeply curious, so he asked Liu Qing, "Did you come in through the same entrance I came down from?"

This is really nonsense.Liu Qing thought impatiently.Just that door looks very problematic, of course it will be checked, and the Chunlou during the day is also very strange.

Seeing that Liu Qing still didn't reply, Si Yueqing rubbed his nose, knowing that he had asked a stupid question.But when he came down and saw Liu Qing standing there, he thought there would be another door to enter, so that they would have a way out when they went out.

However, apart from this, Si Yueqing still didn't understand one thing.

"Your Excellency, you seem to be very hostile towards me and my junior sister?"

When this question came out, the two stopped one after another.Liu Qing walked in front and turned to look at him upon hearing this.

How would you describe that gaze?Because the surroundings were too dark, Si Yueqing actually didn't know what Liu Qing's expression was like now, but he did feel like he was being targeted by something slippery and vicious like a snake, so much so that he subconsciously wanted to put his hand on the sword by his side, but found nothing.

Oh yes, after he entered this inheritance, the weapon disappeared.

Si Yueqing didn't reveal his flaws, nor did he give up on asking this question because of it.

When he first met Liu Qing, Liu Qing said that he was afraid that he would kill him, but at that time he thought that the other party had also encountered his situation.But now that the two of them have exchanged news, Liu Qing has not met another him, so why does he still have such hostility towards him?

Because of something in court?No, earlier, when the two met for the first time, Si Yueqing had sensed Liu Qing's hostility towards him and towards Huang Feiqiu.

It's a very strange feeling.On a normal day, Si Yueqing might not care about these things. After all, he knows that no one is perfect. He tries his best to be himself, and what others think has nothing to do with him.There will be people who like him in this world, and there will also be people who hate him.

But now it is passing on, especially when the two of them are still alone in such a dim place.Si Yueqing was not afraid of a real fight with Liu Qing, but he was worried that this malice would ferment and explode suddenly at a certain moment.

Even though Si Yueqing had the confidence to deal with Liu Qing, what about after that?Beyond the inheritance, there is still a secret realm, not to mention Liu Qing is accompanied by a bletilla striata of unknown strength, and those three suspected aliens.

This knot must be untied now, and Si Yueqing also wanted to find out why Liu Qing harbored ill intentions towards him.

"I don't know what you think, Your Excellency." Si Yueqing tried to untie this knot with Liu Qing, and conveyed his thoughts clearly to the other party.At least, it is also necessary to prevent the opponent from suddenly making a backstab in the next time.

"I don't know what we'll go through next, but if the two of us are in this state, I don't think we can solve it no matter what happens." Si Yueqing took a step closer to Liu Qing, Wei Wei could see the other's expression clearly.

"To be honest, I'm actually very curious why Your Excellency feels this way about me. After all, I dare say that I have never met Your Excellency before, nor have I seen anyone similar to Your Excellency." Si Yueqing looked into Liu Qing's eyes, those eyes were very beautiful, and she was also very good-looking, but why did it make people feel so bad?
"But your Excellency won't answer my question right now?" Speaking of this, Si Yueqing seemed to feel the oppressive atmosphere, but it didn't relieve the atmosphere, so Si Yueqing immediately pursed her lips, and continued, "Then I won't dwell on this anymore, but I hope that your Excellency will not be affected by these negative emotions in the future."

Liu Qing laughed suddenly, and Si Yueqing froze a little, knowing that she saw the mocking eyes of the other party.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" Liu Qing tilted his head, he was taller than Si Yueqing, although he was not as strong as Si Yueqing who had practiced martial arts all year round, but at this moment, Si Yueqing didn't dare to underestimate this young man.

"I just want your lord's assurance."

Liu Qing backed away, nodded casually, and replied perfunctorily, "Okay, of course."

Although his attitude was not serious, Si Yueqing knew that he agreed, and unless it was a special situation, there was no need to worry about Liu Qing's backstabbing.

It's a pity that they didn't figure out why the other party hated the two of them so much.

But this is enough, Si Yueqing has never been a greedy person, he is already satisfied to achieve such a result, and his goals have been achieved.

The two continued to walk in, and this time no one spoke again.Because it has been going for a while, this time it will be here soon.

At first it was a hole like a door, but when the two walked in, they found that there was a big pit inside.

The pit is not very deep, and there are ladders all around, and a circle around the pit is a platform for people to walk around.There are torches here, and when the two approached, they found that there were strange puppets in the pit, without faces, but densely packed, it was very disturbing to look at.

"The disciples of Dong'e Sect are missing." Si Yueqing looked at the pit, feeling a bad feeling in his heart, and only hoped to find the disciples of Dong'e Sect as soon as possible.

Liu Qing didn't keep staring at the pit like Si Yueqing did. He just glanced away and then looked away. Hearing this, he asked more, "Didn't they be taken back to the room?" But just saying that, when he left, he only saw them being taken away, but he didn't pay attention to where they went. It had nothing to do with him.

Si Yueqing's face turned even worse, "I know, so I looked one by one, but they were not in the upstairs room, so I went downstairs and saw this door."

Since this is the case, it is indeed very interesting.

"There's a door over there, do you want to see it?" Because Si Yueqing kept staring at the pit, Liu Qing forgot to look up and found that there was a hole on the other side, but it was a bit small, and because of the angle, neither of them noticed it just now.

Si Yueqing cheered up, "Well, let's go and have a look." Then, without waiting for Liu Qing, he rushed there by himself, almost running at such a fast speed, even faster than Liu Qing before.

It can be seen that it is very urgent.

They are all here, and they are all sure that they will not attack each other for the time being. It would be nice to have a companion, who can take care of each other, and even come up with more ideas and discover more clues.So Liu Qing didn't fall behind, and followed Si Yueqing to catch up.

The two of them came to another cave with only a few seconds of time difference.

Si Yueqing arrived first and stopped at the door, Liu Qing didn't think much about it, but when he also came here, he discovered the reason why Si Yueqing stopped.

It's the disciples of Dong'ezong, all of them are here, but...all of them are corpses.

Liu Qing frowned. Although she felt that something was wrong when she came in, she didn't expect that this inheritance would play such a big role, killing all the disciples directly.But after such a long time, all that this inheritance shows is a harmless side. The only danger is that they are mutual. Even if there are people around them who supervise them, as long as they fit the personality, there will be no problems at all.

But why did they send them all?Because it violates human design?Or is it insulting to Baiji?
Thinking of this, Liu Qing glanced at Si Yueqing seemingly unintentionally, worried that this guy would put his grudge on Baiji.

"...I'm late." Si Yueqing murmured, then approached the cave, counting the disciples one by one.Not only those in the Chunlou, but also those who have not appeared before are here, and it seems that they died earlier than the disciples in the Chunlou.

"This inheritance is wrong." Liu Qing came to his side, watching Si Yueqing tidy up every disciple and arrange them neatly.

"If you do this, people will find out." It's too stupid, Si Yueqing should be a smart person.This move is really superfluous, for fear that others will not find him the same.

"Hey, stop, you are being stupid, don't involve me..."

"You really don't have any empathy?" Si Yueqing ignored him, avoiding Liu Qing's tugging, and continued to move his hands, "These people, I tried my best to remember the appearance of all of them, but because I have very little contact with them, I don't even know their names."

"At least for now, I hope..." Si Yueqing lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and restrained himself from showing his emotions too much.

Liu Qing's brows didn't loosen, but she didn't stop Si Yueqing anymore, she stood at the entrance of the cave and waited for Si Yueqing to clean up one by one.

No one came, it was surprisingly quiet here, only the sound of burning torches and Si Yueqing teasing the disciples.

"Liu Qing, there is one missing disciple here."

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